Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Echoes of Shortshanks

Still costing Chicago money, and again with the parking meter fiasco:
  • While Chicago’s infamous parking meter lease deal quietly celebrated its third anniversary the first week of December, the city was releasing documents chronicling more evidence the privatization of the city’s more than 36,000 parking meters turned out to be more costly for taxpayers than originally imagined.

    Financial statements, released by the Chicago Inspector General’s office via their Open Chicago government transparency initiative, reveals what many critics of the lease deal had feared–the city would end up owing or paying Chicago Parking Meters, LLC millions of dollars in compensation when any sort of change or activity by the city impacts parking meter revenue for the company.

    Financial statements for the company show that CPM has billed the city an additional $2,191,326 in “True-up Revenue” through the end of 2010.

TheExpiredMeter.com has a very in-depth report on how all these costs are being calculated and Chicago is getting stuck with astronomical additional charges.

A year or more back, someone sent us a series of pictures of streets where literally, hundreds and hundreds of meters had been installed, but never seem to be used - 13th Street or 14th Street between Ashland and Western - in what was supposed to be the new medical district. Does anyone know if these spots are playing into some future payout to the Chicago Parking Meter LLC people? Because the minute someone starts building a new hospital or research facility over there, those meters can be labeled "out of service" and the city will be on the hook for how many millions more?



Anonymous Terry Bol said...

My first time at this rodeo... And it ain't no fun.

12/20/2011 12:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have a parking meter within one mile of a site there can be NO new parking garage built. Thus the out of the way meters serve the purpose of blocking out large parts of the city from developers looking for off street parking as part of any urban renewal. Rmember Bill Daley is the only Daley with an IQ over room temp and he helped write the contract.


12/20/2011 12:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...the city was releasing documents chronicling more evidence the privatization of the city’s more than 36,000 parking meters turned out to be more costly for taxpayers than originally imagined."

Is it too late to publicly hang Daley?

12/20/2011 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A year or more back, someone sent us a series of pictures of streets where literally, hundreds and hundreds of meters had been installed, but never seem to be used - 13th Street or 14th Street between Ashland and Western - in what was supposed to be the new medical district. Does anyone know if these spots are playing into some future payout to the Chicago Parking Meter LLC people? Because the minute someone starts building a new hospital or research facility over there, those meters can be labeled "out of service" and the city will be on the hook for how many millions more?

Oh you are talking about where they are building the. New Costco. Built by closing 3 city blocks. On land given to the city by the medical district so the city can build the new 012 dist. The city then sells it to Costco for a profit. Shady mother fuckers.

12/20/2011 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Set up a guillotine next to the Picasso and haul Daley there in a cart. Behead him before cheering thousands and put his head on a pike until the maggots and crows have finished their feast.

12/20/2011 01:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the aldermen approved a contract that they didn't fully read or fully understand. And for this they get a raise? In the meantime, other city workers are being laid off, pensions are under attack and a raise for us is out of the question. Could we please start the revolution now? At this rate I might just join the G-8 protesters.

12/20/2011 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of this happened by chance. This deal helped finance very nice retirement incomes for plenty of corrupt politicians. This project should never have passed the city council but we all know how that works. If the Mayor had any balls, and he doesn't, he would file a federal lawsuit to void this contract and give the parking meters back to the city. Where is the US Attorney when we need him? Too busy putting moronic Elvis Blago away for 14 years. How about this case Mr. Fitzgerald? All about selective prosecution.

12/20/2011 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

... where literally, hundreds and hundreds of meters had been installed, but never seem to be used - 13th Street or 14th Street between Ashland and Western - in what was supposed to be the new medical district.


You mean, around Lil' Mississippi back off of the east side of the Ashland? Or on top of Jewel-Osco? Or Foot Locker? Or Captain Hook's? Or whatever else in that mall that's not going anywhere for YEARS?

Yeah, you're right. They got us so good, they don't only have us fucked raw for 99 years. We'll get a bigger one shoved up our asses every new time we think we've figured out the extent of the fucking.

12/20/2011 03:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay fucked raw for 75 years, but...you get the point.

12/20/2011 03:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Closer is 6 hours or more = Full day rate per car space

If full of HCP plated/placard vehicles = full days rate charged to city.

Get out and check for HCP abusers at least office. Like Wabash and Jackson in the loop.

12/20/2011 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the city honors its contract with this company, but how about our contract? they owe money to the pension fund, why dont they pay it?

12/20/2011 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

COSCO property was owned by ill med district. Meters were installed by the state.

12/20/2011 06:10:00 AM  
Blogger dumpdaley said...

Three months ago Patrick Fitzgerald showed up and paid his respects at the wake of the wife of one of Daley's Irish Mafia henchmen. That's whdre HE is.

12/20/2011 06:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bend over may I have another......?

12/20/2011 06:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if this has anything to do with the new push on the disabled parking placards, since they don't pay the meters.

12/20/2011 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those oddly-spaced meters down in the Medical District are also impossible parking spaces for all but micro cars. UICC has a children's clinic there; those on-street metered parking spaces are "phantom" spaces and parents compete for the few full-sized spaces.

12/20/2011 07:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why has the contract never been published? Why are the names of the owners of LAZ parking secret? I don't mean the Arab Emirates people, I mean the "locals" who are secret share holders? I'm sure that we would recognize every name, as usual. Anyone who would still vote for a democRAT, for ANY position, is a fucking fool.

12/20/2011 08:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of connected political fuckers got rich over the years and we will all be paying the bill for years to come. In the end those paying the freight will be gone and we will have another rust belt Detroit by the lake.

12/20/2011 08:56:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

it used to be simple, hop out of the car with a couple of quarters to feed the meter with and run your errands and go--- now you have to look for the black box and pay out the ass and put the little coupon on your dashboard--- as a result I now hunt around for a free spot when conducting business in these congested areas, even if it requires several blocks of walking--- either that or just go to the suburbs....

12/20/2011 09:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Mayor had any balls, and he doesn't, he would file a federal lawsuit to void this contract and give the parking meters back to the city.
12/20/2011 02:46:00 AM

The problem with this idea is that there is no way a court would void the contract and *not* require the city to pay back a prorate on the sale price. That money has already been spent. I'd bet a good lawyer could easily get the city out of the deal if there was some money around to actually pay it off.

12/20/2011 09:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why isnt the rat bastard Civic Federation crying about this budget problem??

12/20/2011 09:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Set up a guillotine next to the Picasso and haul Daley there in a cart. Behead him before cheering thousands and put his head on a pike until the maggots and crows have finished their feast.

12/20/2011 01:16:00 AM

...and every Alderthief that voted for it!

12/20/2011 09:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

daley + parking meter contract = No Honor among THIEVES ! He'll get his end of the $$$$$ when they hire him as a "Consultant".

Shanks is a real "Stud" he fucked everyone in the city for 20yrs and he's still going strong !

Does he use Viagra ?????

Hell No !!!!

He's fueled by insatiable GREED !!!!!!!!

12/20/2011 09:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Business as usual.

The Taxpayers will sit there and take it. Now matter how hard the government works them over they will do absolutely nothing about.

They deserve everything the goverment does to them.

12/20/2011 11:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last night I watched the movie "A Tale Of Two Cities" It is about the French Revolution. The citizens became so enraged, over the way they were being enslaved,by the ruling class that they revolted. It was a violent revolution, they killed, many of the ruling class. They be-headed many. As I watched I was memorized, at how much pent up hatred, these citizens had for the royal ruling class. They were fed up. They had trials, for them, but they were fed up with their lies. They only wanted blood.
What A Terrible Time ????

12/20/2011 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Every So Often The Ruling Class, Has To Appease The Masses. They Throw One Of There Own, To The Wolves.
To Wit; Blagoavich, Ryan.
This Way, We Will Think, They Are Actually Monitoring And Policing Themselves.
I don't know if there is a heaven or a hell. What I do know, is there will be no justice, for these people, here on earth.
PS Have A Nice Day ???

12/20/2011 11:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Roe & Roper reported that the City was sent a bill for $13 million for " lost revenue " by CPM, LLC.

12/20/2011 11:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why why why are the feds not doing anything about the daley years! take my pension you can stand the fuck bye!

12/20/2011 11:36:00 AM  
Anonymous 013th District Copper said...

This whole deal sucked from the beginning. Where I live, there was rush hour parking on both sides of the street. One side from 7-9AM and on the other from 4-6PM. Two years after the parking meter deal was finalized, I guess open traffic during rush hour wasn't a priority anymore.

Rush hour parking was gone and you were now able to park on both sides of the street at all times of the day as long as you fed the meter. More streets are added to this fiasco every year.

Oh, and don't forget every January the rates for the meters go up. Which means in 12 days expect to pay more per hour!

Daley should be shot. He left office after he bankrupted this once fine city. Fucking stuttering prick.

12/20/2011 12:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think those meters (and it is in the area you name) pre-dated the place being emptied. Used to be industrial, and the meters were there. Then the factories close, get torn down, vacant lots with meters remain.

12/20/2011 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all those 14th & Ashland meters were struck into dirt, not anchored in concrete almost overnight. I'm surprised
the junkers didn't haul them away the next night.
This ploy was done to bolster "the amount of metered spaces" . This looks good on a spread sheet when the "deal of the century" was proposed.
Not only did the Company that supplied the now extinct mechanical meters make money but also the contract installer.
It's a simple tactic private industry uses to add contacts to their portfolio. Ever wonder why companies ask for your e-mail address or 'Like Us' on Facebook?
ShortShanks allowed meters in places that were off limits before, like at the end if the block near crosswalks, even inch was accounted for and gave the appearance of revenue generating real estate.
The meter deal money is all gone and the company is reaping in profits beyond what was paid to the city.
Shanks is still getting his fees.
And we're going to build a monument to this ass when he drops dead.

12/20/2011 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought of a great way to raise revenue for the city. We could really bring in the $bucks for our entertainment tax. Hold public hangings and beheadings in Daley Plaza every weekend to dispatch politicians and their ilk. If we put it on live tv there is more money. Just a thought.

12/20/2011 03:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley should be hung by his balls for this debacle!

Da Pelon

12/20/2011 04:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This stuff just "proves' we don't need 50 Alderman!

Time to cut them in half right now!

How bout it "Lil Napoleon 9.5 fingers"!

12/20/2011 04:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has to be a way to undo this shitassed deal.....Where are all the freebie legal minds in this town that won't hesitate to help a shitbag cop-killer or old lady rapist probono, why can't they volunteer a way to find a way to change the terms of the deal or 86 it completely?

Rahm has the clout, but will he use it?

12/20/2011 05:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PO from 012 to scc:

On the final week before the deal went through with the parking meter company the city put hundreds of city meters up in that area. After about a year went by the private meter company took those down and put there stuff up. The city new it was going to make a deal with the company so why put city meters up. Who got the contract?

12/20/2011 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed the new black city light poles that where put up 6 months ago? Well they are taking those down and putting new silver ones up. Why put black light poles up if you know you are going to take them down in about 6 to 9 months down.

12/20/2011 05:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shanks is still getting his fees.
And we're going to build a monument to this ass when he drops dead.

12/20/2011 01:52:00 PM

Wrong, Wrong, absoloutely Wrong !!!!

We will all line up to piss on the dirty cocksuckers

Grave !!!

12/20/2011 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why has the contract never been published? Why are the names of the owners of LAZ parking secret? I don't mean the Arab Emirates people, I mean the "locals" who are secret share holders? I'm sure that we would recognize every name, as usual. Anyone who would still vote for a democRAT, for ANY position, is a fucking fool.

12/20/2011 08:34:00 AM

SLAM DUNK! because they are actually moose-limmms. There is A LOT more to these times then we think...

12/20/2011 10:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@1246 pm. Those were new meters, the area used to be residential. He also put meters in the area between the river and the Kennedy from Harrison south to Roosevelt. The meters stayed up for about a month before they put up the pay boxes.

12/20/2011 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley should be tarred and feathered along with the meter company principals.

12/20/2011 11:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Daley should be shot. He left office after he bankrupted this once fine city."

It's his legacy.

12/21/2011 12:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And we're going to build a monument to this ass (Daley) when he drops dead."

Let's at least hope that's soon.

12/21/2011 12:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why anyone would live in Chicago is beyond comprehension!

This is a city full of political crooks, that should be tarred and feathered!

12/21/2011 08:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley Statue to unvaeiled by Rhambo in the Spring

12/21/2011 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous B.S. Meter said...

What about the law that says the City must make contributions to the pension fund? If they feel they must pay their bills, why not pay this one?

12/21/2011 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boycott the meters!

12/21/2011 03:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the beat goes on. All the fleecing Shanks did of the taxpayers yet we're still paying for his butlers and city owned vehicles. What a great country!

12/21/2011 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Walter Jacobson. Listen up.

You read this blog. You asked a question the other night at the end of your newscast.

The answer is Paul Volpe.

He is largely responsible for the parking meter deal. He should be tarred and feathered along with the shanks.

12/21/2011 11:02:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, you're right. They got us so good, they don't only have us fucked raw for 99 years. We'll get a bigger one shoved up our asses every new time we think we've figured out the extent of the fucking.

12/20/2011 03:14:00 AM

Oh, man up there Sally. It is not that bad. It is only for a mere 75years. Now, doesn't that feel good? 25 years less than you thought. Merry Christmas.

rmd (shanks)

12/21/2011 11:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By request for 8:34:


12/25/2011 02:54:00 PM  

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