NYPD OT Scandal
That NYPD lieutenant we commented on the other day, who was clearing $400K in salary plus OT, retired early after an investigation was begun into the unbelievable amount of hours she was making:
The NYPD’s highest-paid employee — who shoveled in more than $400,000 last year — filed for retirement this week and then was suspended amid an internal affairs probe into her astronomical overtime, The Post has learned.
Lt. Quathisha Epps will retire just shy of 20 years with the department, sources said — an early exit that will impact her pension and cost her a $12,000-a-year supplement for cops who reach the two-decade mark.
Leaving money on the table is seemingly uncharacteristic for Epps, who raised eyebrows by pulling in roughly $204,000 in overtime last year for her administrative job in NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey’s office, payroll records show.
And within two days, this whole thing exploded into a giant sex scandal that took out what NYPD calls their "Chief of Department" - either the number two or number three guy in the entire Department:
Former NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey’s alleged years-long sexual abuse and exploitation of women on the force was an “open secret,” according to police sources and accusers.
The sex scandal rocking One Police Plaza busted open Saturday, when The Post revealed salacious allegations from Lt. Quatisha Epps, 51, who accused Maddrey, 53, in a formal complaint of forcing her into a sexual relationship in exchange for staggering overtime windfalls.
At least two other department women have accused Maddrey of wrongdoing.
$400K buys a lot of silence....until it goes away.
Labels: out-of-state, scandals
This chief looks he could kill someone at the Golden Corral buffet if they got in his way !
DEI promotions?
Nahhh.. it's all legit.
The Overtime scammer at NYPD quit before the 20 year pension mark, and STILL will receive $16,000 a month for the rest of her life in pension payment. Shocking. Not even serving 20 years, quit with disgrace, and still making over $190,000 a year in Pension. What a scam NYPD is, but lots of the same shady crap occurs here also. Where do I even start, too many we all have seen to even write about. The "haves" and the "have-nots" in this Department are obvious.
Read the NY Post's Dec. 21, 2024, 8:12 am story.
This bitch is a total mutt.
She admits having sex with this Chief at least 10 times.
Basically to get more overtime $$.
Huh? Honey, that makes you a prostitute as well as a felony theft offender you dummy! NOT a victim!
This is Eddie Johnson's "Johnson" Part 2 !
Thank God Frank Regan isn't around anymore!
We have CPD patrolmen making that. It’s public record. What’s the dilly?
"Forced" her into a sexual relationship by paying her hundreds of thousands of dollars for sexual relations? Agreeing to receive money for sex is called prostitution, but she's equating it to rape? What an interesting distortion of reality in an attempt to make herself out to be a victim, instead of the corrupt whore she is. Why are all these high-ranking female police suddenly victims after being willing participants and beneficiaries for years? You can't be a victim of something you willingly partake in, and financially benefit from, to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. Give the money back, prove you were "forced," and then you can play victim. Until then, you're a scammer trying to justify your previous scam with a new scam.
Eddie who???
You go girl !
I wonder if certain CPD Brass at 35th are sweating...
...any panties involved in this case of bigwigs tail time....
Anyone looking into a certain female Lt. in the 003rd District who made over 300K several years in a row under now Area 2 patrol Commanderr?
Well this is looking like the CPD command staff? NYPD Chief is having sex in his office with a Lieutenant of Police? All while the same Lieutenant is making over $400,000.00 a year in overtime. So as the overtime story starts breaking about the Lieutenant, she throws the Chief of NYPD under bus saying he is a Predator….sexual pervert. And she was compelled to perform sexual acts with the Chief to keep her job? Now the Lieutenant resigns early after being named in IAD investigation of overtime abuse? Then the Police Chief resigns abruptly? And then the EEOC complaints start flying how the Lieutenant was being abused by the Chief of Police? All while the NYC citizens pay for this shit show?
Looks more like the Chief was having consensual sex with Lieutenant? And the Chief was getting the Lieutenant paid off with approved overtime that never really existed? I will bet there are a few promotions thrown in to the story also?
Sounds just like CPD? Greed is the motivation………
Remember the NYPD, just like CPD will eat their own!
Some of these people who, you would think, are supposed to be somewhat intelligent, really are dumb assholes. Whats the old saying? Pigs get fed, hogs gets slaughtered.
Has the same stench of ej and cd. Forced her into for exchange of staggered ot to the tune of 400k hahaha big F U ho. But where there's an egotistical pimp there's a opportunistic hunting ho. Thats gotta be some skill charge 400k in ot... how does one articulate that on a resume? Or are those better with in person oral explanation
$400K buys a lot of silence....until it goes away.
That's a lot of penis kissing but surely pales in comparison to the Bandit's feats...
Sounds like poor Quatisha had to accommodate Maddrey's JOHNSON Bar
Shit...bet she can dance.
DEI. Finally showing how good it can be! (Sarcasm)
It’s called favors
Bet she'd fit right in at Fort Fellatio
Bet her hair and nails look good....
Anyone notice a pattern? This supposedly disenfranchised ethnic group making up for lost time with the corruption and scandals! Every big democrat city is now run by majority black and all corrupt, incompetent and failing.
wow,,,, talk about "getting a head" in that that department
The same is happening in CPD. Bosses have girlfriends who have administrative jobs and they only work four hours a day or not even show up.
Specialized units are the number one source of overtime fraud. It's been going on for decades. The sergeants and lieutenants are making a lot of money defrauding the tax payers of this city.
Sounds familiar. We know someone in this town who also had a bad case of crotch fever and bad Johnson management.
Looks like NYPD has the same problem with the desk dolly side piece issues that are quite well known within the exempt ranks of the CPD. Remember the phrase, “It’s not what you know but who you blow”.
Sounds familiar!
I prefer not to push a beat car anymore. How do I get out of it? Oh I know I’ll jut scream loudly I’VE BEEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTED! Now to caps or front office I go. The hail mary in the playbook. Sickening and cheap.
Kamala would be proud of her!
just ask all the dollies with 2 years on the job working in the caps office who they do favors for
Cash for ass
OMG the article is hilarious. He played "just the tip' and put it in her pooper. HaHaHa
Just like the former DIO’s in 005 making shit up for their slips.
He got it, we paid and will be paying more ...
The Ace always gets played when there's no way out.
Working tons of OT. Great, good for you. If it’s available and you can work it go out and make that money. Some of these guys on second watch, god love you. They make over 300k a month. Me personally, I can’t stomach that much OT, BUT, if you are actually out there working it then good for you. If you’re some DEI hire who is just getting hit as a side piece by a boss and putting a slip in every single day then there is an issue. Every single day?? So she was getting about 75 hours a WEEK!!!! If I work 75 hours in an entire period that plenty, sometimes with how busy life gets that may even be too much. But 75 a week???? How is that even possible. If I can, I like doing 40-60 hours a period. That’s plenty.
You wish something will happen, but this is Shitcago and nothing will happen to them. All swept under the coolaid rug . . . . .
It's the 35th you think they so? . . . . . . Hitting the Mega Lotto is easier than see them investiagted and prosecuted.
Why do sex scandals always involve fat, ugly people? Certain images are burned into the mind forever. Yick.
Shhh. Not supposed to say it outloud.
Just following Kommie's example.
Eddie Johnson scandal take 2
"Forced her" huh? More like this skank sold her services for a huge salary and OT and now wants to play the "Me Too" card cause she got caught.
Fuck NYPD, McCarthy, and all these NYC “cop” drama propaganda shows the idiots watch. Historically, NYPD has 10 serious corruption scandals to every one of ours-think French Connection rip-off. NYPD was still using revolvers ten years after Leroy Martin told everyone to switch to semi—automatic’s following the shootout between the Jamaican Posse and Healy and Schodtler in 024. Until the mid-1990’s NYPD sergeants and above were assigned their own drivers. Ya’ think we’re backward out here in the sticks? On the blog we joke about payments to Irish pol ‘s such as Madigan or Burke to secure promotions or plumb assignments (this could be true) but on the NYPD it’s “whose your rabbi?”. Now layer on top of all this these two affirmative action morons like Deputy Chief Idi Amin and his punchboard Pam Greer and you can see Chicago has nothing on NYPD. Chicago is still the best dept in the country not because of us, but despite our best attempts to screw it up. But seriously, that’s a lot of overtime. Who do they think they are-Area 3? At least I never got thrown over a couch when I brought a slip into Denis’s office…
That’s pretty good dough for just letting him “put it in a little”!
Very True, the ones accusing everyone of being racist, in turn are the biggest racists themselves. Only looking out for their own race, that is why DEI was forced down everyone's throats.
It's a cultural thing, both sides find it acceptable to engage in sex for promotions should one choose to do so. Been going on forever, nothing new.
Should also check into a far south eastside district where certain people rake in the OT while they’re at home.
Or CFD bosses past always comes back to haunt them
Sounds like a CPD Merit Story.
Did she save the dress too?
For more salacious details see:
“Maddrey resigns after bombshell-banging Epps! At
Thee Rant Tapatalk.com
What is a quathisa? What rock did it crawl out from under? Does it divide and multiply by mitosis? Should we worry about another pandemic? No. Just an ole 51 yr old ho. Yikes. Over 50 is an ole lady. Over 55 is an antique. Over 60 is a relic. Over 65 or 66 yrs old is senile or soon to be. Like I have a 75 yrs old girlfriend. Yikes. Somebody shoot me, please. 75 is old to have a relationship with. OMG. Dating ole gramma.
Makin' bacon!
If your comment is meant to say that only African- Americans engage in these types of shenanigans you're an idiot
Sheeeet, I'm a straight white guy and would give head for that overtime opportunity lol
Does anyone know if NYPD can bid for district assignments like we do here?
She also claimed to be unable to pay her mortgage so that's why she gave it up for the OT.... essentially a prostitute in a municipal uniform
Remember what Ciello said”only my partners love me” “I won’t give up my partners”. Result 52 of the 70 detectives assigned to the SIU were indicted and two committed suicide and 1 went insane.
You ain’t straight jr. Check ur bunghole.
The Keesing Bandit would term this "keesing and telling".
Eddie Johnson story same o same old story just another big city creep
Sure big and little Daley, 9.5, and cpd never had any scandals prior to OTHER races being promoted? Go talk to Alphonse and Joe Batters people give me a break!
I doubt that handjob Tommy
"If your comment is meant to say that only African- Americans engage in these types of shenanigans you're an idiot"..Try reading that again before calling anyone an idiot.
Or the desk
You're not straight. Yuk!
Look at the event unit, working short days every event.
can you imagine a Barney Miller episode touching on this subject, pun intended, with the sworn police prostitutes and the allegations of these ho bags human trafficking in the modern world. Heck the brownies laced with hashese was pushing the envelope back then and Marty the open queen was too but completely tame in today’s NYPD.
I’de do a hell of lot more than that for 16g a month. Damn, spank me and call me Sally! Yahoo!
Once again only Private Sector Tax-Payers were hurt in the filming of this Garbage. These Tax-Payers deserve a better Class of Criminals...
Give me a call. (312) 555- 0709.
Does CPD have one of these?
Equity and Inclusion - NYPD
Wendy Garcia Salary
Based on the provided search results, Wendy Garcia’s salary as Deputy Commissioner for Equity and Inclusion at the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is $241,116 per year. This information is mentioned in the article “NYPD commissioner Keechant Sewell hires confidential assistant, …” published on May 11, 2022.
"making up for lost time ..." correctly implies meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
She said the devil made her do it!!! And the money! And the sex!
Don't forget, other Meee Toooos are coming outta the woodwork now
Houston PD had a somewhat similar scandal some years ago, although in a smaller scale. I'm guessing this is par for the course at any big city dept.
Nyc gotta love that spin on the illegal immigrant that set the women on fire on the subway train then just sat there and watched her burn and all the MSM and police brass could talk about was what a great success their cameras on the train were
Trump was right again . They opened up there insane asylum and sent the here.
Of course they did! Opening up the insane asylum and sending them here enables the CTU to demand $2,000 per migrant student for mental health counseling. Gaslighting the public that the CTU is taking the moral high ground.
Let the migrants shop lift and put all Chicago brick and mortar stores out of business turn em loose again and again until the only place left to shop is the government connected Amazon mail.order. Amazon's political donations are much larger than any of these brick and mortar stores anyways. It's a crime syndicate
Are those "mysterious drones " in NYC and NJ punishment for Eric adams by the deep state for turning on the party?
I feel sorry for that women that ran donations for kamala and has since turned on the party to. She's already been threatened by the Whitehouse before her last MSM interview "we know that you will remain loyal to joe: she was told.
May the good lord protect Trump from these evil bastards. Tom Homan and all.the avengers as well
What is Area 2 patrol Commander?
You really don't think that "problem" exists everywhere? Like literally everywhere? It is, what it is. Grow and up and deal with it.
The old club fellatio is that still a thing at 35th or the districts?
We have the same blood suckers here on CPD.
Basically, we're in charge now and just as corrupt as the previous guys.
What did Santa Claus say about this? Hor Hor Hor!
He said "let me put the antler in a little"
There is no smash worth $400K regardless of the source of the money, legitimate or otherwise.
Yes it’s rolling strong on the 5th fl of the puzzle palace in all major offices.
Jimmy Carroll at the airport.
Talk to my Pimp Im on Madison in Pink Thigh Highs and long blonde hair!! Girls gotta make that money!! CPD OT don’t pay all the bills 🤣
With who ?Tell us more
Lt. Irvin?
Tell us lol
Spill the tea please
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