Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Oh, To Be Clouted

  • The City Hall practice of assigning public employees to work for the clouted After School Matters organization will end in January, according to the city's cultural affairs office.

    A Tribune review found two salaried city workers handling duties related to fundraising for the charity founded by Maggie Daley, the late wife of former Mayor Richard Daley.

    Responding to inquiries from the paper about the status of the employees in Mayor Rahm Emanuel's 2012 budget, the Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events said the employees would be recalled to city duties beginning Jan. 1.

How about "recalled to city duties immediately and reimbursement sought from the so-called charity"? After all, it looks like this "charity" was a money laundering operation seeing as how people getting massive city contracts were making equally massive donations to an organization with a connected party in charge.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A Tribune review found two salaried city workers handling duties related to fundraising for the charity founded by Maggie Daley, the late wife of former Mayor Richard Daley."

...and, like cockroaches, there's always 100 you don't see for every one you do. How many city employees sat at their desks on city time, on city phones, appearing to be doing city business but in reality making fundraising calls on behalf of this private organization for at least part of their "work day?"

"If they knew what was good for them..."

12/21/2011 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officials stated that this reassignment had been in the works for some time. How fucking naive and stupid do they think we are? We should not rest until the entire Daley clan is brought up on charges. Start with the Vaneckos and go from there.

12/21/2011 01:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooo fuck yea !!!! SCC , I am so happy to see & hear the truth spoken!

OOOO and a HO HO HO , EAT that CROW!

Daley you son of a bitch, cock sucker, scumbag bastard ... OH, and a very merry FUCK YOU !!! May you reap what you have sewn, you crooked lil greedy fuck stick.

12/21/2011 02:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday, another commentator mentioned a grand jury indicting some narcotics officers. Now we have this. When I moved here, I heard that Chicago's unofficial mottto was "where's mine."

I believe that we will not have an honest police force until legal stealing by the clouted stops. Like everyone else police officers want to get ahead. Cops do a lot of honest hardwork with the thought of getting ahead. Some cops have given up. If the administration puts too many roadblocks up, officers will use any means to get around them, even a hairbrain one the narcotic officers probably used.

12/21/2011 02:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Peter who? said...

If only Chicago had some type of Federal Prosecutor like they have in other cities across the U.S., then perhaps this would be investigated.

12/21/2011 03:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where the Hell is Anita Alverez and US Attorney Fitzgerald on this one? These two mutts just turn their eye when it comes to any REAL corruption in this town.

12/21/2011 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The phrase 'pay to play' comes to mind.

So, why is it bad for the governor to do it, but it's okay for the Daley family to do it?

12/21/2011 03:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just another scam...and where is the US Attorney?
Our Illinois Attorney General? Andy Shaw?

12/21/2011 03:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>>How about "recalled to city duties immediately and reimbursement sought from the so-called charity"?

Who paid them?

Over and above city salary?

What about their pensions?

Over and above?

12/21/2011 03:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This speaks volumes about the Mayors staff and appointees and anyone else assigned the task to cut expenses for the city as it takes an outside agency with restricted access to uncover this stuff and without too much effort at that it seems!

Oh the corruption goes on.

The more people want the corruption to end, the rich to pay more of their share, the more the political apparatus is doing just the opposite.

More tax breaks for Sears, for CME, for Motorola. Incentives for Ford..etc..the favored ones. Getting to play favorites is very empowering when it comes to campaign donation time no?

The State lawmakers are now even talking about rolling back the corporate state income tax increases leaving the middle class taxpayers holding the bag and picking up the slack with higher water bills, higher electric bills, higher fees and fines. Raise the parking rates, start a new congestion fee, tax the out of state purchases.

Yeah shared sacrifice my azz. We're bag holders.

You're right SCC.

Like your other recent post this is not going to end well. Peoples anger is turning to rage.

12/21/2011 04:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So typical..

Using the school children at tools and doubling down by playing the charity card too.

12/21/2011 04:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.T. - Lt. A.S. (024) was yelling again she is a Lt. of police the other day. Everyone knows you were Merit both times, which is OK, but please do not hide behind the fact. Leave the troops alone. They do not care about B.R., or Shomrim - the troops just want to do the job.

12/21/2011 05:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This will die quietly with no real investigation by anyone.
Will the voters ever get sick of the corruption ?

12/21/2011 05:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know what's going on at TAM now. It was a decent if clouted organization and they did good work.
There was a time when they raised a fair amount of money through donations and grants. But, maybe the staff got too large or their expenses out of control since Mrs Daley does have champagne taste on a government budget.

12/21/2011 06:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daley you son of a bitch, cock sucker, scumbag bastard ... OH, and a very merry FUCK YOU !!! May you reap what you have sewn, you crooked lil greedy fuck stick.

12/21/2011 02:48:00 AM

I'm sorry, but that is an insult to fuck-sticks!

12/21/2011 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday, another commentator mentioned a grand jury indicting some narcotics officers. Now we have this. When I moved here, I heard that Chicago's unofficial mottto was "where's mine."

I believe that we will not have an honest police force until legal stealing by the clouted stops. Like everyone else police officers want to get ahead. Cops do a lot of honest hardwork with the thought of getting ahead. Some cops have given up. If the administration puts too many roadblocks up, officers will use any means to get around them, even a hairbrain one the narcotic officers probably used.

12/21/2011 02:55:00 AM

Read any book about business ethics, and you will learn that the culture of corruption (or honesty) begins at the top. That was the problem with Enron. They had a 150 page ethics guideline, but the winks and the nods to produce at whatever cost to Enron's future was pushed from the top down. Same thing in most companies. The people at the top set the tone for the entire organization.

Look what we've had to deal with considering our last mayor, jfled, and how many convicted governors? Not legitimizing it, just saying, those in power set the tone. And the tone has been a 'D' Flat for decades.

12/21/2011 07:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who paid them?

Over and above city salary?

What about their pensions?

Over and above?

12/21/2011 03:39:00 AM

Um, how about WHO were they? Some more nieces and nephews of the mayor? Hey, at least we're not Birmingham, AL. The mayor there was paying his 10 or 12 year-old relative $14K per year to be a 'park consultant.' Although we're not far from there.

12/21/2011 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that we will not have an honest police force until legal stealing by the clouted stops. Like everyone else police officers want to get ahead. Cops do a lot of honest hardwork with the thought of getting ahead. Some cops have given up. If the administration puts too many roadblocks up, officers will use any means to get around them, even a hairbrain one the narcotic officers probably used.

12/21/2011 02:55:00 AM

So you say cops steal because of forces they cannot control? Grow up people steal and do bad things because they are bad people and they think they can get away with it. It is that simple.

Put bad people in jail for a long time and make them an example of how bad it can be. You will have less bad people doing bad things because they will be afraid of the consequences.

It really is that simple.

12/21/2011 07:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This speaks volumes about the Mayors staff and appointees and anyone else assigned the task to cut expenses for the city as it takes an outside agency with restricted access to uncover this stuff and without too much effort at that it seems!

Oh the corruption goes on.

The more people want the corruption to end, the rich to pay more of their share, the more the political apparatus is doing just the opposite.

More tax breaks for Sears, for CME, for Motorola. Incentives for Ford..etc..the favored ones. Getting to play favorites is very empowering when it comes to campaign donation time no?

The State lawmakers are now even talking about rolling back the corporate state income tax increases leaving the middle class taxpayers holding the bag and picking up the slack with higher water bills, higher electric bills, higher fees and fines. Raise the parking rates, start a new congestion fee, tax the out of state purchases.

Yeah shared sacrifice my azz. We're bag holders.

You're right SCC.

Like your other recent post this is not going to end well. Peoples anger is turning to rage.

12/21/2011 04:19:00 AM

nice post, this should be sent to the tribune and times editorial board

12/21/2011 07:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The daley family is about a half step above the "scam artists" who try to get your banking info via internat/email scams.

Wouldn't It Be Great To Have Federal Prosecutors operating in Chicago who would be willing to do their job and put this family of low life scum bags in the Prison System where they belong !!!!!!!!!!

Charity Begins at Home and it looks like maggie's charity sure takes care of her Homies !!!!!!!

12/21/2011 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita is a member of the Cook County Democratic Organization so no help there.

Lisa Madigan's daddy is the biggest crook in the state, so no help there.

Fitzgerald taks his orders from Atny. General Holder, another Cook County Dem crook.

And Holder takes his orders from? You guessed it! Barak Obama, another paid up member of the Cook County Dem. Organization

Illinois and especially Chicago needs an enema

12/21/2011 08:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
O.T. - Lt. A.S. (024) was yelling again she is a Lt. of police the other day. Everyone knows you were Merit both times, which is OK, but please do not hide behind the fact. Leave the troops alone. They do not care about B.R., or Shomrim - the troops just want to do the job.

12/21/2011 05:09:00 AM

Schloss hit the medical to study for months before both the Sgts AND Lts exams. Check it out it you don't believe it. Some people just aren't required to play by any rules.

12/21/2011 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orozco? Orozco? Orozco?

Has anyone seen Ray Orozco?

I heard he hit the medical until next month.

12/21/2011 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has it been forgotten that Ray Orozco is the head of After School Matters? Indict that pompous, arrogant asshole.

12/21/2011 11:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in the Academy with Now Lt.AS (024) and let me tell you she never ever finished the run....she was always lagging behind and red faced and breathing hard.....she was a non hacker .......
Signed Class 90-1E

12/21/2011 12:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But then Richie will cry, and everyone will talk about how NICE Maggie was, and boo hoo hoo. Politicians use their families as political cover in the media all the time, but the St. Maggie business, even before she was ill, is an extreme case.

12/21/2011 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on FED's!!!!! Can't you see the shadyness here? Everything Daley did was suspect. Lets go!!!

12/21/2011 12:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best is that workers from there all get city pensions including the ones that have only worked for the program. What a scam. Boy that Maggie gave shanks a run in the stealing departmnet also huh.

12/21/2011 03:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Daley&company send a city clerk to jail for doing things on company time??
Of course, she was also looking into the pension problems he had caused

12/21/2011 04:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's very easy to do great things, with other peoples money. I really would question, just how generous these people are with their money. Picture yourself, with nothing to do all day, but to enjoy yourself on the taxpayers dime. Travel, Establishing Charity Organization. Moving a Children's Library. Establishing A After School Matters Program. Having buildings renamed in your honor.
Neat Stuff....Where do I sigh up ?

12/21/2011 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about the City Cops doing "Security Jobs" at Public Schools?

SEIU has security reason a separate union should be in the schools doing my Job unless I call for a squad for help.

12/21/2011 04:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please don't tarnish the reputation of Saint Maggie and the rest of the "family".

12/21/2011 04:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When will the Daley's just go away and stop fing us every time we turn around.

PArking meters
political promotions
hired truck
B H Obama
After School matters

Need I say more

12/21/2011 04:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On paper they may be back at their jobs at City Hall, but they will still be doing the same job for the charity, just like the CPD when the housecats and caps were put out, only on paper as made up beats, foot posts, special assinments, but still doing the work on the second floor, commanders office and desk

12/21/2011 05:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anita is a member of the Cook County Democratic Organization so no help there.

Lisa Madigan's daddy is the biggest crook in the state, so no help there.

Fitzgerald taks his orders from Atny. General Holder, another Cook County Dem crook.

And Holder takes his orders from? You guessed it! Barak Obama, another paid up member of the Cook County Dem. Organization

Illinois and especially Chicago needs an enema

12/21/2011 08:32:00 AM

Could not have said it better. We live in a dictatorship, when you think about it.

12/21/2011 06:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put bad people in jail for a long time and make them an example of how bad it can be. You will have less bad people doing bad things because they will be afraid of the consequences.

It really is that simple.

12/21/2011 07:46:00 AM

Pick up a book once in awhile. Punishment is the least effective deterrent of future criminal acts and recidivism. Your argument has no foundation. I'm not saying I agree, I'm just letting you know the facts.

12/21/2011 06:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know what's going on at TAM now. It was a decent if clouted organization and they did good work.
There was a time when they raised a fair amount of money through donations and grants. But, maybe the staff got too large or their expenses out of control since Mrs Daley does have champagne taste on a government budget.

12/21/2011 06:05:00 AM

No matter how you slice it or how good a program is, I still do not understand how a charity can receive $56 million of my tax dollars. I just don't understand and maybe someone can help me out here and explain how this is legal. If the city wants a program for youths then they would start a program, not pay a charity to do so. Only some children were allowed to particpate, not all so how is this the city's responsibility to donate money that doesn't belong to the mayor. Why are taxpayers paying for select charities? If we will be forced to do this, then let us choose what charities we want to contribute to. My charity is the cpd pension.

12/21/2011 07:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I don't that it's that simple. My house value is underwater. The water, grocery, gasoline, and real estate tax bills have gone up. New pension laws are being proposed to tax me more. My wife's check has stayed the same because any increase has been eliminated increase insurance and union costs. I am stuck on a beat car waiting to be promote to be a dick. Now some dicks are telling me that what I could be waiting for is not worth the pending drive and the new clientel. How do I get ahead as the clouted steal without a care? It ain't that simple my freind!

12/21/2011 08:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Patrick Fitzgerald is a prince. He as good as it gets. He is my hero. The person who made the negative comment about Mr. Fitzgerald showed his or her ignorance. I won't waste time defending Mr. Fitzgerald as he is a man of "Deeds not Words". I think your anger should be aimed at Lisa Madigan and company.

12/21/2011 09:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
... I just don't understand and maybe someone can help me out here and explain how this is legal...

12/21/2011 07:35:00 PM

The lawfully elected representatives of the people decided that we want this. If we disagree with them, we should be flooding their voice mail, e-mail accounts and mail boxes with our outrage at what they are doing with our tax dollars AND particularly pointing it out to them at the ballot box by voting them out of office.

Until that happens, enjoy your charity.

12/21/2011 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pick up a book once in awhile. Punishment is the least effective deterrent of future criminal acts and recidivism. Your argument has no foundation. I'm not saying I agree, I'm just letting you know the facts.

12/21/2011 06:48:00 PM

Just because somebody put it in a book doesn't make it Gospel. White collar crime would drastically drop if there were real consequences.

If you believe that real consequences don't work, fine. Every man is allowed an opinion. I'll stick with filling up the prisons and bringing back the death penalty. It got us this far.

We seem to be floundering now that we are excepting of the "I had a bad childhood" defence. We need to hard line it. I honestly find that people I know that adhere to the forgiveness philosophy have much to hide themselves.

12/22/2011 08:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you from SEIU this is a police blog, since u couldn't make it thru our exams and background check, don't hate because we are afforded the opportunities that you r not!!

12/22/2011 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the early poster who referred to the unofficial Chicago motto as being "where's mine". That was coined by the late/great, Mike Royko. He wanted "Urbs in Horto" on our city seal replaced with "Ubi est mea"? Read "Boss" by Royko; a book on Chicago politics during the reign of the father of the stuttering prick.

Retired guy who still thinks that the pandering hairless penis guy should be dropped as a link here at SCC. Stay safe

12/22/2011 03:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about the City Cops doing "Security Jobs" at Public Schools?

SEIU has security reason a separate union should be in the schools doing my Job unless I call for a squad for help.

12/21/2011 04:42:00 PM

...when you are at your "mums house" for Christmas this year will she address you as 'dummy' or 'idiot'?...

12/22/2011 11:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about the City Cops doing "Security Jobs" at Public Schools?

SEIU has security reason a separate union should be in the schools doing my Job unless I call for a squad for help.

12/21/2011 04:42:00 PM

...when you are at your "mums house" for Christmas this year will she address you as 'dummy' or 'idiot'?...

12/22/2011 11:31:00 PM

If I was on duty it would be by title; Deputy Director.

Just like I would talk to a PO.... With Respect!

12/23/2011 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous HATER said...




12/23/2011 05:29:00 PM  

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