Monday, September 23, 2024

Read These

A couple of posts everyone might want to read.

First up, The Contrarian shines a small light on some of the potential voter fraud that the Chicago Machine is infamous for, still going on to this very day:

  • According to the Chicago Board of Elections’ database, as of early August there were 2,115,542 registered voters in Chicago. Of those, 1,570,753 were in active status.

    Two addresses share the title of having the greatest number of active voters. The first is 2700 S. California; that’s right, Cook County Jail. The second is in the 3700 block of South Indiana. Each has 1,019 registered active voters.

    All told, there are 18 properties in Chicago with 100 or more active voters. Seventy-four properties have 50 or more active voters and 757 addresses have 10 or more individuals “living” there representing 19,823 active voters.

    How can this be?

If you want the answer, check out the Contrarian link up top. They get into the nitty-gritty of it all in their usual thorough manner. They don't say it outright, but you can bet tens-of-thousands of votes are generated each and every election here.

Second, check out the latest John Kass article, amplifying the warnings we were giving almost two decades ago:

  • No wonder that Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson continues to suffer those crippling panic attacks of his.

    Chicago is falling apart. He’s completely out of his depth. He was unequipped for the job and his campaign was all about slogans, Marxist rhetoric from his allies in the Chicago Teachers Union, and race. Now those who can are in a rush to leave. He’s falling apart. His administration is falling apart. And the city is falling apart rapidly.

    Forget the fake news “joy” of the Democratic National Convention that oozed out to promote Kamala Harris.  She won’t help the city. And forget the corporate media cheerleaders who’ve tried to paper-over the city’s infected wounds to promote Democrat power. I spent 40 years covering the city’s politics.

    Throughout all those years, the joke in Chicago was that any time things looked bad, at least we weren’t Detroit. But now that’s an insult to Detroit which is on the ascent. And the people of both cities know it. The city’s self-inflicted wounds are septic now.

Again, go read it all. Detroit still has along way to go to return, but Chicago hasn't even hit rock bottom yet. By the time we get there, Detroit just might be a vacation destination of some sort.



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