Exempt Changes on Tap?
About time for a shake-up and the rumors are popping up in assorted comment sections.
Rather than weed through them all, might as well post anything you've heard in one location....like this one. Have at it.
Labels: changes
Sarcasm and Silliness from a Windy City Cop
About time for a shake-up and the rumors are popping up in assorted comment sections.
Rather than weed through them all, might as well post anything you've heard in one location....like this one. Have at it.
Labels: changes
Not too much. 4 new commanders to be named and 2 captains. No DC or Cheif moves and before it all starts, no, we will not have a new first deputy. The earliest we will possibly have a new first deputy is in September which is when waller wants to leave. Chiefs and deputy chiefs staying the same.
Get rid of all of them. Do a national search for real leaders.
There are a couple of Deputy Chiefs and a few commanders upcoming, Capts, and a class of Lieutenants. Don't expect a first Deputy, as Waller still eats that salary and is basically the civilian first, even though the Chief of Patrol thinks he already is. Sgts haven't done the new merit list yet, so that's a mystery unless they get on it quickly.
001, 002, 014, 016, and 018 will all have new Commanders by June; four retirements and one dump.
That's all I have for now, but I'm always roaming the halls for new info.
Rumor has it the afternoons watch LT in grand Central is being looked at by you know who because of races tendencies, esp favoring Latinx PO looking the other way an such when they fuck up but comjng down calling out white PO for minor bullshit
Rumor has it Tirado is coming back.
Linas (014) resigned now chief of Lindenhurst
014 ( Artz)
That’s all I’ve heard
014 Reyes replacing Linas who retired
Rumors of Vanna retirement in April Forbes back to 016
Barz retirement in May rumored
Collazo demoted to LT and in 017 now
OT I was looking for legitimate explanations for why the market is crashing under Trump and I believe I found it. It turns out that in 2020, Biden took out a 7.6 Trillion dollar loan to keep the federal government functioning because he ordered the shut down of all schools, businesses, etc. The loan is compounding and has a ridiculously high interest rate of almost 5%. The first payment of that loan is scheduled to begin in September of 2025.
Trump, and investors worldwide (including those who work for Nationwide) know that loan due date is coming and are scared shitless.
Because there is no possible way the loan will be paid off, the only thing Trump will be able to do is take out another loan to cover it.
The current rate for that new loan will again be around 5%, which Trump does not want to pay.
The only way for rates to go down is through market instability, which is what Trump is intentionally doing through tariffs .
Therefore, look for the market to continue to crash for the next 6 months. It’s a good thing.
To all young officers out there…because the market is currently crashing, the best thing to do is INCREASE your contributions to deferred comp. Rich investors become rich because they invest when the market is down.
Who’s getting 014?
If we lose DH from 001 say goodbye to the first district this summer. His leadership the past years is the only reason downtown has not gone to complete shit. You won’t be able to convince any decent PO, sergeant, lieutenant, nor captain to work in 001 again.
Demote Jessani.
The only things I've heard so far is that upper management doesn't want some of the applicants who applied/interviewed for Commander. They want their people. Secondly a fairly large amount of Lts and Captains were called in to interview for Commander turned it down. Once again nobody wants to be a Commander.
Move buffalo butt back to staff attorney at legal and get someone qualified that knows how to put together a winning team
Jimmy V from courts to Commander/ head wise guy Bamboo Bar
Rearrange the useless.
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