Come to Chicago to Get Shot
This lady is going to have a great story to tell everyone back home:
She came to Chicago last week to attend a school choir conference and enjoy some pizza with her 11-year-old son, but as the Connecticut woman headed to the airport Monday she was bringing home some harrowing memories.
The night before, the 46-year-old woman was shot while walking with her son across the street from AMC River East 21 in Streeterville, a movie theater with a history of violence and loitering that has prompted calls for better public safety.
“It’s been shocking,” the woman told the Sun-Times in a brief interview as she headed to the airport Monday morning. "I’m nervous. I’ve been telling myself the same story over and over,” said the woman, who asked not to be named.
Second Ward Ald. Brian Hopkins said the shooting was “further proof” of the need for an 8 p.m. curfew for minors downtown.
A curfew ain't going to cut it Hopkins. We need serious charges and serious prison time. In the cases of minors with guns, we need parents charged, convicted and imprisoned. We need a "broken windows" type year or three of enforcement where every loitering asshole gets ticketed and fined once, then jailed from the second offense onward.
How many other tourists are going to avoid Chicago like the plague once this victim tells everyone about minding her own business and catching a bullet for her troubles? With businesses fleeing, conventions exiting and homeowners rapidly becoming unable to afford the property taxes and crime, tourism is now a fourth pillar of tax revenue that is crumbling before our eyes.
Labels: crime
My wife and I used to go downtown/River North/etc all the time for entertainment. We stay the fuck away now. I have to go occasionally for work, but I try to avoid it at all costs. Whole City is a shithole now.
“…serious charges and serious fines..” won’t ever materialize since this is Hopkins constituency.
Lady is from Connecticut which is a deep blue state - do you think she voted Democrat there? Voting has consequences.
She’s ok - just a bullet in the arm. At least the thugs did not BEAT the shit out of her until she had a miscarriage like they did to that young pregnant woman last year in practically the same fucking spot!!!!!!!!
Don’t be demonizing those yuts … they just be fun’in.
Ah Chicago … come to enjoy the entertainment and bullets. By the way … I’m sure everyone knows this is the most affluent part of the City. And mind you … you still can get harmed and SHOT even when it’s unprovoked!!! What a cesspool. Reminds me of the family (with children) that was visiting Northwestern Hospital a block away and got car jacked at gunpoint only a block from this shooting.
Will this incident be added to the tourist brochures?
The US State Dept recently updated their “no go” level 4 countries where tourism is highly discouraged. Will Chicago be added to the list???
Then we can’t have a residency requirement!!!!! BS
SCC has the correct approach in dealing with this.
Gershbein & Hopkins, “it’s been going for some time, need an 8 pm curfew. Yea we know. Worked that area in costume and out of costume on and off for 35 years starting in the early 80s. Yes, it got worse every year. They are not putting these people in jail and that’s why there is a problem. These two need to get all the business people, property owners and put pressure on the judges, especially the Chief judge, the new SA and the libtards in the State House who passed the Safe-T-Act. Don’t waste time with the mayor or city counsel. Picket these Dems who perpetuate this lawlessness in the city and backup the police or this will escalate.
They just funin and bustin caps cuz day gots nuttin better to do
You want it to stop? Shut the CTA down at 10 or 11. The people that can afford an UBER will be all that's left.
Connecticut. Brain dead libs. Typical hypocrites that vote for lib policies because it doesn’t effect them in there rich neighborhoods..
Until you visit Chicago then it does.
Where is the governor crying on behalf of the masses?
JB? Don't you want to talk about gun laws?
This is what happens when you allow the criminal element to do whatever they want. Get caught with a gun , no problem , we have second chance probation. You’re already out on a felony case , no worries go ahead and pick up another one and some liberal judge will set you free to commit more crimes. This place is a total joke.
all the chicago democRATic politicians and liberal news know exactly what the problem is and who the problem is,,,,,,, but don't worry about it there will be some new warm and fuzzy sounding plan that will cost the taxpayers money that won't work like all the other plans they had
Any update on the Streeterville couple who were attacked last year and the wife ended up with a miscarriage? (One year later and we’re still dealing with Them). Was she able to reconcieve? How are the 3 of the 10 ‘kids’ who were caught doing? Did they get sentenced or did their ‘nonsense’ charges get dropped before Kimm Foxx left office?
Exactly who is Alderman Hopkins referring to when he says “minor” curfew?
Those Chicago values....
The problem isn’t youth. The problem is a youth of a certain type of demographic.
Truth is easy to see but hard to hear.
Glad to hear she is okay.
Where's Snelling's strategy and tactics to address this? Didn't he have a plan for downtown crowds. Oh, that's right. just like he had a plan for street takeovers and drifting. Nothing's accomplished. I agree SCC, we need Broken Windows enforcement.
Besides that little hiccup, how was the trip?
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