Sunday, September 22, 2024

Why Did the Chicken.....

The chicken is a narc?

  • This cop is working around the cluck.

    A San Francisco cop ditched his peaked cap and badge in favor of a rainbow-hued, inflatable chicken costume for his traffic safety patrol at a busy intersection.

    Lt. Jonathan Ozol donned the flamboyant suit — made to look like he was riding the giant bird’s back — Monday to demonstrate just how many drivers failed to yield to pedestrians, even those as obvious and bright as the officer.

The pictures are something to behold - he dresses as dude riding a chicken, wanders into a crosswalk, then has assist unit pull over motorists who fail to yield to the tune of $400 per conviction.

We're all for traffic enforcement, but this is a bit much. And a lieutenant is the one dressing up? 

We'd propose that every single "merit" pick has to don the chicken suit, play in traffic for a week, and make every court appearance in costume so the judge can see what's going on before they get promoted. At least they could say they went to Traffic Court once or twice.

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