Thursday, June 27, 2024

Paramedic Shortages Worsening

Our readers have been warning about this for a while:

  • The Chicago Fire Department celebrated new paramedics at a graduation last week, but some officials inside the department say it's not enough.

    Matt Clohessy is a Paramedic in Charge for Ambulance 10 on Chicago's West Side. He said he and other PICs are often asked to work on their days off.

    "We need more ambulances. We need more help out there," Clohessy said. "Although we have great jobs, we are super lucky to work here... some days in the summer I'll have 37-39 runs under my belt by the time it's time to go home."

Whatever they're paying the guys and gals on Ambulance 10, they ought to double it.

The article says the paramedics have gone three years without a contract and a comment here a few days ago said that numerous paramedics are dropping paper to be reassigned to regular firefighter duties because the burnout rate is so high on the ambulances.

There will be informational picketing at NASCAR, but the shortages are real. Ambulances are unavailable to transport people in need on a daily basis. If you have an elderly relative, you might want to make sure there's an alternate to a CFD response available. In fact, you might want to make plans for yourself in the event of an emergency....some sort of neighborhood watch for medical issues.



Anonymous Frank Furillo said...

I totally believe them when they say they do 37-39 runs a night. I wonder how many are ODs.

Reminds me of that old Nicholas Cage movie Bringing Out the Dead where this hard boiled nurse is chewing out some punk who ODd and telling him to inject poison into himself in another city next time.

6/27/2024 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will they be hiring the incompetent DEI EMTs?

6/27/2024 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superior ambulance actually isn’t that bad … they were great when my family has used them before , lot of copper and firemen kids working for them , they take the same EMT test as any paramedic does . They’re waiting to get age and or college for fire departments .

6/27/2024 01:50:00 AM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

“Whatever they're paying the guys and gals on Ambulance 10, they ought to double it.”

Agreed. And make it retroactive to when that Ambo was affectionately known as “Killer 10”.

Besides the meals there, the other thing I’ll never forget is Leo dry humping his Britney Spears body pillow. That and him almost burning that firehouse down when he left the stove on to go on a run with 95 & 26.

You kids in 011 today have no clue…

6/27/2024 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Their mostly slobs who drive way too slow I highly doubt they will last more then 20-30 minutes tops actually walking.

6/27/2024 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ‘community’ can not pass a state-sanctioned Paramedic exam to get a license. How is the city supposed to meet their DEI quotas if people don’t have the initiative to qualify for this test. People start getting riled up about the ‘conspiracy’ not to hire them because they didn’t pass Paramedic school.

6/27/2024 05:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Royal Flush said...

What people don't realize is that the Secret Service and DHS walked out of that DNC meeting 3 weeks ago not only because the CPD is so unprepared and shorthanded...but the CFD as well. They said we needed 300 more CFD personnel to handle the workload in August. (I'm assuming that number includes paramedics as well as firefighters.) I'm also assuming the city then needs at least 6 more ALS ambulances (at over $1.2 million apiece fully loaded). And we will need a new city refueling site (for those diesel engines) centrally located somewhere near downtown (South Loop maybe). Won't happen of course. Welcome to Third-World emergency operations. {snicker}

6/27/2024 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paramedics help keep people alive.
CTU members help kids become stupid.
Which group deserves more suppot?

6/27/2024 05:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What with all the drug addicts and gangbangers, who has time to help taxpayers and their families?

6/27/2024 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can tell you right now CFD isn't the end all be all. I worked for CPD previously. If you are working in a busy ghetto company this job just isn't worth it. Doing 20 runs in a 24 hour shift.

6/27/2024 05:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jewish people in 017 have banded together and have their own security and ambulance.
I loooovvveee it.
Good for them.
It’s a responsible thing to do, and the neighborhood is an island of safety.

Flip’s a little cultish.

6/27/2024 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don’t need more fireman we need more paramedics, many firemen that were Cross trained as paramedics have given up the paramedic designation because the fire contract allows that and they do not fill in on the ambulances. Do you want to talk about people that should be making the money it is definitely the paramedics they are without a doubt the hardest working people I know coppers will say how hard they work, but we all know how hard we really work, because it’s not constant unlike the paramedics who are carrying many of these fat asses down flights of stairs for a sore finger for bullshit because they’re too lazy to go to the hospital or doctor themselves! Added all of the illegal criminals to get top-notch service and you see what a disaster this is! What’s gonna happen when this city goes up in August for the paramedics they will be hard to get because we all know something big is coming when the FBI Director himself says he sees red light and whistles in bells flashing everywhere. He knows something is gonna happen just protect yourself, protect each other, protect your family, protect the homeland where you live that the Democrats worry about everything else.

6/27/2024 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If they start bleeding out there'll be less of them out on the street. What they need to do is quit responding to certain zip codes.

6/27/2024 06:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll say it once and say it again; if your elderly family member or someone dear to you is having a life threatening medical emergency it’s very likely that the closest ALS company is downgraded to Basic Life Support and the 3 nearest ambulances are not anywhere near their respective firehouses. They’re all pulled to the usual areas dealing with the usual suspects sorting out their dysfunctions.

6/27/2024 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s the point in adding more ambulances when there isn’t any man power to work on them? Nobody wants to work for CFD anymore no new fresh out of paramedic school potential hire wants to deal with the abuse. Would you want to work for 24 straight hours without a break living on emergency room grahm crackers and apple juice never seeing the inside of your firehouse the entire shift?

6/27/2024 07:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God Bless CFD ambo people. I had a incident and they were great - from the dispatcher to the firemen to the paramedics. Would have died if there was a delay in the chain. Period.

6/27/2024 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't recommend the Fire Department to anyone. If you are telling family to take the job , you need to have your head examined 

6/27/2024 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How nice. The mayor set up a reparations task force, tons of money for the illegals. Imagine if there was a terrorist attack in this city with only having a few ambulances for the entire city. This city is FUCKED. Thank a democratic voter.

6/27/2024 07:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do we need EMT’s for anymore? We have LEMART trained officers that rush in and put tourniquets and chest seals on these gangsters that are terrorizing our neighborhoods, thereby giving them further opportunities to live that thug lifestyle.

6/27/2024 08:02:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

Soon to be a new source of lawsuits against the city are the DEI medical programs that are producing new paramedics. Once these guys and gals make it into the Chicago Fire Department and start screwing things up, expect the lawsuits to flow. These lawsuits are going to be a lot more numerous than the those against police because of all the calls the paramedics get that involve life and death...and just like police calls most of these calls will be on the South and West sides.

6/27/2024 08:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 fold issue….

1. Nobody is going to paramedic school anymore. It’s expensive and most private ambulances where EMT Basics work don’t do the tuition reimbursement program anymore as a way of cost cutting. I think it was in 2022 that IDPH issued less than 300 licenses state wide when the average number used to be around 1000 a year.

2. Second in command at CFD made a Nobody Left Behind policy where everyone gets an ambulance no matter what every caller is entitled to an ambulance if they request one no questions asked no matter how trivial. Bad dream, sore toe, hurt finger it doesn’t matter an ambulance has to be sent. Even if a limousine liberal calls for a guy walking south with a limp down Michigan Ave an ambulance has to be sent to look for such person and “see” if they need medical attention. Call takers are unable now to triage callers and make a sound decision if they’re having a life threatening emergency granting or denying ambulance service.

3. Those who do make it out of paramedic school aren’t applying for Chicago anymore that novelty fell to the wayside. EMS is a small community and aspiring paramedics know what’s happening. It’s more dangerous, you work non stop without rest and the burbs pay well also.

The city can issue 5-10 more ambulances all they want who is going to work in them? They can’t even staff what they have now without constant company downgrading, furlows, medical abusers and all of the above.

6/27/2024 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Royal Flush said...
What people don't realize is that the Secret Service and DHS walked out of that DNC meeting 3 weeks ago not only because the CPD is so unprepared and shorthanded...but the CFD as well. They said we needed 300 more CFD personnel to handle the workload in August. (I'm assuming that number includes paramedics as well as firefighters.) I'm also assuming the city then needs at least 6 more ALS ambulances (at over $1.2 million apiece fully loaded). And we will need a new city refueling site (for those diesel engines) centrally located somewhere near downtown (South Loop maybe). Won't happen of course. Welcome to Third-World emergency operations. {snicker}

6/27/2024 05:37:00 AM
Don’t forget the corners office where the feds were asking how many mass casualties can they handle how many body bags do they have on hand? How many more facilities can they use for a mass casualty situation? They know something big is going to happen. Just do your best stay away, follow general orders, which are easy to follow.

6/27/2024 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all the everyday ’falling out’ on the south and west sides is it any wonder there’s no bambulances for tax payers.

6/27/2024 08:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attended a north-side lakefront white lady (AWFL) dinner. Discussion turned to politics, with ladies proudly espousing usual AWFL talking-points: "poor people need stuff", "orange man bad", "Chicago crime is overstated", and so forth. Me, I've left Chicago. I remarked Chicago's street-crime is undeniably out-of-control, Mayor Johnson has a 150-officer personal protection army, and only half of urgent 911 calls get timely response. Worse, also noted there's only two operating CFD aerial firetrucks, paramedic-staffed CFD ambulances aren't readily available for emergency response, and many CFD ALS ambulances have been downgraded to BLS due to understaffing, so don't have a medical or high-rise fire emergency. The ladies rolled their eyes, told me I was misinformed.

Educated Chicago AWFLs (affluent white female liberals) are in deep denial about issues that directly affect their personal safety and quality of life.

6/27/2024 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What’s the point in adding more ambulances when there isn’t any man power to work on them? Nobody wants to work for CFD anymore no new fresh out of paramedic school potential hire wants to deal with the abuse. Would you want to work for 24 straight hours without a break living on emergency room grahm crackers and apple juice never seeing the inside of your firehouse the entire shift?

6/27/2024 07:12:00 AM


6/27/2024 09:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clohessy is a damn fine paramedic one of the best around. He’s called with endearment… The Terminator because he’s a machine some question if he’s even human. He’s right the city desperately needs minimum 5 more ambulances but 10 would be better. Where would they be housed and who is going to man them? That’s the question. Unless the city revamps the 911 system but that would mean certain parts of the city won’t be coddled as much and may have to take a little responsibility for themselves. Good luck with that.

6/27/2024 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hire more paramedics, put them on 8 hour days.
This way they will be alert,not exhausted when responding to medical emergencies.
Same with fire fighters, 12 hour shifts.

6/27/2024 09:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the ghetto dwellers didn't call an amberlamps for every tummy ache and fake chest pain, we'd be a lot closer to having enough ambulances and paramedics for actual emergencies. What we actually need is an overhaul to the dispatch process. An ambulance should only be sent to actual emergencies. They're not the pregnancy bus. They're not your ride to the hospital because "muh leg hurt." If people knew how misused and abused by the communerty this city's ambulances are, they'd never believe it.

6/27/2024 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ll trade you. Seriously. There is no comparison between being a despised, disrespected, under-valued, overly scrutinized cop or a FF/ paramedic in Chicago. A CFD work schedule alone would be worth the trade. 3 furlo’s a year. Real stipends paid for certain certifications. Shift trades. Local 2 is a real union, staffed by non-psychopathic, capable guys who actually want to do right by their members.
You have to keep in mind that CFD isn’t like CPD. Firefighters and paramedics ENJOY the ghettos. Their seniority is the exact opposite of CPD. It’s an ego thing. You have to have time on to bid to the west and south side houses. You have to have NO time on to bid to houses in 016, 017, 019, 020, west end of 008, west end of 022. They can bid to a nice, quiet house at anytime. The medics love the drama. This “crisis” is all part of the facade. It’s all part of the drama. So when you’re ready, I’ll trade ya. There’s plenty of over blown, ghetto trash drama on the CPD. You’re gonna love it!

6/27/2024 09:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city needs to completely void Meatloaf’s Nobody Left Behind Policy and let the OEMC priotitize jobs and even leave some
In pending the way CPD does. If a 18/f needs an ambulance for the common cold then it could get a low priority number or color and it could sit and wait for up to an hour until higher priority jobs are handled cleared and finished with. Most of the dispatchers are paramedics themselves they are perfectly qualified to decide if the 20/m who needs a std check can wait so they can get an available ambulance over to the 93/F who fell down her front stairs.

6/27/2024 10:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Conehead is quick to fund more free shit for gang bangers and lowlifes. Not so much for the real citizens. Who wants to drag some 350 pound citizen down 3 flights of stairs because they got a boo boo.

6/27/2024 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a young man the Fire Dept had 9 Cadillac ambo’s.and a half a million more citizens.The Fire Dept only handled Fire related or street victims.If grandma had a heart attack you dragged her out to the street or duked the firemen to go inside and get her.Otherwise you waited for the paddy wagon and that stretcher they carried.Now we have 70 emergency rooms on wheels.Hospitals have trained medicare card carriers what to say to get a ambo.My favorite run was at 10:05 when the tv shows are over and you get there and find the pt. with a packed suitcase and a preference about which hospital you take them too.Then they treat them like kings so they return often.Theres a solution but it lacks backbone and will.

6/27/2024 10:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cross train police officers as paramedics. Other towns do it.

6/27/2024 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey let's play HIDE the Illegals the dnc is coming the dnc is coming

Two state-funded shelters in Chicago are rolling out in Kenwood and near Midway airport, officials with the Illinois Department of Human Services announced Tuesday. State officials did not share addresses of the shelters “due to public safety and privacy considerations,” they said.

Cuz the last thing we need is transparency and for communities knowing about an invasion

6/27/2024 10:55:00 AM  
Blogger SpankDaddy said...

I feel for them. Can they make equivalent money in the private sector?

6/27/2024 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother was a paramedic when the firefighters went on strike February of 1980. He was on the list for firefighter and they called him to scab but he turned them down. They finally settled the strike when the paramedics honored the CFD picket lines because they had no one qualified to replace the paramedics. A few months later my brother got called for firefighter and was treated like a king the rest of his career (34 years). I think it was right after the strike that CFD started medical training for firefighters.

6/27/2024 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There not working on public safety nope this lie nonsense:
Most new gas, diesel vehicle sales would be banned in Illinois by 2035 under proposal

*unlesstgese useless pos ban gasoline will always have a ice internal combustion engine praying for President Trumps reversal of all this ruination on Americans from democrats!

6/27/2024 01:38:00 PM  
Blogger Transmaster said...

One thing I suggested at the VA hospital I worked at and the took my suggestion and ran with it. They always had trouble when key clinicians went on vacation. The had no backup for them. I suggested they go to the Military reserves. and the National Guard to find these specialized clinicians. Reserve and National Guard personal have to do annual training. When the they were approached with this idea they thought it was fantastic. They always had trouble placing these reservist where they could actually get meaningful training. Sadly I cannot image a Navy Corpsman, or a AF PJ coming to a place like Chicago. Army Battlefield surgeons used to do month long duty in big city hospitals ER's It was the only place they could go to keep their chops up for bullet wounds. Sadly they get enough practise with military personal now.

6/27/2024 02:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPD needs bodies too, any kind...Yolanda T would agree.

6/27/2024 02:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got the call for CFD. Thank God I was already in Basic Training.

6/27/2024 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Years ago I did a ride along on Ambulance 10 the paramedics were wearing bullet proof vests.

6/27/2024 03:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I worked at 018 I would often see the medics cleaning the bloody ambulances.

6/27/2024 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call “Emergency 51! Gage and DeSoto will respond.

6/27/2024 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get shot go to er collect $3,500 for passing GO. as if taxpayers are not alreay on the hook paying ...racist mayor not about inclusion

CHICAGO — Benicio “Benny” Gomez’s family doesn’t qualify for financial support from Chicago’s crime victim support fund because he was murdered “too far up north,” one of the slain 16-year-old’s friends told CWBChicago over the weekend.

The friend, sadly, is correct. A city support fund, recently expanded by Mayor Brandon Johnson, offers compensation to young shooting victims, but only if they live or get shot in 15 neighborhoods deemed “priority community areas.” Shooting victims aged 24 and under in those areas can receive up to $2,000 each time they are shot. Survivors of murder victims in the zones can receive up to $3,500.

The 15 priority areas are Auburn Gresham, Austin, Chicago Lawn, East Garfield Park, Englewood, Greater Grand Crossing, Humboldt Park, New City, North Lawndale, Roseland, South Lawndale, South Shore, West Englewood, West Garfield Park, and West Pullman

6/27/2024 06:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Brandon Johnson's Repair-ations rewards program.

Lucky winners receive $2,000 EACH TIME THEY ARE SHOT and sent to the ER for repairs! (SELFIES INCLUDED?)

77 Shot a weekend or so ago == $154,000

The 9 Shot dead == $13,500 bonus

$167,500 in prizes already for just one weekend

Turn off the Shot spotters in the "priority community areas" and let's get this taxpayer funded wealth transfer scan really rolling!

1403 ytd Shot already == $2.8 mil.with over another half million in bonuses for being Shot dead

6/27/2024 07:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember those bumper stickers on the CTA busses that read:
"This Bus Saves 50 Cars?"

I remember one enterprising ambulance crew that had a sign in their rig that read:
"This Ambulance Saves 50 Busses"

Glad to hear nothing has changed in the city

6/27/2024 08:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
With all the everyday ’falling out’ on the south and west sides is it any wonder there’s no bambulances for tax payers.

6/27/2024 08:50:00 AM

“I caint walk, man…. I caint make it, I ain’t gonna make it… my legs, man… I caint walk….”

Tonight a call taker booked a run for “caller has rash on hand”.

Fire dispatcher on the air begging someone to come out of the hospital to cover it.

6/27/2024 11:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFD dispatchers calling for ambos to come out of hospitals is a joke. Gotta make sure the 19/f gets an ambulance because she needs a pregnancy test and doesn’t have a ride to the ER where they are free.

Minus certain zip codes in the city there would be way more than enough ambulances. Medics would be doing maybe 4-5 runs a day total. Strange, right? I’d suggest it is one demographic that’s exhausting all the free resource but I’d be RAESIST for noticing. So.

6/27/2024 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I’ll trade you. Seriously. There is no comparison between being a despised, disrespected, under-valued, overly scrutinized cop or a FF/ paramedic in Chicago. A CFD work schedule alone would be worth the trade. 3 furlo’s a year. Real stipends paid for certain certifications. Shift trades. Local 2 is a real union, staffed by non-psychopathic, capable guys who actually want to do right by their members.
You have to keep in mind that CFD isn’t like CPD. Firefighters and paramedics ENJOY the ghettos. Their seniority is the exact opposite of CPD. It’s an ego thing. You have to have time on to bid to the west and south side houses. You have to have NO time on to bid to houses in 016, 017, 019, 020, west end of 008, west end of 022. They can bid to a nice, quiet house at anytime. The medics love the drama. This “crisis” is all part of the facade. It’s all part of the drama. So when you’re ready, I’ll trade ya. There’s plenty of over blown, ghetto trash drama on the CPD. You’re gonna love it!

6/27/2024 09:47:00 AM

You are grossly misinformed, and also talking soley about firefighters. They are 2 different jobs and schedules entirely. Firefighters with seniority absolutely do go for busier rigs, they want more fires. Maybe 1% of medics with enough time to NOT be on a top-15-run-volume rig are there by choice. People with time are generally Commanders, who are waiting for a better spot to open. Paramedics work every 4th day, and because of manpower, are currently working 24 hour shifts every other day. 120 hours in a 9 day period. 3-7 runs after midnight. Nobody is sleeping, and nobody is choosing this. Add to that the amount of runs that coppers call the ambo to deal with their mess for them.The firemen might leave the house once or twice a day at nice spots. There are virtually no spots like that for paramedics right now, and if you live in one of the “city worker” neighborhoods, go ask them how often they’ve been in their own district lately.A17 has been spending a lot of time in Roseland.A2 has been on the West Side, as has A12. As a taxpayer, you should want more ambulances and staff, too. Or else have a contingency plan for when your closest is 20 minutes away, tending to a stubbed toe.

6/28/2024 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

shut down the shot spotters in the ghetto
put them in asian and caucasian neighborhoods

6/28/2024 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

city of chicago should privatize ambulance service

6/28/2024 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Worked on both sides, no busy district could ever compete with a busy ambo. Not to knock coppers but ambos can’t take their time on jobs and ride them out. Once they’re out of the house they can literally be sent wherever they’re needed. The medics definitely need to be paid more.

6/28/2024 01:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I put myself through college working at capitol ambulance which is now an empty lot at 76 & Halsted. Worked with several guys and girls that hit nirvana and were hired by CFD. We rolled every hour because we got paid commission on every run. Maybe they should do that for the busy ambos now
Be Safe Blue and Red

6/28/2024 11:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Worked on both sides, no busy district could ever compete with a busy ambo. Not to knock coppers but ambos can’t take their time on jobs and ride them out. Once they’re out of the house they can literally be sent wherever they’re needed. The medics definitely need to be paid more.

6/28/2024 01:45:00 PM

Agree. The hardest most back breaking physically demanding job in the city that also takes brains and a comprehensive education is the paramedic job. Wake up at 4:30am. At the Firehouse at 6am. By 6:05 you have a run and you come back 24.5hrs later. No breakfast no lunch no dinner at the firehouse no relaxing no leisure time. Technically they have 30 minutes once they get to the hospital but by the 31 minute mark it’s fair game for dispatchers to call them out for another run. They work sore, tired, hungry, with full bladders, dehydrated and stressed. After their tour they go home sometimes having to handle child and pet care at this point they’ve been awake for 27hrs. Add laundry, groceries and basic household and personal needs. All this while mandated to be back the next day. The city and CFD brass can care less. Their second in command (Meatloaf) has been on the job for 42 years and hasn’t been inside of an ambulance since the mid 90’s. She’s the one who demands that they work under these conditions. To them it’s all about coddling and cradling the commernety God forbid someone cries raycism if they can’t get an ambulance for a free ride. I won’t ever accept it’s about avoiding litigation. Those who know KNOW.

6/28/2024 11:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job ain't what it used to be. The amount of people wanting to go to a busy firehouse is dwindling every day. Why put yourself through this? A busy ALS Truck or Engine is equally as horrible as the Ambulance. Run totals are astronomical. 2O runs of nonsense. Fires are few and far between now. There is no controlling your day on CFD on a busy ALS company.  There is nowhere to hide in ghetto. Go to the suburbs

6/29/2024 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CFD paramedics are overworked. Put them on 12 hour shifts like University Of Chicago Police Officers. It’s not healthy to work 24 hours straight ,grabbing a nap 💤 here and there. It’s also not fair to citizens of Chicago to have an exhausted paramedic respond to an emergency medical call.
It might also help to privatize many of the calls.

6/29/2024 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget privatizing ambulance calls. Privatization would go to the politically connected at 3 to 4 times the cost.

Look at the privatization costs for picking up dead bodies. Ridiculous. Maybe C. Goudie could do a story on those costs to the taxpayers.

6/29/2024 04:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Privatization for half their calls would be beneficial. They don’t have the manpower for 12hr shifts. But… if they could get 1/4 of their calls eliminated morale would increase, the ability to nap a couple hours would help and it would be cost effective considering the wear/tear of the ambulances the fuel the medics going on the medical etc.

Psych runs - 99% of the mentals who call just want a ride to the ER for coddle & cuddle time. Very few if any actually harm themselves.

Drunks. Being drunk isn’t a medical emergency. I’m drunk right now I don’t need an ER. I need a Gatorade that’s all.

Assist The Civilian. There are hundreds of usuals who call CFD for help getting out of the home and into a private med car for a doctors appointment. They call 3-5x a week. To and From. Engines or Trucks don’t need to be tied up on them. Often civilians assists are just people who want help bringing in groceries or just want help going to the bathroom. Sometimes they want the tv turned up or someone to make them something to eat or a glass of water. CFD doesn’t need to do that they aren’t care givers or maids. What’s amazing about assisting Grandma up from the floor from an assist the civilian is often grown adult male family members are sitting there on the couch. Middle of the day. “Hey you can’t help up your grandmother?” They say… “dat ain’ts my job dats yo job…” Shocking.

Those jobs should be outsourced.

6/30/2024 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Worked on both sides, no busy district could ever compete with a busy ambo. Not to knock coppers but ambos can’t take their time on jobs and ride them out. Once they’re out of the house they can literally be sent wherever they’re needed. The medics definitely need to be paid more.
I disagree,you ever watch Chicago Fire 🔥 they have plenty of time to investigate crimes,do follow up on medical emergencies,firehouse romances,time to work out and get a good nights sleep

6/30/2024 11:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former 025 Gallows Alum Joe Curtin era.Left C.P.D. late 90s for C.F.D. Watched the D3partment get worse every year. More and more interaction with the ungrateful urban dweller. Glad to be gone. They need to think about updating the Department Slogan from "we are there when you need us" to "I got mine where's yours". If you know, you know

6/30/2024 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree,you ever watch Chicago Fire 🔥 they have plenty of time to investigate crimes,do follow up on medical emergencies,firehouse romances,time to work out and get a good nights sleep

6/30/2024 11:03:00 AM

Are you really comparing a TV show to real life? Note here Oppenheimer, CFD does not investigate crimes or follow up on emergencies. TV is fake.

7/01/2024 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree,you ever watch Chicago Fire 🔥 they have plenty of time to investigate crimes,do follow up on medical emergencies,firehouse romances,time to work out and get a good nights sleep

6/30/2024 11:03:00 AM

Are you really comparing a TV show to real life? Note here Oppenheimer, CFD does not investigate crimes or follow up on emergencies. TV is fake.

7/01/2024 03:07:00 AM

No, it's not. That one, not honest enough to provide any space between the comment it quoted, and it's own diagreement comment, may have merely been lax on crafting a sarcastic devil's advocate style attempt at humor.

Though, your retort to it's retort to original comment was a bit funny.

7/01/2024 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6/30/2024 11:03:00 AM

Are you really comparing a TV show to real life? Note here Oppenheimer, CFD does not investigate crimes or follow up on emergencies. TV is fake.

7/01/2024 03:07:00 AM

He’s being sarcastic, dummy. It’s been said the lower the IQ the less likely you are to pick up sarcasm.

7/01/2024 02:53:00 PM  

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