010 Shooting
By all accounts, a perfectly legal, lawful and justified shooting:
Officers responded to a domestic call and fatally shot a knife-wielding man early Friday inside a Little Village senior building, according to Chicago police.
The man was identified by the Cook County medical examiner’s office as 57-year-old Timothy Glaze.
Ogden District officers came in contact with Glaze when they responded to a call of a person with a knife about 2 a.m. inside a sixth-floor apartment of the Albany Terrace Apartments, 3030 W. 21st Place, police said in a preliminary statement.
Glaze’s girlfriend had called 911 to report that she was being attacked by Glaze, who she said had a knife and screwdriver, according to a recording of police dispatch audio.
When police began knocking on the door, they were confronted by Glaze who allegedly charged at officers while holding a knife, police said. At that point, officers fired their weapons, hitting Glaze multiple times, including in the chest, according to the radio transmissions.
Anyone know how much Conehead is offering the family? That's how it goes now, right?
Good work Officers, though we don't envy you the next few years.
Labels: shooting
The City should give his family a new Craftman Tool Box to replace the screwdriver he dropped.
The system in place dictates 10 million to his family, 10 million to the girlfriend, and 20 million to the lawyers and call it a day. COPA unable to discredit the shooting, finds the officers failed to turn on their BWC. The usual suspects of Command Staff concur. Standard Operating Procedures we’re followed by COPA during it’s fucking over of the police for something.
Go to the 1:15 mark below.
"The police should have de-escalated or used a taser on the offender."
Why does the fuckin' race baiting media give half-wits who are incapable of holding a job any air time? Just to stir up other low IQ morons.
Well done officers! You’re alive! Staying alive used to be thought in the academy as being #1 priority. Not anymore, the kids are thought to deescalate even if it means taking lead to the dome. It just looks better on camera. Screw the CIT training and their dangerous deescalation techniques. Oh and F* this city and department for constantly trying to have officers hurt by restricting use of force policies.
Eliminate the threat
That's the problem with the current admid, even when your right, your wrong. Fuck em anyway. Make sure you go home and the offender who is armed and attacks you goes to the morgue.
Sounds justified to me, but I have normal people sensibilities.
Gotta love the M/1 building resident dropping all the latest buzzwords regarding this: (paraphrasing)… “they knew they were going to a call of a guy with a knife. They coulda deescalated. They have tasers and mace”.
And then the M/4 community “activist/organizer”: (again paraphrasing)… “the police are always shooting and killing black and brown people at these types of calls”.
These are just two more reminders to take your sweet assed time responding to calls for service in the ghettos and give these animals ZERO proactive service. This is what they wanted so give it to them good and hard.
Do COPA investigators actually have any investigative training?
Do any of them have a college background in criminal law?
Slow roll.
Threatening the police with a weapon this is what happens end of story
Why wasn't a social worker sent instead of police? Have your desk refer calls like this to them.
Call a social worker....or his sixth grade CTU "teacher" from last year...
Good Job Kid, welcome to the club
"That's what worries us, that the police shoot first and ask question slater, and this is what happens in Black and brown neighborhoods every time we call the police for a crisis," said Baltazar Enriquez of the Little Village Community Council.
OT/ what is the Superintendent going to do about this sunken ship (department)?
Boo Fucking Hoo to the soulless West and South side animals
they are the bottom of the barrel lawyers that couldn't get a job at any decent firm
and if the POs use "bad words" or "scary comments" during any de-escalation , COPA wants them fired.... FU COPA
They unsuccessfully applied at CPD but failed, now they’re out for revenge
He will do what all the others did, say nothing, pretend its all good, promote his buddies and wait it out until retirement
Slow roll? More like SNAIL roll. Fuck these pieces of garbage. They hate the police.
There's a lot of money to made with those statements. Corporate shakedowns, political office and lawsuits. If cities are paying, they'll get it.
he was doomed the minute his parents names him baltazar
In fear if your life , eliminate the threat . Cone head has cut 2,000 police officers that are needed to protect citizens of Chicago. He has 140 police officers protecting his family . These people that voted for Conehead are the dumbest people in Chicago. They come in All races,genders and sexual orientation,just freekin stupid people . Many are members of CTU.
Apparently he was a habitual domestic batterer and a regular VOOP. Weren’t the news and liberals just complaining about how they’re not being protected? Boom! There you go. You’re welcome and don’t mention it. Now go find you another useless fuck, queen
Four years ago an unarmed female,Ashli Babbitt,was shot dead by a Capitol Hill Police Officer. He was cleared. Why? Trump should reopen the investigation. Where was his body camera video,audio.
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