Saturday, April 07, 2012

Another Lawsuit

  • The family of a woman fatally shot last month by an off-duty Chicago police detective has filed a lawsuit alleging the officer opened fire without legal justification.

    Rekia Boyd, 22, died on March 22, a day after she was shot in the back of the head on the West Side.

    The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Cook County Circuit Court, alleged that [the off-duty detective] was driving from an alley by his home near Douglass Park when he got in a verbal dispute with a group who were enjoying the unseasonably warm weather at about 1 a.m. on March 21.
No gun recovered, so it comes down to who sells their story to a jury better. Unless Corp Counsel cuts a deal, then no one ever hears a story.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact is, she didn't have a gun, she was shot by a cop, and she died. And her family is going to collect.
It doesn't take a genius to see why Montgomery
took the case. Even when we shoot the folks that
actually deserve it, the City often pays. This woman
was just dumb enough to be hanging out with a bunch of assholes, and paid the ultimate price for a bad choice of what to do that fateful night. The city will
make an offer, and the family will accept. Next.

4/07/2012 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loved the fact the family's attorney couldn't come up with a better so-called rationale for the shooting than to say HE thinks the officer shot because he was MIFFED at being told to f--- off.

Miffed? Yes, I always reach for my gun when I'm miffed. Jerk.

Is there a fundraiser scheduled for our guy yet?

4/07/2012 01:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lets see i've gotten surrounded to get mugged on the way home. Did they cared I was the police? Hell to the no. When the jack assess realized i was the police the guys and girls got worse towards me. It's probably the same thing that happened to the detective. It's crazy out there

4/07/2012 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city should counter sue and take away their free housing voucher

4/07/2012 03:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So good to see former corporation man in charge when Harold Washington was the Mayor getting a piece of the action before Loevy & Loevy jumped on this case. BTW how do they find the clients???? Another insider reaching out.. Isn't Steering illegal?? But I'm an old timer, common phrase when referred a lawyer a case!

4/07/2012 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even if the weapon is recovered the officer still accidentally shot a bystander. This isn't going to be cheap.

4/07/2012 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hope he doesnt own a house wtf he was off duty keep driving use 911

4/07/2012 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city has already gone on the record that she was not who the officer was shooting at and was accidently struck by the gunfire. I am sorry guys, but the checkbook needs to get opened on this one. The odpo shot at one guy, missed and killed someone that he did not intend to shoot. It is a tragic accident but only an accident. Keep the officer in your thoughts-this also can be very traumatic for him. Stay strong brother.

4/07/2012 08:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what really happened and was not there but don't get involved in shit when you are off duty! Drive away or call 911!

4/07/2012 10:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montgomery is a left over from the Harold regime. He doesn't like the police and now will collect a nice fee. Pretty easy case I would say.

4/07/2012 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not the police, sad story and it will come down to he said, she said. Would be tough to be in that position but someone died and there are more witnesses on the other side. But no one was armed either except the cop.

4/07/2012 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares

4/07/2012 11:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, to make an omelet, ya gotta break a few eggs.....


4/07/2012 12:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hard to justify a shooting when you miss the guy you were shooting at and hit and kill someone totally innocent. and then can't find the gun that was claimed to have been displayed.

can't really blame someone for taking off after someone starts shooting at them. seems like a really good idea to me. if the best evidence of there being any justification for the shooting is that the guy took off after being shot at as the article seems to suggest, this case is a loser.

as a practical matter, the city probably has to settle given there is no evidence to back up the police account of the incident.

4/07/2012 01:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Or maybe Barry Obama could make a trade mark stupid public comment to create even more racial divide in this Country...

4/07/2012 03:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Montgomery is a trustee at the University of Illinois. He's a race-baiter.

4/07/2012 04:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate to differ, but there's never innocent bystanders. A lot of times the women serve as distractors when the rest keep attacking. I say this from watching an incident where both women and men were surrounding and circled an off duty police officer. It didn't stop the women. I actually called 911 and related how the females were trying to distract the officer. Becareful going home and while her family will make some money, it doesn't mean that's the truth and at least the officer can live to talk about it. Every time I ask the females of a neighborhood like that why they hangout with questionable people they answer, "this is all I know, you gotta take that bullet." It's their mentality, why? who knows, it is stupid but that's how they live.

4/07/2012 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can still charge without a gun recovered, coppers word against bad guys

4/07/2012 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:52am/1:03pm, glad you two are not my partners, but I doubt you are the police. The story was reported as both the offender and the woman approached the odpo, that would not make her an innocent bystander. Regardless, according to Illinois State law when you commit a felony, such as aiming a gun at the police off duty or not, and someone dies as a result of that commission, you get charged with murder. Even if the offender did not pull the trigger, the murder charge stands, because it is his actions that caused the shooting to occur. And why is it so far fetched that an offender would run from the scene and ditch the gun? And as far as the "witnesses" are concerned how reliable do you think they are going to be hanging out at 15/Lawndale after midnight?

The city will pay, not that much because after the depositions the case is going to be in tatters. They will only pay not to take the bigger risk.

4/07/2012 07:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Story on AOL

4/07/2012 07:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Off-Duty, means 911

4/07/2012 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you are going home after work put the blinders on. If you see something that needs police attention call 911. Don't risk your job and safety for these ungrateful animals.

4/07/2012 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing good happens after midnight. I feel bad for the family, but why the fuck are you out, in/near an alley, at the time of night? It just goes to show you, you should always be careful who you hang out with!

4/07/2012 11:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought police were 'on duty' 24/7, one of the reasons given that they are allowed to carry a gun when not on duty. i mean, it's a right that THEY have that REGULAR LAW ABIDING people don't. guess i shouldn't count on police to help if they are off duty based on some of the comments. (although i would rather think much more highly of the police, considering the ones i know, and have met, made friends with and spoken to. i think 99% of them on or off duty would do thir best to prevent anyone from getting hurt, so i hope the comments here are not from real CPD)

4/08/2012 12:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who cares. (about her I mean) I do care about the copper. I'm sick of this lawsuit bullshit. Do these people really believe we care enough about them to shoot them? We do not. I personally do not care enough about any human being on this earth enough to shoot him or her.

4/08/2012 05:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this writing.

"...[the off-duty detective] was driving from an alley by his home near Douglass Park when he got in a verbal dispute..."

Translation -- "When he asked some people to quiet down."

"...who were enjoying the unseasonably warm weather at about 1 a.m."

Translation -- "Who were causing a disturbance on the street."

"...when you commit a felony, such as aiming a gun at the police off duty or not, and someone dies as a result of that commission, you get charged with murder. Even if the offender did not pull the trigger, the murder charge stands, because it is his actions that caused the shooting to occur. And why is it so far fetched that an offender would run from the scene and ditch the gun? And as far as the "witnesses" are concerned how reliable do you think they are going to be hanging out at 15/Lawndale after midnight?"

--4/07/2012 07:53:00 PM


The minute AFTER this happened, some shitbag was telling the reporters, "Jus' las' night, he come to me (detectives always hang with Willie on the corner) an' he say, "What ah gon' have to do to get respet? Shoot a n___a?"

Reliable source -- like Father Pfleger with his "bags of excrement on the doors." Supposedly happened weeks ago, but he comes out with it just exactly when he's grandstanding for attention after a multiple shooting nearby -- and burns some old shirt in a safe place for good measure.



4/08/2012 12:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

at this point it does not matter what the deeper truth is or is not. the only thing any actual evidence shows is a cop killed an innocent woman, and no one has ever even tried to deny that.

everything else is just "he said, she said", and that is how the jury will see it.

the city will probably have no choice but to cut its losses and settle.

4/08/2012 08:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Off-Duty, means 911

4/07/2012 09:27:00 PM

I've made felony arrests-charges approved-off-duty. While off-duty I've stopped my vehicle to ensure that the on-duty 99 unit was safe while on traffic stops. Not always, only when I felt that there was a compelling reason to do so. I've followed more than a few scalawags through my neighborhood while calling the ad desk and asking to be transferred to Zone 1. You sound like a candy-ass who's not only afraid of his own shadow but the shadows in in the gangways on your beat as well. The "victim" advanced upon the officer along with her four time convicted felon companion who should have been charged with her murder based upon accountability. Take that up with affirmative action SA Alvarez and her minions at felony review. Maybe I'll see you during a thunderstorm one day and stop just long enough to dial 911 to report a frightened grown man shaking in his shoes beneath a tree branch.

4/30/2012 10:37:00 AM  

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