Sunday, September 22, 2024

More Info, Better Story

We had noted a story from a few days ago was poorly written - cringe-worthy in fact - and actually made us long for the days of Pat Camdem's capable narrations.

Now it's making more sense thanks to CWB's actual reporting:

  • Prosecutors say a man repeatedly pointed a gun at Chicago police officers while trying to run away from the cops—just six days after being given “first-time weapon offense probation” in another gun case.

    The first-time probation program, which allows cases to be expunged upon successful completion, used to be available only to adults under 21 who met the criteria. But Illinois legislators changed the law this year, making it available to all adults who meet the requirements.

    Rakim Kendall, 31, received the first-time weapon offense probation sentence from Judge Tiana Blakely on September 10 after he pleaded guilty to having a gun in a car in suburban Lansing last year. Just six days later, around 10:50 p.m., Chicago police officers tried to stop Kendall because he matched the description of a masked man who had a gun outside some businesses in the 7100 block of South Jeffery, a CPD report said.

    Kendall ran from the cops and promptly got struck by an SUV, which knocked him to the ground, according to the report. It said he got back up, pointed a gun toward the officers, and continued running with the gun in his hand.

    Prosecutors told Judge Susana Ortiz that he pointed the gun at the cops several times with his finger on the trigger, according to a detention order. The officers repeatedly told him to drop the gun, but he refused, leading the officers to shoot at him. They missed.

That is a far better narrative, demonstrating the Officers' credible restraint in the face of numerous attempts to threaten their lives.



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