Monday, September 30, 2024

What's the Point?

There's almost nothing that the Cook County courts will hold anyone for:

  • A Cook County judge rejected a prosecution request to keep a man in jail as a public safety risk for allegedly shooting at an occupied car while Chicago police officers looked on. Judge William Fahy denied the state’s detention petition for Malik Williams, 23, deciding instead to send Williams home with a nighttime curfew.

    Chicago cops were on patrol when they saw Williams open fire on the car with a black rifle near 5800 South Aberdeen around 9 p.m. on September 14, according to the allegations. The officers immediately turned on their emergency equipment to pull Williams over.

    Williams bolted from his Infiniti Q50 with the rifle in his hand, according to a CPD report and the state’s detention petition. Both documents said he ignored the officers’ commands and threw the gun as he continued running. Officers arrested him nearby after he fell, and they also recovered the Stribog SP9A1 Grand Power firearm that he had ditched, according to the police report.

Someone turned up shot later, the gun was stolen, and he's home with a "curfew."

We'd tell the voters to wake up, but it ain't happening. Move out if you can.

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