Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Can We Grant Their Wish?

  • Gangbangers in Chicago: What makes them tick, what are they thinking?

    CBS 2’s Walter Jacobson sat down with gang members in Chicago’s troubled Englewood neighborhood to try to find some answers.

    Some of the responses he received were not encouraging.

    “There’s no solution to the violence,” one gang member tells him. “Killing, killing is the solution.”
Time to pull out of the hood and let them sort it out themselves.  We can declare a truce every other day to clean up the bodies. And that's if we're feeling generous:
  • The gang members also said they are at war with the Chicago Police Department.

    “The police hate us,” a young man said. “Every time they ride past us, they shoot us down and do all that. Do what you want to do, I don’t care about you all, keep riding. Who are you all? We’re not scare of you all. I’ll fight you too. Take that badge off.”

    But he says the police cannot catch them or exact any consequences.

Why pour good money down a rat hole that doesn't want a police presence as it is? We'd give it two weeks, a month tops before it sorted itself out into something the Department could manage again.
It would certainly be an interesting month at the CompStat meetings.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like the Romans, we could sell tickets in a stadium and let them kill each other, it would be payback for all the wasted money the taxpayers gave these rat bastards! Come on mcwhatever show some balls pull al the coppers out, you scared?

10/02/2012 12:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who has the you tube video name involving the 004 district tact guys

10/02/2012 12:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Gigi said...

Oh for the love of God. Why waste time talking to these killers? Did he think he could change them? What did he expect them to say? If I had my druthers, I would put an invisible fence around all the gang territories and let them weed the herd out on their own. Why must the CPD put their "pearls before swine" as stated in the Bible? God bless all if you. I have no idea how you do this day after day. Thank you for all you do for us. I doubt you can ever hear that enough.

10/02/2012 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its disgusting the city even provides services for these slum neighborhoods where the people pay no taxes or contribute to society.

For example I see part 63rd Street being repaved. Wtf?? Why bother wasting money in that area?? repave Armitage Avenue instead!!

The City Planning Commission needs to get their priorities straight.

10/02/2012 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the statement shoot us down
well you wouldn't get shot if you didn't try to be jesse james and shoot at them thats like wearing a big bullseye think of this
maybe if you didnt act like animals
they just might leave you alone
you know when there is 5 of you standing on a corner"throwing"
what are they suppose to do?
drive by and wave? when the nieghbors call they have to look
what should they do? hang up?
the main problem is majority of them are their own worse enemy
you attract too much HEAT
and when you do that they have to do something

10/02/2012 12:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got a better idea:

Give the gang members who want to fight a location at which they can fight. To the death.

It can be one-on-one, teams, whatever.

Televise it. Tax it. Let it go.

No charges necessary; "Mutual combat."

Right, Anita?

10/02/2012 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Check out Sunday's fatal shooting of an armed robber in an Indianapolis liquor store by new clerk Zach Rogers, a veteran of the war in Iraq. It was ruled a justifiable homicide.

Why is Illinois the only state in the entire nation that refuses to legalize concealed carry for qualified law-abiding citizens?

Does the delusional City of Chicago actually believe that violent criminals who would shoot you for nothing would actually register firearms or comply with "stricter gun laws"? That's insane. Only "the good people" would comply making then easy marks for the violent crime.


Otherwise the answer to gun violence by criminals is that there is no answer.

10/02/2012 01:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fence the Ghetto in and let them fight it out. If any decent folks including Seniors want to get out let them. All the rest can starve to death or kill each other off. We can't change the culture of these mutants so let them go.

10/02/2012 01:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well father Pleger were are you, jessie sr were are you ?
The worlds ring true from the mouths of these kids, and young men !!

I don't fear death , i take what I want , and who's gonna stop me !!

Well here I am THE THIN BLUE LINE -

I and several of my brothers and sisters in blue will stand between chaos and humanity !!

A beat officer in 015

10/02/2012 01:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i agree 100% ... fuck the animals.

10/02/2012 02:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon SCC, lets wait for a good long cold snap before we impliment this strategy. We could reduce patrol sweeps to weekly, the streets and san. trucks will have their plow blades mounted, and the street sweeping trucks will be done cleaning up the leaves in areas that supported Balerino... Can we get an event number now?

10/02/2012 02:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... Do what you want to do, I don’t care about you all, keep riding. Who are you all?"


Sounds like he's mocking mayor Rahm to me. Remember Rahm's take it in the alley speech.

"Who are you, who raised you .." wasn't it?


10/02/2012 02:35:00 AM  
Blogger West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

"Why pour good money down a rat hole that doesn't want a police presence as it is?"



That's why I advocate giving the average ghetto savage the police service they truly deserve. Save your compassion and "going the extra mile" for the anomaly that is the legitimate victim in these neighborhoods. Trust me when I say they're few and far between.

Your imagination is your only limitation when it comes to providing police service. Just like the enforcement of certain things is discretionary, so too is the effort you can put into how you handle everyday bullshit ghetto drama.

You really shouldn't have to expend a bunch of time, energy and resources on subhumans that are, by self proclamation, "at war with the Chicago Police Department". Fuck these jagoffs and every other bastard that even remotely thinks like or feels the same as the wastes of oxygen interviewed.

These assholes don't like the police. Fact is, they hate the police. We stand in the way of their hedonistic lifestyle. We are little more than armed babysitters of petulant bastards that lack any degree of impulse control or contribute anything meaningful to society.

Being called to solve every problem - real, imagined or created - by parasites who absolutely despise everything you stand for is irony at its best. And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics. But point out this fact and you'll, ironically, be labeled a 'racist' by Masters of the Race Card Jackson, Sharpton et al.

Probably the best thing I ever did was bid to a district inhabited by non-mutants. Legitimate, employed, taxpaying, God fearing, respectful citizens. It makes coming to work soooooo much easier. I highly recommend applying your efforts where they're appreciate sometime. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks for allowing the rant, SCC.

10/02/2012 03:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clean up and tighten the laws and the sentencing. Police can't solve it all. Wake the judges up and vote the weak ones out

10/02/2012 03:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the runt will soon be passing out "feel good" packages to the poor, neglected ghetto rat youths. the will be issued weekly and contain: $500.00 USC, 3 oz of primo herb, 100 rounds of ammo (their choice to be specified at sign up time), and vouchers for all the high gravity malt liquor they can consume (supplied by the JJ Budweiser Distributor). They will also get a 50% Discount at A.R. Leak Mortuary.

10/02/2012 04:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Walter get the memo? "Take out to the alley"

10/02/2012 04:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Back to Newark said...

OT..Frank, you and the Slum Times has a winner here, if only you were in the public relations business.

This "news" report does not contain a single quote.

Actually, it doesn't even contain the name of a single person. Nor does it contain the word "source."

Come on, McDouchebag.

10/02/2012 05:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what 60 years of 'social programs' have done for us. It's like "Lord of the Flies" in some areas.

The politicians needed this group for their votes, so it's been hands off. Now, look what has happened. It will only get worse.

The more you give them, the more society is tolerant of this life style the worse it will get. Is anybody surprised?

10/02/2012 05:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So lets create another violence reduction unit to try and stop the violence before it happens; When the gangs are proudly admitting the violence will never stop happening; And killing is the only answer, whether it be a dead cop, dead banger, or dead bystander.

I hope this dude texted or tweeted his solution to the city the other day.

10/02/2012 05:55:00 AM  

# 1 ... Legalize concealed carry for law abiding citizens to help eliminate random acts of violence, like armed robberies, carjackings, etc.

# 2 ... Legalize drugs and tax their sales, thus removing the financial incentive from their street corner drug trafficking and boosting our economy with billions of NEW tax dollars.

# 3 ... Allow the gangs to sell the newly legalized drugs at designated and secure facilities and based on organized competitions that will be televised.

# 4 ... Take back the $1,000,000 wasted on CeaseFire and use it to build a state-of-the-art shooting range facility like the FBI's 'Hogan's Alley' and make it the biggest, most awesome paintball Battlefield in the country... but for REAL live combatants, guns and ammunition.

# 5 ... Organize each gang into 'teams', and the teams into leagues. Sell the broadcast rights to a cable pay-per-view outfit and televise the massacre LIVE. Proceeds can be used for Chicago's infrastructure repairs and to fund municipal pensions, etc.

# 6 ... At the end of each 'season', the team that gets through the playoffs and wins the "Narco Bowl", gets the franchise to sell the legalized drugs for the next year.

# 7 ... I, The Sole Determining Factor, will be the referee and will solve all disputes, on and off the range and my decisions will be final.


10/02/2012 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Escape From Englewood. Eclectic fence the place, throw some ho's over for good measure and let them kill themselves. Society hates them too. They contribute nothing. They are in fact nothing.

10/02/2012 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was on the department those pieces of shit would always say, take that gun and badge off and I'll show you something. I would always tell them that the gun and badge won't kick their ass, but I will. It was amazing to see them eat their words. How about building some new projects in Peotone, instead of an airport and let those assholes kill themselves.

10/02/2012 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"No answer, no solution!"......time for t-shirts and coffee mugs

10/02/2012 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel a storm coming up. Civil war between those that contribute to society fighting the group that does not.

10/02/2012 07:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Its disgusting the city even provides services for these slum neighborhoods where the people pay no taxes or contribute to society.

For example I see part 63rd Street being repaved. Wtf?? Why bother wasting money in that area?? repave Armitage Avenue instead!!

The City Planning Commission needs to get their priorities straight.

10/02/2012 12:40:00 AM

That's because 63rd street is an arterial street. Other people use 63rd also,not just goofs.

10/02/2012 08:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what your guys are talking about. The Sun Times told us today that Garry said murders are levelling off. The 66% increase Jan-Mar is now on 28% ytd. And, of course, crime is down in all the other categories. As a matter of fact, the largest decrease in homicide and crime overall in the city is in Englewood, according to the article. That's probably why Garry took Leo to the IACP conference with him. The "gang audits" are working!

10/02/2012 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems more and more people are waking up to the fact that there isn't much the police department of today can do about this problem.
How's the kinder, gentler police police dept. working out for you ?

10/02/2012 08:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is what you get when there are no parents to teach values and rules. There is no father to be the authority figure in the home. When they were children there was nobody teaching them right and wrong, not even your vaunted "It takes a village" theory would teach them or your politicians. Now you wonder why they run around killing each other. This is the culmination of that you have sown and it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

10/02/2012 08:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boys and girls in Blue , slow down,
answer radio calls , write a parking ticket , write reports for every crime . Go home safe to your family . McCarthy still has many full duty officers at homan square ,headquarters and districts hiding in an office , working less hours than officers in a beat car for the same money . Remember they are off week ends , holidays for the same money . All office work should be assigned to civilians . A sworn officer as a unit or district secretary would be like paying a Teacher to be the clerk in the Principals office . It's not fair fore officers assigned to a beat car that cannot get time off. This hasn't changed under weiss or mccarthy , it's all political hacks hiding inside.

10/02/2012 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago ghettos equal thunder dome. 2 men enter 1 man leaves.

10/02/2012 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just like pulling out of Somalia. The tribes will group together and rule the way they want to. Some people in this world don't want, and don't deserve, the freedoms and liberties we enjoy in this country.

Political correctness has polluted the truth. There are cultural stereotypes that are true for a reason. Some cultures don't want or care for freedom because they would rather be led by a strongman. That is their culture. It's what they value.

Why would you waste your time and energy trying to convince them to be like us when they have no desire to ever live that way? The wars in Afghanistan and Englewood are the same in this respect. There is no desire to live free. So let them live as they will.

10/02/2012 09:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You really shouldn't have to expend a bunch of time, energy and resources on subhumans that are, by self proclamation, "at war with the Chicago Police Department". Fuck these jagoffs and every other bastard that even remotely thinks like or feels the same as the wastes of oxygen interviewed.

These assholes don't like the police. Fact is, they hate the police. We stand in the way of their hedonistic lifestyle. We are little more than armed babysitters of petulant bastards that lack any degree of impulse control or contribute anything meaningful to society.

Being called to solve every problem - real, imagined or created - by parasites who absolutely despise everything you stand for is irony at its best. And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics. But point out this fact and you'll, ironically, be labeled a 'racist' by Masters of the Race Card Jackson, Sharpton et al."

Well said & thank you!

10/02/2012 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hunger Games Chicago

May the odds ever be in your favor....

10/02/2012 09:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Civilized man or the savage, I've made my choice.
Social order or barbarism,they have made their choice.
War with the Police, fine, you said it, not me.
" Either learn to love your mortal enemy, or kill him " MACHIAVELLI
You've made your choice, point a weapon at me and guess my choice.

10/02/2012 09:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is quickly becoming the NEW DETROIT and we have seen how that picture ends - a desolated city - no jobs and a mass exodus - wake up and throw out all these democratic bums

10/02/2012 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you deal with a retarded mad dog???

10/02/2012 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more you pack in,the faster it works.

10/02/2012 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say carpet-bomb Englewood and make it a forest preserve.

Big tough guys still living in the mommy-governments basement they are.

If this was Victorian-Era England and not the U.S. nanny-state you low-life non-workers would be dying in the streets of starvation.

Get a job.

10/02/2012 10:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess the tax paying, law abiding, working citizens within bad neighborhoods are SOL? Yes, there are decent citizens who still live in these neighborhoods. Where do they go when you fence everybody in as one commenter suggests? Are there homes waiting for them in better neighborhoods for just this occasion? I don't have the solution and I abhor the rampant,indiscriminate violence. But I am so very discouraged to read the lack of empathy and concern expressed for the citizens that are STUCK with no where else to go living among the "animals", if I may borrow your lingo. They deserve a police presence and some semblence of protection and vigilence. And just to be clear I am not speaking of the residents that have young thugs living under their roofs that turn a blind eye while they go to work and come home like they don't know that lil Raekwon is a gangbanger. I mean the real innocent residents. I know this is a site for officers to vent anonymously and I understand that. But to a everyday working, law abiding citizen like myself (and I live in a decent area but not great) it is discouraging to read some comment. Otherwise I truly appreciate the work you do and the risks you take to do it and I sincerely thank you for it. I read this blog to stay educated about what's really happening in the city and it does a great job of that. Again thanks for running toward the trouble so that others can stay safe.

10/02/2012 10:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Side, Inside Do-Nothing said...

"Why pour good money down a rat hole that doesn't want a police presence as it is?"



That's why I advocate giving the average ghetto savage the police service they truly deserve. Save your compassion and "going the extra mile" for the anomaly that is the legitimate victim in these neighborhoods. Trust me when I say they're few and far between.

Your imagination is your only limitation when it comes to providing police service. Just like the enforcement of certain things is discretionary, so too is the effort you can put into how you handle everyday bullshit ghetto drama.

You really shouldn't have to expend a bunch of time, energy and resources on subhumans that are, by self proclamation, "at war with the Chicago Police Department". Fuck these jagoffs and every other bastard that even remotely thinks like or feels the same as the wastes of oxygen interviewed.

These assholes don't like the police. Fact is, they hate the police. We stand in the way of their hedonistic lifestyle. We are little more than armed babysitters of petulant bastards that lack any degree of impulse control or contribute anything meaningful to society.

Being called to solve every problem - real, imagined or created - by parasites who absolutely despise everything you stand for is irony at its best. And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics. But point out this fact and you'll, ironically, be labeled a 'racist' by Masters of the Race Card Jackson, Sharpton et al.

Probably the best thing I ever did was bid to a district inhabited by non-mutants. Legitimate, employed, taxpaying, God fearing, respectful citizens. It makes coming to work soooooo much easier. I highly recommend applying your efforts where they're appreciate sometime. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks for allowing the rant, SCC.

GRAND SLAM! Don't know how long you got on the job, but you accurately decribe the ghetto culture and the APPROPRIATE way the "mutants" (LOL) need to be treated by the police. Coddling generations of these people has resulted in this. Throwing good $$ after bad allows this to persist. Crook county judicial system allows this to persist. I'm tired of my money being wasted on ghetto people to keep them pacified. They get more city services amd opprotunities than the tax payers. Those that don't work have more money in their pockets, drive new cars, wear new expensive cloths and have flat screen jumbo tvs in every room while we bust our asses. Turn the gravy train off and let these fools fend for themselves. Then issue a Shoot To Kill order when they take to the streets to riot and we can assist the NG in thinning the herds. I'm tired of supporting these fucks while I have to make sacrifices. Write a book WestSide it'll be a bestseller.

10/02/2012 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I had a dollar for everytime some pos dared me to take off that "badge & gun", and I did. Then proceeded to kick the living shit out of him, I'd have at least $3.00. ;-) Ya couldn't beat workin in 011 back in the day.

10/02/2012 10:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hand outs theses "citizens" get is sickening. Everyday there is some type of handout for them. The sad part is the line exceeds any line at the newly built kennedy king College. I can't stand the hell on earth that is the 007th district. I can't think of the last time I came across a good citizen. Even the kids under the age of 5 look at you and say "CPD". So why should the police care. Not to mention the quote heard thousands of times a day "Why you'll messing with me when moter f@#kers are out there killing." let me answer youur question because I don't give a F##CK!!!!

10/02/2012 11:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CPS honor students ? Thats why we call this place SHITCAGO

10/02/2012 11:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for RAMNEY...he knows the 47%

10/02/2012 12:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's why I advocate giving the average ghetto savage the police service they truly deserve. Save your compassion and "going the extra mile" for the anomaly that is the legitimate victim in these neighborhoods. Trust me when I say they're few and far between.

Your imagination is your only limitation when it comes to providing police service. Just like the enforcement of certain things is discretionary, so too is the effort you can put into how you handle everyday bullshit ghetto drama.

You really shouldn't have to expend a bunch of time, energy and resources on subhumans that are, by self proclamation, "at war with the Chicago Police Department". Fuck these jagoffs and every other bastard that even remotely thinks like or feels the same as the wastes of oxygen interviewed.

These assholes don't like the police. Fact is, they hate the police. We stand in the way of their hedonistic lifestyle. We are little more than armed babysitters of petulant bastards that lack any degree of impulse control or contribute anything meaningful to society.

Being called to solve every problem - real, imagined or created - by parasites who absolutely despise everything you stand for is irony at its best. And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics. But point out this fact and you'll, ironically, be labeled a 'racist' by Masters of the Race Card Jackson, Sharpton et al.

Probably the best thing I ever did was bid to a district inhabited by non-mutants. Legitimate, employed, taxpaying, God fearing, respectful citizens. It makes coming to work soooooo much easier. I highly recommend applying your efforts where they're appreciate sometime. You won't be disappointed.

Thanks for allowing the rant, SCC.

10/02/2012 03:00:00 AM

Well said Office!

10/02/2012 12:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Check out Sunday's fatal shooting of an armed robber in an Indianapolis liquor store by new clerk Zach Rogers, a veteran of the war in Iraq. It was ruled a justifiable homicide.

Why is Illinois the only state in the entire nation that refuses to legalize concealed carry for qualified law-abiding citizens?

Does the delusional City of Chicago actually believe that violent criminals who would shoot you for nothing would actually register firearms or comply with "stricter gun laws"? That's insane. Only "the good people" would comply making then easy marks for the violent crime.


Otherwise the answer to gun violence by criminals is that there is no answer.

10/02/2012 01:07:00 AM

Why do people go on a pro-concealed carry, pro-gun and pro-police blog and say this? We don't you express your opinion to your elected state representatives. They and only they have to power to pass concealed carry. In return they want money and votes.

10/02/2012 12:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me. lets avoid all the hot spots so they can keep killing each other and make their wish come true. 97% of all the shooting victims are bad evil people themselves and wouldn't hesitate to kill someone themselves. Lets say if Alqeda terrorists started killing each other, wouldn't that be a good thing? Would anyone care? Isn't it the same things when gang members do it to each other?

10/02/2012 12:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why I advocate giving the average ghetto savage the police service they truly deserve. Save your compassion and "going the extra mile" for the anomaly that is the legitimate victim in these neighborhoods. Trust me when I say they're few and far between.

I find it amusing that some of you will take the word of some loser ass gang banger as a legitimate sample of the majority opinion. On the South-side alone there are over 900,000 residents. Do you really think most of these people say Fuck the Police or don't want us around? When we are in 004 or 007 or 005, etc, for the most part, we are dealing with the same shit birds or same problems homes. The hard working , honest people...well, we don't have contact with them unless they are victims.
Maybe it's just another excuse some people use to 'put the blinders on'

10/02/2012 12:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can no-one in the Sanctuary City of Chicago see that we are growing our own Al-Queda-like terrorists here?

Chicago is a breeding ground for violence and city officials are doing...?, well?

They are to the South in Englewood. They are to the West in Humboldt Park. They are to the North in Edgewater. The city is surrounded and the inability to contain ANY of the violence shows how vulnerable we all are.

Don't tell us homicides are down. Tell us how many homicide cases are not closed with the murderers still roaming the streets or hibernating for the winter!

It's pretty much the same as in Afghanistan isn't it -- the fighting slows down in the cold weather.

Check out this map showing Chicago's population trend it's very telling.

The media and political apparatus here had to find a way to spin Chicago's population losses over the last decade because that conjures up all sorts of negative things just like the Chicago crime stats do.

The map shows a small concentrated green zone (actually blue in color)of population growth downtown. The piece goes on to tout that within 2 miles of City Hall 48,000 more people moved into that area over the last ten years. We are all supposed to cheer that Chicago is growing I guess but really?. Are there that many high rises with empty condo's to support 48,000 more people within a 2 mile area?

Nevertheless, what about the rest of the city. Sure we can find a tiny subset of the city where there is growth to sway opinion and create illusions of great things. Look at the rest of the neighborhoods on that map though. Um-hmm. Hey where's everybody going!

I was just watching this clip on Afghanistan with Gen. J Adams livid about what is going down with our troops.

We're pulling out and tossing in the towel my friends. We've had enough.

The terrorist have found our vulnerability there, it's working, and they continue to exploit it.

While no gang bangers are on the inside of our security forces in Chicago yet (THAT WE KNOW OF) The gang bangers like Al-Queda are exploiting our weaknesses and God help us if the real terrorist join in as we are almost helpless against what we're dealing with now.

These gang bangers, should they turn there weapons on the general population, and how is Chicago going to stop it? CPD can't do it now how will they do it then? The Mayor and Gov. want to take law abiding citizens rights to protect themselves away UNLIKE ANY OTHER STATE IN THE UNION. This action in itself make all of Illinois the primary target for terrorism imo.

Chicago == Afghanistan. The terrorist are here and are causing great harm. We just are not willing to call them what they are yet.

10/02/2012 12:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What do you think the mayor and alderman are more concerned with -- stopping the violence in the city or collecting $15/head for Chicago Ideas Week attendees along with parking fees, maybe some pocket change lunch revenue and an ego boast from the ability to rattle on with propaganda about how smart all the speakers are?

Use that crisis baby. ha.

10/02/2012 12:57:00 PM  
Anonymous The Bear said...

When I went to Englewood in the late 80's it was a hellhole. It was being called "Little Beirut". Some of the veteran officers who were there since the 60's told us it was a hellhole when they were young. When I left it was a hellhole. Today it is a hellhole. Tomorrow it will be a hellhole. Nothing will change. Ever.
We have been there for generations. Places like Englewood, the "Deuce", the West side, have now exported their disease to the whole city.
Afghanistan is showing us that we can not force democracy on those who neither want or understand it. And like Afghanistan, we can not force civilization or reasonable behavior on those who reject it and choose instead to continuously de-evolve. These individuals are less than animals, less than human and should be left to self inflicted genocide.

10/02/2012 01:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Make Englewood Chicago's HamsterDam

10/02/2012 01:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Walter Jacobson is good people, I know he had a few run in's with CPD. Send him/producer of channal 2 a kind word and he/they will appreicate it. It is all about their ratings. He will say it like it is regarding the crime in the city.

10/02/2012 01:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why pour good money down a rat hole that doesn't want a police presence as it is?"


Exactly the conclusion that Gen. John Adams has come to in Afghanistan.

Pouring money down a rat hole there -- as inside security attacks destroys moral, public will and our troops.

We are about this > < close to declaring zones of impunity in Chicago I would hope. Just like the drug cartels have in Mexico.

Declare Englewood a zone of impunity.

You go into that area and you're on your own. No police, Nat'l guard, or carvery are going to come to the rescue -- you are on your own! No CFD ambulances or paramedics, no fire department or medical examiner pick up of the bodies. Let the cats and rats do the clean up.

The alternative is what?

To place good people in harms way for nothing? To bankrupt the city by running non-stop first responder emergency services for people that could care less --- that don't see nothing and don't say nothing?

What the hell we doing? It' like Afghanistan they don't want us there lets get out!

400 plus homicides not to mention the number of shootings in the thousands draining the cities treasure while the money is taken from schools, pensions and healthcare of the law abiding workers to support it!

What are we trying to save here?

To top that off we kick the door wide open to any illegal immigrant. No back ground checks, no registrations, no licensing. No, that stuff is for handguns right.

No-one knows who the illegal immigrants are, what they are up to, where they are from, or what kind of culture of violence and criminality they are bringing with them.

Background check for guns? HAH how about background checks for the strangers and drug cartel members that the mayor and aldermen are waving in the door!

10/02/2012 01:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked in Englewood for years. There are many good people living there. They might be poor and they might not have a good education, but they obey the law and call the police when they see trouble. You cannot lump them in with the gangbangers. To abandon the good people in these neighborhoods would be the ultimate poor choice. Jacobson made an ahole mistake by even talking to these animals who only understand force and prison. Give that to them, and plenty of it.

10/02/2012 01:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Elections -- "The October Surprise"

You all have heard about "The October Surprise" haven't ya? The thing that presidential campaigns pull out of the hat at the last min. in the month of Oct to sway voter opinions.

Well this just in....

JP Morgan Chase Hit With Fraud Suit: About Time, or Suspect Timing?

Obama's Mortgage Fraud Task Force put together last year is finally going to bring criminal charges AFTER MILLIONS OF PEOPLE WERE SCAMMED -- AFTER MORE THAN FIVE YEARS OF THIS STUFF?!

Nice way to use the crisis Hoss!

It wouldn't surprise me that yes charges are filed today but three months from now charges will be either dropped or a settlement agreement of "we won't steal you money THIS WAY again, promise" will be approved.

Come-on. The banks got off with this stuff for five years. You can't believe that there is any intent to bring the bankers to justice now.

It's an "October Surprise" and election stunt to show Obama is cracking down.

In December... forgetaboutit we were all just kidding you..

Bookmark it Danno and let's see what happens after elections. How's those speed trap camera installs coming Chicago? Yeah, you know...

10/02/2012 01:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics."

I can see why a Chicago cop would say this I use to think the same way. Then I took a job in NC all white low income community. Guess what? Different demographics same ghetto bullshit!

10/02/2012 02:57:00 PM  
Blogger Organic peregrine terra cotta bricolage cruelty- free locally outsourced maple nut crunch said...

I grew up in South Bend, which has been virtually destroyed by assholes like this. They don't now, or ever, deserve jack shit.
I say strip them of their citizenship and deport them to the next available country that will take these fuckers.
Then we can start spending money on things that matters, instead of ungrateful thugs.

10/02/2012 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous 19th ward skeptic said...

Hamsterdam NOW!!!

10/02/2012 04:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Make Englewood Chicago's HamsterDam

10/02/2012 01:12:00 PM"

Not a bad idea, but that will make for a lot of bodies you'll have to drag over the District line to comply with the "no killing" rule.

10/02/2012 04:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to love the "if you didn't have that badge" challenge. How many times did the star go into the pocket. Lucky I never got my ass handed to me. It was fun, though.

10/02/2012 04:41:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

These ARE the new masters of Chicago.

What's the matter Mr. & Mrs. Taxpayer? The Police didn't set the wheels in motion for this shit to occur...


You, the taxpayer have FAILED to execute the full duty that comes along with citizenship in a democratic republic.

That duty is to jealously guard and zealously exercise, WITH MAXIMUM PREJUDICE your right (and duty) to VOTE.

By your inattention to duty, certain interests to become entrenched. Your vote has been rendered meaningless by virtue of you being outnumbered by these dogs and their supporters.

Politicians cater to where the numbers are... You've doomed yourselves AND US!

You've set the table for US who get up and go to work, play by the rules, honor our contract with society and in general try to do what's right, to become WHOLLY SUBSERVIENT to chronically non-contributory dogs like these!

The criminal-political & media apparatus has dropped any and all pretense as to what time it really is in Chicago!

These motherfuckers ARE TELLING EVERYONE who's the master and who's the slave in this town.

"We at war with tha' Po-leece."

Yeah... We read the papers so get the fuck in line. Every swinging dick, hanging tit and bad hair-piece is at war with us!


Because beating the shit out of The Police is EASIER than confronting and dealing with these dogs!

Rahm, McImmahoe, the alderfools, the media, all the make believe clergy, activists, urban translators and violence interrupters HAVE NO POLITICALLY SAFE ANSWERS TO THIS SHIT!

It's all about them protecting their own interests.

Shitting on the Police and all their concerns and having these silly assed, everybody takes a turn in the jackpot, "make it look like we're doing something," Compstat meetings is easier than actually addressing the real problems.

Besides... it's easier to fuck with The Police. They actually have "rules" of conduct to abide by and are expected/demanded to pay a heavy price for a lapse in impulse control.

These fools?
No such expectation whatsoever.

It's just like in the Middle East...

How the fuck can you deal with motherfuckers who multiply rapidly and have a culture of loving and glorifying death and destruction?

They somehow think they will be graced with eternal reward in the afterlife regardless of the vile & doggish shit they did before another just like them closes their eyes for them?

And an upright man doesn't have a PRAYER defending himself, what he worked for or better still defending greater society from these GOD-less heathens because society as a whole has forgotten what the walk, talk and actions of upright men look like!

SHEEEIIT! You know this city is lost when even Policemen can barely life a finger in their own self defense. Let alone the defense of others without being hanged from the sour apple tree of misguided public opinion... Which in turn drives politics and the media.

Political correctness run amok... The American Man has been made to grow tits and play with dolls instead of setting a desperately needed course of correction.

This "interview" highlights so much of what's wrong.

Nihilistic, no impulse control having, 5 year olds armed to the fucking teeth and with the ability to reproduce...



"Gibs me dat watchoo gots!"

These fools have been selected as the winners.

Chicago is getting exactly what it deserves.

Viva Hate... The Police are the enemy of all. Right?

We didn't break it.
It's beyond us to fix it.
Even if we could fix it, the people wouldn't allow us to.


10/02/2012 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Englewood they can't line up for a job, but last night there sure was a long ass line outside the local gamestop to fork over $60 for the new NBA 2013 around midnight.

10/02/2012 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I feel a storm coming up. Civil war between those that contribute to society fighting the group that does not.

10/02/2012 07:57:00 AM


10/02/2012 05:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But I am so very discouraged to read the lack of empathy and concern expressed for the citizens that are STUCK with no where else to go living among the "animals", if I may borrow your lingo. They deserve a police presence and some semblence of protection and vigilence.

Ok, so we drop the fence in place, set up cc Charlie, screen the decent law abiding out and seal the area off. Selective containment.

10/02/2012 05:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gratitude department --

* The old pastor who has been at Margaret Mary Scotland for ages, past all church guidelines -- a good buddy of George Clemens and Michael Pfleger -- doesn't want to move out so they can remodel the rectory. Both him and Pfleger are going to outlive this Cardinal, that is for sure.

The guy was attacked and seriously beaten, hospitalized, during a burglary/invasion of the rectory, and still hung in there.

In gratitude, some heifer appeared yesterday out in front of the place, "That old man be like a dictator."

The more you do for some people, they more they hate you for it.

* Some Chicago Public School south or west side, 100% black, has a capacity of 1800 students, but only about 180 students attending.

To conserve energy, provide a little security, and consolidate things, the school sensibly locked some doors and put up a couple of notices; they have closed off an unused part of the large building, and now students and staff enter by the same door.

The students are getting all militant! "We don't have access to the whole building."

You don't need "access to the whole empty, unattended building." That's because they don't want you having sex, using drugs, drinking, peeing, fighting, spraying paint, busting off sinks and toilets to flood the place, and swinging from light fixtures until they tear out of the ceiling.

"We has to go in the back door like we was the HELP or something!"

Never complained when the principal used that door.


The more you do for some people, they more they hate you for it.

10/02/2012 05:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drive to and from work with my gun on my lap. Bad thing is, bad guys can smell a cop at least a mile away.

10/02/2012 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They want fresh eggs everyday.

10/02/2012 05:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"These ARE the new masters of Chicago."

--10/02/2012 04:45:00 PM

I knew BCP would weigh in!

"They somehow think they will be graced with eternal reward in the afterlife regardless of the vile & doggish shit they did..."

...and in this life, they lay on us the impossible equation that "problems will be solved while the people who cause the problems remain in place to direct and profit from the chaos and daily cause new problems."

That is just the leadership. The street is -- "Nihilistic, no impulse control having, 5 year olds armed to the fucking teeth and with the ability to reproduce...


Oh yes there is. Subsidies, vigorous encouragement, constant glorification in media products. Sanctuary City, DREAM Act...

"Even if we could fix it, the people wouldn't allow us to."

Even the bangers are telling you to your face on TV that "Killing. Killing is the solution."

Well, uh...

10/02/2012 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In Englewood they can't line up for a job, but last night there sure was a long ass line outside the local gamestop to fork over $60 for the new NBA 2013 around midnight."

--10/02/2012 04:47:00 PM

You're seeing the Fat Po. How can you not see them -- shouting and throwing s__t at your car.

There are so many other people in the neighborhood you don't see. They've locked themselves in their little places, hoping maybe tomorrow to go out for milk and bread and their medication without being grabbed and thrown down the stairs and killed.

They will go without tonight, while the yelling and the shots echo outside.

I wish I could get them all to someplace safe and quiet. For them, Serve And Protect. As someone here has said, that is God's good work being done.

Stay safe, all.

10/02/2012 06:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is nothing, wait until the imminent huge inflation starts because of the constant money printing by Bernanke. That Link card and welfare check won't have any purchasing power shortly and drug sales, as always will be the easy other money they can get, even to be able to eat. Then they will really begin killing each other with a fervor for those dollars due to competition for those dollars or diligently attempting to take what the working man has in any fashion, their other choice. Why do you think Homeland Security is buying so many bullets? There's an uprising forthcoming and the thin blue line is the only thing that will stand between them and the rest of us. The police are not the enemy of us all and possibly the only hope for the rest of us. Please remember the rest of us.

10/02/2012 06:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I've got a better idea:

Give the gang members who want to fight a location at which they can fight. To the death...

Televise it. Tax it..........

"The Hambre Games"

10/02/2012 06:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I think they did that in The Wire didn't they? What were the consequences?

10/02/2012 06:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said...

"Nihilistic, no impulse control having, 5 year olds armed to the fucking teeth and with the ability to reproduce..."

You nailed it on the head.

10/02/2012 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need vigilantes to support our Men and Women in Blue! Fuck these motherfuckers and lets give them their Death Wish!

Charles Bronson

10/02/2012 07:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Gangbanger's of Chicago

"Die slow BITCHES"
God Bless the Men and Women of the CPD

From Good Citizen

10/02/2012 07:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

West Side Inside Do Nothing hits a second homerun in less than a week. Keep swingin' for the fences - I'm loving it!

10/02/2012 08:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like how one Sgt. in 012 is going after the ass lazy cops on his watch. Better watch it boys and girls the merge with 013 is coming. Are you gonna make the cut?

10/02/2012 08:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked in Englewood for years. There are many good people living there. They might be poor and they might not have a good education, but they obey the law and call the police when they see trouble. You cannot lump them in with the gangbangers. To abandon the good people in these neighborhoods would be the ultimate poor choice. Jacobson made an ahole mistake by even talking to these animals who only understand force and prison. Give that to them, and plenty of it.

These "good people" have, for years stuck their collective head in the sand and allowed this garbage to take root. Now they can't pull it out because the root is too fucking big. THEY let this happen. Fuck em.

When push comes to shove we are still the enemy with these "good people"

What did one of their former illustrious leaders once say?

The chickens have come home to roost .

10/02/2012 08:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
That's why I advocate giving the average ghetto savage the police service they truly deserve. Save your compassion and "going the extra mile" for the anomaly that is the legitimate victim in these neighborhoods. Trust me when I say they're few and far between.

I find it amusing that some of you will take the word of some loser ass gang banger as a legitimate sample of the majority opinion. On the South-side alone there are over 900,000 residents. Do you really think most of these people say Fuck the Police or don't want us around? When we are in 004 or 007 or 005, etc, for the most part, we are dealing with the same shit birds or same problems homes. The hard working , honest people...well, we don't have contact with them unless they are victims.
Maybe it's just another excuse some people use to 'put the blinders on'

10/02/2012 12:43:00 PM

Take the blinders off fool. Your statement shows that you're the quintessential HAIR GEL. The number of "shit birds" immensely outnumbers the legit people in places like 3,5,6,7,11,15 etc. And those you say are "legit" are far from it. Just cuz they go to church and may even have some kind of job doesnt mean they arent scamming. Get a few more years on the job in one of these districts and get back to us with your observations.

Your homework assignment is to see how many ghetto residents are driving 2010 and newer vehicles of any make & model and STILL have a LINK card but no DL in the possession. Do you get in now Junior????

Until then, keep your under-educated comments to yourself. The original poster knows what time it is 110%.

10/02/2012 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous The Box Chevy Phantom said...

Just wait until some of these dog-ass, dead-end, nothing to lose motherfuckers decide in sizeable numbers to climb in bed with Al Qaeda...

After which Al Qaeda will bring fire to these "useful idiots" of which fascists are never in short supply of.

It will make the Jeff Fort & Moammar Quaddafi flirtation seem as "innocent" as a rub n' tug under the bleachers in high school.

These motherfuckers ARE PISSED because they ain't gots the shit YOU has.

They'll do ANYTHING to take it from YOU!

This is what we Policemen have been yelling about on this blog for years. We SAW THIS SHIT COMING!

"Be quiet and go away you Cops!"

We're up against some cold blooded, heartless mofo's with no honor, no rules of conduct and none of the customs and conventions of larger society.

They ARE a fucking breed apart!

*Meanwhile back at the ranch*

"You Cops with your lavish pay, cush benefits and sweet early retirements! It's all YOUR fault Chicago is in the red! We hope Rahm busts your union, cut your pay and take your pensions from you! We don't get to have a pension so why should you?"

Too many people have co-signed on shortshank's and north-shore shit-ass' media spin and propaganda.

Failute to stand for your Police has made it possible for Tutu & the Stuttering Prick to make a concerted, intentional stand against YOUR interests. One of which is a strong, fully empowered and reasonably indemnified Police Department with a hearty and vigorous Patrol contingent.


Sorry for the long posts but this shit burns us up.

The non-fuck giving by the powers that be has empowered these dogs.


So... Good citizens of Chicago...

It seems you have made the decision to empower those you saw sitting at the table with Walter Jacobson and damned the Blue Suits to indentured servitude.

What are you going to do about it?


10/02/2012 09:35:00 PM  
Anonymous I Fart In Your General Direction said...

Anonymous said...
"And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics."

I can see why a Chicago cop would say this I use to think the same way. Then I took a job in NC all white low income community. Guess what? Different demographics same ghetto bullshit!

10/02/2012 02:57:00 PM

As an educated Chicago Cop, I realize what the original poster implied. He or she did NOT assign or pigeon-hole any particular race to the demographics as mentioned in the various parts of the city. But we in the law enforcement business know these types of things. Many of us see it and live it for a third of our day.

We're also keenly aware that certain CULTURAL beliefs and practices, often handed down through several generations, become the de facto way of life. And most of the time these beliefs and practices are contrary to the societal moral compass. Stagnation, unemployability, ignorance, lethargy and violence breeds more of the same...regardless of skin color.

We all know that assholes come in all creeds, colors and religions. Your assessment of what the officer may or may not have been implying is racist on it's face. Choose your words better next time, Mr. or Mrs. Job In NC.

In the meantime, here's a little something to bolster my contribution to this topic:

Per Investopedia, the definition of 'Demographics' is:

Studies of a population based on factors such as age, race, sex, economic status, level of education, income level and employment, among others.

Nowhere in this definition is skin pigment assigned. Now go make all the uneducated inferences you want.

10/02/2012 09:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is this attitude and mindset that prevails in the poor black neighborhoods. No sense of reality, responsibility or understanding that the way they live is a bad bad joke. It is for this reason that nothing will change in the poor black community, because this all they know and it is being passed on to future generations. Since no real leadership exists within the black populace there is no hope for change. We are headed towards serious racial unrest in this country. But unless the black commmunity is willing to accept the responsibility for the problems within their community nothing will change. It will continue to grow worse and worse. This country is starting to understand the ramifications of decades of entitlement programs and how it has created a group that has no desire or need to become productive and humane citizens. I truly believe that the exposion in gun sales is this country's realization that we are reaching a boiling point. Something has to give, and it will not be my family's safety.

10/02/2012 10:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE:Boys and girls in Blue , slow down,
answer radio calls , write a parking ticket , write reports for every crime . Go home safe to your family . McCarthy still has many full duty officers at homan square ,headquarters and districts hiding in an office , working less hours than officers in a beat car for the same money . Remember they are off week ends , holidays for the same money . All office work should be assigned to civilians . A sworn officer as a unit or district secretary would be like paying a Teacher to be the clerk in the Principals office . It's not fair fore officers assigned to a beat car that cannot get time off. This hasn't changed under weiss or mccarthy , it's all political hacks hiding inside.

Well, that's a great idea! I think all inside jobs should be assigned to civilians.....nothing that goes on inside is confidential and everyone and anyone working inside should have access to all our information and intel?? You're a jealous person and a big part of the problem on this department, always worrying about what other people are doing and where they are assigned, and no, I don't work in a unit, I work patrol and PROUD of it! Maybe a better solution would be to just have all the light duty Police Officers working inside jobs, would you be happy then? Probably Not!

10/02/2012 11:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, we must save the children! As a matter of fact in 007, Leo comes to roll call and tells us we need to lock them all up because getting them off the street for the night "saves their lives". I shit you not.

10/03/2012 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW, Many excellant posts here. About time that copper's voice that there are so many good and God fearing people living in the same hood as these useless, no up bringing mother fuckers.
The elderly and folks who cannot leave because they are making ends meet cause of their Jobs pay them shit.
I worked the W/S my entire career and now retired. I met some of the kindest people in the world, they would give you the shirts off their backs. This shit is about a culture of complete jag off's who hate everyone. Race is not a factor brothers.
Be thankful you do not have to live near the mutts who kill for nothing. The good folks have to sleep on the floor to avoid a round gitting them.
Please be safe all.
Am old retired guy.

10/03/2012 01:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is Illinois the only state in the entire nation that refuses to legalize concealed carry for qualified law-abiding citizens?"

The Chicago and state governments fear an armed revolt by those very law-abiding citizens...with good reason.

10/03/2012 01:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why is Illinois the only state in the entire nation that refuses to legalize concealed carry for qualified law-abiding citizens?"

Because it's easier to legislate against people that regularly obey the law than to admit the situation is out of control, there's nothing that they can do about it and that it's their fault.

10/03/2012 01:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I feel a storm coming up. Civil war between those that contribute to society fighting the group that does not."

Which is why Illinois will never legalize concealed carry. It'll put the taxpayer on a level playing field with the non-taxpayers.

10/03/2012 01:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's not fair fore officers assigned to a beat car that cannot get time off. This hasn't changed under weiss or mccarthy , it's all political hacks hiding inside."

And it's never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never ever going to change. It's ALWAYS been that way and ALWAYS will be.

Get used to it. Adapt. Improvise. Overcome.

You have your strategy; answer calls. Write reports. Scribble out an illegible parker from time-to-time. Just quit bitching about something that has occurred since time immemorial.

Nobody cares about patrol. It ain't fair, but it is the way it is. And always will be. Until you're in charge, right?

Until that day, be careful.

10/03/2012 01:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/02/2012 08:42:00 AM

You don't have any idea what you are talking about or what half the people you claim about even manage on a daily basis. The reason sworn are in many of these spots is because of intel they deal with.They can't have a non sworn handleing some of this stuff. You can't civilianize everything espically at Homan Sq. Sounds to me like you were rejected for a position and so now you are bitter about it and whining like a lil girl. Apply again and maybe you will have your dream come true and you can stop your belly aching. Until then stfu Sally...

10/03/2012 05:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wait till we hit the streets with our new legitimacy training! They won't know what to think then, they might be scare and all that shit.

At least he is right about something, the police hate them. That be the truth.

10/03/2012 06:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Box Chevy Phantom said...
Well said.

10/03/2012 06:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Englewood is inhabited by savages such as these yet Rahm and McNutty have about 420 officers assigned to that small shit hole. Meanwhile in 016 on midnights they can only man the early cars.
How ridiculous is that? You have a strong tax paying base in 016 and they get shafted so the Beast in Englewood can have more of the hated police.
WTF??? Something's really wrong with that.

10/03/2012 07:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fact that gang members call 911 the most for help in chicago,what a joke.

10/03/2012 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Josey Wales said...

How do you deal with a retarded mad dog???

10/02/2012 09:51:00 AM
Do NOT compare these people to a mad dog. Evidently, you have NO compassion or even have gone through the experience.

A dog who is sick, needs to be put down - BUT, it is with a very sad heart, especially if the dog showed you unconditional love in the past.

It is a very heart-wrenching experience and I would never wish that on anyone. It is worse than losing a family member.

Ghetto dwellers, on the other hand, have never shown any respect, let along unconditional love, to anyone.

Fire at will.

10/03/2012 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just think about it , one homicide victim is really a furure reduction in crime . How many crimes would that victim commit in a lifetime , so that's the new way to kill crime in chitcago .

10/03/2012 10:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

   [sav-ij] Show IPA adjective, noun, verb, sav·aged, sav·ag·ing.

fierce, ferocious, or cruel; untamed: savage beasts.

uncivilized; barbarous: savage tribes.

enraged or furiously angry, as a person.

unpolished; rude: savage manners.

wild or rugged, as country or scenery: savage wilderness

I was around when we had the discretion to kick the living shit out of an asshole when it was neccessary. Although never officially sanctioned it was understood that sometimes it was required and a blind eye could be turned. That was a long time ago and I'm glad I'm almost ready to "pull the pin"

Don't you dare lift a finger or say a harsh word nowadays though! You'll be hung out to dry and prosecuted as a criminal, and unlike the shitbags who roam our streets, YOU will be convicted!

BULLSHIT! Untie our hands and let us go back to Policing those that would bring savagery to OUR streets! If it's war that they want, I say we give it to them.

10/03/2012 11:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago and state governments fear an armed revolt by those very law-abiding citizens...with good reason.

10/03/2012 01:30:00 AM

by it's very nature, a revolt against a proven unconstitutional government is lawful, and thus, those very law-abiding citizens need only fear those who would enforce said government's unconstitutional laws.

10/03/2012 02:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The good folks have to sleep on the floor to avoid a round gitting them.
Please be safe all.
Am old retired guy.

10/03/2012 01:28:00 AM

the good folks need to learn to appreciate the fine qualities of a well tuned long arm.

10/03/2012 02:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something has to give, and it will not be my family's safety.

10/02/2012 10:09:00 PM

and if the good folks in these neighborhoods felt the same way, and acted on their feelings, i'd be a much busier, and much happier, camper.


10/03/2012 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you gonna make the cut?

10/02/2012 08:23:00 PM

why, are you in need of circumcising?

10/03/2012 02:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I drive to and from work with my gun on my lap. Bad thing is, bad guys can smell a cop at least a mile away.

10/02/2012 05:45:00 PM

that's because you are not thinking profilactically.

10/03/2012 02:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The more you do for some people, the more they hate you for it.

10/02/2012 05:41:00 PM

then they must really hate me.


10/03/2012 02:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Secure the perimeter, bring the rain.

10/03/2012 05:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I drive to and from work with my gun on my lap. Bad thing is, bad guys can smell a cop at least a mile away.

10/02/2012 05:45:00 PM
SMART!!! I do exactly the same thing!!!!! Little Somalia!!!

10/03/2012 06:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 2:19 PM...

"That's because you are not thinking profilactically"


wrap ya head in saran wrap...
same difference.

10/03/2012 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 5:45PM & 6:16PM...

Damn... Glad to know I'm not the only one who drives to & from work with a pistol ready... Hell, I keep my old body armor draped over the seat under a jacket "just in case"

wish I could have a locking long gun rack in the trunk of my personal vehicle for the shotgun.

10/03/2012 11:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"wish I could have a locking long gun rack in the trunk of my personal vehicle for the shotgun."

What's stopping you?

10/04/2012 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Why do you think Homeland Security is buying so many bullets?"

I don't know why they're buying so many, but I know why I'm buying so many...

10/04/2012 12:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“The police hate us,” a young man said.

It ain't only the police that hate you, kid.

Every decent taxpayer does, too.

10/04/2012 12:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I drive to and from work with my gun on my lap. Bad thing is, bad guys can smell a cop at least a mile away.

10/02/2012 05:45:00 PM
SMART!!! I do exactly the same thing!!!!! Little Somalia!!!

10/03/2012 06:16:00 PM

Hopefully some dummy will come up to me. They'll be shocked that this blond with a pony tail in a ratty car pulls the trigger if they force me to. Their last thought, hopefully, will be, WTF? I was gonna rob that bitch! Now I be bleedin' to deaf! LOL!

10/04/2012 02:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And the best part is these 'problems' only seem to exist for certain demographics."

I can see why a Chicago cop would say this I use to think the same way. Then I took a job in NC all white low income community. Guess what? Different demographics same ghetto bullshit!

10/02/2012 02:57:00 PM

LOLOL!!! I heard that!

10/04/2012 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just throwin' this out here.

Dealing with these assholes is your job.

If I bitched about the crazy homeless guys I have to deal with at work, I'd be told to get a better job.

10/04/2012 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I bitched about the crazy homeless guys I have to deal with at work, I'd be told to get a better job.

10/04/2012 10:18:00 PM

where do you work, pacific gardens?

10/05/2012 10:25:00 PM  

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