Inflated Salaries
Anyone know how much an aldercreature makes? Salary only, not the bribes and kickbacks.
- The annual salary for Chicago aldermen is set to increase in 2024, with the highest-paid aldermen expected to earn approximately $145,970 after a 2.24% raise tied to inflation. The lowest-paid alderman will earn around $123,024.
Not a bad living.
But then what the hell is this? (click for larger version):
If we're reading this correctly, the top four spots are filled by aldermanic "assistants" who each earn more than $300K. More than Larritorious and the Fire Commissioner. More than the Aviation Commissioner who runs two airports.
All thirteen people on this spreadsheet make more than the mayor.
Conehead wants to jack up property taxes, fees, fines and everything related to the cost of living in or doing business in Chicago and there are ASSISTANTS to aldercreatures making twice what aldercreatures make?
Who the F@#% is running this shitshow and who the F#$% are they kicking upstairs to?
Labels: money questions
Being a Democrat is easy until you run out of other peoples money.
Why are the assistants to the alderscum making around $260,000 ???!
It's the Chicago way...
Sounds to me like there's "two sets of books" for skeletons in Chgo. Remember: Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead.
think i saw david brown more than i see Snelling..
Huh. So Nick Sposato, who voted FOR Johnson's bloated spending & taxing caper, makes half as much as his $325k/yr Assistant (aka "Chief of Staff")? That explains the canned response from her prior to & after Nick's yes vote, and his obviously penned by her rationalization sent to constituents!
We're paying the salaries of 3 aldermen & getting 1. Why do we have HIM?
Assistant to the Assistant of the Movie Theater makes how much?
The first four are employed with Alderman Sposato. Interesting. Look it up.
Ha ha. You keep electing these crooks. Just how dumb do you have to be to keep pulling the D lever?
Those 4-$300K+ salaries belong to staffers in Ald. Nicholas 'Tricky Nicky Sposato's 38th Ward Office. The staffers are: Maurita Gavin, Katherine Blonski, Vanessa Aviles, and Kathryn Balaskovits.
Is this the deal Sposato worked out with Mayor CTU for a yes vote to his budget? Does the deal also include naming CFD union official Joseph Sinorski as Tricky Nicky's aldermanic successor instead of Mayor CTU appointing Sposato's successor?
According to a 12/20/21 FOIA Request with the Chicago City Clerk's office, these $300K+ staffers were making the following at that time:
Maurita Gavin - $79,452.00 (Staff Assistant to the Alderman)
Katherine Blonski - $62,928.00 (Assistant to the Alderman)
Vanessa Aviles - $20.00/hr (Aldermanic Aide)
Kathryn Balaskovits - $58,116.00 (Staff Assistant to the Alderman)
* How does an hourly employee like Vanessa Aviles get a bump to over a $300K salary when her main jobs are putting out a weekly cut/pasted aldermanic newsletter and surfing social media for Sposato? Aviles started working for Sposato in 2021.
Is it OT pay for Sposato's staffers that work 30-35 hours a week, no weekends or holidays, and 5 hour work days before and after 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day? Do they all still work from home a majority of the time?
Did all other aldermanic staffers that had an alderman vote yes to Mayor CTU's budget also get these astronomical bumps in pay to over $300K+?
Didn't Sposato get $25,000 from the CTU for his campaign chest in the last aldermanic election?
Do these $230K+ increases in salaries include payouts for unused sick/vacation days, back pay, overtime, and bonuses?
When did the city start giving unused/sick day payouts before retirement or resignation?
Hello Chicago IG, where are you on this???
Shittin in tall cotton and fartin through silk sheets livin large
wow,,,, if I was alderman I would want her to assist my staff too :)
The top three all work for Alderman Nicholas Sposato. He’s as corrupt as the rest of them..
They're your betters, kneel and pay.
Gavin has a teaching degree from Northeastern. Nobody with a teaching degree from Northeastern deserves a $300,000 salary, total useless political hack.
When you see these numbers and see how easily the people who run these rackets make it look….maybe Luigi isn’t such a bad guy after all
For one, I thought being an alderCreature was a part-time job? Secondly, they gat a 2.24% increase for INFLATION? I'snt this the topic of INFLATION that DEMORATS have said doesn't exist?? Esp mush brains. You mean to tell me that they cannot survive on their current salaries?? Bullshit.
Which alderman are they assistants to?
I wonder if all three of those women are kicking part of their salary up to Sposato .Wouldn’t take long for an FBI forensic accountant to figure that one out, or the FBI tells those three women, “three years if you lie to the FBI tell us what’s going on “ they’re gonna give him right up..
Is that the same Cleveland that worked the front office in 011 in the 1990's?
You think he doesn't get a cash envelope from all of them once a month?
Fuck me...Pay them...
Wonder how good of dancers they are....asking for a ..friend
...then you just raise taxes...See so easy AOC can do it.
Vote democrat for more
Check your facts Second City Cop, fake news.
Those salaries are called a “bump up” If the Alderman has extra money at the end of the year they can increase the salaries of their staff. Those salaries are then reset in January. The Alderman is not a criminal just a shitty Alderman, he should’ve spent the money on fixing potholes and other needs of the ward.
Who the F@#% is running this shitshow and who the F#$% are they kicking upstairs to?
10 percent goes to the Big guy...
Blonsski is a 38th Ward girl… Nick’s bitch..
That's why they call him "Nick The Dick."
Sposato is a crook but he help me to get to 050. It wasn’t free either but life is much better now.
Like the famous line in Blazing Saddles: Wow! Civil Service!
Still wagering this is a backdoor year-end bonus: rather than cut an additional check, temporarily pump-up base salary for one pay period.
If true, it is ridiculous that aldermen think they can hand out bonuses with taxpayers' money, if there is a portion of the budget unused it should be RETURNED to the general fund especially when there is a $900 million deficit and not handed out. How did they determine who gets a bonus? Those that do the most political work?
The City Council needs to drop 25 alderman positions, they are not needed. Next, stop paying rent for neighborhood offices and tell the 25 aldermen that are left that they can put city hall on their business cards and use the general number for the council clerk to leave messages. Instantly saved a couple million of OUR tax money.
great post!!! looks like something the FBI should be looking at, if they ever did their job
Interesting that the City comptroller Chasse Rehwinkel is leaving for another opportunity. Could this guy know something that we don't? Getting off a sinking ship?
So, what's the bump-up for these employees? Take Vanessa Aviles.
City payroll records show she was bumped-up to $300,000.
Let's say she got the bump-up for one month
$300,000/12 months = $25,000/month she was possibly bumped-up or $6250/wk and $1250/day and $156.25/hr
Normally, Aviles would make $3200/month, $800 week, $20/hr
In any case, all 4 of Sposato's staffers received tens of $1000's of pay increases for money being left over in Sposato's ward budget.
Let's ask the REAL question.... do they actually do something? I mean seriously, I don't know one nor have I seen one at any shift I've worked over the last 15..... but hey, give them 3x what I make (they probably aren't even working each day too)
This is even more disturbing!
Did They make 300k or not. It's all that matters...
You dumbocrats are getting exactly what the fuck they voted for the blue gummed, camel tooth CTU punk made bitch ! This fucking ignoramus, and the CTU is going to bankrupt Chicago !
Before we look like asses, how about someone call Sposato's office?
She made MERIT sergeant and went to STRAIGHT DAYS in 015.
Who is her political whack?
Yes that is former Sgt. Maria Cleveland
There is NO FUCKING way this is legal!!!people are losing their houses over high taxes and this POS is giving out hundreds of thousands of dollars
The last good City Comptroller was Alvin L. Weber in the 1960s.
Chasse Rehwinkel is probably getting out of Dodge before the checks begin to be returned "NSF"
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