No Openings....Anywhere
Someone commented:
- I do not know if anyone has noticed. But all of the links to "Apply for Police Officer Job Opportunities" on the City's website are dead links. The City also has no civilian police jobs posted. Does this mean the "hiring freeze" now applies to the CPD? Also, the lateral and rehire links take you in circles.
So we checked the Employment website for the City of Chicago, and guess what?
- No jobs match the specified criteria.
So it looks like that even if you wanted to apply for a job with CPD, there aren't any. After they burn through this already depleted hiring list and recall every single person who failed/declined the job, there's nothing on the horizon.
Defunding via attrition it seems.
Labels: department issues
Funny .. COPA has jobs.
Sergeants just won the 2024 mee too 5% raise. Lts win the same thing a few weeks ago. A new grevience by both will be filed, heard by the arbitrator and won in a year or so. Maybe the city is broke?
“ I do not know if anyone has noticed. But all of the links to "Apply for Police Officer Job Opportunities" on the City's website are dead links.”
How fitting, as this is a dead end job.
So much for hiring. Mayor BJ de-funding the police.
Sounds like no detective or sgt classes anytime soon.
I was trying to look for the application earlier in the day as well. I guess I should not apply lol. Won't have to worry about getting a day off canceled.
Rosemont is hiring , and several other burbs be better off , better yet fuck law enforcement in general and get into high level security , I spoke with a few guys from Mccormick Place in there mid twenties and they’re making 31.00-35.00 with benefits and insurance but they don’t have to worry about COPA . I asked if they’re testing for depts one said yes but south suburbs another smart lad laughed and said he use to believe cpd but now he loves doing security and can move up and make the same amount or close to it by being a manager getting paid 70,000 some places higher . Just keep your eyes open kids law enforcement isn’t all that like it once was .
Who the hell is in charge of this disastrous policy?
....Same clowns watching the LA fires burn....Commie democrats & the lackeys
Johnson loves it! A campaign promise he is following through with. For the idiots who voted him in …. Enjoy your chosen crime filled city and STFU.
Also don’t know if many noticed absolutely no garbage recycling pickup for last month in the 23rd ward definitely don’t know if any other wards affected! Cans overflowing garbage just blowing in the wind! If not anywhere else is this Brandon retribution because the alderman Tabares stood up to conehead? She stood up as he was removing shot spotter and then said he will not open much needed new police station in old armory 63rd and central in midway airport? You know the place even governor pushed for! The recall petition definitely sign it. Hope in 8 days when Tom Homan releases the Feds to remove illegal criminals that Brandon gets in the way and his ass gets taken directly to the federal pen. This city is rapidly developing into a third world republic God bless President Trump and the law abiding citizens.
They better move the retirement age again from 65 to 70 now. That will save the department. What a joke we are.
Maybe your looking wrong...Check for ...Dancers, and your re-directed to the CPD website...
When pressed for answers on CPD, Mayor Conehead replied...
I could while away the hours,
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain.
And my head I'd be scratchin'
While my thoughts were busy hatchin'
If I only had a brain.
Trump is going to be the president again. Just wanted to remind everyone. Have a great day!
Mayor coneheads office checking in...
Does this mean the "hiring freeze" now applies to the CPD?
The public does not need to know the answer to this hypothetical question. Thus, it should not be asked again.
Maybe they timed out because no one was clicking on them…
But they are sure hiring Deputy Commissioners ,Assistant to the Commissioner an any other bull shit title like Vice Mayor you could think of. And Not a one of them has any idea of the job they took all they know is that it over 100 grand a year.NOW lets talk about the CPO ( Chief Procurement Officer) Who single handedly is going to destroy the city by her self. She is pushing DEI as if it a NEW LAW every contract for services for the city has been pulled that was about to be awarded or was in the process, needs to go back to the street because in her words "They are NOT BLACK enough" Has nothing to do with Qualifications or that you where already selected for the contract, she wants to push her DEI agenda and make shitcago the next LA. And we see how that worked out last week.
Between 1500 and 2000 positions that should be filled and paying into the pension fund.
Every person, I mean every, needs to work a beat car 2 midnight shift a month. The experience would benefit the whole city. Manpower/hiring would be a non issue. House mice would wash and clean the cars too. Limited duty would write the reports and look up the general orders to comply with new directives. FYI- the job is a paper work nightmare when performed by the book.
Only those people who shouldn't be da poleece are the ones trying to be the police now. How far the democrats have fucked this job up is unreal. Then they complain about the service they get
What about the Consent Decree. Its a two way street.
Defunding via attrition it seems. 100% true, he is going with his progressive roots.
Our fearless leader:
More with less equals pay us more and that's not just overtime. Doesn't the consent decree have some kind of minimum staffing requirements?
When did they move it to 65?
Progressives destroy.
Since the Floyd riots I've noticed the media refers to firefighters and paramedics, hospital staff etc. but never mentions police. When covering the L.A. fires and anything else newsworthy they lump us all in with first responders. Unless it's a shooting they consider bad or corruption we're regulated to first responder tag. This helps in keeping the perception that police are the bad guy. Justvsayin.
Why have to grieve it. It the “me too” clause in their contract
$35 an hour? Fuck you pay me!
You misspelled 'feckless'.
They are only doing DEI hires right now. It's easier. No application, no testing standards, and no qualifications are necessary.
CPD hasn’t hired a real police officer in 15+ years. Just “former” hoodrats, pin cushions for the bosses, and revruuuns cuzzins.
Rumor is Starks out as Commander of Area 4 finally demoted for being stupid and having zero clue how to be a detective. Tate to take her spot. Admin Sgt hack reassigned
I live in the 23rd and mine has been picked up regularly.
This all seemed designed to welcome a CA style disaster into this city.
Ok Day Day .. you go get them with your flash light with the orange cone.
35 an hour .. hahahahaha you must stil live in your parents basement
$90K for a fake investigator!? Dah fuq!
It doesn't matter, more people to do nothing. It's over for that city.
Maybe recent test scores were dismal and letting consent decree new test time elapse so new tests can be administered. Just wondering will there be a several hour late start like Sergeant test
No shit. This f/1 was introduced as the new suck, i mean secretary. Told she came on to be a suck re Terry. My jaw dropped ha ha no pun intended and no shame in being told. It was like they were bragging on her. Unbelievable
Recycling garbage is a joke. I've seen the garbage and the recycling stuff thrown in the back of the same garbage truck at the same time.
That mental shot with a 🔪 is-on cone-head bone head . Didn’t he say he was going to hire civilians to handle domestic violence and disturbances with mentally ill .
Brandons Bandits and Pritzkers Pimps shuting down the shot spotter and defunding the police via attrition is equivalent to LA mayor draining a 117 million gallon reservoir prior to the fires and overall criminality cutting of LAFD fire department budget allowing the burning down LA.
DEI is IED spelled backwards. Think about that!
Have you noticed how much LA mayor Karen Bass resembles Lori Lightfoot policies? Anyone? And Brandon Johnson is worse.
San Francisco is boo-hoo whining and crying that 12 Walgreen stores are closing due to high crime and shop lifting. These woke Democrat policies are beyond negligence they are intentional!
So now frisco is a pharmacy desert.
Meanwhile as woke sanctuary cities allow shoplifters to ron upto $1,000 a day with no charges just let someone tryto loot one or those million dollar burned out estates of a big screen tv and the wokies promise the millionairs the theices will be prosecutedto the fullest wxtent of the laws.
North Carolina Appalachia people are atill living in tents freezing their asses iff buring 10 gals of propane a night ledt fending for themselves and told FEMA is broke and this is going on 105 days in from their natural disaster. Only 4% of the debris cleaned up' briges and roads still out.
And the vegetable in the whitehouse just promised LA 100% funding. Basicallt teĺling newscum the media is treating him unfairly and that he is doing a heck of a job just like brownie was doing a heck of a job during Katrina.
This is NOT incompetence It is intentional. The 19th cannot come soon enough.
Tom Homan welcoming committee will free the hostages in chicago soon
most of us have already done our time on 1st watch. get some time on the job and quiet down.
We on the beat are actually doing more with less. Some beats are down while others are 99. Wagons are beat cars at the same time. No more Traffic Cars. The old 40 / Rapid Cars are reduced to Robbery / Burglary - no job cars. More mice on the desk and more wanting to be in inside spots. Lots of made up teams to accomodate useless supervisors and their minions, all not tied to the radio.
Supervision is also less as most sergeants are working half tours with the late start Sgt coming in 2-3 hours late while the early Sgt is leaving 2-3 hours early.
WOLs dont care. Commanders dont care. Everybody for himself.
Do what I do… fly dump all that shit in 011 otw to work in 014. It’s mighty quiet and dark on Taylor street from Western to Sacramento 😉
Get rid of tact teams, saturation teams that are CRT team now, deploy all admin police, Caps, and commanders secretaries.. empty headquarters and kept only 30 officers for the mayor detail not 166.. misuse of personnel
STFU, you rat b*st*rd
Middle of July.
You hit that right on the spot. You forgot about the useless LT's only doing 3 to 4 hr tours.
15+ Years really? lol. I've seen plenty of good officers in 010/011 do real police work 10 years ago.
You know what else they were hiring? Any postion, that's not an fop member or the police. I saw tons of training officers, timekeepers, background check investigators, and the like. Mind you, these jobs were all fairly low pay.
Newsome hired firefighters from Mexico, maybe Chicago will reach out and bring in the police too...
LA Mayor Bass turned down the NYFD after Jet Blue had agreed to pay for the plane tickets to fly them to L.A. CPD/CFD can sit it out. No reason to be inhaling smoke and ash consisting of lead, asbestos, metals etc for a fire that wouldnt have gotten so out of control if they had burned and cleared the brush.
Ha. It’s enuf to make their monthly Ford Raptor payment with no rent going to mommy.
Good point. Get some time on…..then bitch about it…ppo.
Sounds suspiciously like the 004th District 2nd w; all friends of the front office
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