Friday, September 27, 2024

Love Letter to Larry

Are they grooming him to run for mayor?

  • Many of Chicago’s top leaders are facing strong headwinds.

    Mayor Brandon Johnson has suffered embarrassing defeats, and he’s now trying to force out his public schools chief.

    The heads of the city’s transit and housing agencies have both faced calls to resign. And the police oversight boss is at the center of lawsuits alleging bias and whistleblower retaliation.

    Larry Snelling, meanwhile, has established himself as a steady hand over his first year as the city’s top cop, leading a historically scandal-plagued department out of a tumultuous stretch. During the Democratic National Convention — Snelling’s first big test — he emerged as the calm face of the city.

The article is extensive, covering wins, loses and somewhat even handed with criticisms, even pointing out Conehead's pathetic attempt to hitch his political wagon to the Convention success - after the fact and after all the politicians had left town. 

Go read it all, remembering that Larritorious was one of the more enthusiastic exempts stripping Officers who dared to exercise bodily autonomy. Anyone willing to deprive you of your personal Freedom can never be fully trusted in our opinion.

As to the future?

  • Asked if he has any ambitions beyond policing, Snelling smiled and said, “My aspiration is to find some rest and go fishing.” “If you’re talking about politics,” he added, “absolutely not.”

Yeah, we've heard that one before.



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