Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Who's Running the Show?

We're pretty sure that the government is supposed to run things on behalf of the people - "consent of the governed" and all that. So how is CPS dictating how the schools are run as money pits?

(yes, we're aware that the CTU runs large portions of the government and Conehead is the union's bitch)

  • In an extraordinary set of comments Tuesday that brought the leadership tussle at the top of the school system further into public view, Chicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez said he would not resign at Mayor Brandon Johnson’s direction.

    He argued his departure would leave a “leadership vacuum and instability” in his wake and decried “outright lies” about his administration.

    Martinez also proposed a self-imposed school closings moratorium until 2027 as a way to fend off what he called a “misinformation campaign” from the Chicago Teachers Union about plans to close schools, a union effort aimed at heightening scrutiny around Martinez’s job status.

    And he received a letter of support from a group of leaders that include two former CPS CEOs and a couple dozen city and state elected officials.

There are (at minimum) one hundred schools being under-utilized every single day. And each of these schools are wasting million of dollars on an annual basis in facility and staffing costs. Here are a few:

Sixty-four students in a school built to house almost thirteen-hundred? That should be first on the list, and we don't really care what gang borders are being accommodated. 

Taxpayers deserve to have their money spend appropriately and properly. Yes, that's a tall order in corrupt Chicago, but accountability has to start somewhere, so why not at the biggest money drain on the budget.



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