Thursday, January 01, 2009

Reviewing Last Year's Predictions

Time for that trip through last year's crystal ball to see how well we did.
  • Politics - Local - a continuing series of low level indictments. We've been hoping for more years than we've been running this blog that something big will break, but we are always disappointed. This year, we'll aim low.
Result? Not too much on the local political scene in the indictment sense. We smell blood in the water and hopefully the feds do, too. Who knows what Blago will spin about the Machine.
  • Politics - State - Someone big indicted. Blago or Mrs. Blago. And if the media did it's job, it will have a big impact on Obama's future as well.
Result? We guess we called this one 100% on the money. Including the part where the media didn't do its job and as a result, we have a president-elect with pretty much the thinnest and most questionable resume in history.
  • Politics - National and International - Hillary has already gone negative and it's cost her. Obama is running pretty well, but has too many skeletons if the media would just look for them. Edwards? Let's face it - the presidential race on BOTH sides is looking truly grim. Everything else? Same as 2007 - the more it changes, the more it stays the same.
Result? McCain ran a crappy campaign and was not the candidate the Republicans should have fielded. Hillary snarked her way into oblivion, Obama's skeletons remained hidden by the media and Edwards blew up in a political fireball not seen since Gary Hart and Monkey Business. America is the loser in this election.
  • Sports - continuing mediocrity everywhere with the notable exception of the Blackhawks. With Bill Wirtz out of the picture and and the Hawks on free TV, we've seen our first consecutive sellouts in a few years or more. A few right moves and the Hawks are playoff bound like the old days and competing for the Cup in 3 years.
Result? We'll call this one another homer for us. Hey? We're grading it. We'll grade it on the curve if we have to. We expect the playoffs like the Blackhawks expect to win. And we'll wait the three years if we have to.
  • Department - The Chinese proverb states "May you live in interesting times." Let's just say we're hoping for really really interesting this year from the new Supe and not so interesting changes as the SOS and other scandals wind down finally. Manpower continues to suffer.
Result? We really ought to charge for the prediction in 2008. This was a pretty damn amusing year at times and at other times, we wanted to pull out what remains of our poor gray hair. We sense more of the same in 2009.
  • General - global warming continues to not impact anything except Al Gore's bottom line; the economy continues to chug along, never spectacular but not a massive downturn either; illegal immigration continues to drain resources; and no one really cares.
Results? Global warming has become "climate change" which is a polite way of saying, "Oops, sorry, we don't know what next year is going to bring, let alone 50 years from today." Gore continues to get rich off smoke and mirrors and flawed science, so we can call that a win for us. We, along with most of the world, didn't think the housing market would tank, credit would tighten and oil would drop to $37 a barrel, so that's a loss. And the only drain illegal immigration is having nowadays is the population - the number of illegals fleeing back over the borders because of the economy is pretty high.

In our opinion, we did a bit better than last year, but not as good as two years ago. We've got a separate post up for 2009 predictions.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

With regard to the economy, you will be pleased to note that the most accurate analysis on the subject for years has come from the blogosphere.

Calculated Risk, Global Economic Analysis, RGE Monitor, Naked Capitalism and more were the best sources of good information on what was coming (and still is coming).

Thus the end of the former media oligopoly. If you want to see something funny, look at John McCarron's column a few weeks ago decrying the Tribune bankruptcy. He argued that the Blago indictment and the Tribune bankruptcy went hand-in-hand with an uneducated electorate. The comments to his column went nuts with hundreds of commenters calling McCarron and the Tribune irrelevant hacks who long ago sold their souls to the Machine.

Truly beautiful to spend an hour or two reading through that scathing pushback on those who ignored their responsibilities for decades.

1/01/2009 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chinese proverb states "May you live in interesting times."

Actually, it's a Chinese curse.

1/01/2009 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our 2008 prediction that 1130, 3/W, would remain the cowardly, backstabbing, pathetic, manipulative, conniving, micro-managing piece of shit, sorry-ass excuse for a "supervisor" was right on the money. You can cut-and-paste for 2009.

1/01/2009 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Actually, it's a Chinese curse.

1/01/2009 12:21:00 AM"

Actually, it's a Chinese proverb that's also curse.

1/01/2009 12:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy shit. U r good. Going to have to re- read 2009!

1/01/2009 10:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where it's said "climate change continues to not impact", what does that mean? That it is not happening, is not real? Or nothing is happening in response to it happening?

1/02/2009 08:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are missing a key ingredient in the Mexican illegals fleeing the USA.

Yes, they are leaving in droves but they are not leaving empty handed. Due to the relaxed liberal sanctuary laws enacted, many of these illegals opened up bank accounts and obtained mortgages.

Many,many are leaving the USA after having gone into mortgage foreclosure and just taking off leaving the whole mess.

Many others obtained second mortgages and are taking off with the huge dollars they collected, never to repay. May are also taking brand new financed vehicles to Mexico that will never be repossessed, leaving the banks taking the hit. The average Annual Mexican salary is approximately $5,000. Many will be living high on the hog in Mexico after bilking the US taxpayers silly.

1/03/2009 01:16:00 AM  

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