Thursday, December 01, 2016

Damn! This Guy is Good!

  • After a pair of gang shootings in the 15th Ward erupted minutes apart Monday night and left two dead, Ald. Raymond Lopez (15th) called on the Chicago Police Department to be more aggressive in its crackdown on gang violence.

    "The department needs to go from passively engaging these individuals to aggressively going after them," Lopez said. "These are the same individuals who are routinely at the center of these conflicts. We have to rout them out and remove them from our communities. My residents simply can't take it anymore."
Wow, what a great idea!!! Let's have the police go after lawbreakers, drug dealers, gang bangers and shooters! This is fucking brilliant!!! Why hasn't someone thought of this before 700+ got killed or 4,000+ got ventilated?

Rahm? Special Ed? Let's step up! Get this done! Why are you sitting around on your asses letting the gangs run the streets?

Lead the way!!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

You first, Mr. Alderman.

12/01/2016 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Lopez. Those days are gone. Fuck you

12/01/2016 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good alderman decided to put speed bumps on every single block from 43 to 47th streets from Ashland to Damen as well as putting traffic circles in a bunch of intersections. This was done to "slow down" the escape route for shooters in a certain gang territory. What it really did is deter PO's from diving in that square mile due to the fact there's a speed bump every 50 feet. It hasn't slowed down the killings and shootings in that area, they just find a different way in and out. That's our tax dollars hard at work!!

12/01/2016 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous 29 and a day said...

until things get sticky Then Flores will be calling for a hanging. Stay fetal

12/01/2016 12:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical liberal ... now that it effects him it's a problem
The sad thing is we're over 700 homicides and to be honest everyone knows what needs to be done but we can't do that anymore
They have given the criminals so much leverage there's no way they can keep the lying and pretending there's not a problem
Let them run the streets ! From this year on it's only going to get worse it's going to be a way of life even more than it is now.
Stay Fetal stay out of prison stay alive!

12/01/2016 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy means well and is a big supporter of police. Naive yes but definitely on police side.

12/01/2016 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't do that anymore, didn't you get the memo.

12/01/2016 12:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think parts of DOJ, might disagree. A lot of Cook Co. and Chicago politicians, judges, the Sheriff, the ACLU, the mayor and #BLM, would be up in arms and rioting in the streets. It might work in NYC, but not Chicago. Basically the ruling elite are happy enough with the way things are going. If they were not, they would be making positive changes.

12/01/2016 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow what a Master Mind Asshole , How bout if all Police start Going after Alderman , what happen to all the Alderman that were suppose to go to Jail, for all the corrupt bullshit they've pulled in the Last Years , and how bout That Carrie Austin with her whole Frickin Family working for the City in high positions and we Heard that one is a Superintendent that cant even Read , there saying he never past the 5th Grade reading level, and hes a SUPERINTENDENT at OEMC Traffic Operations with 3 other unqualified assholes that are Superintendents also .

12/01/2016 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dickhead Alderman, have you seen the new use of force model being shoved down our throats?

There is no way I'm going to stick my neck out for this crooked city!

Let them kill each other in da hood!

Fuck those folks or peoples!

12/01/2016 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only 65 to 800 and you want us to quit now, no way, I'm gonna give em exactly what they want, positive community interaction.

12/01/2016 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ald. Lopez for Superintendent of Police. Finally an independent thinker!

12/01/2016 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The secret word of the day is..........Fetal

12/01/2016 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To funny, good luck on that Alderman! LOL!! Alderman have stars and can carry guns, go out and arrest them. Show us how it's done!

12/01/2016 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Raymond,

You First!

12/01/2016 01:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this guy been in a coma the last few years??? those days are over goof.

12/01/2016 01:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This alder creature doesn't get it. Hell some of us still don't get it. Wanna send a message? No VRI no CTA no giving the city a helping hand off duty. No award ceremonies, no Christmas parties, no st Jude and nothing department related off the clock. Some who have it easy and are taken care of will continue to suck ass. I'll just spend more time with the family. Now go get that ISR!

12/01/2016 01:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah that would be great but easier said than done. This Alderman needs to get up to speed on the laws, rules and restrictions that he and his democrat colleagues created. He also needs to refresh on the "Bill of Rights" PS...Mr. Alderman....Just wait until the new "Use of Force" order comes out along with the DOJ recommendations/takeover. Wowser!

12/01/2016 01:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am ready to up this PoLicing...start busting heads... When I do something thats caught on camera after 2 minutes into the event---have the guillotine ready for me, fire everyone on scene, and have that cook county sideshow on 26 bankrupt me and my family. Yeah, I love this shit. Molon labe yeah!!!!

12/01/2016 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cause it ain't pretty and don't look good on camera plus , just about everyone has it out for the police . The police are the only segment of the criminal justice system that can be sued . Then we have the "agenda " of the main stream media . .....did you see the cover of the sun times yesterday ? Until the good citizens fill dayley plaza in strong support of law and order , there will be little of either .

12/01/2016 01:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I could post a YouTube vid of a guy laughing uncontrollably I would.

Does this plan involve street stops of people and cars? Stop and frisk? If it does, then it is as good as dead. Maybe a specialized unit can arrange to do buys, work the street, generate arrest warrants, search warrants and then have a special media event with all the guns, money, drugs and photos of arrestees seized. Unfortunately the depth of the problem is so densely layered that it is like emptying Lake Michigan with a spoon. For a fraction of a moment in time there is relief felt, but within a blink of an eye the operation is back in full swing, either from the bottom up or another gang moving into the void. The gangs have a ready supply of recruits. So gang membership and activity is never going to stop, since it has tasted the unending supply of money of those from the city and outside the city who crave drugs.

Ald. Raymond Lopez's plan makes for good political fodder.

12/01/2016 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He should complain to father flatulence Jameal green or maybe granny clampet.

12/01/2016 01:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds good now -till you get thrown under the RAHM bus

12/01/2016 01:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, To late, I'm done

12/01/2016 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry we have a new use of force order coming it means citizens get a foid card, buy a gun and get a ccl to protect yourself. We are busy being mental health specialist for all these coco puffs running around, raising other people's kids, and having to watch our back from ed the stripper, Rahm the rapist, and 50 alderdicks coming from our 6.

12/01/2016 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sun has set on that day, get used to it.

12/01/2016 02:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope. Those days are gone. The main culperites are as follows. The ACLU. Civil lawyers. Kim fox. The media. The citizens who tell us how to do our jobs all the time and every politician in this city.

12/01/2016 02:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer calls..Yes. React to things that happen in front of me...Yes. Go after shitheads 'aggressively'??? HELL NO!!!! Will never be a dog ass but will not go back to head hunting. Sorry Mr.Alderman. You should have stood up for us a long time ago. Morale took a serious nose dive, we have no confidence good/honest Police work will get us anywhere but in a heap of shit. I think I speak for a lot of my peers on this.

12/01/2016 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/01/2016 03:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: Anne Burke (wife of Alderman Ed Burke )s proposing that the city add another star to the Chicsgo flag in honor of the Special Olympics. I'm all for supporting the cause, however, we're looking at thousands of police, fire, traffic aids, cars, boats all wearing patches with the current flag. We would be replacing some 100,000 flags. The average over probably has 15 or patches on shirts, jackets, and sweaters.

12/01/2016 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the anti gun city council can form their own anti violence team and they can go after the gang bangers with that Trump sign they voted to take down.

12/01/2016 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure Ray, Ill get to the aggressive policing as soon as I finish my coffee and walking dead marathon on netflix.

12/01/2016 04:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow how much do they pay these morons

12/01/2016 04:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would we do that Raymundo? Your community does nothing to support their local police. Maybe get up some La Raza patrols to care for you?

12/01/2016 05:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the lawyers who made a career off of your traffic tickets are complaining not enough clients are readily available:(

12/01/2016 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just laughable at this point.

12/01/2016 05:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a troll reader to Ray, it is long past time for you to put your thinking cap on. The problem is with the court system and the quality of the judicial candidates your corrupt political party slates. It continues with the county government that now I hear wants to demolish under utilized jail complex buildings at 26th and Cal. Start refilling those empty, under utilized jail buildings with criminals who roam the streets and that you complain of. No I bonds, speedy trials, sentences that fall in line with statutes and non violent criminals GO TO JAIL too in line with the sentencing statutes.

If you want to solve the crime issue which is huge in this shitty city, start enforcing the damn laws to the letter of the law. When you recognize that non violent offenders are criminals too, belong in jail too; you will at least demonstrate the severity of the problems.

The people in your ward are responsible for you. If they continue to vote for imcompetent and stupid representatives, they are getting exactly what they deserve. But I think you can see as demonstrated last month many people are moving down the road in the rest of the country.

12/01/2016 06:11:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Alderman Loopeyez has not been watching evening news.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

12/01/2016 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have to start looking at other ways, other avenues to deescalate the situations,โ€ said Alderman Ray Lopez.

(from CBS afer the Laquan video)

Except in his neighborhood where the police need to be more aggressive!!! Har dee har har

12/01/2016 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""This guy means well and is a big supporter of police. Naive yes but definitely on police side.""

Yeah sure. In Englewood? Anyway it doesnt matter, we'll never trust these Political shits again. Both on and off the Dept.

The gangs play by no rules and they expect us to play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. Fuck them! They will be pro-Police until some shithead gets clipped by a copper and is able to run a few blocks and dump the gun. Then they will go to the funeral, cry with the family, and call for the DOJ to prosecute.

What amazes me is we still have dumb fucks out running and gunning. They have empowered these little animals and theres no going back from it.

12/01/2016 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for making me laugh out loud to start my day!!!

12/01/2016 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This guy means well and is a big supporter of police. Naive yes but definitely on police side.

12/01/2016 12:35:00 AM

I'm quite sure he's on the pad with the gangs in his ward and will make these statements every once in a while to appease the twerp mayor and some residents...

12/01/2016 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I'm sleeping then.

12/01/2016 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex Maragos just interviewed Eddie Johnson on channel 5.

Ed tells him the criminals are getting brazen and fierce.

Alex then lectures Ed saying "That doesn't negate your responsibility, if they get fierce, you need to get fiercer."

"Fiercer"? Hey Alex, go fuck yourself. This is just a job , and nobody is going to risk their freedom or family's future for the 'hood.


12/01/2016 06:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I like the way things are now. Hit the hole with my IPad. I get no CR,s my supervisors love me.

12/01/2016 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Set up the toll booths on I-90 and start charging all the people coming to the west side to buy drugs.

12/01/2016 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police have to do about parents/guardians/reverends monitor their "babies" Facebook/social media accounts and reinforce some discipline of their own. That would be positive community input!

12/01/2016 06:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fat Eddie on channel 7 this morning sounding like a goof - bla bla bla bs

12/01/2016 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you see that Kirkpatrick was quoted in the paper. saying that our orders are just "guidelines", and that officers should just use "common sense"? Well, there goes every IAD investigation! Who the hell hired her? She's a moron!

12/01/2016 07:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, can;t Imagine Queen Anita having this type of press conference.

District attorney tells why charges will not be brought against Charlotte officer in killing of Keith Scott

No charges will be brought against Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police officer Brentley Vinson in the September shooting death of a man in University City, District Attorney Andrew Murray announced Wednesday.

Keith Lamont Scott, 43, was shot Sept. 20 in a confrontation with officers outside his apartment.

โ€œIโ€™m extremely convinced that Mr. Vinsonโ€™s use of deadly force was lawful,โ€ Murray said.

Evidence in the case shows that Scott stepped out of his SUV with a gun in his hand, Murray said, and ignored at least 10 commands from the five officers on the scene to drop it.

Murray said that Scott bought the gun โ€“ a Colt .380 semi-automatic that had been stolen in Gaston County โ€“ 18 days before the confrontation for $100. One bullet was found in the chamber of the cocked gun, the safety was off and Murray said Scottโ€™s DNA was found on the grip and slide.

The person who sold the gun to Scott admitted to doing so when confronted by state and federal law enforcement, according to a prosecutorโ€™s report on the shooting. โ€œThe seller said that Scott asked him to find him a weapon because he was having problems with his wife and her family, specifically his nephew,โ€ the report said.

Murray said that speculation in the community that Scott was unarmed โ€“ initial reports from a family member on Facebook said he was holding a book โ€“ were untrue.

โ€œA reading book was not found in the front or back seats of Mr. Scottโ€™s SUV,โ€ Murray said.

People who claimed on social media that they had seen the shooting and Scott was unarmed were later found to be in error โ€“ three people whoโ€™d made the claim told State Bureau of Investigation agents in interviews that they hadnโ€™t actually seen the shooting.

Murray said he ran the evidence in the case past 15 veteran prosecutors in his office and they were unanimous in their recommendation that there was insufficient evidence to charge Vinson in the case.

In the aftermath of Scottโ€™s death, Charlotte was roiled by two nights of rioting and nearly a week of street demonstrations. After street violence, dozens of arrests and the death of one man in uptown, Gov. Pat McCrory declared a state of emergency.

Scott was a convicted felon who was sentenced in 2005 to seven years in Texas for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Murray said that rumors and social media reports about the case did not stand up to scrutiny, among them: That Scott was unarmed, that he was holding a book not a gun, that he didnโ€™t own a weapon, that other officers at the scene shot Scott besides Vinson.

Rakeyia Scott gave statements after the shooting, Murray said, that her husband did not have a gun. She has maintained that he did not have a firearm after January 2016, though Murray said the two had quarreled over text messages in the weeks before the shooting about his gun.

12/01/2016 07:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck him, suit up and get in a beat car. Put some skin in the game then I'll believe the bullshit you're spewing

12/01/2016 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/01/2016 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop stripping coppers and firing them!

12/01/2016 07:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry but I have 4 years to go before I hit 50 with 27 years of service, I will not let anything stand in the way of this, aggressive police work? absolutely not!

12/01/2016 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too late!

12/01/2016 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Answer calls, cut paper arrest on signed complaints. No more no less.

12/01/2016 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember everything you do now will be scrutinized by SA Fox for possible criminal prosecution.

12/01/2016 07:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wants WHAT? Yes, after the scum times with the help of the BGA puts a cops photo , who was involved in a shooting, on the front page ? Nice, endanger the officer, his home and his family. There has been no proof that this officer did anything wrong, he has not been charged or convicted of anything (I but I think Kim Foxx can't wait to make her first example). After father faker demonstrates in Mt. Greenwood calling everyone racists ( calling people a racist, the last refuse of scoundrels ), even after photos emerge of the gangmember pointing a gun at people ? This alderman must be kidding. Where where these people when this was building ? Why does the city and CPD revise this ISR NOW? Why don't they start to support the police.

12/01/2016 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT!!!!! KIM FOXX sworn in today,

12/01/2016 07:52:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

The last I heard, those areas were being "over policed".

12/01/2016 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shootings going off the charts, so Emanuel was just on the radio bragging abut "how we've already closed two coal-fired power plants." Now...

"Mayor Rahm Emanuel is in Mexico City today to take part in a climate change summit organized by the C40 group of global cities.

"Emanuel departed Chicago on Wednesday afternoon with three staffers and is set to return midday Friday, according to city spokesman Grant Klinzman. The conference is paying the travel costs for Emanuel and one staff member, while the economic development agency World Business Chicago is paying for two other staff members, Klinzman said."

"He said the conference will pay for Emanuel and Chris Wheat, while World Business Chicago will pay for mayoral spokesman Adam Collins and Lisa Kohnke, the cityโ€™s director of strategic partnerships and global affairs."

Is the "Chief Sustainability Officer" the same as the "Chief Resiliency Officer," or is that different? What does the "director of strategic partnerships and global affairs" do?

We are collapsing under the weight of these people. An endless number of these ginned-up positions is simply not, well, "sustainable."

The Preckwinkle Way is working out, though. Reduce the number of the incarcerated not by reducing crime, but by tearing down jails.

Reduce truancy and illiteracy by tearing down schools?

Maybe we can reduce mortality by tearing down the morgue?

12/01/2016 08:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


*Gov. Bruce Rauner is scheduled to host another Facebook Live streaming event. He'll be joined by wife Diana Rauner, and the administration is billing the evening event as a "hangout" where the two will field questions "about our favorite things, what we like to do to relax and what it's like living in the Executive Mansion."

*The Illinois General Assembly meets for what is its last scheduled day of the year [still without a budget].

*Democrat Kim Foxx will take the oath of office as [henhouse guard].

12/01/2016 08:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Micah Torrence said...

Pro-active police work is discouraged, not encouraged in the United States. Do you have any reason why this is Alderman?? If not, just watch any of the news broadcasts and you might get some idea why..

12/01/2016 08:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee Alderman, I wonder where these murdering gangs come from?

12/01/2016 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aggressive? Oh no sir.

It has been affectively been beaten in me I will be sued, or lose my job if I violate your citizens 4th Amendment Rights. And God fore-bide I have to shoot.

You're not standing up for me. And I'm not going to jail for your pension.

12/01/2016 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like crime here is so bad even President trump will not visit:

Chicago police, preparing for Trump visit, told trip is off for now

After what happened when Trump came for a rally and how the corrupt democrats husband jan shitkowsky paid the bastards to cause trouble injuring police officers Trump is not afraid wonder if he will do a "They will hear us now" when he talked about 9-11, praying Trump sends in his new DOJ and they stand if front of city hall and tell rahm-toni and the 50 "Can you feel law and order returning now" as they march in and have a mass arrest situation and lock up rahm and the rest for the criminal conduct and disobedience of federal law by keeping all the illegal invader criminals here. Think taxpayers are being forced to help these criminals eat-educate-housing-health care everything free now that President Trump will be cutting all federal funds because of rahms criminal actions over 1.5 billion will vanish,and yet rahm is borrowing 1.1+ billion for his cta wet dream bullshit program. Could this be another false diversion to move money for the illegal criminals by using this ruse?

Then you have these pos punks gang bangers shooting at the police are these more of the criminal illegal invaders that rahm is protecting? rahm for jail!

12/01/2016 08:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This place can't be saved. Insulting the president elect doesn't help either. More police training + millions/billions for programs=same results.

12/01/2016 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these politicians really this detached from reality. Hey alderman, get your citizens, community activists, revrunds together and start patrolling the streets. Yes, do it yourself! Remember we are racist on the record by DOJ. We can't intervene into what the black and brown people are doing on the street. It's their civil right! Geiiting into a situation where you may have to use force is also out of question since you can"t really defend yourself anymore without getting stripped. Stay fetal my friends and let the shit happen. Collect your pay check, stay well and retire.

12/01/2016 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8000 guns taken off the street so far this year. Apparently there are many non-fetal personnel.

I know it's instinctual to react to crime, as well as to want to retain some self respect and be a good person, but at what cost. You cannot have the attitude that getting jambed up is not going to happen to me. Every one of those guys that have been suspended, fired, and thrown under the bus said the same thing. Ask the 008 District officers who are suspended for just showing up to back up officers at the McDonald incident. It may take years to overcome this anti-police rhetoric. . . if at all! Remember your family's well being comes first!

12/01/2016 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. from CWB

OVERRULED! Grand Jury Brings Charges Against Alleged Wrigleyville Cop Beater After Goofy Judge Threw Case Out

12/01/2016 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the thermostat on Spike Lee's self-cleaning oven is being raised a notch too high for Lopez. Tough shit you and your Democrats made this mess, now live with it or have the balls to get out there yourself and start to clean up the mess. What's the matter don't want to get your hands dirty Ray?

12/01/2016 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure pal. I'll be aggressive. I give it 48 hours before you start screaming that we're harassing, intimidating, violating rights, racist, etc etc... You can't have it both ways dude.

12/01/2016 08:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great Ald. Lopez,

Take the next test, get hired, go through the Academy, put on a blue shirt and strap on some cuffs and a gun.

Or are you gonna whistle Dixie?

That's what I thought.

12/01/2016 08:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the commercial for ERG where the old fashioned football players have a pep talk before going out onto the field under current football standards.....well that pretty much the same for police departments now.

12/01/2016 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good. Glad to hear they are starting to complain.

But dont respond just yet.

Wait until the liberals are screaming at the top of their lungs, so that they will experience large amounts of pain to forever remind them of their stupidity.

Until then, stay fetal.

Call the next case. Not a cop.

12/01/2016 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Instead of that lets have some dance offs like starsky and hutch style:

Come on ray get creative! Maybe you need to ask your mayor and the 49 others why no police support? Ask toni why shes letting so many balck and brown free to kill and maim! talk to tommy "puppy dog" dart who is giving felons pizza parties as these felons are bashing county sheriffs faces in the jail! Come on ray get with the program.

Whoa wait a gosh darn minute Raymond! You and the 49 others all carry gold star enforcement lawman type badges and carry weapons correct? why yes yes it is sir. Now how about you and your partners at city hall do an old fashioned "round up" patrol your areas, lock them up but then again your so cowardly and scared now back in that secure office your done!Lead by example please show us how it is done!

Lastly Raymond the fish stinks from the head down why is rahm allowing the illegal invaders criminals to stay and violate federal laws,that will cause this city to lose billions in federal aid? That money could be used to hire more police, are these the people you also stand up for? keeping criminals safe, start there Raymond the Trump train will be in here soon enough with American made caterpillar bulldozers ready to "make Chicago great again" as your all marched off to the federal pen!

12/01/2016 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT: But after reading the proposed new Use of Force general order and listening to Granny Clampett explaining it-where we must intervene and possibly shoot our partner if he or she is using deadly force and we don't agree-I respectfully request to be transferred to the same unit as my ex-wife and be partnered up with her. Just imagine. No more alimony payments and put in for a Department Commendation all in one tour of duty! Life seems better already! BWAHAHAHAHA. Granny Kirkpatrick/Clampett go back to the west coast and teach kindergarden you dumb fuckstick!

12/01/2016 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same Alderman Ray Lopez, while commenting on the "tragedy" of Kajuan Raye, who said "ensure that officers patrolling 15th Ward communities in tactical and beat cars are African-American and Latino, to build stronger relationships between police and youth in the community, to increase local cultural sensitivity"?

So the guy who calls the shooting of a gang banger resisting arrest a tragedy, wants only cops that fit his preferred racial profile in his ward. Then he wants those racially acceptable cops to reach out to his community in a culturally sensitive way. And then, I guess he want them to aggressively go after them?

Okay? Everyone get that now?

12/01/2016 09:25:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

Didnt the alderman at one point say that they are the front line. Get out there and take care of your constituency asshole. Start with telling the taxpayers how you fucked up in allowing the aclu to dicktate what you should do. Then tell them why the politicians and not the police hid that laquan video for so long because of the elections. And then tell them that you dont give a shit about them that you dont work for them that its all about you. Then come and tell me how to police again.

12/01/2016 09:28:00 AM  
Blogger 30 pending and what said...

This guy means well and is a big supporter of police. Naive yes but definitely on police side

Yea right

12/01/2016 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to know what the problem is? It's who we elect to represent us.
Listening to WLS news this morning and two stories that are leading tell it all. First, Chicago ends November with 77 homicides putting us on track for the worst year since 1992. Second, Cook County officials proudly announce that the population at the jail is so low that they are now going to tear down two delapitated structures no longer in use. Tom Dart says do not worry though, we can always build more later if necessary. You know jails don't take long to construct or cost much. As if one doesn't lead to another. Can't imagine that more criminals on the street might lead to more crimes being committed.
Course somebody should tell the Alderman maybe he should take it up with Preckwinkle and her Democratic Central Committee. Maybe he forgot that we're a Sanctuary City. Everyone is welcome here. Criminal or not a criminal, doesn't matter to us.
Then Fat Head Ed goes on WGN and says he's pushing new laws to effect sentencing for repeat gun offenders. When asked why current laws are ineffective he mumbles about our "brethren" in the judiciary not following through. Who do you think they take their marching orders from? Wonder what makes him think new laws will change anything. Oh, and by the way, where is he going to find anyone to enforce these great new laws?
This is the City people voted for, so when you get it, don't complain.

12/01/2016 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey any comment from Rahm Adama Ding Dong ? Course not he in Mexico City on Bidness ya know. Hey yo Million Dollar Mike what's blowin up ova by your Turf Bro ........Can't be gangs and guns yo. Da folks keep votin for ya cause you gonna keep a lid on dat

12/01/2016 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same alderman that was complaining about the police? Also, got involved in some unqualified "merit" promotions? Isn't he cozy with some of the gang and drug dealers?
I never heard him complaining about the quiet reduction in manpower for the police, or this smoke and mirrors claim of hiring an extra 1000 police when they are really down about 3000.
Good job protecting the bad guys alderman! Why don't you stick up for the honest folks in the ward?

12/01/2016 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So this Alderman wants more aggressive police huh? Meanwhile I read in the papers today that the county jail is downsizing. That goof sorry ass excuse for a sheriff is publicly saying that jail is for "violent people". Lol. That is they're considered violent AFTER they maim a victim when the crime could have been avioded had said shit head been locked up for "minor charges". But you know.. That makes too much sense. He's trying to empty the jail so he can make a run for the mayors office and butterup to the liberals. All at the cost of about 500 electronic monitoring inmates who have cut their ankle braclets and are unaccounted for according to my county sources. I'm sure all those dudes are "non violent" offenders. I'm sure they're all going to school and doing great community outreach works as we speak. Hahahaha...

So you see Mr. Alderman. Maybe you should take your plea up to the people that make the decisions. Lord knows we police have no power or say in this. After all Preckwinkle has said that there are too many black and brown people in jail. It's unfair. Oh and did I mention the ACLU watchdogs that have been sicked on us by our very own TOP boss, the mayor. The ISR, IPRA, COPA...Etc and who knows what other obstacles lay in front of us. God forbid we are called up to corp consel because they want to subpeana our phones so that the lawyers can say we have racial bias and are profiling all for just doing our jobs of as you say..aggressively policing.

Nah... Fuck all that noise.. I've kind grown accustomed to this fetal perspective. It helps me sleep better at night. And I don't have a problem with the trajectory this city is on in regards to these homicides. I will keep my wits about myself, hunker down and be on the lookout for that rare true victim in da hood to which I will spring into action my complete and thorough police service.

You guys made your bed now fucking lay in it.

Merry Christmas

12/01/2016 09:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just did what you said Alderman now I'm fired,lost my pension,lost my house,wife filed for divorce, and am going to prison!Youre right!

12/01/2016 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled !!

12/01/2016 10:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granny Clampett get out of our CPD uniform, you are an insult to those murdered officers that wore it!!!

12/01/2016 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

I is a sad day when a person starts to think of pack'n a gun to not only protect himself but also the police officer who is so handcuffed he can't draw his weapon for fear of political annihilation.

12/01/2016 10:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the matter Mr. Alderman? Is the diversity shooting too close to your house? Is everything you expected others to live with moving in to your neighborhood now? Were you expecting gratitude from those who will not be identified?
Too bad. You should have known those with a room temperature I.Q. don't understand the concepts of gratitude and empathy.


12/01/2016 10:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like I've posted before. They will be begging us to do our job! Now we say...FUCK YOU! Stay fetal

12/01/2016 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be great in a perfect world, be the real police. But those days are over no matter who want's you to go out there and do the job. reality is you will lose your job and maybe go to jail. It's up to you.

12/01/2016 10:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That ship has sailed with no we have got things like "procedural justice" where they try to teach us how to be more compassionate to the criminal's feelings. On top of that there is new use of force model on the way...."de escalate" which basically means if you want to keep your job/freedom you better run away before you use any force to affect the arrest.

12/01/2016 10:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rather than "go through" some gangbanging POS, or some hype's pockets, I will rather stop in some park or scenic area beneath a tree, eat a sandwich, and work out a crossword puzzle.

Proactive policing is dead to me...

12/01/2016 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This guy's sombrero is way too tight!!!!!!!!!!!

12/01/2016 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
This guy means well and is a big supporter of police. Naive yes but definitely on police side.

12/01/2016 12:35:00 AM


Means well? Bull shit. This politician is in a position to be very vocal, as is being demonstrated. I do not see anything in what is being quoted as being a supporter of the police. In fact it sounds like he is blaming us for the violence in his ward. Im sorry, but you do not get to have the "big supporter of police" label while he himself sits "passively by" as the media takes shot after shot at us, while the mayor, the top cop (who bows to activists), and the states attorney does the same and continues hunt us and try to put us in jail for simply doing our jobs while also actively seeking out new ways to screw us over, AND while they all feed into the myths of an out of control murderous racist police department by pandering to the blm movement. All this is NOT someone that is a big supporter of police. You dont get that label until you stand up, be vocal, and actually speak publicly against all of that. In fact, based on how these alderman unanimously seem to pass all the bs that the mayor proposes without any fight, they dont even get to be labeled as supporters of chicago residents.

12/01/2016 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Alderman:

If you don't like the way policing is done, take your complaint to the ACLU, CNN and the DNC.

They are setting the policing rules now.

12/01/2016 11:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(OT) then in today's Suntimes paper Brenda Reilly the idiotic alderman noticed the city has not removed the Trump sign yet, saying that the city has higher priorities and the alderwhatever thought of that really Reilly your edumucation is great! Or is the truth you don't want to confront superman knowing the new justice department will be visiting city hall soon? President Trump was going to visit Chicago today after going to the carrier plant in Indiana where he saved over 1,000 jobs (alderman how many jobs have you saved?) but now he is not visiting due obviously to the ignorant political structure here!

Next time you hear from Trump the bet is it will be Elliot Ness style with the new DOJ battery ram ready, bet you get a visit from them and the guys in straight ties from "down the street" 219 Dearborn!

12/01/2016 11:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rorschach: [reading from journal] Rorschach's Journal. October 12th, 1985: Dog carcass in alley this morning, tire tread on burst stomach. This city is afraid of me. I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll whisper "no."

12/01/2016 11:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT some good news you missed out of 24:

OT speaking of the north side: check out what happened to the SGT and officer in Evanston who arrested an anti police political candidate downtown. Alderman Brian Miller (who you probably remember for his crusade against bike lights and street stops that lead to felonies) is running for mayor and soliticing pictures and videos of EPD members engaging in misconduct.

12/01/2016 12:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Crap !
What a marvel idea! Where and what baseboard has this AlderStooge hiding behind!!

But let's tweak the comment:
"The _____ needs to go from passively engaging these ______ to aggressively going after them," Lopez said. "These are the same ______ who are routinely at the center of _______. We have to rout them out and remove them from our communities. _______simply can't take it anymore."

Fill in the blanks with DOJ, Aldermen, Elected Officials, Pandering & Corruption, and Taxpayers.

Big mouth Democrat - All Talk, No Action
Do we need 50 of them or will 1 with a full sack do ?

12/01/2016 12:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So he wants the police to target certain individuals involved in criminal activities. Who exactly?

What are the demographics of those involved in the shootings?


Common locations?

Gang affiliations?

Put those all together and what you come up with would be considered a profile of people that are involved in violent crimes. Are you suggesting that we use this "profile" to target certain people who fall in to this "profile"? Profile.... hmmm, I cant put my finger on it, but that word seems familiar... almost like ive heard it before.

12/01/2016 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Policing is dead in Chicago. Citizens can thank their elected officials. Who has our backs ? NOBODY

12/01/2016 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damned when we do, damned when we don't
Make up your minds democrats. Do you want law & order or not? Seeing how this is a blue state surrounded by people who had enough of the lies & bullshit, I'm guessing not. There's still room for more to digest. So eat it!

12/01/2016 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought the Chicago Crime Commission's excellent "Gang Book" 2012 - which did an excellent job of showing who, where of chicago's current street gangs and their histories.

Does anyone know if the Chicago Crime Commission is still in operation?

The last I heard former Chicago Police Chief Jody Weiss took the job of President then shortly resigned and I haven't heard anything from the CCC.

I'm a civilian, born and raised Chicagoan, not a vigilante, but also not some pussy, coward. I've taught public school in a tough junior high in Brooklyn, I'm street smart, with some solid resources.

I love our city of Chicago, but know crime, political, racial realities.

Does anyone know if Chicago Crime Commission is still operating? Is there anything else?


Left Behind in Hyde Park

12/01/2016 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This useless Alderass Lopez crapping in his pants now that illegals criminals have overrun Back of the Yards , 50 yrs ago,look how nice that area was ,,When did the shits start calling it New City? LOL .more speed bumps ?

12/01/2016 01:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is that Transparency and rebuilding trust with the community rhetoric speech working out for you all? There's 2 sides to this in violence folks it's not rocket science you praise and stand up for criminals rights the end result is what you get. Victimizing victims and handcuffing the Police is not the answer....but hey what would we know were just the racist police!!!

12/01/2016 01:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good......... Repeal or amend Ill S.B. 1304, Hire IPRA investigators that actually have knowledge of the law and expertise in the field of law enforcement, and pass tort reform stopping these frivolous, vexatious litigations by granting immunity to Police Officers. I Know I;m dreaming It's all an evil cabal designed to line the pockets of the chosen . It's a cottage industry in Crook County

12/01/2016 01:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nostradamus predicts the new use of force model will propel homicides over a thousand next year!!! Happy New year!!!

12/01/2016 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12/01/2016 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a problem Alderman, all those speed bumps you installed created a Problem with Police Response. The officer has to slow down to avoid undercarriage damage. So,we speed to scene and offender is in Custody. Great job officer, but your getting Suspended for undercarriage damage. You flatten out at some speed bump. Command Staff ruled it Avoidable. So, the Equipment being taken care of is more important than our speedy arrive to the scene

12/01/2016 02:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

let the liberal yuppies deal with the savages!

12/01/2016 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

great idea lower the standards and higher idiots maybe even drug dealers.

12/01/2016 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

time to get rid of half the aldermen.

12/01/2016 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the alderman would like to address the following:
How to identify the problem subjects from within a group of other subjects?
How to develop the required reasonable articulatable suspicion to stop the subject?
How to articulate separately an additional level of justification needed to pat down that person?
How to overcome those who tell you to go fuck yourself?
How to overcome radical judges who make decisions based on ideological beliefs which are almost always race-based on false narratives?
How to overcome a police department run by the very political machine that backs all those forces who stand against its members?
How to overcome cheating scumbag bossess who were too stupid to pass a test, cheated to get their job and now try to make policy from a position of ignorance and incompetence?
I thought so!! Get fucked!

12/01/2016 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No more aggressive police tactics in Chitcawgo
you aldercreatures claim people of color are harassed
not any more , live with the cpd you created
Stay Fetal kids , back each other up
bad guy on the run , give a complete disregard , write report and then send a flash message

12/01/2016 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This guy means well and is a big supporter of police. Naive yes but definitely on police side.

12/01/2016 12:35:00 AM

Yeah,a real supporter of the Police.

Where was he when Rahm and Special Ed were totally destroying the CPD?

Why doesn't he demand an investigation into the MacDonald tape cover up?

Why doesn't he demand that the city fund the pensions?

A political poser,that's all he is.

12/01/2016 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good alderman decided to put speed bumps on every single block from 43 to 47th streets from Ashland to Damen as well as putting traffic circles in a bunch of intersections. This was done to "slow down" the escape route for shooters in a certain gang territory. What it really did is deter PO's from diving in that square mile due to the fact there's a speed bump every 50 feet. It hasn't slowed down the killings and shootings in that area, they just find a different way in and out. That's our tax dollar

I refuse to drive down those streets that put the unnecessary speed bumps in and stop signs everywhere

12/01/2016 03:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn! Double Damn!!

Trump is not going to visit Chicago on his Thank-you America Tour.

Here is probably why that was called off.

Rahm is out of town in Mexico recruiting voters for the next election with his Sanctuary City Routine. He would not have to face the President-Elect and would not be personally endangered or embarrassed by the antics of demonstrators or be seen shaking his hand.

Likely the hate-mongers that are already demonstrating will cause major property damage and injuries to police officers have been told not to worry. The police will be told to "stand down" like they were told at the UIC Trump Rally. No one will be arrested and if anyone is the charges will be dropped and the injuries and property damage be damned.

If and when President Trump does visit Chicago we should show him our support. Can't depend on Deano to do that.

Stay Safe. Maybe we could wear small red pins or remember those yellow POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS ribbons for Bill Cozzi.

12/01/2016 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

700 homicides already this year so let's tear
down...THE JAIL!!! Only in Chicago!

12/01/2016 03:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Lopez,
No. This is not going to happen. You and the other 49 of your cohorts messed this up. Deal with it. Go lick you the asses of the people you try to please by sacrificing the coppers when they used to do their jobs.

12/01/2016 03:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ACLU loves homicides. They wanted to dictate policy to the department and now they have to live with the consequences. Aggressive policing is over.

12/01/2016 04:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ray are you a legal citizen? Just axin! How many illegal invaders are you protecting? Come on Trump stop the pain drain this swamp quickly!

12/01/2016 04:17:00 PM  
Blogger The Song Remains The Same said...

Anonymous said...
This alder creature doesn't get it. Hell some of us still don't get it. Wanna send a message? No VRI no CTA no giving the city a helping hand off duty. No award ceremonies, no Christmas parties, no st Jude and nothing department related off the clock. Some who have it easy and are taken care of will continue to suck ass. I'll just spend more time with the family. Now go get that ISR!

12/01/2016 01:13:00 AM

Sorry, but you had me up until the boycotts of the Christmas party and St. Jude.
I attend the Christmas party every year because in the districts I've worked in, it's also a party to honor the retirees of the year.
I go for the retirees. I feel they deserve to have a nice turnout to applaud them for dedicating many years to this job & getting out in one piece. Plus its nice for their families to see the bond Police Officers have.
As for St. Jude, I haven't missed one in 30 years. This is meant to remember those that gave their lives to this city. The least I can do is get my ass in my dress blues and walk for those who are no longer with us. I know a couple gold star families, and they're overwhelmed at the support and the turnout for St. Jude. We owe the families that!!
Don't be selfish!
Think of the families, not of our brass. It's NOT for them!!

12/01/2016 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Sick and Tired of it all said...

Nail all these alderfools federally for corruption, racketeering, misconduct. Throw them in jail hard time. No good thieves, cowards, liars, hypocrites. Part of the problem. Let's go Trump, break up these Democrat stronghold urban shitholes. Three pronged assault - destroy sanctuary status, zero tolerance on crime (lock up usual suspects for anything and everything), and lay waste to the corrupt political machine.

Your guys in blue across the nation will help you in all three endeavors. We are just waiting for the signal to go. Baying hounds straining to be unleashed for the righteous battle we all signed on for in the first place. Just back us up, that's all. No one here is afraid for their skin, we all knew the danger of working the street in this City when we signed on. We just need the knives to our backs put away - the ever present threat from the current local and federal regime to our property and liberty for simply doing our job in good faith with honorable intentions.

And while you're at it, put pressure on the state legislature to repeal that unconstitutional residency requirement that no other major city police department's guys in the nation is saddled with.

12/01/2016 04:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This guy's sombrero is way too tight!!!!!!!!!!!

12/01/2016 11:00:00 AM

3 Stooges episode where Larry says, "How do you do?"
and doffs his hat like a proper gentleman...

>Crown in his hand -
Brim firmly attached to his head<

12/01/2016 04:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When and where is the next gun buy back?

12/01/2016 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SCC, it seems with all the new policies being put in play that all POs are going to be essentially like Andy Frain ushers. Remember them ? They had uniforms also, they had to be polite and help you. They didn't have guns but ..... seems you might as well not have them either. I certainly hope someone with an iota of sense looks at the Use of Force policy and realizes how much of a huge mistake it will be.
Take care, and as you've stated before Stay Fetal and go home safely

12/01/2016 05:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy..... Get rid of DOJ, ACLU and whatever you call the independent police review board these days.... then take the handcuffs off of the officers and start putting them on the bad guys.

Until you do that, then go fuck yourself, amigo.

12/01/2016 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's only three things they should be teaching at the academy:

Marking the 1st & 16th on your calendars
And how to pick your furlos

The liberal fuckwads of this city better learn how to shoot and properly arm themselves, cuz it's only a matter of time before the ghetto shootings start pouring into their gentrified safe spaces.

12/01/2016 05:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha ....good luck with that!

12/01/2016 05:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I asked a cop I saw at the gas station that gangmembers of the Hoboes (the ones not on trial) were stalking up and down Ogden, he said he knew.

12/01/2016 06:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember folks transparency spells you work, your gonna get railroaded and go to jail its as simple as that. Laws don't pertain to criminals its a free for all, if you don't address the issues in the community nothing will ever change and expect the crime waves obviously to sky rocket in 2017. Mrs. Foxx seems like she could have potential unfortunately shes been handed the script to follow the lefts agenda and keep the jails clear, while police will be railroaded for enforcing the law. Its a sad world but politics is more important to these folks then actual human life. Be safe out there folks cause its a shit storm out there and you guys are in the middle of it all. Go home to your families safely and think about it twice or three times before chasing or making an it all worth it to a community and a govt who hates the police!!!

12/01/2016 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You ain't seen shit yet( zeen-your ) Lopez. Wait till next years shennigans. When this new use of force policy comes into play, Police response will be coma like. I hope your foid card is valid and you can shoot pretty well. I suggest watching a few Charles Bronson movies for motivation.

12/01/2016 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call upon BLM,Rahm, Pfleger, Sharpton & Kim Foxx to lower crime in your ward. The Police are done with being Proactive.

12/01/2016 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that alderman suggesting police stop upstanding citizens for no reason?
I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.
Stay Fetal . Aldermen are armed , let them make citizen arrests .

12/01/2016 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't attend any cpd event that you're not compensated for. Don't give them anything. Don't stick your neck out for those who will quickly throw you under the bus.

12/01/2016 08:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a problem Alderman, all those speed bumps you installed created a Problem with Police Response. The officer has to slow down to avoid undercarriage damage. So,we speed to scene and offender is in Custody. Great job officer, but your getting Suspended for undercarriage damage. You flatten out at some speed bump. Command Staff ruled it Avoidable. So, the Equipment being taken care of is more important than our speedy arrive to the scene
Make the order work for you -- remember lights and siren are never required when responding to a job. CAN be used for priority 0 and 1. Take your time, keep the fleet in good order.

12/01/2016 08:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kim Foxx was sworn in today. Come on boys and girls let's go clean up these streets!! Most of her speech was about police accountability. How many tens of thousands of unarmed African Americans were gunned down by gangbangers? Fuck I wonder if I can to a lateral to Streets and Sans.

12/01/2016 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But wait he's closing schools then finds hundreds of millions to build a new school on southwest side by 65 and Harlem why bother? If Trump holds the promise to remove illegal invaders we definitely will not need that capacity:

Huge waste of taxpayers dollars again better would be hiring police properly funding the pensions and giving the retirees health care!

12/01/2016 08:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the Aldermaniac vote for a Law and Order Candidate ? - NO
Did the Aldermaniac vote to Repeal the Honorary Trump Plaza sign ? - YES
Did the Aldermaniac support all that is PrickWrinkles ? - YES
Should the Aldermaniac be calling Phleger, Jesse Sr. and the blm's for help ? - YES

Rahm will probably sanction the Aldermaniac for making such a divisive, corrosive and racist statement.
Imagine that, storm troopers invading a predominantly minority community under the guise of law and order.
He surely knows that crime is down and he should not be alarming the folks.
The squawk box alderman is as looney as Pawar and is looking for recognition. He'll be the first to sign off on a high dollar lawsuit for the community victims he seeks to liberate.
The Districts that encompass the 15th Ward should impose a 50% across the board cut in activity for the next 3 Periods.

12/01/2016 09:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Damn! This guy is terrible!"

Dean Angelo that is...

Headline in the Chicago Sun-Times online:

"Breaking: Senate votes to override Rauner's teacher pension veto

SPRINGFIELD โ€” Gov. Bruce Rauner vetoed a bill Thursday that would have given the Chicago Public Schools $215 million itโ€™s counting on to help pay for teacher pensions โ€” blaming Illinois Senate President John Cullerton for the deal falling apart.

And in quick fashion, Mayor Rahm Emanuel denounced the veto as โ€œreckless and irresponsibleโ€ while the Illinois Senate voted 36-16 to override it, saying the governor left them no choice ..."

That is essentially a one-year state bailout of the Chicago Teachers Pension fund.

Why couldn't we get a similar bailout for our pension. Because CPS Teachers have a real union and their leadership hasn't been bought off by Rahm. Teachers vote, they get their family members and friends and neighbors to vote. I don't like Karen Lewis but, Damn! This gal is good! ...for her people.

Dean Angelo and his crew, you would never know their was an election last month.

12/01/2016 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because it was the obama way. Those days are over.

12/01/2016 09:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scream all you want that you need us.

We respond with a whisper. no

12/01/2016 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure am glad that twinkletoes is in Mexico with the other mayors talking about global warming and flower boxes. It's not like Chiraq has more pressing troubles.

12/01/2016 11:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That ship sailed long ago!

12/01/2016 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...but now he is not visiting due obviously to the ignorant political structure here!"

Obviously. Because the political structure changed overnight. SMH.

12/02/2016 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>8000 guns taken off the street so far this year. Apparently there are many non-fetal personnel. <<<

How many of those were from GUN BUY BACK PROGRAMS, and include, BB, replica, toy, rusted, inoperable and just plain junk guns.

I am still hoping to get back two revolvers that were stolen out of my locker years ago. Good steak dinner to coppers who recover either one of those.

12/02/2016 03:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspector joe ferguson how does carrie Austin's nephew have a take home car I thought take home cars where for answering emergency calls when was the last time any Tma superintendent answered a emergency call check 22 01 14 districts that's where they hide their cars

12/02/2016 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
>>>8000 guns taken off the street so far this year. Apparently there are many non-fetal personnel. <<<

How many of those were from GUN BUY BACK PROGRAMS, and include, BB, replica, toy, rusted, inoperable and just plain junk guns.

I am still hoping to get back two revolvers that were stolen out of my locker years ago. Good steak dinner to coppers who recover either one of those.

12/02/2016 03:19:00 AM

Hate to tell you but that's a slim to none probability.

The old man had a nice Colt Detective Spl.
taken in a burglary years ago.

He was notified of it's recovery
and went to retrieve it only to be
told it had been "destroyed"

Well... You can always treat yourself
to that steak dinner. Right?

12/02/2016 10:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The wolf has been at your doorstep for how long now? You have appeased him at every turn because why? You dare call wolf now, after all you have given to him. You are the one that needs to go!! I locked up every bag guy that crossed my path for 20+ years and homicides were never out of control until you and the pandering mayor along with the useless everyone gets out jail free Dart and Preckwinkle allowed criminals to roam free. You created this mess.

12/02/2016 11:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is better? This guy or O'Shea. At least this clown doesn't march with blm. All 50 of them suck.

12/02/2016 04:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspector joe ferguson how does carrie Austin's nephew have a take home car I thought take home cars where for answering emergency calls when was the last time any Tma superintendent answered a emergency call check 22 01 14 districts that's where they hide their cars

Why doe the head of police finance have a police spec take home car? How about all the 9-5 dollies at 35th and michigan!

12/02/2016 06:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When and where is the next gun buy back?

12/01/2016 04:40:00 PM

I'll bet you no where near where you live. Your guns don't kill #blm members, so they aren't interested in them....

12/02/2016 07:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about useless, where did sgt./cheat lt. wines go. Hide for 3 years in narcotics. too scared to hit the streets.

12/03/2016 09:38:00 AM  

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