Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Well, Well....Look Who Caught Up

He finally discovered reality:

  • He expected to find a “dirty police department.” Instead, he discovered a “dirty city.”

    Anthony Driver Jr., president of the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability, came to that jarring conclusion while conducting a fact-finding mission into Andrea Kersten, chief administrator of the Civilian Office for Police Accountability.

    That preliminary inquiry — launched in response to an “avalanche” of complaints by COPA employees — could have triggered a no-confidence vote that set the stage for the City Council to fire Kersten. Instead, Kersten jumped to avoid being pushed.

    What surprised and angered Driver, he said, were roadblocks put up by Mayor Brandon Johnson’s Law Department. City attorneys literally spent “three or four months defending Andrea Kersten,” who faces lawsuits from two former COPA employees and the police union.

We were saying exactly this years ago. Decades even. 

We even pointed out Kersten's habit of writing letters to Larritorious about investigations, then tipping off the media to file FOIA requests with actual keywords in the title and body of the email to narrow down search parameters. She learned that from the Sparklefart people who were using it back during that Reign of Error.

Now let's see if Driver "discovers" that COPA investigators were ORDERED to sustain upwards a majority of "investigations" in order to drive up the Sustained Allegations totals to meet the national average of 15% against Police.

You see, after years of Sustaining maybe 3-to-5% of CR/CL and SPAR investigations, they needed to massively over-correct the numbers to drag the totals up to where they match the national average. That's why everything that went downtown got Sustained. Every tiny violation was cited. An entire Unit was created to go over body camera footage and write up people for everything from uniform violations to naughty language to "failure to report" charges against other Officers.

It was designed to demoralize and designed so the Department self-defunded via resignations and early retirements. And it worked.



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