Saturday, December 21, 2024

CTU Scrooge

Along with not actually teaching kids to read, write or do arithmetic, one teacher is actively ruining Christmas for students:

  • Don't know if this qualifies for your blog but since alot of cops and firemen live in Edison Park, it affects alot of your readers. There is a teacher of 6th grade at Edison Park Elementary who took it upon themselves to tell the children that there is no Santa Clause and that any parent telling them that there was is a liar. Now, I agree that 6th grade is a little advanced to believe but how the holy fuck does this CPS jerkoff get off doing that to kids? Taking that duty from the parents and making them look like lying assholes? Allegedly, there were many bewildered children and some were brought to tears. I don't have the pricks name but sure you could easily find out and make him famous!

$5 says this goof lists pronouns and voted for the Kackler.



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