IDOC Letter
We're hearing that the Illinois Department of Corrections sent out a letter to all employees on Tuesday ordering them not to contact ICE when paroling illegals murderers, rapists, burglars, robbers and other ne'er-do-wells.
We've also heard that some connected people got copies of the letter and forwarded it along to ICE and Tom Homan.
The chain-of-command for IDOC ends at Fata$$'s office, so we'll see where this goes.
In the meantime:
ICE apprehended three-hundred plus in various jails this week and have them all slated for deportation. These are CONVICTED CRIMINALS, that contribute NOTHING to the country except an increase in crime rates and a larger tax bill for supporting them in prisons.Labels: national politics
CPD is bluffing, they cannot discipline you for notifying ICE of a crime or even a tip related to a call. In the event you are punished the CPD can expect a lawsuit. Get a white shirts name and star so you can go after their personal assets punitively. Just like the vaccine they are trying to bully you.
Gov. Lardass waddling in on this...
I say a assault weapon ban, and more money for climate change will help with this....
See something, say something! Not in Democrat cities. I guess we are supposed to look the other way when someone is braking the law. I can’t wait to retire and move away from this corrupt Democrat organization. They are not honest. ICE is just trying to enforce the law that they pledged to enforce. Same as us! So much for a law enforcement oath. Even child can see this is wrong.
I don't care if they're the hardest working people you ever met. They're all CRIMINALS and are here illegally.
Remember how pissed off we all got when kids cut in line back in grade school?
Well, same deal here - except they're stealing welfare, jobs, medical care, emergency care, school resources, drivers licenses, and votes.
Ship them all out.
Call ICE dept can’t do shit it’s Newtons 8th law
Thank yoi.
IDOC Illinois Department of Corruption where COS sit upon their lazy asses day in and day out .Hide and seek for 2 grand a week
Great message to text to all my tax paying citizens
300? Those are rookie numbers!
"Nooooooo! Muh Voters! Muh Votes! Buncha rayciss ya'll is!"
Arrest the fat ass Governor!
Democrats love convicted criminals.
I’ll just use my personal phone to call ICE, under the “concerned citizen” protocol.
Since you can't contact ICE, perhaps contact the victims family and have them do it.
Was in an interesting discussion about the “ merit based” work orders now being implemented federally and it came up that it may trickle down into federally funded state and local agencies.
What if the officer's spouse notified ICE? What then?
We had a shed put up recently. The Amish came out. Kicked ass. All young kids and one Hispanic, to drive the truck. And I didn't have to worry about them scouting the property.
Okay I’ll just have my sister call with the information I give her.
Might be some big bucks to be collected under Federal Whistle Blower Act. As an extra bonus you might get your boss some jail time! That's called a "win-win" in my book!!!
Hypothetical conversation..."Patrolman (enter name) did you actually notify ICE on your last arrest?
Yes, sir I did... I took an oath to uphold the constitution and enforce the laws when I accepted this job sir...and so did you...
Relax and watch. They're just gettin started.
Worked there for over 27 years it’s the same thing Brad Curry ,dion dixon,Alan Hahn and Eric Harris never did the job but ,they were there to tell u how to due it just like cpd s smelling
Just let us know when FatASS has the big one! New DEI hire for the Illinois Dept. of Transportation. FatASS points Gia Biagi cast off from Chicago park district is new IDOT Boss.
We should pull money together for a billboard posting and put your comment on it.
Shocking new twist in Biden family crime drama reveals likely reason Joe pardoned everybody…
Just heard that large groups oh Hispanics are hanging out at Northerly Island?? Illegals??
Fuck the IDOC, and Pigster ! I will definitely be contacting ICE ! Fuck all of these democrat commie rat bastard mother fuckers !
Im calling them in....if they try and punish me, they will have a lawsuit on their hands...
Call them in anyways...we took an oath of office...remember that?
That's because many of them ARE convicted criminals.
Actually....if it is policy and you violate policy, you can be terminated. They are looking to make an example of you. Yes, you will get your job back EVENTUALLY....but that means you have to go through years of BS.
Im reporting them as a whistle blower. That comes with some protections...
they'll have to use leg shackles for handcuffs on gov fat-ass
so if you call ICE on your phone how is anybody going to figure out that you are the one who called. ICE wont give you up...
Hell, I'm betting fat-ass can't get his wrists together close enough for cuffs.
Next time ICE comes through the city, they should check and see if the police stations' lobbies are filling up again. Maybe go to a shelter or two... For 6 months or so, it is going to like shooting fish in a barrel. The illegals will go underground very soon.
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