Full Strength Today
We don't know how he did, but the mayor managed to save the day. Click on the image for a full size poster:
While libraries, clinics, senior service and City offices will be closed, the poster claims the following:

- All public safety services, including police and fire, will remain at full strength and not be impacted.
So since we haven't been at full strength for over two years now, and are probably short over 1,000 officers, we can assume that everything has been fixed as of today. Thank goodness, we were worried, especially when we saw the sheets for today and we had downed four beat cars for the twelfth time this month. We were expecting more of the same.
Criminals beware! We're at full strength! Shortshanks has spoken!
The Tribune also covers this.
Criminals beware! We're at full strength! Shortshanks has spoken!
The Tribune also covers this.
Labels: silly people
Squad, hold me down a reduced service day mission!
The library now charges for any thing you print, you used to get ten free copies a day. Go to any suburban library and they are free.
Chicago is not a world class city.
Keep raising taxes and cutting city services to Chicago residents and you will soon find yourself GONE!
Mr Mayor the people are wise to you now.
Off Topic:
Anyone see the report on NBC5 about the mayor of Milwaukee getting beat up as he was leaving the county fair? Anyways, the guy gets his head hit with a pipe after he tries to call 911 for a domestic he on-views as he is leaving the fair with his family. Offender is arrested and the mayor goes to the hospital... blah, blah, blah... Reporter than adds at the end of the segment that the mayor did not have his security detail cuz he was with his family and on his own personal time!!!! WTF!?!?! But our mayor can take a detail with him anywhere he wants (michigan) when on HIS personal time??? On taxpayers money???
Daley keeps lying and the foolish media believes him.
Why won't the media ask him how we can afford the olympics if we are so broke? How can we spend so foolishly? How can the aldermen have such large spending accounts?
Can't we exile this little prick to some far away island in the pacific ? They did it to Napolean, he was an asshole too !!!!!!!
Small question. If the garbage that was going to be picked up on Monday is now going to be picked up on Tuesday and so forth thru the week then Fridays garbage is going to be picked up on Saturday on overtime. Where are the savings?
Hmmmm, they could close the ranges and the desks in stations on every other mondays too. Go to pay for the Olympics somehow.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Small question. If the garbage that was going to be picked up on Monday is now going to be picked up on Tuesday and so forth thru the week then Fridays garbage is going to be picked up on Saturday on overtime. Where are the savings?
8/17/2009 06:25:00 AM Just have garbage pick up cut to once every two weeks. Start charging extra for over sized items. No more couches or other furniture.
Saturday on overtime. Where are the savings?
There isnt any...they will work 10 hour days all week to get caught up. Smoke and mirrors!
8/17/2009 06:25:00 AM Just have garbage pick up cut to once every two weeks. Start charging extra for over sized items. No more couches or other furniture.
if this ever happened. Can you imagine what a shit hole this city would look like? Fly dumping would be going on everywhere. At least it would all be caught on camera.
we need a poster of shortshanks with the title '' simple jack''.
Heard new Commander in 011 making very good impressions. Harrison rangers are pulling a mutiny on 2nd watch. Not even the mighty LT, "i'll do anything to make Commander" Andrews can stop the revolt.....
Go to any suburban library and they are free.
Not in Niles, they aren't.
The mayor will just have people drop off their garbage at ppolice and fire stations.
The next REDUCED SERVICE DAY is also BLACK FRIDAY, the day after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year.
So all these city employees will have less money to shop.
So, everyone, show your contempt for the Evil Little Man by shopping outside the city and outside the county where the sale taxes are so much less.
rosco said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Small question. If the garbage that was going to be picked up on Monday is now going to be picked up on Tuesday and so forth thru the week then Fridays garbage is going to be picked up on Saturday on overtime. Where are the savings?
8/17/2009 06:25:00 AM Just have garbage pick up cut to once every two weeks. Start charging extra for over sized items. No more couches or other furniture.
8/17/2009 06:42:00 AM
Just take your slightly used furniture to the local bottle gang corner and offer it up as gift to make their little corner of the world a happier place. And throw in a bottle of Mad Dog just for them being there.
You should have seen the trash overflowing from the garbage cans this weekend at the Air & Water show. Streets & San was nowhere in sight and people were throwing their garbage on the ground because the cans were full. One or two people to empty the cans throughout the day would have been nice. Nobody is working today either so the beautiful Chicago lakefront that everyone always raves about is littered with trash. Without anyone from Streets & San there who do you think had to breakdown all of the barriers around North ave beach? The police of course!
8/17/2009 06:25:00 AM Just have garbage pick up cut to once every two weeks. Start charging extra for over sized items. No more couches or other furniture.
8/17/2009 06:42:00 AM
That would be fine in regular neighborhoods where the residents have respect for their neighbors and their community. Asking the people with no conscience who don't pay for anything anyway is unrealistic. They'll just dump their garbage and couches in vacant lots and on the sides of the road. In the end the city will end up paying to pick it up anyway.
Hey the 501 blog posted some win in federal court for a couple officers sued for false arrest. I wonder if that's some way of him telling us that he's gonna find some other way to screw them.
Will he personally appeal the case?
That is exactly why I use the Park Ridge Library. Open 6 days a week till 9pm friendly staff and they have way more than any chicago library and I dont have to worry about them closing on a monday cause this prick mayor needs to stuff more cash in his pocket for these f-ing olympics
Hope lots of blue shirts are getting paid overtime today. That is the only way to get the districts up to full strength.
Well let's see, you have Aldercreatures who are paid $120K a year for a part time job, then these scumbags vote themselves a 6% pay raise in addition to their staff getting 5% raises. This in addition to their $78,000 plus a year per asshole slush fund...
Now they want to cry broke and whine about raises for coppers and other workers.
I think they should steal more, lie more, (if that’s even possible), obviously people aren't hurting enough, because their still putting up with these crooks.
Most in the media know Da Mayo is lying and fooling the public with his BS. Da Mayo runs it and dictates how much he can can be pushed and how much can be asked. His main adviser for several years David Axelrod knew the media was the most important thing to control for Da Mayo to succeed. He made sure that Da Mayo had control of all local media outlets. To have control you have to control the heads of the media. Da Mayo has done this through back room deals and promises. The media heads control the peons and screen what is broadcast to the public. Da Mayo did not want any negative press. Axelrod made sure that did not happen and left about 5% of the media to go after Da Mayo (Kass, Brown to name a few). Da Mayo HATES being attacked by anyone!!! This strategy has worked for over 20 years. This has turned into a lose lose situation for Chicago.
Anyone see the report on NBC5 about the mayor of Milwaukee getting beat up as he was leaving the county fair? Anyways, the guy gets his head hit with a pipe after he tries to call 911 for a domestic he on-views as he is leaving the fair with his family. Offender is arrested and the mayor goes to the hospital... blah, blah, blah... Reporter
Mayor Daley is in the same situation; HELP! HELP!
Get me away from these thugs, HELP!
His security detail quickly gets him out of harms way and leaves the victims to deal with the thugs!
"Squad, hold me down a reduced service day mission!"
You forgot to ask for an Event Number. ;-)
Get rid of atleast 25 aldercreatures and reduce the salaries of the other 25 part-time employees and you could save 25-30 million. We all know that will never happen because that's half the mayor's buffer zone. We all know that telfon dick want take a hit like Milwauke's Mayor did.
Why won't the media ask him how we can afford the olympics if we are so broke? How can we spend so foolishly? How can the aldermen have such large spending accounts?
8/17/2009 05:05:00 AM
Why do we need 50 aldermen?
Why do aldermen as part-time employee's make more than 75% of the full-time employee's?
Damn I was on my way to the Lie-berry!
"Can't we exile this little prick to some far away island in the pacific ? They did it to Napolean, he was an asshole too !!!!!!!
8/17/2009 05:42:00 AM"
Omit the island.
"Just have garbage pick up cut to once every two weeks. Start charging extra for over sized items. No more couches or other furniture.
8/17/2009 06:42:00 AM"
What suburb are you posting from?
Well those furlough days with no pay for the armies of useless city workers are still better then the old days when they were expected to kick back a percentage of their pay to the ward office in order to finance the corruption. The little dictator Daley is doing it in a more progressive and modern fashion. Choke the cash from them and give it to ward bosses in their expense accounts.
Aren’t you glad we have a progressive machine boss who keeps up with the times !
next round of promotions commander john andrews
Heard there was a huge oil spill in 019 that caused many problems in a busy intersection because no one from Steets and San to clean it up.
Full strength, that's nice.
It's too bad the Office of the Mayor is one competent Mayor under strength.
Remember---> February, 2011, Mayoral election day
That would be fine in regular neighborhoods where the residents have respect for their neighbors and their community. Asking the people with no conscience who don't pay for anything anyway is unrealistic. They'll just dump their garbage and couches in vacant lots and on the sides of the road. In the end the city will end up paying to pick it up anyway.
8/17/2009 10:31:00 AM
You are my hero. Plain, insightful words stating the plain truth. You nailed it.
i can only pray for a blizzard
Full Strength?
You haven't seen anything yet... The twisted little maggot on five has rooms full of people, money and 20 years running devoted to some very ugly and netherworldly surprises yet to be defecated by him into existence.
Observe and note what shortshanks is doing to "good city jobs" let alone the Police Department.
Shrinkage by attrition.
Refusing to hire.
Continued efforts to subvert labor contracts/bargaining agreements.
Continued efforts to divorce the municipal corporation from the responsibility of properly funding employee pensions.
Continued efforts to steal monies that are currently in municipal employee pension funds by overt means (Davis & Vanecko) or stacking pension boards with those who owe him their very existence (will not belabor the obvious twice in the same post).
Union busting. He has no further need for labor unions to keep him in office as he has an alternate constituency such as those having taken refuge in the "sanctuary city," the alderthieves, their soulmates the running dog rev'runs,(their dope moving mole in the CAPS program & congregants) and various ward and ethnic organizations. Destroying organized labor then cutting pay and peeling away hard won benefits means more of "his" money for him.
Putting unqualified civilian snitches in key command/operations/policy implimentation positions.
...smells a bit like a really hard push for privatization.
Whither CPD in all of this?
Eventually about 5k officers total.
Big district realignments/closures or even throwing out the district concept altogether.
Patrol Division to perhaps become a city wide rapid response team. (in progress/just occurred calls only.)
J-fart wears the hairshirt from the resulting political fallout and gives shortshanks cover.
Private contractors/security in clones of CPD squads to respond to paper jobs of non-emergency nature that aren't handled by an expanded 311 program.
TMA to handle p.d and minor p.i crashes.
...and so on, ad infinitum et ad nauseam.
These are just some "field notes" from recent conversations and musings with some of our "family members" from the brotherhood of the Silitoe Tartan.
Stay safe, wait for back-up and make the goblins keep their hands where you can see them.
VOTE REPUBLICAN. The Dems are spending away, who is going to pay for all of this mess in the long run? YOU!
For the amount of taxes that we do pay...we should have an even better looking city, a 15,000 person police force, garbage picked up everyday, be able to see a Doctor everyday with what we do pay for health care, the cleanest and safest city in America...instead due to BAD MANAGEMENT and CORRUPTION...meaning the Mayor and his Minions....we have the exact opposite. They all need to go...Vote Em OUT!!!!!
Anonymous said...8/17/2009 06:25:00 AM Just have garbage pick up cut to once every two weeks. Start charging extra for over sized items. No more couches or other furniture.---------------------------------if this ever happened. Can you imagine what a shit hole this city would look like? Fly dumping would be going on everywhere. At least it would all be caught on camera.8/17/2009 07:29:00 AM
The Daley Crime Family has taken lessons from the Mafia. Teflon Dick wants Chicago to look like Naples, where garbage hasn't been picked up in years.
016 District Section 8 said...
Heard new Commander in 011 making very good impressions. Harrison rangers are pulling a mutiny on 2nd watch. Not even the mighty LT, "i'll do anything to make Commander" Andrews can stop the revolt.....
8/17/2009 07:44:00 AM
henny penny has no clue, we the blue shirts have the power to stop this shit by shutting shitcago down! If we stick together we ahve more power than any white shirt could ever blow for "we are the champions boss fuck you"!
Without anyone from Streets & San there who do you think had to breakdown all of the barriers around North ave beach? The police of course!
8/17/2009 10:11:00 AM
Are you kidding? You did it? For Police purposes I'll do the barriers, move them or use them. For cleanup, nooooo way.
Where is the Union? We don't do Streets and San's job. How about solidarity w/ or fellow City workers? The only moving we do is human garbage!
Take a walk down Michigan Ave near Water Tower. Bums lying in every doorstep, filthy sidewalks& Pothole strewn Streets. Thought I was in Calcutta, World Class,yeah right...
The two worst days to not pick up garbage is after Thanksgiving and after Christmas. Real smart move idiot mayor. Obviously he's trying to make it a nice long weekend for the city workers, even though hes slapping them at the same time. Why are city workers being held accountable for his lack of management and overspending? Why isn't the mayor and the alderman at least throwing overalls on and picking up the garbage across the city on these 3 days?
Just more of the machines propaganda!!!!! Nice!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
VOTE REPUBLICAN. The Dems are spending away, who is going to pay for all of this mess in the long run? YOU!
8/17/2009 07:51:00 PM The two part system sucks. Have all who want to run for office just do it, the top vote getter wins.
...Anonymous said...
Take a walk down Michigan Ave near Water Tower. Bums lying in every doorstep, filthy sidewalks& Pothole strewn Streets. Thought I was in Calcutta, World Class,yeah right...
8/18/2009 12:19:00 AM...
OK, let's get some photos and videos, and post them. Post them not just here but on main stream media, since they have cut back they all have web sights where they welcome "reader" pictures.
Some hints, hold the camera steady and use a large file format. Focus in on an interesting item, a wine bottle, a haggard face, a begging hand. Think of your picture not in top and bottom halves but in thirds. Take and submit more than one, including some that show that it is Michigan Avenue, show store signs, Gucci displays and the beautiful people passing by.
I would suggest that you send those pictures to media OUTSIDE Chicago, like Madrid, Tokyo, London, Rio and Switzerland where Shortshanks doesn't control them.
Then go out into our own neighborhoods, show our potholes, show our potholes, our local denizens and problems. See which pictures get published.
Maybe SCC should hold a Shitcago Photo Contest. Display the pictures, have votes, and winners.
P.S. Not too early to think about Halloween, I think we should have CHALKIE as a Halloween Costume Contest. Posed in mock crime scenes, this could be a lot of fun.
Stay Safe, try to have fun with the job, to keep your sanity.
We are short way over 4000 officers! Why does everyone think that we are only short 500 to 1000 officers. Let the FOP talk about this to the media, let the people hear this, let honest hard working taxpayers know that we are budgeted for about 14,000 and have about 9500 cops.
Anonymous said...
We are short way over 4000 officers! Why does everyone think that we are only short 500 to 1000 officers. Let the FOP talk about this to the media, let the people hear this, let honest hard working taxpayers know that we are budgeted for about 14,000 and have about 9500 cops.
8/18/2009 08:51:00 PM
You guys keep beating this dead horse, but if you would take the time to read the Pension Board Report you might learn something. As of 31Dec2008 there were 13,373 sworn personnel paying into the fund. I know, no one believes it. I suspect that the independent auditor is not lying.
" I suspect that the independent auditor is not lying.
8/18/2009 09:32:00 PM"
I suspect that there is no such thing as an independent auditor.
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