Friday, September 20, 2024

WEP Gains 218th Sponsor

Late yesterday afternoon, the 218th sponsor signed on to the Windfall Elimination Provision Bill, meaning it can head to the House floor for a vote:

  • House lawmakers in Washington have the signatures they need to force a vote on a bill to eliminate rules that reduce Social Security benefits for certain retirees who also receive pension income.

    On Thursday morning, Reps. Abigail Spanberger, D-Va., and Garret Graves, R-La., marked the 206 signatures a discharge petition had thus far collected with a press conference outside the Capitol building alongside organizations representing police, firefighters, postal workers, teachers and other government employees often affected by those rules.

    By Thursday afternoon, the number of signatures had climbed to 218, enough to force a vote on the bill.

There seems to be enough support in both houses of Congress to move this through, and the drooling vegetable has said (or was told) that he'll be signing it.

The biggest hurdle now is the election and Congress leaving before anything gets passed. We'll see.



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