What is This?
Does anyone have any idea what this is?
It looks like a snow tire. Brand new judging by the treads. Wrangler. And where did some of our astute viewers find this tire?
That's a Ford Expedition. And it's parked in the Department HQ lot. In an "A" spot right up front. Who has a black unmarked Expedition with 4 brand new snow tires on it?
Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?
[UPDATE: grammar corrections]
[UPDATE: grammar corrections]
Labels: we got nothing
I guess J-Fed doesn't want to die in an accident due to poor tires and vehicle condition. I bet he has explicit standing orders for his drivers to avoid LSD at all costs too.
Only the best for those who do the least.
Unreal... I wish I knew the rest of the plate.
As I recall, the SAME vehicle was parked outside of 011 a few nights ago when the WEISel was walking around the station. Must be a coincidence.
But don't worry, while driving to our fallen brother's wake today in our pool car, the snow had already been cleared from most of the roads so we didn't need fancy snow tires.
Wow thats nice! Just checked online and those are about $250 a pop. That might be the total amount for all four tires and the spare in my shit beat car.
Whats also very nice is that he just a four wheel drive vehicle when we are stuck with two wheel drive tahoes that run all over the road with a drop of rain
It ain't my car.
come on guys....the reason for the off road tires is im sure he has lots of calls to repsond to at 2 am when the streets aren't plowed. on a side note, the tahoe i had yesterday had less than 1/32" of tread left according to my upside down penny.
c'mon scc, big head jody needs that to drive thru all the bullshit he's been spewing.
This one hurts.
Let's go boys and girls! Get those pictures of decrepit squad cars rolling in to SCC. Strike while the iron's hot.
My question: Are any of you media hacks worth your salt going to run a story on the inequities surrounding this whole vehicle topic? Not only does Banjo-Boy get new snow tires, but his SUV is a 4-wheel drive model. Why do the lowly grunts in patrol that are "lucky" enough to get a new Tahoe have to settle for a 2-wheel/rear-drive model?
And a side note: WBBM 780 had J-Fraud referencing SCC when he spoke of "anonymous misinformation posted on a blog site"...or something to that effect.
Me thinks Jody-Boy's blood is slowly heating up towards the boiling point, and I hope he blows big time.
You've got the machine starting to misfire, SCC. Keep up the pressure. And to all you talking a big game about downing vehicles and submitting pictures...put your money where your mouth is, and be part of the noise in this cause.
Before I scrolled down, just seeing the photo, I figured it was Weis' car - the one with the four brand new tires you wrote about last week.
Do I win?
P.S. It's whose car, scc, not who's car.
I bet that Sgt Haymaker is looking down at this and just crying.
Bet it's got 4WD too!
oh wow must be nice!
For a department that's broke, we sure have a lot of money laying around.
Also notice the I-pass box in the windshield. The city must have annexed some parts of the suburbs.
Aren't all law enforcement vehicles exempt from paying tolls?
It is funny how first responders are givin shit to drive each and everyday but exempts get to drive brand new shit cause they are on call! On call for what a fucking protected crime scene. You got all day to get there merit do nothings, let the boys and girls in blue use the good shit after all we are the ones responding to the in progress jobs!! Hacks!!
Every department vehicle being driven by any supervisor just to and from work; and to attend meetings; or to respond to a police shotting in the middle of the night; etc.=take home car. All these vehicles should be switched with the department vehicles being driven by the patrol officers on a day to day basis.
You know how everyone who gets a take home car says, what the hell, at least its a car, who cares what condition its in. Do it now Jody. Its the right thing to do, you ignorant selfish cowardly FK who never had a bad day in his life.
Masters also drives an identical truck. Not sure if his has snow tires though. Saw him hanging out with some dude at Starbucks on Ogden a few months ago.
The bosses, mayor, aldermen, and rest of the higher ups should use the same tires we do. Then they would see firsthand what kind of shit parts and tires our cars are repaired with.
*hand frantically waving like a 1st grader*
ME, ME, ME..... I know, teacher... TTEEAACCHHEER! PICK ME!
We all know who's vehicle that belongs to...our fearless leader! It is nice that he has a brand new 4X4 to ride in while we have to patrol the streets with junks. And why does he need a large Expedition? That is probably so that he has enough room to transport all of his Fed friends around. I would love to see the supt patrol 007 by himself (in a pool car). Even Supt Cline only had an Explorer.
It's ours and we all have sex in it! What's it to you?!
I heard the FEEB was in full uniform today, for the wake of Sgt. Haymaker...sans gun of course. He doesn't want to ruin the beautiful lines of the uniform on his physique.
What a FUCKING STROKE....an insult to the uniform and the star.
And he had a female driver with Assistant Deputy Superintendent rank on her uniform...no idea who SHE was...
And they're filled with HYDROGEN...additional cost for that, dontcha know???
that's one of them new cars they are sending to the districts, right?
j-fart is so precious and so valuable that he gets to have an suv with 4wd AND snow tires while Policemen are literally taking their lives into their own hands especially the ones who pilot 2wd Tahoes with all season Police spec tires during the winter?
Anyone piloting Tahoes who were jack-potted with a preventable accident and or took suspension time due to inability to stop/maneuver or otherwise avoid a collision due to being equipped with hard-ass all season tires should be screaming bloody murder!
Being of "certain age" we remember when squad cars and even squadrols were outfitted with snow tires during the winter season.
Just more of shortshanks and j-fart energetically telling Policemen they're disposable and expendable.
So what if you get blown up in a car crash due to shitty, second rate equipment, shoddy and slap-dash maintenance and willful negligence by the city?
Just die already so j-fart & the dwarf can affix blame to you so they can maintain the status quo of corruption, deceit, dishonesty and thievery.
These clowns walk the backs off each other's shoes trying to be in the front to take credit for cooked crime stats.
But when it comes to admitting/accepting responsibility for the fucked up state of the Department (which they intentionally had a hand in) they're like boys in the school yard at recess running around trying to avoid the one chasing them with shit on a stick.
j-fart is the million dollar man... he's too important to run the same risks we peed on peons do.
Maybe ole elbow in a '73 Catalina with flapping fenders will drive close and peel a little paint and side trim off the jody-mobile and give him a West Side salutation...
"Fuck you lookin' at muthafukah? You never seen a muthafuckah that's broke an' ain't got insurance? You hit ME bitch! I'm suein' YO ASS, mark-ass muthafuckah!"
(oh by the way j-fart, since you're the Police now you can solve that little problem on your own right? big bad former feeb like yourself?)
Then we get to laugh when we see j-fart tooling around (no pun there) in a 130K Chevy Impala pool car with bald tires, uncertain alignment, decaying floor boards, hanging wires, every idiot light illuminated and the smell of raw monkey shit emanating from an indeterminable source.
Stop trying to run damage control to protect tom thumb & shortshanks.
It's out in the open (and notoriously so) that he gave the order not to salt so as not to kill shortshanks precious posies in the median planter.
You fools should dangle for trying to cover up a Policeman getting killed due to a mayoral friend making a meat-headed call to protect some damn flowers or save a few dollars in salt.
Check out the green air caps on the tires. Thats nitrogen filled tires ala Cosco! Only the best for the best!
Keep working and putting yourselves and families finances at risk for these goofs. They truly appreciate a job well done... SUCKERS!!!!!!
SNOW TIRES!?!?! Are you f’ing kidding me. A good man died in a piece of $hit pool car and these douches get all the bells and whistles on there exempt cars.
We need to band together forget this old school versus new school bs. Make time to go to flop meetings and make our voices heard.
We all wear blue.
nice tires. probably the best winter tires made by goodyear. wait a second... i think i need to show this picture to my buddy who is a ford tech. those look like upgraded brakes... as in bigger rotors and pads, as in better breaking any questionable weather condition. i will update. must be nice to have a safe vehicle to um... patrol the number 10 ranked, most miserable city in the country.
The Daley administration is attempting to subvert a form of free and protected speech; by silencing this blog and subverting the truth expressed by CPD members, City of Chicago employees and concerned citizens.
This is Unconstitutional and a direct violation of the 1st Amendment.
1st Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Regarding the "freedom of speech." The 1st Amendment does not give us our freedom of speech, it prohibits the government from taking actions that abridge our freedom of speech
We do not get our rights from the government but rather we created the government in order to secure our rights. We had our rights before the government even existed. See the Declaration of Independence, which is part of US law, for more information on this.
The Declaration of Independence states that rights come from each person's "Creator." For some that could be God, for others maybe just their humanity. The important thing is just to know that rights do not come from the government and are beyond government's ultimate control.
"Congress shall make no law"... "abridging the freedom of speech"
That does not give us our freedom of speech, it prohibits the government from taking it away. It also does not say Congress shall not make certain laws... it is written that "Congress shall make NO law" abridging the freedom of speech. No law, regardless of whose freedom of speech they are trying to limit. Congress cannot touch speech and neither can Shortshanks or J-Fed.
"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Our right to March at City Hall and protest the injustices we face is also secured by the 1st Amendment. It is time to exercise this right again in light of the current tragedy/coverup.
The main thing to keep in mind regarding the Constitution is that it was written in a way to restrain the powers of the federal government. The founders wanted to restrain the government's powers because back at that time they had just won their liberty from a tyrannical government and did not want the same happening again.
For some good videos on the Constitution, I recommend videos from Judge Andrew Napolitano and also Michael Badnarik's constitution class videos. These videos are posted on Youtube.
Information is power, people know your rights and fight to keep our way of life. We are the People's vanguard of freedom.
Long Live SCC!!!
Thats J-feds rticked out ride. Has more gadgets then james bond's car.
I noticed those tires the other day when I was down there. They look huge. Really jump out at you. Looks like Hummer tires or something.
If you want to know whose Wrangler with the four new snow tires are, let the air out of all four tires and see who complains.
Only the best for those who do the least.
Then where's MINE??? I haven't written a mover in over a year.
Will it stick on Lake Shore Drive?
Years ago when visiting Washington DC I ran into Chuck Ramsey,then Chief of Police in DC, while he was walking to his car. He was in uniform and had just left a community meeting. After spending twenty minutes giving me advice on sites to see and restaurants to visit he got into his MARKED squad car and drove himself away...
"...j-fart is the million dollar man... he's too important to run the same risks we peed on peons do..."
C'mon, Man. Buck up.
Pissed off or pissed on, Urine Shitcago.
The useless ones seem to have the best equipment. Gee, how did that happen? Big ego's. Little weenies.
---not a cop
What a waste of taxpayer money...
All that so a useless fuck can drive to work. Typical. The siren likely has cobwebs in it from lack of use. Same as the dead ass that drives it.
O.T. The Obama administration on Friday is proposing regulations aimed at protecting workers' retirement savings.
The safeguards would protect workers from conflicts of interest on the part of financial advisers who manage their 401(k)s and individual retirement accounts, an administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the proposal had not yet been formally announced.
The proposed regulations would require retirement investment advisers and money managers to either: base investment advice on objective computer models certified by independent experts; or refrain from steering workers into funds they are affiliated with or from which they are receiving a commission.
Can he make that retroactive and include the Mayor's nephew in that?
would you expect anything less?
jpud is a real piece of work
any more fallout about shoddy equipment will all fall on suspended commissioner MIKE PICARDI
that truck has more bells and whistles than ron hubermans car.
i clearly see a satellite radio antenna.
i'm sure it has ass warmers. certainly kissers that drive it.
what a waste of tax payers money........
that truck/car spect out cost about 80k
It would be funny but a WORKING COP DIED
And they're filled with HYDROGEN...additional cost for that, dontcha know???
2/26/2010 01:27:00 AM
So is his enormous noggin.
He stands up in front of his command staff and talks about leadership and how their sacrifice of furlough days is an example of leadership (wtf?).
Take a lesson from the Gerneral that wouldn't eat until his men were fed. You are a terrible leader, Jody.
Never in the history of ANY police deprtment had the top guy been so disliked by his men. You know this in your heart too, don't you?
I was just wondering, since Jody gets a couple of salaries from the city, is he going to get 2 pensions? Anyone know how that works?
Or does he just pay waaaay extra into ours now so that he can suck it dry later?
wow a bet he wont have and trouble driving on lakeshore drive.
Ok so he gets to be driven around in a nice big new SUV, ok I get that. BUT those are overkill $$$ ass snow tires. We don't get them and he shouldn't either. No clue J-fraud.
You fools should dangle for trying to cover up a Policeman getting killed due to a mayoral friend making a meat-headed call to protect some damn flowers or save a few dollars in salt.
2/26/2010 01:46:00 AM
We GOTTA plot some really good shit against this FEM oops i mean FEEB oops i mean FED
Speaks VOLUMES as to what your "minions" think of you.
I hope you DO read SCC each day and know before mommy tucks you in that we all(except the suck holes trying to keep a cush spot) CANT STAND YOUR ASS.
How DARE you wear that uniform.
how DARE you.
That my friend is Earned. As you look in the casket today,see and REALIZE what a SACRIFICE truly is.See what a POLICEMAN really is,and see what you sir will NEVER BE.
2 taps brother,We MUST consume frosty adult beverages SOON.
you know who.....
Old Blue Gun
If the beat car is unsafe in ANY way
you are not required to take it.
quit bitching, and just make the city give you equipment that is safe...
Sister Tomasina
if you get stuck with a shitbox for 8.5 hrs who cares as long as the heat/air works--- as soon as you hit the road you will know if the car has deficiencies, so adjust your driving to the capabilities of that vehicle.... the only time you "punch it" is when a fellow officer is getting stomped and needs help pronto.....
If you want to know whose Wrangler with the four new snow tires are, let the air out of all four tires and see who complains.
2/26/2010 05:48:00 AM
Even better, go there and park in that spot when the truck is gone. I saw it once and the HQ parking attendant came running out of that shack like she was on fire screaming at the top of her lungs for an officer to move their car out of his spot. It was f*cking golden I tell ya.
jail jail jail for j-chunp. it is only fair.
Why don't WE have snow tires? There have been times when my car has gotten stuck 2 or 3 times in the parking lot. I carry kitty litter, salt, and a shovel now. It's absolutely ridiculous. And JPud is such a pompous asshat--just like Obama, I cringe every time I see him on tv. All bullshit.
I've been driving a Ford where the paint is peeling away from most of the squad. Took it motor maintance, they said don't worry. By May, I will have an all silver, primer squad.
JFed is so hopelessly distant from reality it's almost funny. Shame on the media for not questioning him further when he referred to SCC. I really hope Karma comes back to kick him in the ass. He's a criminal for keeping his mouth shut re: shortshanks and his minions. I could walk into his office right now and show him more city connections to the mob. And I'm just a p.o. You think he'll give me an audience???? He makes me want to throw up.
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this on Michigan Ave by the green line?
I just looked up those tires, which incidentlaly have the best rating for wet/snow/thread.
Some of you look like you drive on fucking donuts. What an absolute disgrace! My cousin was killed LODD on my father's birthday - auto accident. Assholes!!!!!!!!!
Now I know exactly what I'm going to do...
Just got new tires for my PU. The tires on your pictured SUV are more than $250 ea. Especially when you consider the "kickback factor" which ADDS 300% to each purchase so that the guy with the Friend-O-Da-Mayor contract gets the proper cut of the taxpayers $$$$.
Note: I didn't get the nitrogen filled tires, but they were $40 a tire a couple weeks ago when I was tire shopping. Not counting the HIGHEST sales tax in the nation!
NO, I didn't buy them here. I travel to Wisconsin for ALL of my big purchases. Cheaper all around, nice drive, better service and not surrounded by asshole gangbangers.
Jfed who's protecting all the unlicensed street vendors in 10th police district
100's everyday paying no city license fees , state or federal tax
is the district commander responsible for crime in his district
maybe Pam Zekman or John Kass can look into this
What's even more amazing is all the brand new, very nice, low milage vehicles the brass were arriving in at the wake last nite. It was absolutely incrediable to see the fleet of beautifull SUV's and Chevy's arriving and the very important brass exiting them, many even with drivers. My partner and I arrived at the wake in a horrible pool car with 126,000 miles on it. While driving we could smell fumes, the steering vibrated when braking, and the rear end sounded like it was going to fall off. I wonder.... Do the brass respond to 911 calls from the public in their beautifull cars cause we do in our shit pool car. Just a though.
No wonder there is NO MONEY IN THE TIRE BUDGET!!!
Digs Deep With TractiveGroove Technology™
The new Wrangler DuraTrac features TractiveGroove Technology to help get the job done when the roads get tough. Offering enhanced traction in deep mud and snow, the Wrangler DuraTrac is a hardworking tire for drivers who don't know the meaning of the word quit.
My beat car, not a pool car, has accident damage on the body, as do several other beat cars, they are not downed for a pool car because there are NO pool cars.
You put this tired old Ford Crown Vic in drive, count to three, and then it drops into gear. I will not go over 35mph in the thing. The right outside mirror cannot be adjusted. There are other minor problems but basically it is ready to be retired, ready to go to Unit 993, a 993 car is retired for parts or scrap.
Maybe we should start writing "993" on these shitbox squads in yellow grease pencil to let the public know the junk we drive. This is what the public pays for in their high taxes and increased fees. We have not seen one new Tahoe in my district, not one.
Oh yes, keep paying those parking boxes, the mayor says they are good for the city. No more revenue coming in from those, how long? Another 74 years?
How on earth can the citizens keep swallowing this crap without storming City Hall and dragging the master criminal daley out by his heels and tying him to a parking box for public stoning?
Dump Daley 2011
I guess that it is below J-Pud’s dignity to drive a pool car! I would like to see how he would handle a broken and bent seat on a daily basis. Maybe his excessive use of steroids would keep him from getting a bad back And maybe with his pull he could get a floor mat in a car to cover up the thirty wires it is supposed to cover. Or have the front end fixed so the hard pull from the damaged aligned does not pull you into the parked cars. But of course if you refuse to drive one of these pool cars YOU are the malcontent.
Features Benefits
TractiveGroove Technology™ Offers enhanced traction in deep mud and snow
Self-cleaning shoulder blocks Help provide enhanced dirt, gravel and mud traction
Highly angled center tread blocks Help provide enhanced traction and lateral stability while reducing road noise
Rim protector Helps protect wheels from accidental curb damage
Pinned for #16 metal studs* Enhanced traction in winter driving conditions
Just looked them up on google.com. Depending on the size these tires can run anywhere from $250 - $300 per tire. That's special ain't it boys and girls.
Anonymous said...
Also notice the I-pass box in the windshield. The city must have annexed some parts of the suburbs.
Aren't all law enforcement vehicles exempt from paying tolls?
2/26/2010 12:48:00 AM
If the occupant is NOT a law enforcement official it is NOT a law enforcement vehicle.
I got 4 tires on sale for my Toyota for $345. You gotta watch those sale flyers.
Hey Mr. Superintendent! Since there is nothing wrong with pool card have every exempt give up their car and take out a run of the mill pool car from the back row at motor maintenance not the front row. Mr. Superintendent in case you do not know motor maintenance keeps a dozen front line pool cars out of the fleet every day just in case one of the exempt cars needs service. Some nights we ride three deep because there are no cars available but there are a whole row of front line cars just sitting there for your boys. But again I’m just guessing since you are an outsider they never tell you this stuff. How does it feel to make your kind of money and no one tells you anything?
But seriously, dont all jobs have top management getting more than the backbone of workers under them?
This is not news. There are the same disgruntled workers all over this country.
That vehicle is actually a Ford Expedition XLT EL. Base price for the 4x4 model is $42,935 before taxes. That's a bare bones model. Standard engine: 5.4L SOHC 3V V8, with a 6 speed automatic trans. Seating for 8, comfortably.
I noticed those tires the other day when I was down there. They look huge. Really jump out at you. Looks like Hummer tires or something.
2/26/2010 05:34:00 AM
The new tires on J-GOOF's ride are positively dwarfed by his landing strip forehead and his hydrogen-filled 55-gallon drum head! And the new thread is not as deep as his weight lifting stretch marks!
RIP Sergeant Haymaker.
In the late 1980's, the city was short marked cars, but it had an abundance of unmarked cars. They put blue lights on the unmarked cars and gave them to the sergeants.
This is an option that would work today. Take away the low mileage take-home unmarked cars and give them to the district sergeants.
Guys, you have 2WD Tahoes, because that is the only "pursuit rated" SUV available. The 4WD Special Service vehicle is basically a civilian one with cop gear in it.
And his tires are flled with nitrogen, not hydrogen. I bet there are a lot of guys out there that wish they were filled with hydrogen. Remember the Hindenburg?
Still....that is way too nice of a ride for that hack to be driving around in.
Post Daley's heavily CPD guarded/valet wheels on line, too. I'm sure nothing but the best of the best for him and the Magster.
Start posting the shit we are forced to drive!!!!!
Start refusing to even step foot in these vehicles, let them down the car(s) until the Cmdr's (who also have the best) start getting a bug up their ass and forced to do something.
off topic: earlier this week at roll call the capt told us the snow is coming and we should get about 12" by noon the next day. the capt then while looking down at the c.o.book then stated " be careful and don't get into an accident, because there are no parts to fix the cars and get them back, so we will be without another car, and we all know we don't have enough cars already". 10-12hrs later the good sgt haymaker was killed. just wanted to vent. thanks
The Weiser is pulling in 300,000
dollars a year from the Mayor for
"overseeing" his Police Department.
With that kind money, plus "other"
considerations, mebbe he went to
Al Piemonte Ford in Melrose Park and got an "offer" he couldn't
And furthermore, that sucker is too
big to get swallowed-up or effed-up
by any Chicago pothole.
Of course, what did you expect, that the hypocritical regime here will EVER change?
ANYONE who drives to ANY call at over 35 MPH., other than for Brother Officers calling for help, in this City, is a damned Fool.
The same air used to fill those tires are used to inflate that enormous head of Da WEISel, hence the beady eyes!!
Those are not snow tires. They are good for everything. Those are an optional upgraded tire that come with certain packages for that vehicle.
And one last thing why would you post a picture of a one of our unmarked vehicles online!!?? We have no idea what the intended use of this vehicle was or is for. Regardless if it's J-feds, some other exempt, or a PO don't post pictures of our department unmarked vehicles online. Other people besides the police read this blog ex. CRIMINALS or GANG MEMBERS. And to quote you
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
Very good observation...
Hey SCC you should make this comment a main TREAD
Lets see what everyone has under their sleeves (comments)
To 12:39 - I bet Sgt. Haymaker is praying for all of us. He believed in salvation for all. He is most definitely at peace. Let's keep that in mind. We can all learn a lesson from him.
That IPass is so that Jody can visit his boss at his Michigan home to get guidance about who to screw next.
Anonymous said...
I bet that Sgt Haymaker is looking down at this and just crying.
2/26/2010 12:39:00 AM
That's why this department is so ass backwards. All the new good cars should be given to patrol who are responding to calls, and the bosses should be driving the pool cars for going to meetings. The news should start asking the bosses why they need the brand new vehicles????? I was sriving a vehilce that had 120,000 miles last night and it felt like it was going to fall apart. I'm refusing to take that car out from now on.
let's start sending the media pictures of our cars.
Did anyone see abbatte failed a drug test? What a dildo.
Cline used a ford explorer,plus the supt has 2 new yes 2 new Black crown vics on "stand by"! For what reason? Why does any exempt need a take home car? WTF? If there is an emergency,they coul;d call a beat car in any district to take their sorry asses the the scene,and as a bonus they could see how nice our cars are! Expedition 8-12 MPG and wow look at the fancy expensive tires! Look at the maotors detail cars,and eddie burkes plus the tresurer girl why the heck do we give these clowns police spec cars? mayor wants to be "green" give em chevy cobalts, or why can't they lease a car?
Police vehicles are in bad shape due abuse by those hotdog officers who race to every job, even parkers...
Supersize the pics,look at all the fancy lights in the grille,and also around the windshield,all that money invested must look like a CHRISTMAS tree at night!
If you can, put nitrogen in your tires. They make a difference in gas mileage, not a lot, but they do.
I put nitrogen in my tires and get about 15-20 extra miles per tank on average. It adds up.
You can get it free when you buy tires at Cassidy or they'll do it for $15 if you bring your car in.
Better yet, the nitrogen gas is denser than regular air and stays in the tires better when they are cold, not as much topping off with air in the winter.
That said, JFed speaketh with forked tongue when it comes to the welfare of the rank/file.
$229.00 each plus tax!
"And they're filled with HYDROGEN...additional cost for that, dontcha know???
2/26/2010 01:27:00 AM"
if only that was so......
When will we hear word on Cozzi's appeal?
Yes, on this Dept; traditionally, the political-types, who do the least Real Police work, always get the most, and the best. It has been going on for many decades, probably forever, in the most corrupt city in the USA.
"Unreal... I wish I knew the rest of the plate."
Why? So you can run it to see that it comes back as registered to the City of Chicago?
Did you think it'd reveal J-Fed's home address so you'd be able to roll through after a night of boozing and light a bag of dog shit afire on his porch, ring the doorbell and run like hell into the night?
My suggestion: log into the nearest PDT/Hot Desk UNDER YOUR PC # and run the plate as soon as you discover the last four digits. Please report back to SCC with your findings and any other peculiar goings-on that will have transpired subsequent to your SOS inquiry.
Then spend your suspension dreaming up and concocting other ways to verify the obvious.
And theres another one parked right behind it,see the middle pic.
Does that one belong to
Or could it be for Bea the bartender, the owner of the southside drug and gun house ?
Was it just me or did anyone else catch the fact that J-Fed kept saying sorry for your lose at the wake. Oh yeah, that's right, he's only one of us when he speaks publicly.
2/26/2010 01:12:00 AM
He needs that big ass car to transport his huge freakin' head around.
Was just at the furneral and that is the exact vehicle that he arrived in. Huge new snow tires! Why does any boss need a $60 thousand SUV? How fast can he get to the 911 calls in it?
And I'm sure after the winter is over he will have some lacky switch his tires back for brand new all season tires. Since we actually use police vehicles to respond to 911 calls shouldn't we get winter tires too. I will just settle for tires that aren't bald.
The former Chicago police officer convicted of a bar beating seen around the world has been charged with violating his probation by failing a drug test and could wind up serving prison time after all.
Anthony Abbate, 41, appeared today before Circuit Judge Arthur Hill for allegedly testing positive for opiates and set a hearing on the allegations for March 12.
The judge set bail at $40,000. His father posted bond immediately afterward and Abbate was released, according to court records and his attorney, Peter J. Hickey III. Hickey declined to comment on the alleged violation.
im not going "monday morning quarterback" what happened on LSD. but the one comment i keep seeing is the sgt was driving a pool car. i dont know the condition of that vehicle prior to the accident, i can say that 99.9% of pool cars are shit. hell, most non-pool cars are shit too. just remember NO ONE can make u drive a car that you feel is unsafe. if the brakes seem f%^ked up or if the alignment is outta whack----down the car.
Off subject...just got back from Sgt. Haymaker's funeral. Lovely service, but Father Nagle's sermon had to be among the best. Thanks Father.
OT. Enough is Enough! SCC, I heard that a certain Male, Lieut recently assigned to Vice got a female officer who plays for the Chicago Bliss Football Team, detailed to Vice. First off, Patrol is low on manpower, officers are being told no movement, yet this merit Sgt,and merit Lieut gets a P.O. who by the way disgraces our uniform by prancing around in her lingerie, detailed to Vice while more qualified male and FEMALE Officers get nothing. I am proud of the uniform I wear, this officer might be a good officer but to me, our uniform is sacred. It is bad enough non-police wear our uniform, but now a police officer moonlighting in lingerie. She is sending the wrong message. I'm tired of this!
We buried a brother today, due to indifference,ignorance,and incompetance. This during a slow period. When the summer heat further stretches criminally negligent hiring practices, equipment upgrades, and major morale issues, what is going to happen. When an 11th District veh on a 90 degree day blows a retread tire and hits a kid, what's gonna happen? When a 5th. District 10-1 occurs doing a multiple shooting night and there are officers waiting in the station for vehicles,what is going to happen? For years we've been begging the media to shed light on this,and we have been stonewalled. We don't need funds spent on cameras,GPS or more Dep Sup's. We need policemen, and where is the money going to come from to hire them?
We were reended last year and the back of the seats of the squad car were twisted. So our heads were straight and my body was twisting to the left. Due to this, I have a not as bad spinal injury that is not healing the way it should and has had me out for awhile on and off IOD. And I'm being told, that I may not be able to work the street again, because of it and it breaks my fucking heart.
And then you put this shit up. Fuck these people and fuck him and his god damn truck. I'm done with this shit.
Serve your masters slaves!
only $256.99 each off Amazon.com
The car we had for the funeral had 127,000 miles on it, a seat belt that would not lock, and the inner portion of the door was falling off. Tomorrow when we go to work we will be using that pool car for our tour. I would love for some of these exempts to sit their golden asses in one of these cars that we deal with everyday.
And it's 4X4
i know an ex-014th district/ 016th district guy that knows that vehicle very well.ouch....
Well Now!
Upon further review, those DEFINITELY look like oversized/uprated brakes!
How much money you want to bet that the j-fart mobile has ballistic inserts in the doors and ballistic film on all the glass?
Nothing but the best for j-fart while Policemen have to beg, borrow and do all short of steal to have a vehicle to patrol in for 8 to 10 hours that won't spontaneously & vigorously disassemble itself after running over a frozen rat turd...
Jody says fuck you coppers... You're uneducated rabble he has to endure in order to become the next Director of the feebs.
You're expendable and disposable so shut up and die already so he can blame you for your own demise in order to protect himself and Daley Inc.
The cool million dollars he's making says so...
If you look really quick at it, it looks like the inside of an oreo, but it probably is a snow tire.
densey Cole now in second place down by 1000 votes for the honeymoon contest...
Respond to call at what hour???? NO hour! The damn truck was covered with snow from the last storm up until a day or so ago.
From CPD website:
You can go as far as your determination takes you. Every sworn member of the Chicago Police Department, from the highest-ranking position down, began his or her career as a Police Officer.
Word is that 5th floor wants parking lot video to I.d who took photos
"Girlfriend of Chicago Cop on February 26, 2010 12:21 PM
RIP Officer Haymaker, your sisters and brothers in blue will take it from here. Thank you for your service, because of you our world is safer.
To the Haymaker family...I am sorry you are having to endure this. I went through this very thing 8 years ago and if there are any comforting words I can give you, it's that time does make things a little easier to deal with. I still grieve 8 years later but not as bad as I did for the first few years. Everytime I hear of another police officer being killed I feel the pain for the family. God Bless and know that Sgt. Haymaker is with you. He will send you signs, you just have to be open to them.
As for Mayor Daley, if anyone owes this amazing police officer an enormous debt of gratitude it's you. I know that the entire fleet of vehicles that the chicago police have are not taken care of. They have bald tires, mechanical problems and the mileage on these cars are extremely high. I love how Mayor Daley tries to shine in the death of an honorable man....just like a crook would. Where does the money go that is suppose to fix these vehicles and maintain them or how about why haven't you taken some of the grant money given from the president to purchase new vehicles? I don't know, but I do know we lost a good man to a greedy crook!!"
the above is from the comments on:
Nice pic. I like the contrast between Jody's showroom-new SUV and the pos Crown Vic that the real police drive.
His car was at the funeral today parked by the Fire Department canteen truck.
I know of at least 20 coppers who were thinking about taking a piss on fuck-heads tires.
This is hilarious, keep it going maybe he will blow a gasket.
You think this was the U.P. of Michigan or Montana. You don't need tires like that on a gas hog truck like that in Chicago. You just need common sense when you are driving! Keep wasting taxpayer money you moron!
Those are not snow tires. They are good for everything. Those are an optional upgraded tire that come with certain packages for that vehicle.
And one last thing why would you post a picture of a one of our unmarked vehicles online!!?? We have no idea what the intended use of this vehicle was or is for. Regardless if it's J-feds, some other exempt, or a PO don't post pictures of our department unmarked vehicles online. Other people besides the police read this blog ex. CRIMINALS or GANG MEMBERS. And to quote you
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
STFU and go back down in mom's basment, Tackelberry.
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
2/26/2010 11:05:00 AM
So, uh, sarcasm not your strong suit, eh?
On a lighter note, Commander Lopez of 025 was dumped immediately following the funeral today. Heart warming and classy.
The car we had for the funeral had 127,000 miles on it, a seat belt that would not lock, and the inner portion of the door was falling off. Tomorrow when we go to work we will be using that pool car for our tour. I would love for some of these exempts to sit their golden asses in one of these cars that we deal with everyday.
2/26/2010 03:34:00 PM
WHY IN HELL are you taking this car off the lot? You WILL take a day from the inspectors for the non-functional belt.
And you'll put yourself into the hospital because you can't be bothered to dump that car at the Area?
Anonymous said...
$229.00 each plus tax!
2/26/2010 12:30:00 PM
I know where to get a pair of Wranglers for $22.90 (at Target)
On a lighter note, Commander Lopez of 025 was dumped immediately following the funeral today. Heart warming and classy.
Guees what, He was just out for himself, don't let him fool ya, signed a 25th Dist. Sgt.
P.S. He's also getting an ADS pension.
Has JP ever held true to his promise. . . and driven any of us home after a few too many in that Hoop-D??
Some must be protected at all times.
Word is that 5th floor wants parking lot video to I.d who took photos
2/26/2010 04:55:00 PM
the photog has no worries.
Nice..my personnel car is not that clean!!! Who cleans his car????
Densey Cole only down 100 votes.....vote Now please!
who gives a shit about what exempt tags may/may not look like?
exempts make doubly damn sure they're not in harm's way. that's why they have servants/drivers and in j-fart's case a tail car or three.
they're never directly in peril of ANY KIND of bodily harm.
when is an exempt ever followed home from work/run off the road/taken rolling gunfire from another vehicle while behind the wheel?
that only happens to you peons, not weis or the exempts. they're important... without their steady hands and depth of law enforcement experience, CPD would certainly grind to a halt. they are SOLEY responsible for the success CPD enjoys as the premier municipal law enforcement agency of the country.
you uneducated CPD rabble are very much interfering with his plans! it's bad enough you cost the city it's olympic bid and his chance to be director of security but you don't dare get in the way of his parlaying his experience as CPD stupidintendent into directorship of the fbi!
Now die bravely and quietly already... 42 extra-short, j-fart & the exempts have already told you you're disposable and expendable by their pleasure. Their joy is pretending they're concerned about your well being while starving you of equipment, resources and training.
They want to be sure Police Officers have plenty of stress and aggravation. If they kill off enough of you before you retire then it's a financial saving for the city coupled with shrinking the Department through attrition.
Once they get the numbers down to about 3k to 5k total then the aldermen, certain exempts and rev'runs who are in the know on the coming privatization of CPD will get nice bids for "security contractors" and you can see CPD reduced to $12 to $15 an hour security with no benefits or pension after the city of chicago successfully divorces itself from it's pension & benefit obligations.
then a miracle will occur and chicago will be magically flush with more money than ever before!
you blue shirted rabble have no vision. just ask 42 extra-short, j-fart, the exempts, alderfools and rev'runs!
Light bars on all cars, I like it!
The chief in DC driving himself in a marked, squad. I like it!
Remember the Hindenburg?, Hydrogen filled tires HQ cars. I like it!
Double shooting yesterday in Haymaker's(RIP) district. Squad told units to catch the CTA as all cars were gone. I DONT LIKE THAT...
SCC keep up the great work, you are truly providing a service.
-follow the money
Alright already....its not like exempts have never ridden in a crappy car. They just got promoted so they wouldn't have to ride in crappy cars with a partner. Some of the exempt cars are just as bad as the marked ones.
Tread wear indicators showing, and I cant get 4 USED tires.
JFED has snow tires? Wears the uniform?
Well at least I have my self respect, and dont have the mayors hand up my arse pulling strings
worked the funeral today. why did BURKE ride in a nice new crown vic with ligth bars. with a driver. wtf!!!!
Be careful...I can kind of make out the reflection on the door. I don't know what kind of CSI shit we got now but I don't want to see a brother get burned for this.
Not only does it have new tires, it's a 4 wheel drive. Plus if you ever walk by it and look very closely in the back of the 3rd seat, you will see the gun locker in it. Not that any of his drivers could pass the power test or qualify. That's only for us lowly grunts. I know every night Weisel goes to bed contemplating how he can fuck us and the department more. For every new way he comes up with, Shortshanks gives him a gold star like they did in kindergarten.
I wonder how much longer it takes for us to cause J-Fed's veins to pop out of his head and he turns beet red like shortshanks. Then they can stand next to each other and both stutter and mumble during the press conferences. Hey Weisel, does shortshanks ever let you look at your balls that he has in a jar in his office.
Those are not snow tires. They are good for everything. Those are an optional upgraded tire that come with certain packages for that vehicle.
And one last thing why would you post a picture of a one of our unmarked vehicles online!!?? We have no idea what the intended use of this vehicle was or is for. Regardless if it's J-feds, some other exempt, or a PO don't post pictures of our department unmarked vehicles online. Other people besides the police read this blog ex. CRIMINALS or GANG MEMBERS. And to quote you
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
Masters, get the hell off the blog. Do you think anyone in the city doesn't know the exempt cars,especially J-Feds. Everyone has seen him in it and its got more lights on it than a Christmas tree.
Those are not snow tires. They are good for everything. Those are an optional upgraded tire that come with certain packages for that vehicle.
And one last thing why would you post a picture of a one of our unmarked vehicles online!!?? We have no idea what the intended use of this vehicle was or is for. Regardless if it's J-feds, some other exempt, or a PO don't post pictures of our department unmarked vehicles online. Other people besides the police read this blog ex. CRIMINALS or GANG MEMBERS. And to quote you
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
2/26/2010 11:05:00 AM
Are you f@#king serious you jack-ass ?!!!
Like any one of these armored,exempt vehicles are going to show up at an in-progress call, or be used as a covert vehicle !!
If the criminals and bangers want to know what the plates look like all they have to do is turn their f#$king scum-bag heads to the right and look around the parking lot as they go through the back door of headquarters ,or to go to update their address for the sex offender registry(another damn joke).
The way I see it ,the only person that would be concerned about being "I.D." by the bad guys is the motherf#$ker driving it who has to park it on the street while they go to get Jody's dry cleaning and his lunch !!
They will however show up when it's time to put one of up in the ground !! Think of it as a really comfortable vehicle( WITH REALLY GOOD TIRES)to carry ghouls to your funeral.
p.s keep up the good work secret Squirrel
Heard after the all the media attention, Daley caved in and gave a contract to Jose's used tires so we can get better tires on all the vehicles. We will be able to take the cars there and pick the best used tires we can find. Fuck you shortshanks and J-Fed.
And one last thing why would you post a picture of a one of our unmarked vehicles online!!?? We have no idea what the intended use of this vehicle was or is for. Regardless if it's J-feds, some other exempt, or a PO don't post pictures of our department unmarked vehicles online. Other people besides the police read this blog ex. CRIMINALS or GANG MEMBERS. And to quote you
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
What a fucking tool you are. Get back into JFed's crack, RayRay.
A big THANK YOU to Mike Masters for putting the petulant Bob Lopez in his place yesterday! How dare a 30+ year veteran stand up to the Chief Of Staff. Your CAPS attendance is down Bob! And you need more gang dispersals! True, homicides are down, but we need event #s! Sadly, Masters and J-Fed then assured Bob that his spot was safe. BUT then at the funeral J-Fed changed his mind and dumped Lopez! Now some may say that dumping someone at a funeral for a fallen brother is not classy...but when has J-Fed been classy toward 025?
The CPD is on the verge of imploding.
Those are NOT New Tires!!!!!!!
They have well over 50 miles on them!
Jody W?
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!2/26/2010 11:05:00
You twit.
what a TOOL!
P.s. If you read the obit, the 'Gilhooly' family also lost another...
Who is the asshole commenting about keeping the exempt plates a secret?
Fuck You!
They should be made to drive MARKED units everywhere including home. This would give J-Fed and the rest of the Gold Stars a taste of reality. They could learn what it is like to man a beat car and get constant handwavers. They could see what it is like to get cutoff and flagrantly disrespected while driving a MARKED unit.
They could see how it feels to have your every neighbor bothering you about every police related and unrelated issue.
They Killed a good man by making us drive shit.
BUT then at the funeral J-Fed changed his mind and dumped Lopez! Now some may say that dumping someone at a funeral for a fallen brother is not classy...but when has J-Fed been classy toward 025?
2/26/2010 09:42:00 PM
Get your story straight Murph. He called Lopez to the 016th District garage right AFTER the funeral and had O'Keefe "deal" with the problem. Now - that's class!
What would be a good time for a photographer to catch a glimpse of that taxpayer-funded vehicle entering or leaving the lot?
What would be a good time for a photographer to catch a glimpse of that taxpayer-funded vehicle entering or leaving the lot?
My God, can't you reporters do any of your own work anymore? You know where he works, you know what he drives, you can find out there's only on entrance to the parking lot. For crying out loud, go sit in the IIT parking lot with a telephoto lens and snap some pictures if you want souvenirs, you idiot. At least Walter Jacobson pretended to live with the homeless fuckers for a few days, you candy-asses can't even sit in a heated van and take some photos from a distance?
2/27/2010 12:07:00 AM
Contract me and I will get all the pics you want. Post an email online and you will get want you want.
Cmon SCC. Give the Sup a break. He's probably making monthly payments on those tires..
Re: Can't you reporters do your own work for yourselves?
LOL, I'm a sympathetic civilian not a journalist. But even if I was, THIS is how you would treat someone about to provide you a favorable point of view in the media? You guys are so predictable in shooting yourselves in the foot.
Anonymous said...
Those are not snow tires. They are good for everything. Those are an optional upgraded tire that come with certain packages for that vehicle.
And one last thing why would you post a picture of a one of our unmarked vehicles online!!?? We have no idea what the intended use of this vehicle was or is for. Regardless if it's J-feds, some other exempt, or a PO don't post pictures of our department unmarked vehicles online. Other people besides the police read this blog ex. CRIMINALS or GANG MEMBERS. And to quote you
"Why, that appears to be an exempt tag! Anyone have any info on whose car this might be?"
Hey Thanks for letting the world know what some of plates look like!! Good looking out!!!
2/26/2010 11:05:00 AM
Dude, relax....If you think for a split second that the gang members and criminals don't already know what our unmarked squads look like...your kidding yourself.
And lastly, the plates are regular Illinois plates just like every other car on the road, so there is no harm in showing those online. The only difference is who they register to and only folks with LEADS access can find that out.
Posted on the Chicago Sun Times website under the article; No ice where crash killed cop: Weis
ceaser wrote:
All reports for the LSD streets and sanitation drivers are to be reported on their radio's, the scanner frequency is 453.100 or 453.650 not on the nextel, or through cell phone calls. Review the camera's along Lake Shore Drive, see where the salt trucks were parked at the exit ramps, if they were, or did the Foreman or Acting Foreman check all ramps, overpasses to ensure safety. For Weis, and his Assistant to say two different versions, uh oh.
Hopefully the Sergeants family hired an attorney soon to get the city and state from not checking the vehicle until they have someone to review that Pool Vehicle.
Some answers may surface, or maybe not. Let's hope that the city did not play save money to limit salt production on the Drive. If there was slush, water, the plows should of pushed the water and slush.
This is a hard lesson for everyone to learn, because a life was taken away and for what? A Burglary at a store, or a black ice road that should of been checked and salted? I hope they don't blame the Sergeant who cannot defend himself.
Bless the Police Sergeant.
2/25/2010 7:18 AM CST on suntimes.com
Not only does it have new tires, it's a 4 wheel drive. Plus if you ever walk by it and look very closely in the back of the 3rd seat, you will see the gun locker in it. Not that any of his drivers could pass the power test or qualify. That's only for us lowly grunts. I know every night Weisel goes to bed contemplating how he can fuck us and the department more. For every new way he comes up with, Shortshanks gives him a gold star like they did in kindergarten.
The Supt's guys ALL passed the power test and they are ALL rifle qualified. You may not know them but they were all very humble and cordial through their training. They also shoot a rifle better than most, maybe not as good as that gal on 3rd watch in 025...but they definitely know how to shoot.
Anonymous said...
What would be a good time for a photographer to catch a glimpse of that taxpayer-funded vehicle entering or leaving the lot?
2/26/2010 11:55:00 PM
My guess is that j-fed gets to work early, around 0600. HQ is at 3510 S Michigan Ave. The entrance (the only entrance) to the parking lot is about 150 feet west of Michigan Ave on 35th St on the south side of the street.
Any member of the public would have the right to stand on 35th St, west of Michigan Ave, across the street on the north side of 35th St with a camera. You would be exercising your rights to be there and take pictures.
Good luck and thanks.
What would be a good time for a photographer to catch a glimpse of that taxpayer-funded vehicle entering or leaving the lot?
My God, can't you reporters do any of your own work anymore? You know where he works, you know what he drives, you can find out there's only on entrance to the parking lot. For crying out loud, go sit in the IIT parking lot with a telephoto lens and snap some pictures if you want souvenirs, you idiot. At least Walter Jacobson pretended to live with the homeless fuckers for a few days, you candy-asses can't even sit in a heated van and take some photos from a distance?
2/27/2010 12:07:00 AM
God, are they fucking lazy or what? Don't the experienced reporters teach the new reporters how to get up from their fucking computers and actually do some leg work? Or is that passe'? Because that could be the problem with the lack of media coverage in this town. They wait for something to cross their desk instead of going out and finding a story themselves.
---not a cop
"LOL, I'm a sympathetic civilian not a journalist. But even if I was, THIS is how you would treat someone about to provide you a favorable point of view in the media? You guys are so predictable in shooting yourselves in the foot.
2/27/2010 01:49:00 AM"
your claim to being 'sympathetic' rings hollow.
as does your claim to not being a 'journalist'.
which, by the way, there are scant few actual 'journalists' anywhere near this city/county.
what is 'predictable' is your attitude that, by being a 'sympathetic civilian', you are, somehow, doing us a favor.
if you get stuck with a shitbox for 8.5 hrs who cares as long as the heat/air works--- as soon as you hit the road you will know if the car has deficiencies, so adjust your driving to the capabilities of that vehicle.... the only time you "punch it" is when a fellow officer is getting stomped and needs help pronto.....
2/26/2010 08:01:00 AM
Maybe you don't get it yet!!! Why should we (the workers) be stuck with a shitbox to begin with when useless Jodeeeeee gets a nice vehicle with extras. And remember more than half of the shitboxes we do drive don't have air or heat and many other problems.
Mr.Superintendent , one year left in your contract . Do some good for CPD , demote any exempt that was a merit sgt and lt.
promote a P.O. to an exempt member , many of us passed the sgt. test and now working for merit lt. , merit captains and political commanders . we are QUALIFIED , just not connected to city hall.
just a thought you'll be gone next year .
I hope Ike doesn't have you on tape with recommendations for command changes . You did demote 1 deputy superintendent to Lt., had second thoughts and promoted him to a chief . What were you thinking .
It's Not an Expedition, It's an Expedition EL (Extended Length).
Several inches longer than a Chevy Suburban, and priced more than $2,000 over a Regular Expedition. (the give away is the full length rear doors that do not cut into the wheel wells).
That small nub antenna on the passenger roof is for the Navigation System Package, so his inept (student) drivers can find there way around the city.
Yes, a Big Tall Man like Jody Needs a Big Vehicle for his Big Ego!
Why did he not lease an Escape like Luberman?
NAH, he would look like a Sissy to his FBI friends, who are laughing at him no matter what he does!
Why does he need so many vehicles at his disposal?
Why can't he drive himself?
(silly me, he still does not know the city)
You can't polish a Turd!
The Supt's guys ALL passed the power test and they are ALL rifle qualified. You may not know them but they were all very humble and cordial through their training. They also shoot a rifle better than most, maybe not as good as that gal on 3rd watch in 025...but they definitely know how to shoot.
you guys should see Detroit police cars, they aRE WORSE, MUCH WORSE then ours, I'm not Kidding, they have mismatched hubcaps, dented up and I even saw one with a different colr door on it, I thought it was a cab, Cleveland is even worse then us, U all know that the city is broke, so no pay raises coming and don't be surprised if by summer your checks are late.
>> what is 'predictable' is your attitude that, by being a 'sympathetic civilian', you are, somehow, doing us a favor. >>
Thanks for the single constructive response to my request. For the guy above, though, well forgive me for thinking that you guys could use any kind of public support. You are doing just SO WELL all on your own here. Close the blog and become a little private copper club if that's what you want. Every thread here contains fearful, conspiratorial comments that J-Fed and the exempts are watching your every move. You'd think you'd welcome the support of private citizens who aren't afraid of losing their career if they speak out, appear at your city hall rallies, etc etc.
It might feel good to continue flailing against everyone and everything, always playing the poor blue-shirt copper against the world, but it's not going to get you the public support or the fair contract that you purportedly want and that most of your deserve.
Do you think that JFed has those wonderful pieces of plastic held by velcro like we have? You know the ones- on the Tahoe. That seperate the driver and prisoner compartments of the vehilce. You know, the ones that can be removed by the prisoner so that the prisoner can reach all the way around the drivers throat if he wants. I was just wondering.
Maybe I will take some pictures of that next time I get a Tahoe.
Anonymous said...
Do you think that JFed has those wonderful pieces of plastic held by velcro like we have? You know the ones- on the Tahoe. That seperate the driver and prisoner compartments of the vehilce. You know, the ones that can be removed by the prisoner so that the prisoner can reach all the way around the drivers throat if he wants. I was just wondering.
Maybe I will take some pictures of that next time I get a Tahoe.
2/28/2010 02:31:00 AM
That is so the side impact airbag can deploy. Without that space etc. there would be no room for the side impact airbags. It's one or the other.
"2/28/2010 12:32:00 AM"
if, and i say, if, you've been reading this blog, it's articles, and posted comments, for any length of time, you would know that there's far more here than just '...flailing against everyone and everything...' by '..poor blue-shirt copper(s) against the world...'.
and, if, in fact, you are a 'private citizen' who isn't '...afraid of losing their career if they speak out, appear at your city hall rallies, etc etc...', then why would anything posted here dissuade you from being that 'sympathetic citizen'?
because, if you haven't noticed, most of the articles, and comments thereto, speak of harmful realities which affect everyone still residing within the confines of this city and county.
you know, including the 'public'.
if some comments reflect feelings of frustration at the apparent general lack of 'public' interest in facing those harmful realities, and interest in understanding the many sources of the causes of same, what, pray tell, might you suggest would be more to the 'public's' liking?
more kool-aid?
Anonymous said...
>> what is 'predictable' is your attitude that, by being a 'sympathetic civilian', you are, somehow, doing us a favor. >>
Thanks for the single constructive response to my request. For the guy above, though, well forgive me for thinking that you guys could use any kind of public support. You are doing just SO WELL all on your own here. Close the blog and become a little private copper club if that's what you want. Every thread here contains fearful, conspiratorial comments that J-Fed and the exempts are watching your every move. You'd think you'd welcome the support of private citizens who aren't afraid of losing their career if they speak out, appear at your city hall rallies, etc etc.
It might feel good to continue flailing against everyone and everything, always playing the poor blue-shirt copper against the world, but it's not going to get you the public support or the fair contract that you purportedly want and that most of your deserve.
2/28/2010 12:32:00 AM
You're right. Disregard those cops who are bashing you here. The majority of us need and welcome your support. Don't judge all of by the few. We are on your side and we appreciate any support you can give us.
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