Monday, October 28, 2024

What Have You Done Citizen?

When we give advice like this:

  • Don't get middled - let them torch downtown. Let Conehead have his nervous breakdowns. Let Fata$$ refuse to call out the National Guard. Self-preservation is the only intelligent move.

We know it's going to provoke comments from some tiny-brain like this:

  • And you and your fellow travelers wonder why regular, normal, tax paying, working stiffs don't "Back the Blue" anymore? Actually calling for crime and mayhem to be ignored???

We didn't say "ignore." By all means, respond promptly and carefully if assigned the job. that "crime monitor" you see on the commercials. Make sure your in-car camera is running, turn on that body cam, record everything you can....from a safe and secure distance, using time and shielding as dictated by the "Consent Decree." Because any police action you take will be scrutinized by four or more "oversight" agencies looking to suspend, fire and imprison you.

And you, Dear Citizen Reader, what have you done to "Back the Blue" as you so cavalierly put it? Did you buy a t-shirt? A bumper sticker? Have you displayed them proudly on your car or in your windows? Do you sign petitions and organize community groups to speak up for the police? Are you making phone calls to politicians who vote to hamstring the entire Department and allow un-elected bureaucrats to dream up reasons to harass, suspend and fire Officers for what was completely normal (and legal) just five years ago? Are you running for office or just running your mouth?

No doubt you are a "progressive" type that won't stand up to aggression if it's by one of the "protected" classes who are allowed to run roughshod over entire neighborhoods. You have the "Hate has no home here" sign on the lawn and watch XiNN and MSDNC to tell you police are slave catchers, Trump is Hitler, boys can be girls and climate doom is a mere few years away. 

You expect the police to be all knowing, all powerful and all-to-willing to go to prison for what an armchair quarterback decides over the course of days to second guess a situation that an Officer might be lucky to have five seconds to react to. And with the "defunding" and manpower shortages, do it all with increasingly useless, tedious, needless "training" that exists solely so some exempt member's pincushion can avoid the street.

Do us a favor - sign up and show us how it's done. We did, for nearly thirty years.

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