Monday, September 23, 2024

Delinquent What Now?

We just assume they're all following Conehead's lead in not paying bills:

  • Workers for the city of Chicago and its sister agencies owe more than $18 million in unpaid parking tickets, utility bills and other fees as Mayor Brandon Johnson has a nearly $1 billion budget gap looming next year.

    Among the deadbeat city workers are a tree-trimmer with about $13,000 in old parking tickets; a building inspector for the public health department with more than $20,000 in administrative hearing fees; and a police detective with more than $23,000 in outstanding water bills.

    Most of the scofflaws on public payrolls don’t work directly for City Hall. About $16.5 million of the worker debt is owed by employees of sister agencies like the Chicago Transit Authority, where roughly one in four workers is carrying an outstanding debt — by far the highest rate of any of the agencies.

And as always, the CPD has a prominent place in the Slum Times story:

  • The police department employs the most city workers and has accrued the most city worker debt. Police employees were behind on more than $655,000 in payments, including $328,000 in delinquent water bills and $250,000 in parking tickets. More than 650 officers, detectives and other workers were late to pay — about 6% of the department.

    An officer making a $110,178 yearly salary was behind on $27,159 in administrative hearing debt. Another, making $106,482, owed more than $7,000 in unpaid parking tickets. There’s also a detective with $23,054 in unpaid water bills, $1,210 in parking tickets and $1,746 in administrative hearing costs.

CPD also seems to be the only agency that suspends and garnishes wages to pay outstanding debts owed to the City. At least the only one we ever heard about.



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