Monday, November 16, 2015

Well This is a Switcheroo

From State Police to Sergeant-at-Arms for the US Senate to protector of weed:
  • For much of his 46-year career in law enforcement, Terrance W. Gainer viewed marijuana as a substance to be confiscated and its sellers as criminals to be investigated and arrested.

    He is now security chief for one of the nation’s leading medical-marijuana growers, tasked with, among other things, protecting a 20-acre site in Western Maryland that could become home to one of the state’s first cannabis-growing operations.

    The new job, the former officer says, has required something of an attitude adjustment.
And of course, a taste for a lot of money.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always remember Terr for the suffering he caused as Corp. Counsel here, helping author Chicago's useless gun registration ordinance. Worthless in combating actual violent crime, yet created endless opportunity to jack up decent citizens on paperwork violations.

He owned some buildings too -- proud to say I know someone who skipped on a load of rent due...

That "medical marijuana" is running $450/oz, so I hear. Anyone who might actually benefit is going to drop at least a stack for the permit, etc. All-cash business, there is some "processing center" for the bucks over on Elston. Banks won't touch it, state/private insurance won't pay, so there are going to be a lot of affluent trendies with bulls__t disorders dreaming over a candle flame while the isolated, indigent elderly simply grok on their cancer, glaucoma, osteoarthritis, etc.

"Money talks." Fits the pattern.

...and this ain't Occupy here. I hate the smell of that stuff. But everyone except those who might actually medically benefit have already got it just for grins, at far lower prices too.

11/16/2015 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will he still get to wear 5 stars or will they become 5 Marijuana-Leaf clusters?

I'm sure he negotiated a cool-looking uniform, otherwise he wouldn't take the job.

11/16/2015 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The new job, the former officer says, has required something of an attitude adjustment."

"Well, [he's] walking through the clouds

"With a circus mind that's running around

"Butterflies and zebras, and moonbeams and fairy tales

"That's all [he] ever thinks about..."

"Little Wing," with apologies to Jimi Hendrix

11/16/2015 12:51:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

Well, a taste for something...something kind and mellow.

11/16/2015 01:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Na better than a west side Whore

11/16/2015 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankfully he has a very flexible attitude.

11/16/2015 02:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't put my finger on it, but somethin ain't right about this

11/16/2015 03:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the cpd continue vri for next year?

11/16/2015 03:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Terry " Lets Make a Deal " Years ago a Sgt of Police from Chicago was scene on the TV show Lets Make a Deal and would you believe that Sgt of Police was wearing his Sgt's Police Uniform as the costume . Looks like someone is still playing the game " Lets Make a Deal " and now for the big prize and curtain number one.

11/16/2015 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

11/16/2015 04:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money talks! A cash crop has been known to change many a mind!

11/16/2015 04:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOLD!!!!!! the highest bidder(pun intended).

11/16/2015 05:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure he got the job because of his qualifications..... yeah right.

11/16/2015 05:55:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Where do I apply? Free samples?

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

11/16/2015 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money money money me want more

11/16/2015 06:13:00 AM  
Blogger DPR said...

Or a taste for common sense

11/16/2015 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember, stopping those who look Islamic is racial profiling.

11/16/2015 06:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you loose your ethics you loose the respect of others. Spend your money hanging out with bangers/dope heads and not with sober patriots.

PS: ya got profiled as the enemy when ya voted democrat.

11/16/2015 06:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty sure most cops realize that weed should be legalized, and don't really give a shit about locking people up for it.

11/16/2015 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cause it's all about the $$$. About making all the right connections. About making sure your entire family was employed somehow, somewhere in government. Never really was about law enforcement was it Terry?

11/16/2015 07:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like from Wall Street Gordon gecko says "greed is good" just ask gainer! Guess they could not find another man that needs a job? But this being Illinois land of corruption who painted off who for this? Pathetic political dynasty! They talk about Trumps wealth but he made it on his own not the back of the taxpayers!

11/16/2015 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Money? Isn't that what everyone wants? A pension as Director of Illinois State Police ( all city time moved over to state by special state law), deputy chief of DC POlice and chief ofl capital police and senate sergeant of arms. A successful career. You can't take that away from him. Weed is here to stay and will be legal in most states within 10 years . Why fight it?

11/16/2015 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at this story "Obama arrives late for moment of silence dinner to honor victims in France" look at picture of pure disgust on Putins face!

Maybe our president doesn't care, and important event like this! But then again even in the USA like when 1 of the greatest warriors military men in history Chris Kyle Navy SEAL was killed Washington sent no one, when #bluelivesmatter officers are killed no 1 sent not even a media event! But when thugs who attack police are shot he sends everyone he can from Washington! ☹️

11/16/2015 07:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

character, integrity, honesty,'s all about the money

11/16/2015 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about the 💰

11/16/2015 08:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No such thing as clout.

11/16/2015 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this part of the "Gainer" family? I don't have much bad to say about most of the Gainers but geez, it must be nice to be a Gainer.

11/16/2015 08:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attitude adjustment, my ass.

This fuck is heavier then whale shit and all that matters is the zort.

11/16/2015 09:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

further proof of the dumbing down of America, we're looking at a countryfull of Spicoli types

11/16/2015 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT under "we got nothing": SCC, Michigan and Alabama governors both state that Syrian refugees will not be welcomes to their states. If I end up in the 10 hr day schedule which Area South has (4 on, 3 off), then I'll rent here and move to Michigan. History shows that allegatikns of residency violations are only sustained when a copper leaves the city for 4 consecutive days/nights. Anyone's input is welcome; i find this a very serious matter.

11/16/2015 09:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be blunt, and not blowing smoke, they offered him a pile of green, so he literally could not resist, but to go where the grass is greener!

11/16/2015 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, don't bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me. Roll another one, just like the other one...

11/16/2015 09:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His career must have been made on connections. It sure wasn't competence.

11/16/2015 09:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And his nephew is DEA agent, fancy that. Never was a good job the Gainers didn't get.

11/16/2015 10:02:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Off topic-Congratulations to the 022 dist tact team. To be specific 2261D. In their fearless hard charging ways, they went out last night and arrested 4 young teens for guess what, possession of cigarettes. Yes cigarettes!!!!!! It happened at 103rd and Kedzie. If no one is familiar with the area/sarcasm, its hardcore ghetto out there. 2261D grabs 4/F/2s for having cigs. Now I understand young ladies that are under 18 are not supposed to be smoking but come on, are you freaking idiots that freaking stupid.

Now get this, here comes the good part. One kids parent is a PO, the other kids uncle is a SGT, and finally but not last the third kids stepfather is a LT in 005. You idiots should be embarrassed and sent back for diversity training. Real tough guys going out in the ghetto, stopping a few hood rats, and finding a real arrestable offense to charge four young girls with. Oh and they had the audacity to put eleven, yes ELEVEN officers on the arrest report. Shame on the supervisor who approved the report.

I am all for being lazy and not getting in trouble, but this is whats wrong with this dept. Idiots, leading idiots arresting police officers children for possession of cigarettes. Wow,if you really wanna work why dont you go to the east end of 022, stop a few cars, check out the dope corners, or find a job at mcdonalds you DUMB ASSES.

I am putting these eleven outstanding officers, in for a DC because this has to be the arrest of the year. If you dont believe me, go look up the arrests in 022 last night. Whole department is a freaking joke.

Im calling out these idiots, here is who they are
2272-prob just transport, but should be embarrassed to be on arrest.
2213-yo homie can you put me on arrest I need one more for VRI
2205-were they in the park? Need some activity joe.
2211-can I do the search so I can get activity for VRI?

Shame on all 11 of you.

11/16/2015 10:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You left out CPD in his resume. ISP got Gainer from you guys. Worst thing that ever happened to ISP. The guy was a disaster and did everything he could to ruin morale. But, if you were a yes man or a butt kisser you went far. He was a perfect example of someone with "little man syndrome". If you look up the definition of "asshat", Terry Gainers picture pops up.

11/16/2015 10:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannabis never should have been illegal in the first place. Period.

11/16/2015 10:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot -
Sorry to have been absent from posting for awhile.

Our gp from R&D is still pulling her garbage.
She has been home for more time than ever as of late.
How she keeps getting away with this is beyond belief.

Seriously, the person that marks her present for work when she clearly is not here should be jailed as well as the gp!


11/16/2015 10:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go fuck yourself Harrison King.

Maybe little F2 should stop bringing the Robbins Savages into the neighborhood. Just maybe, she should stop with the liberal police hating routine when she's stopped for smoking weed where every other 60655 asshole is smoking weed.

Always more to the story than what the paperwork says.

Since, you know, no copper's kid has ever started shit with the police.

And, NO, I wasn't there.

11/16/2015 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ot -
Seems the spouse of a civilian that works at HQ (and the subject of more than a few comments on this blog) was seen at a bar in the neighborhood they live attempting to purchase some coke.

11/16/2015 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times must these assholes sell their souls?

11/16/2015 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
His career must have been made on connections. It sure wasn't competence.

11/16/2015 09:45:00 AM


Of course it was. Follow his connections/family connections to Joyce, Sheahan, Hynes, etc. etc. etc.

11/16/2015 11:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 11th district King, I wish there was five coppers kids there, then I would have my VRI arrest quota for the month! Oh well, I hit them all up again after the 1st of December to be my quota then. Bust out coppers kids are easy targets. Cha Ching!

11/16/2015 11:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this goof ever worked the street? Has he ever made an arrest? His entire career was moving from one great spot to another. This guy is in the clout hall of shame.

11/16/2015 12:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11th Dist King said...

Off topic-Congratulations to the 022 dist tact team. To be specific 2261D. In their fearless hard charging ways, they went out last night and arrested 4 young teens for guess what, possession of cigarettes. Yes cigarettes!!!!!! It happened at 103rd and Kedzie. If no one is familiar with the area/sarcasm, its hardcore ghetto out there. 2261D grabs 4/F/2s for having cigs. Now I understand young ladies that are under 18 are not supposed to be smoking but come on, are you freaking idiots that freaking stupid.

Now get this, here comes the good part. One kids parent is a PO, the other kids uncle is a SGT, and finally but not last the third kids stepfather is a LT in 005. You idiots should be embarrassed and sent back for diversity training. Real tough guys going out in the ghetto, stopping a few hood rats, and finding a real arrestable offense to charge four young girls with. Oh and they had the audacity to put eleven, yes ELEVEN officers on the arrest report. Shame on the supervisor who approved the report.

I am all for being lazy and not getting in trouble, but this is whats wrong with this dept. Idiots, leading idiots arresting police officers children for possession of cigarettes. Wow,if you really wanna work why dont you go to the east end of 022, stop a few cars, check out the dope corners, or find a job at mcdonalds you DUMB ASSES.

I am putting these eleven outstanding officers, in for a DC because this has to be the arrest of the year. If you dont believe me, go look up the arrests in 022 last night. Whole department is a freaking joke.

Im calling out these idiots, here is who they are
2272-prob just transport, but should be embarrassed to be on arrest.
2213-yo homie can you put me on arrest I need one more for VRI
2205-were they in the park? Need some activity joe.
2211-can I do the search so I can get activity for VRI?

Shame on all 11 of you.

11/16/2015 10:05:00 AM
Wow you be so angry! Maybe they prevented this kids from cancer later in life? ever think of that? poor baby your stuck in 011, so your doing a "call out" here coward!

11/16/2015 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Paul Maul said...

11th Dist King:
Had to laugh my ass off at that. How very fucking sad! FOR CIGARETTES?! I gotta ask, is Mike Ryan back running tact there? Been gone for a while but it sounds like his goofy-assed stuff. Whats next, attempted jaywalking? Unfuckingbelievable! I would love to see that paper.

11/16/2015 12:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well with the way the state pension is. wouldn't we all jump on that job.

11/16/2015 12:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 11th District King, maybe those smart ass teenaged girls walked themselves into an arrest. Perhaps they had zero respect for authority. If you feel like you can do a better job BID to 022 and show them how it's done, tough guy. Maybe your daughter needs to shut her mouth and show some respect, because obviously you have inside info on the arrest, so your vested interest shows us that you're probably the parent of one of these fine upstanding young women. Be a parent, be present, get off the bar stool at TR's.

11/16/2015 01:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you are not a law enforcement officer. The myth of casual use is just a myth. Most users result in bad parenting, DUIs and problem visits to an emergency room. Just ask any ER doctor or woking police officer.


Cannabis never should have been illegal in the first place. Period.

11/16/2015 01:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

Rauner says "temporarily suspending" Syrian refugees from coming to Illinois. Indiana governor also.

The backlash is growing...

11/16/2015 01:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is of a reprobate heart and mind.....some things you just don't do even if it's now much for his oath.....

11/16/2015 01:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything to make some good money. These people would be elbowing each other to blow piss bums if they could make good money at it.

11/16/2015 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11th Dist King said...
Off topic-Congratulations to the 022 dist tact team. To be specific 2261D. In their fearless hard charging ways, they went out last night and arrested 4 young teens for guess what, possession of cigarettes. Yes cigarettes!!!!!! It happened at 103rd and Kedzie. If no one is familiar with the area/sarcasm, its hardcore ghetto out there. 2261D grabs 4/F/2s for having cigs. Now I understand young ladies that are under 18 are not supposed to be smoking but come on, are you freaking idiots that freaking stupid.

Now get this, here comes the good part. One kids parent is a PO, the other kids uncle is a SGT, and finally but not last the third kids stepfather is a LT in 005. You idiots should be embarrassed and sent back for diversity training. Real tough guys going out in the ghetto, stopping a few hood rats, and finding a real arrestable offense to charge four young girls with. Oh and they had the audacity to put eleven, yes ELEVEN officers on the arrest report. Shame on the supervisor who approved the report.

I am all for being lazy and not getting in trouble, but this is whats wrong with this dept. Idiots, leading idiots arresting police officers children for possession of cigarettes. Wow,if you really wanna work why dont you go to the east end of 022, stop a few cars, check out the dope corners, or find a job at mcdonalds you DUMB ASSES.

I am putting these eleven outstanding officers, in for a DC because this has to be the arrest of the year. If you dont believe me, go look up the arrests in 022 last night. Whole department is a freaking joke.

Im calling out these idiots, here is who they are
2272-prob just transport, but should be embarrassed to be on arrest.
2213-yo homie can you put me on arrest I need one more for VRI
2205-were they in the park? Need some activity joe.
2211-can I do the search so I can get activity for VRI?

Shame on all 11 of you.

I agree that it's a super-pimpy arrest. Also agree that, other than the transport guys, that many people on the paper is ridiculous (in regards to that offense). The thing I don't agree with is that you didn't put your name/beat # on this post. If you're gonna call them out like that ( by beat #'s and telling people to look it up), have the testicular fortitude to sign your name to it.

11/16/2015 02:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if they let you smoke on the Job...

11/16/2015 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Awesome Bud...!"

11/16/2015 02:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannabis never should have been illegal in the first place. Period.

11/16/2015 10:28:00 AM

Per CALEA, consumption of cannabis is now required in order to attend a CompStat meeting.

11/16/2015 02:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off topic-Congratulations to the 022 dist tact team. To be specific 2261D. In their fearless hard charging ways, they went out last night and arrested 4 young teens for guess what, possession of cigarettes. ....

I'm 100% with you on that one. There was a guy on tact in 015 that kept arresting guys for selling loose cigarettes, and guess what - he just got promoted to a sgt!!!
For those that don't know it - selling loose cigarettes is not even a misdemeanor offense, it's business offense...

11/16/2015 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
You left out CPD in his resume. ISP got Gainer from you guys. Worst thing that ever happened to ISP. The guy was a disaster and did everything he could to ruin morale. But, if you were a yes man or a butt kisser you went far. He was a perfect example of someone with "little man syndrome". If you look up the definition of "asshat", Terry Gainers picture pops up.

11/16/2015 10:26:00 AM


Was this the guy who was hated while head of the Mounted Unit?

If it is the same guy he was clouted out of the 19th Ward. Had a lot of other family on the job but they were all well liked.

11/16/2015 02:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To "History shows that allegatikns of residency violations are only sustained when a copper leaves the city for 4 consecutive days/nights. Anyone's input is welcome; i find this a very serious matter."

History also shows us, that the residency rule has been ruled against by the supreme court. I don't live here. IAD tried to get me on it, but when I presented them the now case law Supreme Court ruling, they walked away from it. Never heard from them again, I didn't even one of those nice half sheet papers that lists CR dispositions on it. For all I know, it's still open. But that was 14 years ago. Gotta send my kids to a great public school here in the burbs. Now go get your shine box and start working VRI.

11/16/2015 03:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does he still have to pull event #'s for premise checks?

11/16/2015 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got and weed? It'd be a lot cooler if you did!

11/16/2015 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 11th Dist King said...
Off topic-Congratulations to the 022 dist tact team. To be specific 2261D. In their fearless hard charging ways, they went out last night and arrested 4 young teens for guess what, possession of cigarettes. Yes cigarettes!!!!!! It happened at 103rd and Kedzie. If no one is familiar with the area/sarcasm, its hardcore ghetto out there. 2261D grabs 4/F/2s for having cigs. Now I understand young ladies that are under 18 are not supposed to be smoking but come on, are you freaking idiots that freaking stupid.

You are correct sir. Tactical team arrest? If the facts are as stated, not only should they be ashamed, they are an insult to the star they wear. As is their Sgt. Add in their Lt and DC as well for allowing them to stay on the tact team with such activity. Hey 2261D, maybe tonight you can nab an 80 year old crossing the street outside of a crosswalk. Stake them out by Smith Village. I would hazard a guess they do not make many gun arrests or cruise east of the 022 station. Too scary.

CPD and former tactical/retired

11/16/2015 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT under "we got nothing": SCC, Michigan and Alabama governors both state that Syrian refugees will not be welcomes to their states. If I end up in the 10 hr day schedule which Area South has (4 on, 3 off), then I'll rent here and move to Michigan. History shows that allegatikns of residency violations are only sustained when a copper leaves the city for 4 consecutive days/nights. Anyone's input is welcome; i find this a very serious matter

Not even close to how it is handled!

11/16/2015 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannabis is the root of many wasted lives. Sucks ambition and motivation out of its users. It is also responsible for stunted brain development in adolescent users. It causes many weak minded young people to throw away their futures.

11/16/2015 04:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Money? Isn't that what everyone wants? A pension as Director of Illinois State Police ( all city time moved over to state by special state law), deputy chief of DC POlice and chief ofl capital police and senate sergeant of arms. A successful career. You can't take that away from him. Weed is here to stay and will be legal in most states within 10 years . Why fight it?

11/16/2015 07:30:00 AM

Al Capone said everyone has a price. You just have to offer the right amount. Do you really think he would refuse any price? Money talks.

11/16/2015 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:05am....just curious, are u upset that they locked up (obviously) white kids with family on the job or because it was just for possession of illegal cigarettes???? Would you have made this same post if they locked up four underage black kids with no fam on the job for loose squares from 95th/ryan??

11/16/2015 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/16/2015 10:05:00 AM

I'm gonna guess these young ladies were ignorant loudmouths!
"Daddy's the police so I can talk to the officers like a jagoff".
Sorry, but I gotta believe there's more than you're telling about your little angels!

11/16/2015 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That guy has sneeds phone number on speed dial......

as a self promoter he is worse than ed burke and axlerod combined.....

11/16/2015 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any one ever question WHY????????????

Chicago Airport Police aren't armed

Liability and cant stop a terrorist threat

Fukin USELSESS and a waste of taxper dollars

feel safe?????????????????

ChIraq time to wake up!

11/16/2015 05:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Buy ammo before the county tax and things go from bad to shit

Politicians wrapped in a security cocoon and you are defenseless

11/16/2015 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannabis never should have been illegal. Exactly! Waste of lives in prison and money by taxpayers.

11/16/2015 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an asshole.

Yaknow the biggest $$ contributors to Congress are the Pharmaceutical companies. They dont want you smoking weed to feel better, they want you buying their pills. They own the Doctors "payouts" and all these clowns like Gainer. Its IL. and money talks. They will let you get hooked on Oxy easy but will print you for medical weed.

11/16/2015 05:38:00 PM  
Blogger dumpdaley said...

Eff the Gainer family. One of them was an operating engineer for the city graffiti blasters back in the early nineties. He carried a snub nose pistol on the job. Why isn't he in jail? The Gainers never worked a hard day in their lives.
Mike the cityworker

11/16/2015 05:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/16/2015 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Washington DC under threat

Pray for our deployed CPD a home and down range

11/16/2015 06:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you CPD for keeping us safe

11/16/2015 06:09:00 PM  
Blogger 008 2nd Watch DOG said...

Hey 11th District king you left out the part that these kids were with savages from east 75th street. So I have no problem with what they did and if the parents are CPD than they shouldn't have a problem either. I say bravo to those officers and maybe the parents need to talk to those kids and remind them what a savage does to a unsuspecting/gullible white teenage girl. If the parents are pissed off be mad at those officers I say F@&k them cause I would do the same thing and not even feel bad.

11/16/2015 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember we are at WAR

Stay safe Stay vigilant

Protect the homeland

our politicians will make us sheep for slaughter

11/16/2015 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11/16/2015 10:05:00 AM

So you think there should be an exception if an offender is the son or daughter of a police officer? You never know if they are smuggling cigarettes and selling them for a profit.

11/16/2015 06:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, I'm sooo Wasted!!

11/16/2015 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/16/2015 07:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don O'Neill's new "civilian" job on top of his six figure pension requires a taste for a lot of money too!!! He makes more money than the Superintendent! And Rahm!!! Thanks, Rahm!! And don't forget to stick your pension reform where the sun don't shine!

11/16/2015 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And his nephew is DEA agent, fancy that. Never was a good job the Gainers didn't get.

11/16/2015 10:02:00 AM

How about Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer; formerly worked directly for Daley. Another fookin Gainer.

11/16/2015 07:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some other Chicago Police brass and other Chicago law enforcement big wigs that getting a cut of the top of that lucrative medicinal mary-jane business. This cash cow business is of course was legislatively legalized with the help of well connected lobbyists. Former law enforcement is making money under the guise as “security consultants”:

• Terry Hillard the former Chicago Police Superintendent now with his consulting firm Hillard- Heintze

• Secret service agent Arnette Heintze who once led the Chicago Office

• Michael Chasen the Italian mob imitating other than Italian guy who was the Deputy Chief of Detectives for the Chicago Police Department

• James Smith a former inspector for the U.S. Marshal’s Service

• Kenneth Boudreau who was a Chicago Police Department sergeant in charge of the school safety teams protecting the children from guns and drugs

• Kenneth Bouche a colonel from the Illinois State Police working with Hillard’s consulting firm

See there is light at the end of the tunnel after you secure a pension. Federal, state and local players are in the game. Cross the isle and work making sure nature’s pharmaceutical dealers lawfully distribute their sacks of a green leafy plant-like substance product. Follow the money. Watch those who got their exclusive licenses cash in. So write those A.N.O.V.s and get those nickel bag pinches putting the hurt on those unlicensed street venders and casual abusers. Meanwhile former bosses make upwards of six figures legitimately with the legalized product. The bottom of the rung blue shirts take a chance of getting hurt, sued for false arrest and or some violation of rules or regulations while trying to keep the lid on the trashcan enforcing the criminal statutes and municipal ordinance regarding the same type of product.

11/16/2015 07:59:00 PM  
Blogger americanlt said...

In defense, I'm almost positive 2272 was only doing the transport!

11/16/2015 08:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OT under "we got nothing": SCC, Michigan and Alabama governors both state that Syrian refugees will not be welcomes to their states. If I end up in the 10 hr day schedule which Area South has (4 on, 3 off), then I'll rent here and move to Michigan. History shows that allegatikns of residency violations are only sustained when a copper leaves the city for 4 consecutive days/nights. Anyone's input is welcome; i find this a very serious matter.

11/16/2015 09:27:00 AM

Illinois' governor is also refusing refugees. At least twenty governors have joined the group who are refusing to accept them. (Kinda screws up Rahm's plan to welcome them.)

And residency is proven by where you spend more than 50% of your sleep-time, i.e. 'where you lay your head'. So, four out of seven nights, even if not consecutive, can hang you.

Before they whistle you in, they have lots more proof than just a few surveillances to prove their case, though.

11/16/2015 08:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"we got nothing?" Last I heard, you get whatever you can. No need to be jealous of someone who has managed to make the most out of a poorly designed system that will do little to ease the suffering of those who need it most but can't afford it. And FYI, you can be against street corner dope boys, the cartels, and fhe notion of kids becoming pot heads and still support medical marijuana. One does not equal the other. I see the value in making arrests for weed, even though people will say it's a petty arrest, a real cop wouldn't do that, etc The gangs fighting over who can sell where are a big problem here. One in which the kid who gets killed is the unintended target of one crew running one dope spot not wanting another crew in their territory. Take away the product and you reduce that problem

11/16/2015 09:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pot makes you dumb. I sold pot in the sixties. $12 for 25 grams with seeds. Female plant only. Today that goes for $600 in colorado. Rich dumb yuppies.

11/16/2015 10:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SCC Craig "flufferman" Flutterman of The University of Chicaago the true douche bag behind the invisible institute MR FOI has another website listing Robert A Burke is a corrupt Chicago Police Officer. This Robert A. Burke:

First up, via Paul Huebl, a request from the family of Harry Belluomini, a retired CPD detective killed in 1992 by an escaping bank robber in the Federal Building. Robert Burke was convicted of smuggling in a handcuff key that Jeffrey Erickson used to effect an escape and kill two Deputy US Marshalls, one of them being Belluomini.

11/16/2015 10:53:00 PM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

OT --

While CTU jams charter buses going down to Ferguson -- which artificial-but-popular construct is apparently never going to end -- the folks "who cling to their guns and their religion" and their precepts as decent human beings in Obama's "flyover country" use their time productively.

Great story.

11/16/2015 11:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Possession of cigs by a minor is a useful tool to have (when a shitbird really needs the proper addressing). Though I'm not sure I would do this arrest anymore, since now you need to involve the (probably pissed off) youth dicks.

11/17/2015 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol! Coppers daughter dates dude and brings on convicted of a REAL armed robbery! To Mt Greenwood! Look up 2211 contact cards bitches! DAD put your daughter in check!

11/17/2015 02:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u as a P.o. Should be embarressed ENTIRE!!!! Neighborhood knows who your daughter is!!! We dont even have to put her name on blogg puss bagg we all know it! NOW who needs to step up!

11/17/2015 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...Before they whistle you in, they have lots more proof than just a few surveillances to prove their case, though.

11/16/2015 08:54:00 PM"

A lot will have to do with your banking, credit card and spending records. Instead of joint accounts, have separate accounts for husband wife. Have everything here, vehicles, subscriptions, bill go to a P.O. Box. Be on good terms and discrete with your neighbors in both locations and register and vote in Chicago.

Good Luck and Stay Safe.

11/17/2015 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares, really? Haven't our courts here, and in other parts of the country de-facto decriminalized weed already?
It's almost like a cop retiring and becoming a security consultant for Anheuser-Busch. Much ado about nothing.

11/17/2015 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:05am....just curious, are u upset that they locked up (obviously) white kids with family on the job or because it was just for possession of illegal cigarettes???? Would you have made this same post if they locked up four underage black kids with no fam on the job for loose squares from 95th/ryan??

THANK YOU! Maybe some of the merchants in that area complained about teens selling loose cigs, eating away at the merchant's profit. They do call and complain about that all the time.

11/17/2015 04:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that the guy who was hired to design the security plan for the pot dispensary that just opened up in 020? If so, then it sounds as if they may have overpaid for his expertise.

11/17/2015 04:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former Ohare Elite tact BS now ruining the 22nd Dist arrested four teens for possession of cigarettes!!! He'd never confront a gang banger!!!

11/17/2015 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

46 years and now another job - can't get enough

reminds me of Townsend. Retire already you old prick.

11/17/2015 08:01:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

10:05am....just curious, are u upset that they locked up (obviously) white kids with family on the job or because it was just for possession of illegal cigarettes???? Would you have made this same post if they locked up four underage black kids with no fam on the job for loose squares from 95th/ryan??


11/17/2015 09:06:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

I agree that it's a super-pimpy arrest. Also agree that, other than the transport guys, that many people on the paper is ridiculous (in regards to that offense). The thing I don't agree with is that you didn't put your name/beat # on this post. If you're gonna call them out like that ( by beat #'s and telling people to look it up), have the testicular fortitude to sign your name to it.

If you wanna be a pimp form the west end of 022, then I will call you out by beat, you had the balls to put 11 guys on the arrest. I put my beat on this blog, 11th Dist King. I saw the paperwork, no where did it mention ANYTHING about savage, shit talking or anything eles. I wasn't there and you weren't either.

I am happy to be the KING of 011, but wait do I really work there anymore after 26 years, maybe I am the Sups driver, or an ET, or Deputy Chief Harrison. Or best yet, I am the former LT, John A.

11/17/2015 09:13:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Hey 11th District King, maybe those smart ass teenaged girls walked themselves into an arrest. Perhaps they had zero respect for authority. If you feel like you can do a better job BID to 022 and show them how it's done, tough guy. Maybe your daughter needs to shut her mouth and show some respect, because obviously you have inside info on the arrest, so your vested interest shows us that you're probably the parent of one of these fine upstanding young women. Be a parent, be present, get off the bar stool at TR's.

No I am not the parent, but I got two facts, 11 guys on a cig arrest, read the arrest reports. Number 2, I am going off the paperwork the guys from 022 wrote, copied and pasted on all four arrests, super cops at the best.

11/17/2015 09:17:00 AM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Go fuck yourself Harrison King.

Maybe little F2 should stop bringing the Robbins Savages into the neighborhood. Just maybe, she should stop with the liberal police hating routine when she's stopped for smoking weed where every other 60655 asshole is smoking weed.

Always more to the story than what the paperwork says.

Since, you know, no copper's kid has ever started shit with the police.

And, NO, I wasn't there.

I am commenting from the facts of the paperwork the guys on the tact team wrote copied and pasted on all four arrest reports. No I was not there. You are commenting on BS your tact guys tell you, and NO you were NOT there either. If there is more to the story, the 11 guys on the arrest report LEFT it off. I went strictly off the facts of their report.

11/17/2015 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Former Ohare Elite tact BS now ruining the 22nd Dist arrested four teens for possession of cigarettes!!! He'd never confront a gang banger!!!

11/17/2015 07:24:00 AM

Go sell your insurance he's on furlough

11/17/2015 11:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you bid to 022 and keep them Kools out of your daughter's mouth.

How fucking big of a Hilbilly are you? Your daughter sells loose cigarettes and you think that is cool. WTF!!!

If my kid was selling loosies I would lock her up myself.

Keep your daughter in check and maybe you won't have LINK card grand babies.

You're not going to because you are a Hillbilly. So do the neighborhood a favor and have your daughter and her jocker sell loose cigarettes by her man's crib on 75th and Exchange where that service is valued.

11/17/2015 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11th Dist King said...

"bla bla bla...rant rant rant...whine whine whine..."

Seriously sound like half my my bitchy co-wrokers at Finance. And might be pimpy for the stop....but what didi the F2's do to turn a probable ANOV into a trip to lock up?

I will agree that 11 Ofc on the report seems like a probable violation of some sort of Rule.

And as for the comment about the R&D bimbo "stealing time"...we've heard it all heres some Info...

Call the IGO....they just fired a Director of Personnel from Finance for doing the same damn thing...and this Female was the right color, had a degree, had a phone call and was still physically removed from the Office after refusing to leave upon termination.

The IGO will happily FIRE anyone for Theft of Time.


Finance Guy on a Bike...

Somewhere in 017 and 020 and 024 this week.

11/17/2015 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recreational marijuana will soon be universally available everywhere. Our country will continue to weaken, decay and fall from within.

11/17/2015 07:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0:05am....just curious, are u upset that they locked up (obviously) white kids with family on the job or because it was just for possession of illegal cigarettes???? Would you have made this same post if they locked up four underage black kids with no fam on the job for loose squares from 95th/ryan??

THANK YOU! Maybe some of the merchants in that area complained about teens selling loose cigs, eating away at the merchant's profit. They do call and complain about that all the time.

Uh white kids selling loose squares in mg. Actually, nobody selling them there at all and come to think of it, a whole lot of shit doesn't go on that does in areas where loose cig ' s are sold. Morons

11/17/2015 09:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is this 11th district guy a real hand job?
Get a f'in life loser!

11/17/2015 11:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least those officers are driving around making stops. Not like 2211 on days that sits in his house all fukin day. Why don't you retire useless tool.

11/18/2015 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You hear that? "That's my Skull...I'm So Wasted...!!!"

11/18/2015 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the racist prick at 4:45pm
The post you responded to never made any racial statements. A difference in treatment due race was your implication, and yours alone. Racist.

(Noitce its always the racists who are quick to point a finger and yell "racist"?)

Would it matter if the arrested weren't a coppers familyembrts? Well NO SHIT! Charity starts at home.
Welcome to the world. Do you think you pay the same price for a car as does the dealers son?
If you don't understand these basic principles of community / society, you are in the wrong forum. Racist!

11/18/2015 12:45:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

To the poster who insists there would have been different results were the offenders 4 black kids at 95/Ryan...

Please take your obvious hatred of Caucasians to another site.
This is a public blog, that has a potential to reflect upon the department in general. I hope you are not a police officer, because this department has no place for anti-white, or anti-anything attitudes.

11/18/2015 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 11th dist King
26 years on and you don't know what your daughter is doing to the neighborhood? That is sad!!! EVERYONE knows her! While u are looking up report look up calls for service on this crew! If she was mine I would have her on lock down! Maybe you should be running her savage friends names to see where they are from?! And what they have been locked for! Now who is the DUMBASS!

11/18/2015 01:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to 11th dist King, maybe you should thank the 22nd dist officers for preventing your lil angel daughter from concieving your grandchild in the alley of 103rd Kenzie the night those officers took up the parenting responsiblities that you obviously gave up on years ago. Im sure your daughter and her girlfriends all talked their way into getting arrested.they say kids learn at home. Pretty sure thats where she learned to not like the police, starting with her poor excuse of a father. Good job dad, you have a daugter to be proud of! As petty as you make it seem that they were arrested for cigarettes remember, its only a stepping stone! They will get better at being charged from city ordinances to misdemeanors then felonies!

11/18/2015 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:38pm....ur obviously one of those who passed on utilizing the tuition reimbursement we have since you didn't read and comprehend the point that was being made. The main point was contained in the first 4 sentences, try it again Mt Greenwood Einstein....

11/18/2015 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11/18/2015 07:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11 coppers on the paper. Sounds like a department commendation is in their future.

11/18/2015 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

46 years and now another job - can't get enough

reminds me of Townsend. Retire already you old prick.

Why do you care if some guy wants to keep working? You are probably the same half that's on every watch our in any unit. "Why does he get that car", I want that beat". Whiney mo fo.

11/18/2015 08:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
0:05am....just curious, are u upset that they locked up (obviously) white kids with family on the job or because it was just for possession of illegal cigarettes???? Would you have made this same post if they locked up four underage black kids with no fam on the job for loose squares from 95th/ryan??

THANK YOU! Maybe some of the merchants in that area complained about teens selling loose cigs, eating away at the merchant's profit. They do call and complain about that all the time.

Uh white kids selling loose squares in mg. Actually, nobody selling them there at all and come to think of it, a whole lot of shit doesn't go on that does in areas where loose cig ' s are sold. Morons

11/17/2015 09:38:00 PM

You must have forgotten about the fireman selling dope in MG,and the feds arrested him after hearing on a wiretap the GDs were about to kill him. There are dope dealers in MG. The people living there don't have to drive to the 'hood to buy dope.

11/18/2015 08:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:45am.....Hopefully youre just PLAYONG dumb but if you can't understand the reason behind the original poster mentioning the races of the young girls and their family status, then saying tact should concentrate on going over to the ghetto east end of the district (cause there's no crime in Mt Greenwood (sarcasm).....your re probably his partner and in that case there's no hope for either of you.

11/18/2015 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous 11th Dist king. said...

Thank you for all the feedback from all the einstiens on this job about an arrest for loose cigs. 11 guys on paper for a juvi arrest that was copied and pasted four times. Yes I have over 25 years, no I won't go to 22 to show them how it's done, yes I still work in 011, no I don't give a fuck, yes the 11 officers are strokes, and nowhere on the arrest does it mention joe an armed robbery or anything else. Speak facts not fiction. Oh last but not least, no they are not my daughters.

11/18/2015 03:18:00 PM  
Anonymous 11th Dist King said...

Here is the problem with this arrest, 11cops on a juvi arrest. This dept is a joke and to all of you who are supporting the cops on this you are a joke also. Copy and paste on four arrests. Dont attack me, or my KING status.

The guys on the tact team work in an area that does have more crime than loose cigs, was it for selling them, was it for possession of them? I think that 11 guys on paper for SELLING LOOSE cigs is an embarrassment and I hope you idiots see the big picture, and no I am not the parent of said girls arrested.

11/18/2015 03:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shhhhhhhhheeeeeeet...are they hiring?

11/19/2015 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 11th Dist ASS!
You must not live in 22! Or you are sooo clueless! F/2 brings M/1 convicted of armed robbery! She should be locked up for MORE! Those ARE facts!

11/19/2015 12:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If one isn't your kid you just put some other coppers' kids on blast! I am sure they appreciate the spotlight of daughters they must real happy with you letting all of CPD and 60655 knowing what they are dating! You are not just DUMBASS but a JACKASS too! And you told people to look up report too! LMAO!

11/19/2015 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You must have forgotten about the fireman selling dope in MG,and the feds arrested him after hearing on a wiretap the GDs were about to kill him. There are dope dealers in MG. The people living there don't have to drive to the 'hood to buy dope.

Ya read wrong moron, I said loose cigarettes and other ghetto antics. No shit about the weed, that's everywhere.

11/19/2015 01:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8pm....ur obviously one of those who passed on utilizing the tuition reimbursement we have since you didn't read and comprehend the point that was being made. The main point was contained in the first 4 sentences, try it again Mt Greenwood Einstein....

My response was to the second comment goof and I'm not from mg. I just respect the neighborhood. Prob the last south side neighborhood that deserves it.

11/19/2015 01:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it just me or is this 11th district guy a real hand job?
Get a f'in life loser!

11/17/2015 11:22:00 PM

I agree!!!!

Bt. 1130 (3rd watch)

11/19/2015 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all king, "over 25 yrs on the job" and you dont know how an arrest report works? Well stroke let me break it down to you. An arrest report states the facts leading to the arrest of ur daughter u now arent claiming (i wouldnt claim her either) and has nothing to do with joe an armed robbery as you put it. You must be a crossing guard supervisor or something. You may attend 11 but dont sound like you do any kind of work or you would already know this. Why dont you just own up to the fact that the real dumbass is you and accept the fact that 022 officers are doing what is necessary to keep the neighbor safe from deliquents like your daughter and her piece of shit friends?

11/19/2015 03:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job to the Officers who made that arrest. The girls in that were involved hangout with a lot of trouble makers in the nieghborhood. The kids that were arrested at the local parks the last couple of weeks for weed are part of their group. The kids from Robbins that were arrested for stealing bikes last week on 111th and Drake are their friends, that were here to hangout with them. Policing in 022 is a little differnt then policing in 011. You don't just drive up on a guy with a 20 pack here. In order to stop the big stuff, often times you need to use the liitle stuff to get your point across (broken windows). I have worked in the ghetto and it is differnt type of policing. Believe it or not these coppers did a good thing the other day arresting these girls regardless of the charge. That was about sending a messege that trying to sell dope to 10 year olds kids will not be tolerated. The people in their group have been acused of try to sell dope to kids on several occassions. I know the girls and some of their "police" relatives, but that does not excuss this repeated bad behavior. GREAT JOB ALL OF YOU GUYS INVOLVED IN THIS ARREST. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK it is appreciated.
Bob Dangles

11/19/2015 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I recall...The Fistfight between two Detectives at the JISC began as a conversation about Medical Marijuana...
That's one thing you don't talk about at Fight Club!

11/19/2015 11:13:00 AM  

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