Happy Day!
Demolition is set to begin Wednesday at the final Cabrini-Green public housing high rise on Chicago’s Near North Side.
The last families in the building on North Burling Street moved out in December. It will take eight weeks to tear down the structure.
A lot of history, not much of it good happened there. And a lot of special employment was earned there. So is this the last of the big buildings in Chicago? Is anything left that isn't senior buildings?
Labels: good news
Thats ok, vermin is all over the city and suburbs now. Thanks to richie, subsidized housing is poping everywhere, something fresh to be tested for durability. When u see power of destruction, rust seems like an onitment compared to what bad element can do.
The 18th District desk crew finally gets a clear view of the air show during August! Is it Thunderbirds or Blue Angels this year?
Many a special employment checks were earned from that shithole. Good eating, stop at waldenbooks, oh and maybe do one case report. Ahhh good times.
It's a sad day, can get C H A north anymore , and the scum that inhabited these dwellings Is now living in a neighborhood near you. Spreading their gangbanging dope using anti social lifestyles.
CHA demolished all these buildings and relocated many of these mutts across the street to brand new town homes, next to the yuppies who paid over half a million for an identical property. But the majority of these mutts choose not to work and deal dope. But its okay because they still claim to be victims of society. Shit if CHA made me the same offer I would take it also. I want free shit. Instead I chose to go to college, owe over 30K in student loans AND paid over 12K in federal taxes last year. And remember, Quinn nearly doubled our state taxes for next hear, so c'mon special employment!
"Is anything left that isn't senior buildings?"
You mean "Is anything left that isn't senior buildings that aren't filling up with "qualified" former CHA residents moving in their bedbug-filled old mattresses and cockroach-riddled microwaves, importing elderly bottle gangs to hang around outside arguing, and providing new people who bathe so seldom and stink so badly that residents are afraid to get on the elevator with them, as well as the deranged who wander the halls naked and constantly start cooking fires, and stealing TVs, converter boxes, etc. from community lounges so that formerly open, relaxed areas now have to be locked up every second?
Thanks, Mayor Daley. Why don't you move around some of the dead from St. Johannes as well when your lousy runway goes in, bury a few in each flower bed to kind of spread the rot around -- as you have done so well already.
It is difficult to grasp how much Mayor Daley hates the little people -- the ones who save pennies in jars and wait patiently for buses...
Couldn't get over the one guy interviewed on tv who complained that 'we hoped this day would never come'.
Seriously? Because that hellhole was his idea of paradise?
I just love the fact that they built a museum to honor public housing.. What's next, a museum to honor all of the rats, piss bums, and crackheads that have lived in the shitty???? What a fuckin' joke. The city cries broke and they build a monument for this stupidity. Let me out of this shithole.
3939 and 3983 s. Lake park. Well hidden, pretty quiet and was still getting some special employment. At leat each 17 stories. Lakefront condos!
a bigger disaster is that they have scattered the vermin to quiet, clean neighborhoods with law-abiding citizens. the entire city has been ghettoized with relocated section 8ers from cabrini. The suburbs have also felt the pain. How about reporting that Tribune?
The worst thing that could have happened. Now all the honor roll students are spread out through the city and suburbs. Should of just kept them all together
Societal disaster? Are you joking? These buildings kept the savages all in one spot. Now that the city ripped open this big paper bag of shit they are all moving to our neighborhoods and bring the BS to us. This is a terrible thing.
Personally, I'm going to miss them. A lot of criminals confined to one area. Now they are sprinkled throughout the City and Suburbs causing mayhem and destruction.
Thank you Mayor Daley for moving all your scum out here to the Burbs. They are out here receiving their Section 8 housing and Link Cards to continue their generations of public aid. If anyone wants to get away from it and can afford it, move to Oak Brook. They receive no Government money so they don't have to have Section 8 housing in their municipality. Be safe everyone.
Patrolman Tony Rizzato and Sergeant Jimmy Severin; I was six years old and have waited for this day for a long time.
Please hug your kids when you leave for work.
The tragedy here is they'll demolish that building empty.
If I remember correctly 440 EAST Ohio has had mutts living there for quite some time..Oh and I distinctly remember a ton in Presidential Towers from way back!! Then theres 400 N Mclurg Ct that was my absolute first encounter with section 8 beast downtown evidence as he left the garbage on the elevator!! Thought I was back in the hood!! Doorman thought I was Houdinini when I asked if they accepted section 8..hahahaha!! New building!! Ah,good times...nah kinda depressing actually.
Pass me some tissues...Im getting all misty.
Anonymous said...
I just love the fact that they built a museum to honor public housing.. What's next, a museum to honor all of the rats, piss bums, and crackheads that have lived in the shitty???? What a fuckin' joke. The city cries broke and they build a monument for this stupidity. Let me out of this shithole.
3/31/2011 01:08:00 AM
In this exhibit, you'll see a broken elevator car. On the floor of the car you'll notice an empty can of steel reserve and in the far corner, you'll see a puddle of urine on the floor and some gnarled chicken wing bones.
I agree with 2.19am,,,,,kept all the shit pretty much in several spots.
Now we have to see these low riding baggy pants wearing, backwards cap wearing, FUBU wearing POSs in our neighborhood walking around eating flaming hots and gulping down purple drink.
It was better when you knew where these assholes were so you could avoid those areas.
I tried describing to a civilian about how a 1230 Burling smelled and looked on a hot, summer night--sweat, piss and beer with an occasional pile of human shit in a stairwell.
That lakefront liberal (sister in law) didn't believe me and I ended up bringing her by there to see her tax (welfare) dollars at work. She voted for GW Bush in the '00 election.
Let the Airforce bomb it,probabley take that thing down in eight minutes.
watch abc7 news video on cabrini green demo, they interviewed one of the govenors of the buildings like he was some kind of great family raising citizen
I miss it. Getting rid of the cages will be the end of safe neighborhoods. I live near O'Hare and suddenly there is GD graffiti in our neighborhood park. At least the Jets contained the human debris. Now they are everywhere. Thanks Daley.
* JUNE 4 at West Leyden High School, Northlake, IL.
* JUNE 25 in Springfield at the IL State Police Academy
Further testing information will be provided at the application site. Only web-site accessible applications will be accepted. No paper/hard copy applications will be accepted.
contact Special Agent Patrick J. McGreal (former CPD of nine years)with questions. (708)633-5512
Old Retired Guy Here:
I have so many memories of Cabrini Green Housing Project.
I have to stick my two cents worth in.
I have so many war stories, and tall tales, that I would not bore you all with.
I only want to say that I rather be a young police officer, and working the "Green" than an old,washed up, has been, chopping away on this site.
Enjoy Your Job. Some Day You Will Look Back and Know These Were Your Best Days.
3939 and 3983 Lake Park back in the
day were the Victor Olander Homes.
Their closet neighbor was 4040
Oakenwald further south.
4040 looked too much like what it was,
a high-rise project and was not
suitable for condo conversion and
was sumarily blown-up and cleared
away. So now 3939 and 3983
inhabitants have a nice view of
Lake Michigan and South Lake Shore
Drive. I wonder what those units
sold for ?
Blogger Phil Schitz here said...
The 18th District desk crew finally gets a clear view of the air show during August! Is it Thunderbirds or Blue Angels this year?
3/31/2011 12:24:00 AM
Sorry Mr. Schitz, the destruction of 1230 N. Burling has nothing to do with the lakefront/downtown view of the skyline from 018 as it's West of the station.
And, it's the Air Force THUNDERBIRDS this year.
Don't forget the 25th Anniversary in Chicago of the 'Viet Nam Welcome Home Parade' June 17-19.
Details at http://www.serviceandhonor.org/
God Bless ALL our military. Bring them home safe.
And if you guys ever miss the good
times at Cabrini Green, go and rent
the movie "Cooley High", it will
refresh your nostalgia and is sure
to bring back certain memories.
Where ever there is an apartment building there is a section 8 ghetto rat living. I just witnesses a ghetto car chase probably ended in a shooting driving threw Skokie.
"The 18th District desk crew finally gets a clear view of the air show during August!"
The only one in 018 who could see the air show through 545 W. Division is Seiser, and he never works the desk!
Lyndon Johnsons "the great society" a social experiment gone wrong.
Simple economics if you want more of something subsidize it, if you want less of it tax it. Taxpayers and businesses flee the city due to high taxes only to be replaced by welfare breeders who are rewarded for their bad behavior and in turn reward politicians with their vote.
Never saw anything wrong with keeping the rejects in the projects.
I worked South on the Task Force, but a couple times a month we got sent to pitch in at Cabrini.
You'd pull up to a job and canned food items just rained down from the upper floors. Full tin cans of food--very dangerous.
Good riddance.
AT LEAST YOU KNEW WHERE THEY WERE... now the fine residents of cabrini r living next door to you and I. "happy day" I think NOT.
Why is it going to take 8 weeks to take the Burling Avenue Eyesore down? Is the fool thing that sturdily built? There appears to be enough clear space around it that it could befenced off and imploded in a day or less and the rubble bulldozed out in a week or so.
Or is this one last little take-your-time, make-some-bucks job for Shortshanks' buddies to profit from?
"the entire city has been ghettoized with relocated section 8ers from cabrini. The suburbs have also felt the pain. How about reporting that Tribune?"
Our suburb, Forest Park, was hit hard. Local elections on Tuesday and NO ONE is talking about this. If one candidate took on this issue they'd have half the town behind them. NOT ONE WITH A SPINE.
Side note- the comments section of the article regarding the lovely light show some whacko artist put together for the demolition is surprisingly mostly good. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/columnists/ct-met-schmich-0330-20110330,0,2177506.column
Cool, now I know who will be moving in next door to my NW side home I can barely afford.
The buildings may eb torn down, but the blood of our fallen is in that soil.
How many stars were killed here and what were their names?
Maybe the city can put up a memorial for Severin and Rosatto that wont be vandalied since the beast is now gone... an acknowledgement of their lives being taken in the service of the city and its citizens.....What u think SCC???
When the first public houseing went up just after WWII, some around 35th Halsted, some on taylor st and some just west of Cottage grove., it was a good thing. Good people lived there, a lot of low income working families lived there, the buildings were clean. Some were all white, some were all black and some were mixed. The policies of the federal govt. turned these places into what you called shit holes. The working people were driven out leaving only unemployed poor, uneducated people who became the captives of the scum who then took over the row houses and the high rises. I ducked many bullets going in and out of these high rises, on the south side, west side and then Cabrini and have seen my share of police officers shot in these buildings. Anyone who has sat in a car at what used to be called the " blacktop" will never forget that tour of duty. Blame the liberal policies of the feds and the corruption of the CHA for what the buildings turned into and what people were allowed to do there.Glad they are gone. High rises never should have been built in the first place for low income people, especially buildings without air conditioning which drove everyone out into the streets, balconies and stairwells in hot weather.
The playlot at 910 N. Cambridge was my grandmother's home in the 1950's. I have a picture of my squad car there.
Richard the First destroyed that neighborhood to kill the Italian/Republican voting block there and to have a place to plant the big influx of Black/Democrats migrating from the south.
Leave it to the Democrats to screw up anything, a single house, a block, a neighborhood, a ward, a county, a state, country or the entire world.
The Aldermanic Run-off Elections Are Extremely Important.
If We Don't Vote, It Means the Democrats Can Just Take Our Taxes and Dictate to Us.
what happened to the rats ?
Anonymous said...
Couldn't get over the one guy interviewed on tv who complained that 'we hoped this day would never come'.
Seriously? Because that hellhole was his idea of paradise?
3/31/2011 01:01:00 AM
That is a Cook County Sheriff that was living there on our dime. If you look closely he is wearing the sheriff star and during one broadcast identified himself as a Sheriff Deputy. he was like 5th generation living in the same apartment. Great system.
Quick question did any law abbiding families live in the projects?
"I worked South on the Task Force, but a couple times a month we got sent to pitch in at Cabrini.
"You'd pull up to a job and canned food items just rained down from the upper floors. Full tin cans of food--very dangerous.
--3/31/2011 10:58:00 AM
That's how you know you're in a "food desert."
"Richard the First destroyed that neighborhood to kill the Italian/Republican voting block there and to have a place to plant the big influx of Black/Democrats migrating from the south.
"Leave it to the Democrats to screw up anything, a single house, a block, a neighborhood, a ward..."
--3/31/2011 01:35:00 PM
Your grandmother's house was "blight." Everything was "blight" and needed "urban renewal." Richard I and Julian Levi from the University of Chicago got together and destroyed Hyde Park in the same way, except that the University didn't want 'jets in their area.
They'd show photos of kids playing on a stoop, of a coal delivery -- my favorite was of a car double-parked. Blight!
Some of the once-commercial blocks along 55th Street now are just earth berms with grass planted on them. Safe filler to take up space around the precious U of C.
Quick question did any law abbiding families live in the projects?
3/31/2011 04:09:00 PM
Quick answer. Yes.
But they got out as fast as they could manage to.
what happened to the rats ?
3/31/2011 02:12:00 PM
They got approved for Section 8 vouchers and moved to scattered site housing.
"The suburbs have also felt the pain."
It's about time that they feel the pain; It's far past time to "share the wealth" of this burden with the B.S. suburbs that wouldn't exist were it not for the city.
They suburbs have gotten a free ride off of us for long enough.
Divide and conquer.
O.T. Yesterday (30 MAR) is the anniversary of the terrorist attack that occurred in Chicago in 2003.
Anyone remember what that one was?
Dick Daley having Meigs Field destroyed.
Then the idiot gets fined by the FAA and in addition to paying to have the airport destroyed, the taxpayers also end up paying for his lunacy.
Good riddance to bad trash.
Why is it going to take 8 weeks to take the Burling Avenue Eyesore down? Is the fool thing that sturdily built? There appears to be enough clear space around it that it could befenced off and imploded in a day or less and the rubble bulldozed out in a week or so.
Or is this one last little take-your-time, make-some-bucks job for Shortshanks' buddies to profit from?
3/31/2011 11:56:00 AM
The truck in the background reads, "Heneghan". Does that answer your question? It should.
It's a sad day. At least the projects contained all the shitheads instead of spreading them out all over the city and burbs.
I never worked in the projects. I think this is a good time to thank those who served in the worst conditions and endured the unimaginable.
You deserve to tell the stories. And you also deserve to edit the worst from your memories.
Stay safe all.
the entire city has been ghettoized with relocated section 8ers from cabrini. The suburbs have also felt the pain. How about reporting that Tribune?"
Our suburb, Forest Park, was hit hard. Local elections on Tuesday and NO ONE is talking about this. If one candidate took on this issue they'd have half the town behind them. NOT ONE WITH A SPINE.
Time to get "in your face" like the section 8 folk and tell it like it is. Political correctness or cowardice? It has destroyed America.
Anonymous said...
Maybe the city can put up a memorial for Severin and Rosatto that wont be vandalied since the beast is now gone... an acknowledgement of their lives being taken in the service of the city and its citizens.....What u think SCC???
3/31/2011 12:56:00 PM
There is a memorial down the street in the 018th District thanks to the great retired Sgt. Al P.
Great Sgt, great man, I would follow him through the gates of hell if he asked. Damn few, if any, like him left.
"What happened to the rats?"
--3/31/2011 02:12:00 PM
Yo! Man wanna know wha' the rats is.
Don't aw yaw worry 'bout it. They comin'.
Whoo! Oh yeah. They comin'.
Anonymous said...
Couldn't get over the one guy interviewed on tv who complained that 'we hoped this day would never come'.
Seriously? Because that hellhole was his idea of paradise?
3/31/2011 01:01:00 AM
It certainly was. While you were paying $1900 a month for a mortgage he was paying about $100 in rent. And making near the same as a Cook County Sheriff Deputy.
I guess he got accustomed to the vermin and cockroaches and piss soaked elevators and stairways.
Celebrate all you want. These animals live next door to you now, go to school with our kids and are at the stores with our wives. Fucking idiot!
Phil Schitz here said...
The 18th District desk crew finally gets a clear view of the air show during August! Is it Thunderbirds or Blue Angels this year?
3/31/2011 12:24:00 AM
No more incoming gunfire from across the street.
When that station opened it was nicknamed Rorke's Drift. Guess why.
Check this out!! Frigging phenomenal!!
"Anyone who receives any public assistance administered by the state government would have to agree to random drug tests under a just-filed House bill.
The recipients themselves would pay for the tests, and failure to do so would cut them off from aid for two years.
House bill 464 is authored by Rep. Michael Harden, R-Toccoa."
Read more: http://www.gadailynews.com/news/macon/63425-legislative-notebook-drug-tests-required-for-public-aid-under-bill.html#ixzz1IF5lURFu
Check this out!! Frigging phenomenal!!
3/31/2011 11:28:00 PM
yeah, ok. now realize that you aren't living in a REAL American state like Georgia. you live in Illinois. so the chances of a common sense law like this happening here are somewhere between 'slim' and 'keep smoking that funky sh!t, bro'
damn, the mickey cobras, gangster disciples and the vice lords lost their play house--- now they are setting up shop right in our neighborhoods--- I will not be missing the smell of the piss scented mr clean which was used to clean the elevators everyday--- what happened to candyman....
Runnin up those stairs kept me in pretty good shape though..
Well, Old Mayor Daley had a good plan, keep them high and tight and together, now these low class criminals are spread out all over the city, even in our neighborhoods, landlords of once nice apartment buildings have cashed in on the Section 8 boom, houses and apartments near me and in the suburb next door have these criminalks now, suburbs are feeling the pain, calls for service rising rapidly. Elmwood Park once home to outfit boys is now called home to many Pants On The Ground Boyz just walking the streets. Wait to the thugs put thier heads down in your area.
It's about time that they feel the pain; It's far past time to "share the wealth" of this burden with the B.S. suburbs that wouldn't exist were it not for the city.
Well your just a swell guy, thanks for sharing your misery
Now these worthless shitbirds will be living amongst us and the law abiding hardworking citizens. Section 8 in good neighborhoods.........great.
>>>Anonymous said...
Runnin up those stairs kept me in pretty good shape though..
4/01/2011 09:29:00 AM<<<
It did back in the day...
Loaded with guns, armor and ammo flying up those stairs two sometimes three at a time.
I'm paying for that now with one and soon to be two replaced knees.
And to answer the question about there being any decent people in the Greens, yes there were. We fought that fight not only for the cops we worked with but also for the few families, many of them old folks who tried to live decent lives in the midst of that hell hole.
Many of us use to gather at Mikes Bar on Webster after working there to decompress. It's too bad there's really no place like Mike's today. Still about three times a year, a group of us Old Timers gather for lunch to reminisce about those days when we were young and the projects were rolling. Few groups can claim a loyalty like that.
"Anonymous said...
Why is it going to take 8 weeks to take the Burling Avenue Eyesore down? Is the fool thing that sturdily built? There appears to be enough clear space around it that it could befenced off and imploded in a day or less and the rubble bulldozed out in a week or so.
Or is this one last little take-your-time, make-some-bucks job for Shortshanks' buddies to profit from?
3/31/2011 11:56:00 AM
The truck in the background reads, "Heneghan". Does that answer your question? It should.
3/31/2011 05:53:00 PM"
Imploding with explosives takes many weeks if not months of study and preparations. Not only would that but the resulting dust cloud upset the litigious population that now surrounds that area.
And finally Controlled Demolition Inc., the company that specializes in this work is owned by a very ethical and religious family that does not believe in the graft and bribery necessary to get City of Chicago contracts.
Anonymous said...
I just love the fact that they built a museum to honor public housing.. What's next, a museum to honor all of the rats, piss bums, and crackheads that have lived in the shitty???? What a fuckin' joke. The city cries broke and they build a monument for this stupidity. Let me out of this shithole.
3/31/2011 01:08:00 AM
In this exhibit, you'll see a broken elevator car. On the floor of the car you'll notice an empty can of steel reserve and in the far corner, you'll see a puddle of urine on the floor and some gnarled chicken wing bones.
You forgot the dirty diapers
"Imploding with explosives takes many weeks if not months of study and preparations. Not only would that but the resulting dust cloud upset the litigious population that now surrounds that area.
And finally Controlled Demolition Inc., the company that specializes in this work is owned by a very ethical and religious family that does not believe in the graft and bribery necessary to get City of Chicago contracts."
--4/02/2011 07:23:00 AM
I know they blew one of the projects to the south, just west of the IC tracks. Of course, there was a huge dust cloud, but they must watch the wind to try to mitigate if they can. This cloud mostly went east, over the IC (they must have had arrangements with IC/Metra to hold trains for a few minutes due to reduced visibility, and time for a safety walkover to make sure overhead electric wires were OK and there was no debris on the tracks, SOP) and pretty much out over the park and the lake.
Moral -- best viewing spot is upwind. (grin)
They do lay water spray on it too, knock the dust down as quick as they can.
For whatever reason, they may not have wanted to go that route here, so it's the old wrecking ball.
I gotta say the reinforced concrete shell stood up under the worst punishment -- would have lasted 200 years without cooking fires in bathtubs, refrigerators hurled over the railings, people tearing out copper pipes and then yelling for heat...
I will not be missing the smell of the piss scented mr clean which was used to clean the elevators everyday---
4/01/2011 08:41:00 AM
Thanks. I don't miss the smell either, but I appreciate the education afforded me by working in the buildings.
"Richard the First destroyed that neighborhood to kill the Italian/Republican voting block there"
'Your grandmother's house was "blight." Everything was "blight" and needed "urban renewal."'
Is this just common knowledge? I only heard about this from E. Michael Jones' _Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing_, want to know more.
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