Sunday, March 09, 2025


A recently retired Cook County Bomb Tech:

  • Bomb Tech/Law Enforcement community, please consider donating to our dear friend and mentor Johnny Merola as he fights for his life with a sudden debilitating brain tumor. John has faithfully served both the Cook County Sheriffs Police and FBI Chicago as a Task Force Officer for over 30 years. Following his retirement in August of 2024, John continued his commitment to the community by moving to Huntsville and working at HDS. John made the hard choice to leave HDS behind and come back home to the Chicagoland area to care sick family members. Shortly after, John began experiencing health issues of his own and was urgently rushed and transfered to Loyola Hospital. Presently John has undergone a spinal tap and is scheduled for a brain biopsy in coming days to determine the status of tumors and lesions on his brain. Due to recent retirement/new employment, it is believed a lapse in insurance coverage will lead to significant financial strain on an already very taxed family. John’s service to the bomb tech community is unparalleled, he’s played instrumental roles in the creations/evolutions of the TBT, Stabilization, and HME programs. Please help rally as a community and consider donating, any amount, to help John’s family navigate this difficult time.

Donate at this link here.

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