Day 110....and Counting
So most states in the US (and quite a few foreign countries) count tens of millions of votes in a single day.
Illinois, New York and California, being run by morons, take days, even weeks as they fraudulently manufacture votes to steal elections.
What is CPD's excuse?
-’s been 110 days since the Evidence Technician exam was administered. October 4th 2024. The reason it’s odd is because it was an 80 question multiple choice scantron test. I remember back in grade school they would give you results from a scantron immediately or maybe after lunch. Yet a large organization can’t get it done in a reasonable amount of time. This is yet another area in which the department needs massive improvement, test result timeframe.
Larritorious - who never passed a single promotional exam high enough to make it legit - has his people tweaking the if they remove Question #14, does the "underrepresented" demographic rise or fall? If it falls, better not touch Question #14 and move on to Question #23 and see what happens. But of course, since all the test graders are similar in ability to the multiple "merit" supernintendo, this could take a year or more.
Plus, Conehead doesn't want to have to pay people to properly collect and document crime scene evidence. Good golly, no. That might mean that ET's have to go to court and testify at their slightly higher salaries, and Chicago is beyond broke at this point.
Inability and incompetence breed more inability and incompetence.
Labels: promotions
Hard to get results you want if you do not coco
Hard to get results you want, unless you control counting.
DEI is alive and well in Chicago
The promotional calendar released last year was a big step forward in getting the promotional process into the 21st century but here we are on January 23, 2025 and the 2025 version isn’t out yet.
These would ideally be published before furlough picks, even if it’s a draft, so people could plan their lives around promotion dates. This department is so ass backwards with telling people on a Friday that you’ll start a brand new gig on a Monday. Good luck to those of you with kids!
110 days without scores being released is just another blunder in a long list from this pathetic city.
Speaking of the broke a$$ city, those of us that retired on the 15th got the surprise of no payroll check today (22nd). Finance claims that there are nearly 200 of us that got “coded out early” and will have to wait 5 business days for a “quick pay” maybe by check or maybe direct deposit.
If I didn’t do 29+ years I would be shocked but it is par for course when dealing with people that can’t even tax the correct checks since we changed to the 7th and 22nd!
So glad to be gone from this city and state!
Hey, SCC:
There are 116 PO’s assigned as Evidence Technicians.
Here is the racial/gender breakdown:
Asian Male: 10
Asian Female: 0
Black Male: 8
Black Female: 7
HIspanic Male: 14
Hispanic Female: 11
Indian Male: 1
Indian Female: 1
White Male: 48
White Female: 16
Asian: 10
Black: 15
Hispanic: 25
Indian: 2
White: 64
Asian: 8.62%
Black: 12.93%
Hispanic: 21.55%
Indian: 1.724%
White: 55.17% ***
*** To the powers-that-be, this number is not unacceptable.
And btw: HQ had the results within 30 days, you do the math.
the exact same thing was done in 1985 with the Sergeanyts test. Plus a few more dirty tricks along the way. Dirty mother fuckers
Cone head doesn’t want to have e.t.’s properly collect evidence and process crime scenes because that means that he’ll have to face the fact that his favorite demographic is actually responsible for most of the crime in this city. And against their own people too.
News in- they are making a Sgt class off the old list. A certain somebody isn’t on this new list so Standby.
Just watch Larr Larr do some push-ups.....
CPD announced another Captains class to start after the submitted Captain applications. I know it’s captains and no one cares, but they have at least 35 people still on the captains list that are qualified and trained. However, the list is all whites. They already promoted all the minorities that were also on the list.
This doesn’t pass the smell test. Something crooked going on at headquarters. Goes on every administration rigging promotional testing.
No wonder everyone who knows what’s really going to not come on the job. Total BS.
Yes very true. They did this on the last Lieutenant exam by removing 2 questions in which certain racial groups did poorly. That resulted in these groups test scores raise significantly. By the way this is completely legal. The city has the right to amend the promotional exam questions but not individual canidate scores. In other words it's another way to make sure certain racial groups get extra assistance with the exam. On top of the candidates that have the exam questions. Good luck to all on future promotional exams.
I understand the applications for E.T’s but why on earth do we need more Captains?
Now the upcoming FTO exam will be ONLINE. They’re even rigging FTO these days.
The ET test administered in 2004 was graded same day. The results were in the districts & then within a few weeks or so scores were adjusted when questions were thrown out. Along with being a shorter test it is usually taken by around 1000 or less police officers.
The Chicago way...
I bet those are Chicago public school honor students counting those votes by hand...
What could possibly go wrong with someone promoted to ET that doesn’t know how to preserve evidence or collect evidence? This city is real joke with their DEI hires and promotions. CPD is about as legit as Harvey PD or Ford Heights PD when Ford Heights had a police department.
It's all your fault, you're not working till 90.
I don't know but if that off duty cop firing her weapon randomly around a corner gets promoted you have a lot of problems coming your way....
I've a better chance of dying and being raised by the lord than the city getting it's act together Chicago is just that stupid.
Possible they lost the test.
110 days? That's it?
CFD had a Chief and Captains test a year and a half ago and the results still haven't been released. That's a test that 100 and 300 people took.
Only within the last month the department released the results for the EMS Chief and Ambulance Commander tests. Took them 2 years to release those lists. They sat for those tests in June and August of 2022. EMS Chief test had 50 people on the list. 2 fucking years.
Now we're told that the new Captains list has issues with the education point awarded to certain people. This is after the failure of the 2019 Lt and Chief tests where the oral had to be cancelled because of total incompetence on the part of the chosen testing company. Then, after that was sorted out, certain people were awarded seniority points that they weren't due. Odd how it seems to keep on happening to the same people.
And will anyone ever be held accountable for these failures? Of course not.
But don't you dare be anything other than perfect in every interaction with the public or we'll suspend you for 30 or more days, even for the smaller of infractions.
Fuck this City and both of our departments.
So much for competency.
The CPD promotional exam process is a joke.
They leak the answers to a small number of people.
For the last detective and sergeant exams, part one was pass or fail based on the orders and they toss out some questions and so you just need 37% to 45% to pass part one of the exam.
Part two of the exam is a joke. Two people can show up; one person studied the orders and the second person did not. Both have an equal chance of doing well. How does that make sense?
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