Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Knock it Off

There better be a good reason for this:

  • There is a large police presence outside a South Side building after a police pursuit of a vehicle ended there on Tuesday evening.

    Chopper 7 followed a white Jeep Grand Cherokee as it raced through several neighborhoods, driving on sidewalks at some points. A police helicopter was following the Jeep, as well.

    The Jeep was traveling on Interstate 57 to the Bishop Ford Freeway and exited at 103rd Street. One person jumped out of the vehicle near South Clyde Avenue and East 98th Street in the Jeffrey Manor neighborhood.

Driving on sidewalks? Who knows how many stop lights and stop signs were disobeyed? Remember, the first time you see a pursued vehicle violate a stop sign or stop light, you are REQUIRED to terminate the chase. Period. There isn't anything close to wiggle room in the Order if shit goes sideways.

The safest bet?

You CANNOT be disciplined for not pursuing.

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