A New Truck?
What's all this about a special Board meeting being called and some proposal to get Catanzara a new (another?) 80K vehicle at FOP members' expense?
While we're all for having adequate transportation for any union official on official union business, there aren't cheaper options available? Like a leased sedan? Or even a hybrid (gotta be environmentally conscious you know!)
Spending member dues without the members knowing anything (everything) about it is usually a red flag.
Labels: FOP
The FOP spending is getting out of control. Also, is there anyway for the members to review the credit card accounts??? Someone may want to look at those because one member in particular is constantly on Facebook at expensive high class downtown restaurants taking pics of the food and bragging about the restaurants.. what do you wanna bet that many of those are billed on FOP credit cards as “business related”…. Anyway that someone from the membership is allowed to review the monthly bills?
He’s been ripping us off for years now. Just like those who came before him.
Thanks to Bidenomics 80 grand will only put you in a Ram pick-up truck, not exactly the lap of luxury. There needs to be a reckoning.
J-Cat says....
Fuck you...I ride in style....pay me.
And for the greater amount of time it is going to sit. Another worthless pos union official. The similarities between union official and gov pols with spending other peoples’ money is striking.
hearing Jkitty is collecting a large sum for being the “editor” of the Monthly magazine that’s costing the lodge 30+k a month to print.. Scrap the dying print media, turn it digital, learn to code and start working on a website worthy of this decade.
Even in this shit economy, and even after the nonsensical rise in vehicle prices in recent years, a brand new car can still be bought for $25k or less. There's zero reason any union official needs an $80k vehicle at union expense.
Get him a used Yugo. Inexpensive, and when the vehicle fails, just get another one... basically a throw-away car. You can get 16 of 'em for the cost of one $80K thing...
OR, he can use his own personal vehicle. Reimburse him for actual mileage FOP-related tasks driven at the IRS rate.
OR, he can use his own personal vehicle and deduct the mileage from his taxes.
Why not a clown car or the....wiener mobile which would suit him driving to 115th st. hangout....
He's starting to act like a corrupt Teamster from the 70s. Hopefully he doesn't wind up in the end zone of the new Bears stadium
The old man was a International Delegate and Business Manager for an AFL affiliated union. Grew up Union, etc. He merited a leased Chevy Caprice. This for a man that had regular meetings with the President of the union, politicians and the AFL-CIO. We were scrupulous with the expense accounts and never promoted a Rules For Thee approach to service. After all, the members dues pay the bills. I'd say your local boss sees himself as the second coming of Big Tuna
SGT AL drives a pickup in 019 also with the rest of 1980 , what a waste of money for cpd having pickups besides SWAT
From conehead with his absolute platoons of coppers driving tahoes and suburbans while delusional clown promoting green agenda nonsense, now we have Johnny spending our money why not a 23,000 dollar Hyundai? What’s wrong with the truck he has now? Johnny can you hear us?
Take away the checkbook.
It’s about time for The Cat to be put out to pasture? The vehicles are to be kept and driven in Chicago & Cook county? Not to Wisconsin or Michigan on weekends?
Just look at the mileage, Ipass and the Gas receipts. Time to start burning the files right? This BS it’s used for official business better get ended or Embezzlement charges will be filed?
I didn't vote for this loud mouth, medical abusing, CR# giving , keyboard tough guy because I don't like him. He has everyone in his entourage kissing his ass which is disgusting & now wants another new truck??? Fuck him time to vote his ass out
Have you seen his pimped out giant Truck!!!??? OK the union needs a truck to pull the food trailer but get a normal one Please !
File suit to get a look at books. Your being had. Stop automatic dues payment from your check until they let you audit books. It is legal to not pay union dues.
Public sector unions are a plague. Look at California as example 1 and Chicago as worse
He must think he works for thr CTU
If True = Scum!
Why's he need a new truck? Why a truck? How much milage is on the old one? What kind of upkeep has the old one had? Shouldn't the members be voting on such a large expense?
John is out there fighting for us and owning all the liberals. All of the liberal communist Alderman are afraid of him. Wake up! The liberal communists are trying to divide and conquer the FOP.
John Catanzara and his crew won by a wide margin and they will win big again.
If true it’s nothing new. Crapparelli got kicked out of office twice for being a pooch. I know for a fact he took almost a dozen people out to lunch and used the fop credit card to pay for it. He said they were making him give the card back. He always used the card as if it was his personal piggy bank.
I did not vote for J-Cat, never did and now i sit back and laugh my ass off at all you idiots who did.
Power corrupts and entitlement.
John has become an unhinged dictator. John doesn't even allow Graham a vote on the board even though our Constitution and Bylaws created the position on the board for past president. It is all about money and power for John, he could careless about the members.
Some years ago when the Sgt assoc prez was stealing the rest of the board had turned a blind eye. Seem the board was eating steak about 5 times a week, that was the trade off......
His logic is , he pulls the FOP BBQ trailer.
The older Dodge Ram, owned by the union, has become quite a money pit, it will be solely used to pull the food truck. The 80K allotted will be to buy a bigger truck, Tahoe or such, to be used for union business. Sure 80k sounds like a lot, but its not.
This fucking guy has to go! Did he get tired of his lifted RAM 3500???? Now he wants us to pay for a new one? This guy turned into a typical politician, there has to be a better guy out there for us. First they’re not allowing members to look at the books now this?
Today for example, our union leaders are going to 26th and Cal for a hearing. Should they drive their own cars? This board at least lets us know what's coming up and what's important. Todays notification came a little to late but at least it came. The funny thing is that the people making the stink are never at any function like this.
The worst part besides getting him a new truck is that he now has two trucks and he gets to keep them when he is no longer president. Why does he get to keep them? There should be ONE truck and it should be used for FOP business only and left with FOP when not on the job anymore. This is total bullshit. So of course we all pay for his gas everyhere, iPass, tune ups, repairs, etc. What a total scam. I was totally in with JCat when he first ran and even during re-election. Now I've realized he's become a sell-out and is running the FOP for him, not us. He needs to go and we need to keep those trucks!
Only buy American cars. If you are a Hyundai buyer you support the demise of the US auto industry and are un-American.
And yet the throngs of J-Kittys ball polishers continue to defend the exorbitant spending of OUR money, claiming it’s justified because “he speaks up for us”.
Take a look at Lodge 7’s 2023 tax filing below. Pay particular attention to salaries paid and “other salaries”.
Now add in the fact that we pay their health insurance until they hit Medicare age, their vehicles, insurance, maintenance, transportation and lodging, meals, etc. This is just scratching the surface of the money they pour thru that 99% of the membership is completely unaware of.
This is why they changed the rules on viewing “the books”, making it all but impossible to see what they’re up to with hemorrhaging OUR money. And this is why the IRS was contacted and provided with information and documentation compliments of someone the Cantanzara Cabal would never expect.
Peruse thru this gem when time permits. It’ll open your eyes to FOP financial fuckery at its finest…
Not defending past presidents.....but I believe they leased a Ford Crown Vic or something like that. NOT an $80k truck. That is ridiculous.
He wants another truck in addition to the one he has . He refuses to let anyone see the financial credit card receipts . He just got approved a Christmas in July boat ride for 30 k . What’s gonna happen eventually is there is gonna be a federal investigation and John and many of his cohorts will be wearing new bracelets . Playing stupid on this Board ain’t gonna cut it and being quiet and allowing it won’t help you either ! They now are not allowing cops lawyers on second statements . They want you to bring some field rep who is in town not bike riding or singing an anthem to represent them . Lets see I want someone whose been to prison or to the Police Board to speak for me . There were also new changes not to allow members to view the Board minutes . The time to find stealing and malfeasance is not when his term is over but when you still have money in the till . This organization is now run like Cosa Nostra .
He wants another one which makes two . $170 k total
hey Dave “ Golden Corral “ DieSanti “ he got your back !
f-ckyou john and the rest of the fop board buy your own truck lets start a recall n vote this a-hole out
john you were a con·descend·ing
do nothing as an officer and an idiot you do not need a new truck use uber
This is another one and his excuse is he needs to have more seating so he can bring more Field reps to court . What about the daily work of Cr numbers and retirees needing help . The job once done by another former field rep is now shipped out to Baum Sigman . Let add more field reps at $160k per year and do less work . The “Omsbudman “ who has an office on the second floor is already planning his bike tour schedule . This current “crew “ is loaded with people who are inept in doing their job . Jimmy Jack is more concerned about the lunch menu than actually getting to know the contract . Members need to ask about how their dues are being spent and stop listening to the half truths spewed out by someone who should have been fired years ago .
Bet he’s got Henyards attorney on speed dial-just in case
Meeting tomorrow at noon.
All he needs is a leased car.
No wonder why some of the sponsors left, like car dealers!
Spending member dues without the members knowing anything (everything) about it is usually a red flag.
Make , model, dealership..? Asking for a friend.
recall jcat you big j-goff
Because the old one is a dodge and dodges are a piece of crap
The old one is probably falling apart!!!'
I agree. Unions allow incompetent and stupid people to thrive where in the private sector, they would be fired.
Dave, he did not win by a wide margin and he most likely won't win again. Maybe who ever beats him will let you rub their balls too. Now go wash John's juice from your chin.
Yes, they should. They’re making an average of 150K (Captains pay) and they write off mileage and wear and tear anyway, so it’s a tax advantage. So stop with your bullshit that they “need” it to carpool to 26/Cal a handful of times a year.
Propublica is a liberal socialist communist news organization. They hate the police.
Yes. Our dues $$ pays for all that and then some ON TOP OF their salaries. The board members all make captains pay. Our dues $$ pays the difference between their CPD salary and Cpt. Pay if they’re still otj or the whole nut if they’re retired. And then the kitten makes deputy pay on our dime. Plus 70k as the “editor of the news letter” plus a stipend for all the committees he supposedly sits on. Plus his salary as state vp. Not mad at anyone who hustles and makes money, but the books need to be available for inspection becoz there’s NO way anyone can swing all these duties and responsibilities related to their jobs without cutting corners, ghost payrolling etc.
And this clown thinks he’s going to train and send unit reps out to act as legal representation for officers who are going through the CR question and answer process at IAD. Last I checked, he’s stacked the FLOP ranks with friends, family and love interests as field reps making captains pay that are responsible to do these tasks. So those clowns should make D five pay to do nothing? Where do I sign up?
Page 10, Line 7…”other salaries and wages”: $ 2,363,949
Almost an additional 2 and 1/2 MILLION…
ON TOP OF THEIR D5 captains pay.
And paid travel expenses.
And Lodge credit cards.
And Board meals at high end restaurants.
Etcetera, etcetera…
Yeah…. at least Johnny Boy has a big mouth and bumps heads with the mayor and aldercreatures 🙄
Most everything can be seen and reviewed except credit card bills. Credit card bills for the fop are huge. And they continue to hide them. Why is that?? If it was all legit, then there is no issue. Clearly they are hiding a lot of expenses of money that WE pay them. If they continue to hide them, then we need to start thinking about dumping the FOP and go with another organization.
Same Here.
FOP is a joke. Your contracts are trash. Crumbs left from other city unions. No justification for that truck, nor the food trailer. Under no circumstances should there be an unlimited "expense" card. You fools are footing the bill for that loud mouth meals and god knows who else. One big party. When u call down for help you get nothing if theyre not in the mood. Why do they keep the cars when they leave, havent they stole enough?
Well one good thing, they are giving big discounts on Dodge/RAM trucks!!!
You pups really need to get involved with your union business. There’s so much apathy toward everything job related as it is, you shouldn’t allow what’s supposed to be your representation to run roughshod over your finances. Look what happened to the PBPA some years ago. Don’t think it can happen to you? Think again. Are there perks to being in those positions? Absolutely… But I’ve seen more smoke signals coming from Washington Street in the last year regarding financial malfeasance than at any time in my 30+ year career. And you know what they say… Where there’s smoke, there is fire. I sincerely hope posts about the IRS being involved are legit, because there’s just too many accusations and too much hinky, deceptive reactions from your union reps. When you were accused of improper or illegal financial practices and you have nothing to hide, you don’t restrict or obstruct the membership from viewing the financial records. It stinks and is a total indication that they’re doing something improper.
Fighting? Where's the re$ults?? Better insurance? Residency? 51/29 with benefits? Residency is the easiest one to challenge. Its been won across the country when challenged.
Big ego, big truck, little dingo. Tool.
Did they win by a large margin? What happened to the ballots on the post office floor mingled in with junk mail never counted? Whatever happened to the post master complaint?
Sorry Wednesday.
You shouldn’t be surprised. This board is in bed with him. They spent 30k on their election victory party. They all received a nice expensive watch.
Why can't they drive their own cars, we pay them Captain and Commanders pay. And are you referring to the active members who are actually working and not being paid $180k a year to go to these functions. Jesus, nothing is ever enough for thos greedy FOP administration.
John is a narcissist and an egomaniac. Fueling his false beliefs are the members who vote for him and tolerate his nonsense. This monster was created by the membership who bought into his ridiculousness. Sure, there have been some wins, but is John solely responsible? Really? Either way, I hope much of this is not true, but it sounds like something is going on. The perks that this board has allegedly given themselves sure sounds criminal to me.
Has become? Lol. He was always unhinged. This douche told everyone day one, I am your God, go against me, speak out or up, tell the truth you are done here. Does not matter if you were voted in. You are out. Thats why they continue to swallow.
Propublica is a liberal socialist communist news organization. They hate the police.
1/13/2025 04:15:48 PM
Irrelevant. All they did was post the fops tax returns (990s) for 2023. Anti police or not, none of what appears is fabricated. And it’s good that it’s available for everyone to see just how much of our cash they’re spending lavishly on themselves.
It's not the organization, it's the people who we elect to run it. If John and his cult were Teamsters they would still be stealing from us.
This Board is a bunch of pussies. They sit by and watch Jrat bully people / board members / our members. Never speak up and do what’s in the best interest of the union and it’s members out fear of losing their stipend. They are bunch of self serving greedy thieves.
You mean the 3k missing ballots he knew about and didn’t say anything until after he was sworn in. This dude is as corrupt as they come.
The Lodge does pay for the entire salary of the field reps as they have to pay back the City for the regular rank pay as well as giving them the difference between their Rank pay and Captains pay. So all 165,000 comes from your dues.
Kiss the ring you fools ! Only listen to what I tell you when a a tell you loyal sheep ! I’m your supreme leader never question what I do, say, or buy with your union dues ! Just be good loyal union members, and shut the fuck up about it !
Many Hyundais are made in Alabama while Ram trucks are made in Mexico.
Also no mater where the Ram is made it is owned by Stellantis a French company.
Before the merger that made Stellantis Ram was owned by Fiat, an Italian company.
So much for "Buy American".
Did you post this from your vintage Craftsman cell phone or your Kroger computer?
This fool thinks he's Hoffa! Remember what happened to him?
They're too busy licking their chops and looking at the nice expensive watches that J-Kitty bought for them.
I hope you all remember this come election time. It’s all about what’s good for him. The union was asked to supply water to officers at Bud Bilikin and Mexican Independence and they flat out said “no”. Bunch of jagoffs
all this was talked about at the Lodge meeting on Wednesday:
The truck (the cost and why)
The magazine issue (he is not getting paid and how the publisher was operating)
lawyers at second statements
It's apparent by the comments most of you did not go to the meeting. Ask your unit rep or wait to read the minutes when they are sent out.
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