Friday, March 16, 2018

Protesters Gone Wild!

  • Chicago, IL – A crowd of students swarmed a south side strip mall during Wednesday’s National Walkout Day demonstration, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

    “They pretty much trashed this whole area,” GameStop manager Robert Owens told Blue Lives Matter on Thursday.

    The nationwide demonstration, touted as a demand for gun control legislation, was slated to last for exactly 17 minutes, in remembrance of each of the 17 people murdered during the Valentine’s Day massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, the Chicago Sun Times reported.

    Not all of the protests were peaceful.
No mention either that quite a sizable percentage of the homicides in Chicago are actually perpetrated by.....CPS students. Why is that do you think?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meh... just another day to doing asshole business— tac can deal with it. I will watch tv shows on my phone. Does not make sense for me get involved in a federal lawsuit. 🤔

3/16/2018 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm? Not on the South Side, really!

3/16/2018 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Facebook pulled the videos and photos of these occurrences.
They're trying to steer the news the public sees and they don't give a damn what the truth is.

3/16/2018 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice protest there Rham

3/16/2018 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bad people don't need guns, they have their youth and numbers. The good people need them.

3/16/2018 12:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They'd have to go to class to be students.

3/16/2018 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Animals..What else is new ?? Obama 's Promise program gives the Fr faker's youth of shitHole Chicago ..a free ride on misdemeanors.... no police charges allowed .

Wonder why Trib held story on JB offshore accounts until this week? CYA ???

3/16/2018 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was those out of town Amish students. They often get violent when protesting.

3/16/2018 12:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Black high school students at a Tennessee school ripped an American flag off the pole in front of the school and beat up a couple white kids during a school approved walkout. No media coverage.

3/16/2018 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s the guns! Rahm is standing up to say it’s the guns! He isn’t grandstanding when he says it’s the guns! He means it! He is great!

And any one of you fuckers who votes for him is a disgrace (yes, the ones rationalizing it at the end of the story about Lightfoot). She isn’t running, and if she did, it ain’t coming down to her and anti-police Rahm.

3/16/2018 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These kids cannot handle responsibility and seem to be
unaware that the world is watching. Just an adolescent
ploy to get out of school. And what did they do? They
showed disrespect for the 17 killed in Florida and made
it all about me, me, me: trashing everything in their swath.
MLK Jr. is crying because his grandchildren do not understand
peaceful demonstration.

3/16/2018 03:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These misguided youth must have invested one to many tide jell packs.

3/16/2018 04:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These weren't the Sabina kids were they? What strip mall got sacrificed this time in the name of peace & harmony? And let me guess,CPD was probably ordered to stand down and just merely keep the mayhem from spreading!

3/16/2018 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Monster energy drinks are to blame.

3/16/2018 06:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they got their memo wrong. They must have received the " Destroy and Mayhem " memo instead...Either way, WHO'S NOT surprised by their actions???.......Hmmmmmmmm?????

3/16/2018 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous SadButTrue -Metallica said...

Last night maybe 6pm news on 5, 7 or 2 had coverage of Chatham (I believe) Walmart that was trashed by Simeon HS students and showed ALL the damage and destruction.

Excellent coverage guys but truly sad for the city and it's future *gasp* leaders

3/16/2018 06:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simeon Career Academy. Where u learn your trade to become a career criminal

3/16/2018 06:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF has happened to this city, state, country? It's time to stomp on these assholes nation wide and put a stop to this kind of behavior before it's to late. Maybe to late already!

3/16/2018 06:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many of these morons would have participated in these bullshit protests if they took place after school hours? Not like they have or need jobs

3/16/2018 07:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got to give the kids their space and immunity.
Category 5 activism and destruction a right of CPS safe passage.

Walmart should move.

3/16/2018 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT...Laura Ingram on FOX last night was commenting on the response of the law enforcement to the Parkland school shooting. The topic revolved around the failure of law enforcement’s response. She mentioned that law enforcement should be trained to response to these type situations so well that is in our muscle memory. I agree 100%. However a representative from the Broward County responded that their departments tactical and firearms training has been decreased to the minimum and has been replaced with training such as de-escalation and how to be nice to citizens. Does this sound familiar? This bull crap puts law enforcement officers and citizens at risk. This is the type of training we should emphasize. When was the last time we got any hands on training on active shooter? Yet we are expected by all to respond to these situations with expertise. We are so undertrained yet everyone expects us to make perfect decisions at all times.

3/16/2018 07:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There were two similar videos posted online. One from a Kentucky school, and another whose location I do not recall, but guess what they had in common with the Chicago vandals?

3/16/2018 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When this generation of ungrateful, over-indulged, hashtag frenzied, tech addicted, dead-eyed ritalin junkies whose mommies and daddies programmed them to think they are the center of the universe can actually spell and define the word "protest" without the help of Google, I'll give a rat's ass what they think. Most just used a tragic event as an excuse to skip school and act a fool. Teachers and school administration are just supporting the whole fiasco to use these ignorant and uneducated fetuses to serve the left's socialist agenda. School children should not be "demonstrating" and "protesting" or dictating legislation; they should be in in school actually learning to think critically. Unfortunately logic, reasoning, debate, facts, and constructive criticism have been replaced by emotions, safe spaces, and therapy dogs in this new era of education. The irony in all of this is that these kids are dying for a chance to exercise some independence and autonomy, yet are too naive and stupid to realize how brainwashed and controlled they really are by all the leftists in American academia. Many future Obamas, Bernies, and Hillarys on the horizon in this generation- god help us.

3/16/2018 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There was video footage on the web, anyone have the link? Please post

3/16/2018 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disgrace: Tennessee Students Tear Down American Flag, Jump On Police Car During Gun Control Walkout

3/16/2018 08:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ironic that these people are the exact reason we stand for the 2nd amendment.

3/16/2018 08:58:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

Oh those little rapscallions. You can never tell what mischief the little pranksters will be up to next.

I'm sure they'll get a very stern talking to by the school administration.


3/16/2018 09:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It comes under “folks” training 101.

3/16/2018 09:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard they walked out right in the middle of their 6th period class - "Carjacking"

3/16/2018 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

326am..And the people that threw rocks, bricks and spat on MLK during his peaceful demonstrations??

3/16/2018 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personal accountability must be deterred in order for the ghetto to remain a self-cleaning oven.

3/16/2018 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only that but the Trib did a story on profiles of student protestors, as if they’re some budding world-changing Force. No, they’re just useful idiots used to promote the politics of anti-gun. The sad part is that the press is actually steering these kids to this direction. The reward, the kids are learning, from being a liberal suckass, is media attention.

Now, how about we address reality? Never been a mass school shooting in Chicago that I can recall. There have been gang shootings at Chicago schools, but no mass shootings like FL, Columbine, etc. 17 minutes? Sheeeeeeet, what about the hundred plus murdered by mainly black offenders? The victims also tend to be black. Why no protests against the judges who are responsible for letting out violent criminals that reoffend over and over. Why not protest the members of your community that blame the police, poverty, lack of opportunities, lack of resources, etc. Blame anything/anyone other than the monster committing heinous acts if they’re black. Dylan Roof (whatever his name is), the Columbine, Florida shooters, etc? I say execute them. I don’t care about a violent criminal’s race. They must be removed from the world. Until the black community adopts this understanding and stops making excuses for their criminal element, the violence by the black community will remain.

These protests are nothing more than a reason to riot, loot and cause chaos by shitheads and for attention, feeling of importance by the rest of the kids. It’s being exploited by the media for political reasons.

3/16/2018 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

they should have taken their rage out at the city hall building

3/16/2018 11:34:00 AM  
Blogger Chip Bagg said...

No surprise.
This is the message they get at home and at school.

3/16/2018 12:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Irony alert.

Students protesting for gun control show why we need a 2nd Amendment....

3/16/2018 12:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So CPS is a festering cesspool. So what else is new?

3/16/2018 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not just CPS, a lot of bigger city schools with the same 'constituency' have issues. Like this one, obviously he marched because he wanted everybody ELSE disarmed;

3/16/2018 02:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same Topic....."Like nine out of ten shootings, nine out of ten carjackings did not end in an arrest by the Chicago Police Department by the end of the year. This is not the fault of state sentencing laws.

Giving more felony convictions and prison years to a very broad group of people because police can’t identify the small number who are committing violent crime isn’t a public safety strategy. It is wanton state interference with employment, housing, education, child support and the host of other factors that contribute to stable families and communities.

Our state and our city, which have shred social services and education, cannot afford more of this destruction."

Stephanie Kollmann

My God the Slumtimes is on the attack aren't they ?

3/16/2018 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And trashed a Walmart too....

3/16/2018 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A snowflake meltdown? Give them room to destroy? The mob mentality?

3/16/2018 04:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This story has been completely ignored by our pitiful local media channels. Good thing that it was on drudgereport so that the entire world can really see what and who this city has to deal with...

3/16/2018 05:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious. 2nd district 2nd Watch Lieutenant and a Sergeant got there asses chew out by Commander Crystal King for arresting one of these out of control juveniles in this planned school walkout. The student ran into Lake Shore Drive Reckless Conduct. They were trying to take the drive. King came over the zone and stated let them have the drive. WTF ...

3/16/2018 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad they did not protest the poor graduation rate and overall poor quality education nationwide especially in the inner city with students of many colors. Third world countries better prepare their youth human assets to compete in the global economy with a hell of a lot less public "investment". Schools should prepare students to integrate into society as model citizens contributing tho the betterment if mankind not pawns of a politically driven agenda which seeks to destroy social order.

Instead, the progressives instruct students to forego critical studies to train as community agitators. The gullable, ignorant skulls full of mush are instructed to resist order and challenge established structure in society for dissension and anarchy to achieve the left's political objective to radically transform and then abolish the Second Amendment. Students receive formal training to protest and rise up to become obidient lemmings being led over the cliff destroying their nation from within by left wing nut extremists. The by-product of this corrosive anarchist agenda is social chaos both inside and outside the classroom.

3/16/2018 06:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some liberal dickhead dreamed up a "Promise" program to keep high school students out of jail. And the student that should have gone to jail a few times, instead bought firearms and shot up his school.
Now guns are the problem, no stupid, dickheads are the problem! This is why children can not vote, too easily influenced by dickheads.


3/16/2018 07:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, the local tv news interviewed some of the Simeon kids who participated in the walkout. They were embarrassed by their fellow students' behavior and are planning some sort of community service to make amends.

3/16/2018 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they really wanted to protest the true enemy of their community, they’d protest the black p stones, gangster disciples, etc. for actually pulling the trigger on these guns at their school. The very fact that they don’t, just reiterates their hypocrisy and cowardice.

3/16/2018 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

326am..And the people that threw rocks, bricks and spat on MLK during his peaceful demonstrations??

3/16/2018 09:44:00 AM

He'd recognize that those referred to by the comment you reference are precisely the same as those you refer to in your response to his comment.

Your question shows your ideaolgy, which is woefully lacking in both ideas and ideal qualities.

Your have obviously rejected, utterly and entirely, the meaning in every word ever spoken by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as he meant his words to mean.

Now......I give you time to muster the response which you expect of yourself.

I expect your response to be not at all surprising.

3/16/2018 08:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard they walked out right in the middle of their 6th period class - "Carjacking"

3/16/2018 09:42:00 AM

Was that Carjacking, #101, #102, #103 or Carjacking Advanced Placement?

3/16/2018 09:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hilarious. 2nd district 2nd Watch Lieutenant and a Sergeant got there asses chew out by Commander Crystal King for arresting one of these out of control juveniles in this planned school walkout. The student ran into Lake Shore Drive Reckless Conduct. They were trying to take the drive. King came over the zone and stated let them have the drive. WTF ...

3/16/2018 05:29:00 PM

Remember .....this is what they promoted.

3/16/2018 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....When was the last time we got any hands on training on active shooter? Yet we are expected by all to respond to these situations with expertise. We are so undertrained yet everyone expects us to make perfect decisions at all times.

3/16/2018 07:52:00 AM

Several observations:

1. If you do not know you have the nature to act, the common sense to know when to act and what action is required, and the heart to move toward what everyone else is running away from, well, you know what the results of this to expect to be.

2. What we are expected to posess expertise at is radically the opposite of the above. Radically the opposite. And, thus, is absurdly irrational, albeit it willful, intentional, conniving or merely just coming from the dumb fucks.

3. Those expectations of perfection of outcome + the assinine specifications and variety of the definitions of perfect outcome + the impositions on the means and methods, by the second guessing cunt faced loud mouthed fuck wads, concerning their ass munching assessments of every fucking action taken & not taken, with the usual suspects running their pie holes about what could have been, what should have been, what would have been, infinitem bullshit = there is no valid expectation which can ever be met by anyone. Ever.

4. The saying: No Good Deed EVER Goes Unpunished, applies.

5. As for the actual benefits of more "training"; if you minus the perils of more training being used to further increase the self rightous aforementioned second guessing cunts shit slinging ways, then minus the trick bag trap of more training raises the expectations of greater perfection from those who can NEVER be ackowledged as being anything but the bad, bad, racist po po, then reassess the peril of being more confident in your ability to act, which may lead to you paying less attention to the vital inner value necessary, (see #1.), you will see that the "more training" is not nearly a benefit as you think.

Training, all training, is a controlled experience. That effects your experience of being trained.

There is no training which can give you more than a bit of confidence, and, perhaps false confidence, in what to do when to act or to not act must be decided.

The most beneficial training is the training you do within your own mind. Use your brains, firm your balls, set your mind and act as you choose.

3/16/2018 09:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“This story has been completely ignored by our pitiful local media channels. Good thing that it was on drudgereport so that the entire world can really see what and who this city has to deal with...”

The Bombings targeting Minorites in Minnesota was ignored when the Offenders turned out to be White Supremacists from Northern Illinois.
Imagine that?

3/16/2018 11:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All this school protest nonsense is aimed at another target entirely. Trump and the opposition. The real goal is to foster a shiny new group of first time voters who think and vote Democrat as they are told. You will see another protest next fall, or next spring, repeated as needed. They think long term, and like termites, they never stop.

3/17/2018 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey 3/16/2018 03:30:00 PM , the 4 Julian High School scholars were arrested numerous times for the car jackings, robberies, etc. that were occurring on the south side the past several months. They were routinely immediately released because of the Democratic machine politician Toni Preckwinkle who continuously let the juveniles terrors run roughshod over the neighborhoods they live in because of the almighty dollar. Trust me, if this had been happening in Hyde Park, they would have never been released to continue their criminal spree.

3/17/2018 01:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walmart should send all the bills for the damage and theft to the ones who organized the entire event.


Hopefully,some day,respectful and good CPS teachers will not be SHEEPLE and follow the worst CPS Teachers leader of all time, Karen Lewis. Then and only then, will CPS possibly be able to get on the right path to actually teaching kids instead of worrying about who is getting paid with all the misuse of funds.

3/17/2018 01:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The by-product of this corrosive anarchist agenda is social chaos both inside and outside the classroom.

3/16/2018 06:45:00 PM

The end product cannot ever be the one they tout, even were their intentions concerning the nature of that touted end product were sincere.

They appeal to the same, basic human wants as MAGA, but do so in the directly opposite direction.

Thus, to MAGA, their contradictions are obvious, but to the clueless, oblivious.

MAGA = learn, earn, and appreciate, with honor, respect, honesty and compassion.

THUG = take, break, burn and depreciate, with anger, resentment, hostility and utter abandon.

Thus, the sane may well have to do what they want to not do, that is, put compassion on pause, then, in an honorable, honest, and respectful manner, depreciate to a value of null all who choose the THUG path.

For those who may object to the pausing of compassion, feel free to be both the sacrificed lamb on the alter of the craven AND the enabler of their craven acts.

If all some have understood from the life, torture and murder of Christ is to submit to haven't understood Christ at all.

3/17/2018 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crystal King.... srsly?
Happier in "23" now.

Old Civilian.

3/17/2018 05:07:00 AM  
Blogger Cuthbert J Twillie said...

>>>> 3/16/2018 07:43:00 PM || J.J. said: "Some liberal dickhead dreamed up a "Promise" program to keep high school students out of jail." <<<<

Not only one liberal dickhead, but Three Leftist Dickheads. And you'd never guess who the DICKHEADS were......
--- Suspect #1: Barack Hussein Obama. (Wanted for Plots of Subversion against America)
--- Suspect #2: Eric Holder. (Wanted for Crimes against the United States and its Citizens)
--- Suspect #3: Robert Runcie. Current Supt of Broward County FL Public Schools, immediate Previous Supt of ...ta-da... the Chicago Public School system.

Those three assholes dreamed up the FUBAR 'Promise Program' when Runcie was in Chicago. Runcie couldn't wait to implement it in Broward County as he had a willing co-conspirator in that jaggoff democrat Sheriff, Scott Israel. (Broward Cty 'Democrat of the Year' in 2013)

3/17/2018 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those Hacidic Jewish teenagers are a danger to anyone who stands in their way. They tore through that store like a hot knife thru butter.

3/17/2018 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully,some day,respectful and good CPS teachers will not be SHEEPLE and follow the worst CPS Teachers leader of all time, Karen Lewis. Then and only then, will CPS possibly be able to get on the right path to actually teaching kids instead of worrying about who is getting paid with all the misuse of funds.

3/17/2018 01:40:00 AM

She gets over 80% of the vote. They love her

3/17/2018 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hilarious. 2nd district 2nd Watch Lieutenant and a Sergeant got there asses chew out by Commander Crystal King for arresting one of these out of control juveniles in this planned school walkout. The student ran into Lake Shore Drive Reckless Conduct. They were trying to take the drive. King came over the zone and stated let them have the drive. WTF ...

3/16/2018 05:29:00 PM

Remember .....this is what they promoted.


Isn’t this the Camel Commander? “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!” - Gladiator

3/17/2018 12:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully,some day,respectful and good CPS teachers will not be SHEEPLE and follow the worst CPS Teachers leader of all time, Karen Lewis. Then and only then, will CPS possibly be able to get on the right path to actually teaching kids instead of worrying about who is getting paid with all the misuse of funds.

Never happen. They are intimidated or happy with her. Last election they never even had an election. She and her slate ran unopposed

3/17/2018 01:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3/17/2018 01:33:00 PM

I'd like to see how far you get as a teacher at Simieon. That would be fun to watch! While I definitely do not agree with many of CTU stances and their commie views. Teachers and CPD needs to be paid properly to live in this place. You forget that both teachers and Officers work with the same cliental. They don't respect teachers or Officers and they definitely do not want to be told what to do!

3/17/2018 08:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to see how far you get as a teacher at Simieon. That would be fun to watch! While I definitely do not agree with many of CTU stances and their commie views. Teachers and CPD needs to be paid properly to live in this place. You forget that both teachers and Officers work with the same cliental. They don't respect teachers or Officers and they definitely do not want to be told what to do!

3/17/2018 08:27:00 PM

Your response is quite representative of those employed by CPS, both teachers and management. (Oh.. wait.....they prefer to be called....Administration.....)

It is, to you, always about your money. Always.

Thus, you offer a feeble "rarely agree" disclaimer of responsibility for your union and, also weakly, declare your imagined commonality with law enforcement.

Your working environment is the direct result of your repeatedly elected/reelected union leadership's choices, whether said leadership coats these choices as necessary to benefit your pocket, or retardedly promotes them as "for our students"......

Your leadership is packed with feckless frauds, foolish lackeys and gutless more truly interested or dedicated to " the students" than the pandering, racist race baiting political connivers.

The obvious goals of the, thankfully no more, obamanation "policies" are being substantially achieved because YOU go along to get along....and get more for yourselves by doing so.

"For the children" is the feckless, fraudulent mantra, with all the many fraudulent, fabricated "injustices" used to induce anger, thus the resultant reduction to null of any, even meager, thinking within the minds of those targeted for said inducement.

You are either being played, royally, or are trying to be one of the players.

Ya don't like that binary choice?

Make a case for a third, fourth or X quantity of other possibilities.


3/18/2018 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers that can't teach and cops that are fetal want to be paid more to live in city. I say end residency and cut their pay by 30%. City saves money and they quit their bitching and they can go about their jobs in the same half assed manner. While your at it connect the residency to a cut in pension programs. Again a win for city and those few taxpayers left when teachers and government workers leave.

3/18/2018 05:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teachers that can't teach and cops that are fetal want to be paid more to live in city. I say end residency and cut their pay by 30%. City saves money and they quit their bitching and they can go about their jobs in the same half assed manner. While your at it connect the residency to a cut in pension programs. Again a win for city and those few taxpayers left when teachers and government workers leave.

3/18/2018 05:19:00 AM

Boy, this thread ain't never gonna come to that full stop, to which all threads are destined, if such talented baiters are permitted to be so blantant about it.

How about....I take a fixing the better reflect....reality as it is:

Politicians who can't do ANYTHING but con, scam, scheme, pander, manipulate, connive, skim, extort, incite and recklessly bullshit, and community "leaders" who, were they to remain fetal, would contribute far more good to their exploited by them communities, want to be paid more and more and more and more, since more, to them, ain't never enough. I say end their thieveries, conniveries, and sundry absurdities and cut their payola by 100%. The Citizens retain THEIR money, and can go about their lives in the sane manner the rest of those who MAGA do. While your formerly big shot shot callers are begging for any reduction at their sentencing hearings, the formerly connected fucks pension forfeitures will restore solvency to those who earned their pensions, while being compelled to the shit show experiences of having to reside within the boundaries of Shit City. Again, a win for the honest citizens and those many taxpayers, who would have left were they not required to remain.

Buddy, (I address you in this manner as a nod to your chosen profession, being the buddy of someone's butt...), you have successfully extended this thread's life span one more comment.

(Presuming, of course, that anyone but me and someone with the power of delete, permits it's posting......)

3/18/2018 01:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

..."For the children" is the feckless, fraudulent mantra, with all the many fraudulent, fabricated "injustices" used to induce anger, thus the resultant reduction to null of any, even meager, thinking within the minds of those targeted for said inducement.

You are either being played, royally, or are trying to be one of the players.

Ya don't like that binary choice?

Make a case for a third, fourth or X quantity of other possibilities.


3/18/2018 01:57:00 AM

Rodin's famous sculpture "The Thinker"
revised and rendered as sitting on a toilet...

This IS Chicago after all...

What else could you rightfully expect?

3/18/2018 05:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They were angry because in order to participate in the walk out they were required to leave their guns at home.

3/18/2018 11:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hilarious, spoke with an old classmate assigned to the 2nd district. It's been confirmed the Commander chewed out the Lieutenant and a Sergeant for arresting that Reckless Juvenile on the Drive. Commander then ordered that the CPS Student be Released without Charging. WTF...When will this dream be over.

3/19/2018 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3/18/2018 01:57:00 AM

Have you pondered how tax money contributes to the Hizzoner/Obamanation that has created this fraudulent government system of the Windy City. If you live in this City, County you are part of this fraudulent fiasco.

It's all about money! This city knows how to use any fiasco to get money. Contracts for safe passage, downtown security, even the crime stats are opportunity for committees and reverends to make a buck.

What's your trick? Ponder that!

3/20/2018 05:45:00 PM  

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