Thursday, January 09, 2025

Groundwork for a Lawsuit

This better be fought tooth-and-nail every step of the way:

  • When Charlotta Pritchett picked up the phone and dialed 911 early Friday, she says she thought she was doing the right thing to help her boyfriend as he went through what she described as a mental breakdown.

    But instead of getting the help she expected, Pritchett would be mourning his death by the end of the night.

    Officers shot Timothy Glaze, 57, multiple times when responding to Pritchett’s call, and he was pronounced dead less than an hour later.

And why did the police respond to the scene and shoot this poor altar boy?

  • Police were called to the Albany Terrace Apartments, 3030 W. 21st Place, about 2 a.m., and according to a police dispatch recording, Pritchett, 56, reported she was being attacked by Glaze, who had a knife and a screwdriver.

Ah yes....the typical ghetto "He's got a (choose one) gun, knife, screwdriver and he's (chose one) waving it, chasing me, attacking me! Hurry!" This type of thinking has been ingrained in the moron class - if you want a faster police response, claim a gun/knife/active combat!

And in this case, it went south in a hurry. The offender charged officers with a knife and got justifiably shot for his efforts. Now the second guessing begins and the lawyers are lining up. The "girlfriend" is already backtracking her phone call, claiming she wasn't being attacked and didn't even break a fingernail. She's going to have a time of it because

  • the call is recorded with her claims of a knife;
  • the call taker hears her telling the offender to put down the knife;
  • there was an Order of Protection in effect and she still let him stick around for days and weeks.

In any event, there appears to be nothing at all wrong with this shooting, which means Conehead is going to offer the "estate" of this multiple-arrested and convicted a$$hole a pile of money.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

God damn fucking shitheads, it never fucking changes. Let's give them their own state and be done with it. Run by them, governed by them, they wouldn't even have to support themselves, a go fund me could be started. I guarantee you you if they agreed to stay the fund would have trillions. And after 6 months we could come and bury all the dead.

1/09/2025 12:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“ In any event, there appears to be nothing at all wrong with this shooting, which means Conehead is going to offer the "estate" of this multiple-arrested and convicted a$$hole a pile of money.” SCC

Conehead’s goal is the transfer of wealth from the taxpayers to the gibs me dat “leisure” class.

1/09/2025 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the 011 district copper that was attacked by the ex college student with a metal baseball bat after he tried to kill his own Father and the Father shouted that out to the dispatcher? I think he still is in legal limbo in Call Back Unit or was he fired?

1/09/2025 02:28:00 AM  
Blogger Do you see me? said...

Maybe Lisa Madigan can learn some family tricks and get a Consent decree on the Cook County Civil court system?
How about forbidding monetary payment on lawsuits and putting the accused on home monitoring with two days off for church and shopping instead of taking his money confinement is a better answer, he’ll it works for criminal law how about civil law?

1/09/2025 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

"Charlotta"? Ghetto-Scrabble name. Nuff said...

1/09/2025 04:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought they were using social workers for these instances now?

1/09/2025 05:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ghett lottery about hit again.

1/09/2025 05:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anytime you enter this building you have to sign in so I'm sure they can check when he got there & how many times he's been there

1/09/2025 06:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the elements for a ghetto lottery winner in place.
Add a media stooge to report a grieving victim.
Have a race hustler demand for justice.
Stage your lie, repeat lie by media.
Add comments by race hustler politicus.
Sign a contract with a race industry lawyer.
Repeat lie. Ignore truth. Deny accountability.
Wait to get cash from corp council.
Fein grief, lie and repeat accuse any who challenge your lie
as being racist.
No elected official has the courage to say bullshit.
Corp council serves a political agenda.
Taxpayers get screwed.
All brought to you by elected Democrats.
Democrat formula for governing

1/09/2025 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And u wonder why nobody wants this job anymore? We need indemnification from lawsuits like this.

1/09/2025 07:17:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

It is amazing what The Great Unwashed Democrat Welfare Women will put up with to be able to boast that their boyfriend stays with them.

1/09/2025 07:20:00 AM  

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