Thursday, June 16, 2016


  • Chicago Police on Thursday arrested a man who was captured on a video-gone-viral getting kicked in the head by an officer as he struggled on the ground with another officer following a foot chase earlier this week.

    Shaquille O’Neal, a convicted felon, was arrested on a warrant on charges of felony resisting arrest, aggravated battery by strangulation and possession of a controlled substance, said [...] a spokesman for the Chicago Police Department.
Unconfirmed reports are that he again resisted and this time, got Tasered for his behavior.

The Officer remains at Call Back.

The Department has to be bullied into doing the right thing...after doing the wrong thing - Stay Fetal Brothers and Sisters.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a BIG PC stunt I'm sure there will be a press conference saying we have our officers back. But needed time to have the appropriate charges.

6/16/2016 02:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Screw them ALL!!!!!!!!
Anyone d-3 and above.
CCSA Office
All politicians
Especially Rhambo

Do ONLY what U have to
Answer calls---SLOWLY
Protect your fellow brothers in blue, your family and home.
Use the medical if the stress gets to U, wink-wink

6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agg battery to a PO. AGG batt by strangulation, felony resisting and PCS were all approved by the ASA late last night. Today he resisted and put on a big show and got tasered. Glad the right thing was done. They released him because it was becoming such a big deal they wanted(the dics and ASA) to get it right. Just so you know the RWOC was a call the dics and Asa made which was then relayed to Eddie Johnson. They didn't rush the case to be done and approved in 3 hours like in most AGG batt to the police. They had to do at least a day and a half of canvassing, interviews etc to ensure every base was covered and this turd doesn't walk. Great job by the dics and Asa. Lots of people were jumping the gun on this one saying we just let him go, not true.. We knew he wasn't going anywhere NOW we have a rock solid case against him and the video that went viral is going to be the best evidence against thin. The cooper who is stripped will be fine, he will take some time for excessive force but he's not getting charged or fired. People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.

6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why comply with a police officer attempting to effect an arrest? Resist and he has a spin on the ghetto lottery wheel. Dufus will prolly get bonus spin for gettin tased on the warrant arrest.

6/16/2016 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time to start filing complaints with the ARDC on name of ASA who rejects these types of cases and the CCSAO. Especially when U get assaulted or battered

6/16/2016 02:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now even MORE POs will be in the federal lawsuit trickbag.

6/16/2016 02:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good, now the department looks incompetent

6/16/2016 02:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did my very first ISR, now pull my finger! ROTF...

6/16/2016 03:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad that someone in this shithole had the brains and brawn to stand up for what is right.

Hey Eddie, your still a pos and a D O G.
Go cry to Jamal about all the problems you're going to have this summer.

6/16/2016 03:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The bell has been rung. They can not unring it.

6/16/2016 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bet this "insignificant blog" helped right Eddie? Hang your head in shame and resign this is unconscionable! Restore that copper and apologize and whoever gold star adviser you have terminate them immediately!

6/16/2016 03:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh Oh.
Ja'Mal Green is going to be unhappy.
I'm sure Ja'Mal was blowing up Edfie's cell phone after this.

6/16/2016 03:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody ever got fired for doing nuffin.

6/16/2016 03:20:00 PM  
Anonymous seen way too much all ready said...

can't fix stupid. the stooge-a-paloser rham hand picked lost any credibility he had left. all coverage of this fiasco had negative commentary. bullied into doing the right thing? hardly. the stripped officer is still out there and hopefully lawyer-ed up real good.

6/16/2016 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

293 kilt, 1729 shot, and were to blame.

6/16/2016 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Face it. It's over. Supervisors don't have our backs and the departmemt mistreats officers. Doing the right thing is now the wrong thing. Anyone doing anything proactive should be ashamed of themselves. The officer assigned to call back for protecting his partner and doing his job is an example of what's ahead. He was judged publicly in front of millions and even crucified by our department. This is a message to all officers of this bloody city.

EJ will flush you down the drain.

Dept will throw you under the bus.

Most of the supervisors have no leadership.

Officers do not support eachother nor unite.

FOP is incompetent and in bed with the city.

Dept has and always will be clout run.

Read the writing on the wall. Its over.

6/16/2016 03:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, Please, Please, listen to me, I had 36 years on the job before I retired, I was a Sergeant I would like to think I led by example, if there was work to do I took the calls on back log, to help out. I NEVER thought I would say this, IF IT LOOKS LIKE ITS GONNA GET PHYSICAL DRIVE AWAY get in your car and leave, NO ONE HAS YOUR BACK, NO ONE!!!! answer your calls do your paper no more. Soon enough you're gonna be needed at home to protect your own the hand writing is on the wall

Retired and armed

6/16/2016 03:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why bother, the case is tainted, the officer will forever be damaged due to our Superintendents actions. Safe Fetal, it's us or them.

6/16/2016 03:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police work is Dead!
For all you hard chargers in units that are pressured for activity, you need to think hard about being in that prima donna unit. Is it really worth it?
As you see now how quickly EJ will strip you and throw u under the bus to call back.

Stay safe and fetal.


6/16/2016 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, they screwed us with the ISR's and we stopped doing them, now they screwed us again and are trying to backpedal.

6/16/2016 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor is, this misguided young man is gene wiliams cousin.

6/16/2016 03:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does not make a difference that Asswipe was re-arrested.
He will be released again by the State with the customary SOL or dropped all together.
This has $3 million written all over it.
• To the officers injured by the Asswipe, consult an attorney and file your lawsuits immediately.
Rahm'nEddie are going to settle. Get your Judgement on file and collect on this Asswipe's settlement.
• And to the rest of 010 Tact.... Stay out of the ghetto.
Get it yet?
(gee boss, how will I get my activity?)

6/16/2016 04:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Toooooo fucken late. I'm so done!!

6/16/2016 04:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a 20 year veteran.....this is the absolute worst it has ever been! This superintendent is the worst ! I have ZERO respect for this guy......he's a joke. Stay safe......keep your fellow officers safe physically, mentally and financially. STAY SAFE AND STAY FETAL !!!!!

6/16/2016 04:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja'Mal fitnd to be pissed.

Hey Eddie what. The fuk ya doing .?

6/16/2016 04:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Policing For Us, By Us -- how it's working out in other places.

The great escape! Crowd cheers as two crooks squeeze their way out of the back of a cop car and make a run for it

* Pair kick back door of vehicle before crawling onto road
* Witnesses laugh and clap as they make their escape

"The men broke out of the vehicle, parked on a street in South Africa, by making a crack big enough to squeeze out of and wriggle free.

"Instead of chasing after the crooks, stunned onlookers laughed and applauded their audacious efforts - with one viewer even filming the 45-second escape on their phone..."

Who knows -- you might even meet one of them again, crawling through your window tomorrow night.

6/16/2016 04:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey ssc I at least glad they tasered his sorry ass, I support the officer 100 percent


6/16/2016 04:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just speeding up theprocess for the privatized police force,without pension and financial city liability!

6/16/2016 04:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's about time but he will get a Ibond and be out in a few days ! Please don't do any work be safe

6/16/2016 04:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that Eddie Johnson would even communicate with this Jamal Gteen character. If you think about it he's a domestic terrorists. He threatens protests that create fear and ultimately violence. One might even say he's attempting to incite a riot. Yet you have the head of the police department talking to him like he's some sort of politician. If he makes credible threats via Facebook or Twitter he should be held accountable and arrested and charged. Don't we have a civil rights unit?

6/16/2016 04:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie you can't save face you f@ck up and you know it, no one will follow you or believe you again. You are one dumb political marionette and da mayor is pulling the strings and screwing over every PO he can. In the word of John Lennon " how do you sleep at night" beside sleeping next to your cheating fiancée and we thought J-fled was bad, Eddie is just warming up. Stay Safe and Fetal and remember black lives only matter when they are looking to win the lottery from the city

6/16/2016 04:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys miss McCarthy yet? Compare him to fat Eddie.....
There is no comparison!

6/16/2016 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agg Bat by Strangulation?

How the FUCK is this not Attempted Murder?

Oh...please wrap your hands around my partners neck and try to choke them out. I will blow you away and willingly Stand infront of a Jury!

6/16/2016 05:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like Judas Eddie and protestor Jamal are still on each other's speed dial.
Eddie taking orders from Jamal
Eddie's bff = Jamal
Eddie and his street officers = done

From Jamal's FB page just now:
Eddies doing roll call, couldn't reach him. But it's a tip that he's in the hospital. They're trying to hide him!

6/16/2016 05:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Lionel Hutz said...

This doesn't make a difference. The damage has been so done. They released Shaquille and he was free to do God knows what before he was arrested again (intimidate witnesses, get rid of evidence, meet with attorneys and fellow gang members to concoct a story, etc.) Whoever decided to release him should be ashamed of themselves for their incompetence and should be disciplined for disregard for public safety. This case is tainted by the RWOC charges and you knowingly exposed the public and other officers to a dangerous assailant (after he got free medical care and a visit from the Superintendent). If the original 2 Tac officers had clout or were members of NOBLE, Shaquille would have never been released and the officer would not have been stripped. These 2 victims were on-duty Chicago Police Officers! Not shady concealed-carry permit holders...not security guards...not gangbangers with criminal records...not crazed vigilantes. 2 Chicago Police Officers that were told numerous times to bring in activity and do your damn job...the bosses have your back. 2 Chicago Police Officers that paid their union dues...and were left to dangle without union representation. {snicker} Well, the message was received loud and clear!

6/16/2016 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A misleading and horse-shit
headline by the Scum-Times:

"Man Kicked In Head By Cop
Re-Arrested After FOP
Demands Charges"

This is what Policemen in this
town are up against.

Keep your good Policing to yourselves.
Don't share any of it with these bad
m/fers in these bad neighborhoods
who are fine with the Police being
their armed babysitters, but get
their droopy drawers in a bunch
when Policemen make a move against
criminal behavior.

"Y'all jest harrassin' and genocidin'
our black youfs!"

Waiting for the rest of society to
turn it's collective back on these
rotten-hearted, mind-locked m/fers.

6/16/2016 05:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agg battery to a PO. AGG batt by strangulation, felony resisting and PCS were all approved by the ASA late last night. Today he resisted and put on a big show and got tasered. Glad the right thing was done. They released him because it was becoming such a big deal they wanted(the dics and ASA) to get it right. Just so you know the RWOC was a call the dics and Asa made which was then relayed to Eddie Johnson. They didn't rush the case to be done and approved in 3 hours like in most AGG batt to the police. They had to do at least a day and a half of canvassing, interviews etc to ensure every base was covered and this turd doesn't walk. Great job by the dics and Asa. Lots of people were jumping the gun on this one saying we just let him go, not true.. We knew he wasn't going anywhere NOW we have a rock solid case against him and the video that went viral is going to be the best evidence against thin. The cooper who is stripped will be fine, he will take some time for excessive force but he's not getting charged or fired. People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.


Take time? Are you fucking kidding? This mother fucker strangled out his partner while a tribe of assholes descending down towards them screaming death threats. If the action of strangling a person aren't indicative of "Great Bodily Harm/Death" of a high level assailant, I don't know what is.

6/16/2016 05:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can somebody get to the media outlets and remind them the Illinois Department of Corrections is now supposed to step in and violate this guy? That they're FAILING to do their jobs if it doesn't happen.

Oh, wait. I just did. (Because we know you read every word of scc, media, looking for stories.)

6/16/2016 05:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI. FOP had mothing to do with the arrest. Warrant signed overnight. The truth of what actually happened is sad and pathetic. Zero confidence in tha ability and character of top level very top level CPD and states attorney office leadership.

6/16/2016 05:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DO NOTHING. IF you are on a Tac Team - Resign in Protest. The rest of you refuse to fill the spots.

6/16/2016 05:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Revolversaurus (ret) said...

I read all blog entries and every comment from the last two days and I finally viewed the video on Hey Jackass! before reading this entry. My opinion is that the officer (the kicker) having called for backup and covering the approaching feral animals punted the offender (the kickee) thereby providing his partner a reasonable degree of relief to continue to affect the arrest. I would have done the same. With the way he was treated after the arrest compared to how the animal was treated (EJ are you reading this?) and NOW the arrest, I have to assume that SCC and those who have replied all (well most) have legitimate concerns and anger.
I do not know what the right thing to do is going forward from this incident but it sure ain't proactive policing OR staying on tact or in a unit. You guys are truly on your own. God bless and keep all of you safe.

6/16/2016 05:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh Oh.
Ja'Mal Green is going to be unhappy.
I'm sure Ja'Mal was blowing up Edfie's cell phone after this.

6/16/2016 03:17:00 PM

Jamal's got his own issues. He plans to show up en masse at the police board meeting. Then, he plans to storm 'his' museum, the black museum, also sometimes referred to as The DuSable Museum, because the governor of the state is white and has no business speaking there on 20 June. Jamal alerts the Fake Father on all his militant fb posts.

You have to go read his facebook page (don't be stupid enough to post there and leave a trail), but his post today about his missing buddy is priceless.

Think, Jamal, think. Where on earth would an arrestee who's been tased be taken? Paris? Or maybe just the hospital. Everything isn't a conspiracy, Jamal.

6/16/2016 05:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie Johnson is nothing more than a political hack!
Having worked in south side districts all of my 30 yrs, I've heard all the "he's a cops cop" bullshit.
Well, now his true colors show with this and with the incident from 2011 in which Officers were just recently stripped.
With 20 years as a Sgt, I beg all you Officers to slow down go into self-survival mode!
I never thought I'd live to see the day where this department turned into the train wreck it currently is. It's obvious the powers to be will (and have) sold their soul to the devil for their own personal gain.
PLEASE help each other out & do what you need to go home unscathed!.

6/16/2016 05:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agg battery to a PO. AGG batt by strangulation, felony resisting and PCS were all approved by the ASA late last night. Today he resisted and put on a big show and got tasered. Glad the right thing was done. They released him because it was becoming such a big deal they wanted(the dics and ASA) to get it right. Just so you know the RWOC was a call the dics and Asa made which was then relayed to Eddie Johnson. They didn't rush the case to be done and approved in 3 hours like in most AGG batt to the police. They had to do at least a day and a half of canvassing, interviews etc to ensure every base was covered and this turd doesn't walk. Great job by the dics and Asa. Lots of people were jumping the gun on this one saying we just let him go, not true.. We knew he wasn't going anywhere NOW we have a rock solid case against him and the video that went viral is going to be the best evidence against thin. The cooper who is stripped will be fine, he will take some time for excessive force but he's not getting charged or fired. People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso
or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.
6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM

Thanks for the straight information. Regardless, Eddie Johnson is still a pos.

6/16/2016 06:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shaquille O'Neil??? Shaq-Attack!!

6/16/2016 06:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are coppers still chasing dope like there's a million dollar commission check attached to it?! Good grief...give it up people. The city is run my left wing loons who are ass puppets for Obama (who hates cops). Answer your jobs and watch Netflix. I've been doing that for years with remarkable success

6/16/2016 06:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude gets capped on you tube, first thing they yell, call the police.

6/16/2016 06:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arrested. Released. Re-Arrested ???
Did the 010Team return today to its Pro Activeness at request of their leader ?
What happened to Hold Papers?
Did the ASA office put po's in danger because they can't get their political act together.
Shaq had to be tased in order to affect the re-arrest. What will
it be next time? Was E-J notified beforehand? Camera on?
Obviously a vicious fighter, why wasn't he just detained for the allowed 48 hours?
I know.., it's E-J and his bamagenda.
There's no need to call to dump Rahms Choice - E-J, he's doing a fine job as expected.
Remain Fetal. No ISR's.

6/16/2016 06:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Rumor is, this misguided young man is gene wiliams cousin.

6/16/2016 03:53:00 PM
Then that means shaq will be in the next LIEutentant's class

6/16/2016 06:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. Can someone name one person that has been fired from this job in the last 10 years for doing police work. Everyone on here is constantly harping bout don't do police work you will be fired. Well name one that didn't use excessive force or stole while doing actual police work.

6/16/2016 06:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They can back pedal all they want but what the supe and asa did was hang the copper out to make him the bad guy. They should be ashamed of themselves and any PO working tact should give it up immediately. It is unreal how the department wants to be so transparent with the community and media but not us.

6/16/2016 06:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And yet the 010 yesterday was out running around doing dope arrests. We can't even stand united as blue shirts, this place is done.

6/16/2016 06:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fetal Fannie said: I'm so fetal I'm working my way back to embryo!

6/16/2016 06:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is obviously damage control by the superintendent. Anyone who doesn't drop a to from to leave any tac team is soft. Make the department fill all teams by reverse seniority. It's time to take a stand. Eddie Johnson must resign.

6/16/2016 06:54:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So the officer was reinstated and everything is back to normal? Yeah I didn't think so. Eddie, go on patrol with Jumbalia G'reen

6/16/2016 07:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We should sue the department and city for failing to provide a safe work environment and enciting people to do harm to us, that's negligence.,,,,lol

6/16/2016 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Current group of misfit leaders know they majorly screwed up, I will never trust them. There first reaction is their true reaction. If it won't for all of complaining then it would have been business as usual. Now they need to give that young crime fighter his police powers back.

It's dangerous times to be the Police be careful.

6/16/2016 07:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Eddie go to his mother and apologize for re arresting her POS, human garbage, dope selling, police hating son. Eddie you POS, you lost us. Now get back to the business of kissing the community of crimes asses.

6/16/2016 07:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Terrifying moment a Chicago 'gang member', 28, unwittingly streams his own shooting death on Facebook

* Video shows Antonio Perkins, 28, talking to camera when shots are fired
* At least six shots are heard as the phone tumbles to the ground
* The phone is picked up and moved around, showing bloody grass
* But then the image goes completely black as screams are heard
* People can he heard calling out to 'Tony' to keep him conscious
* The video was uploaded to Perkins's Facebook account
* Perkins was confirmed dead by police, who say the video is genuine

There was another one of these not too long ago, and it seems like they clammed it up real fast.

Anyway -- in an emergency, A. stream video and B. try to stop bleeding.

Is "stupid" the word we're looking for here?

6/16/2016 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other amusing dialogue --

'Call the police! Hurry up!'

'Man somebody call an ambulance, please!'


Never mind.

6/16/2016 07:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Rumor is, this misguided young man is gene wiliams cousin.

6/16/2016 03:53:00 PM

He did have the answers to the Lt test,,,,,

6/16/2016 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm 100% sure Eddie would've rather had the PO arrested and Not re-arrested the offender. Don't let the re-arrest fool you into thinking that he's going to "have our backs." He's made his bed. Do the minimum and disregard his lame emails that are only self serving because he's too Goddam dumb to realize nobody buys his bullshit. He's a turncoat punk and has less respect than any supt I can remember. He's a pathetic leader

6/16/2016 07:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eddie said he stripped the officer for the officer's safety.....Yeah that's the ticket, take away the man's legal ability to carry a gun because it's for his safety. I was going to write "is he really this stupid?" and the clear answer is Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6/16/2016 07:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

. The cooper who is stripped will be fine, he will take some time for excessive force but he's not getting charged or fired. People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.

You are a boss and you are full of shit. The charges were pressed after speaking to some with half a brain. You were told that the police would lay down, from here on out and murders would be off the charts. This is all damage control with these meetings.
The officer will get 15 days? His partner was being choked. That's something that could cause death or great bodily harm. The offender could have been shot and you're saying a kick in the head is too much. He couldn't kick him anywhere else without kicking his partner. You mfs are stupid and ball less. That comes from clout promotions and cheating.

6/16/2016 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

02:47:00 PM

most intelligent post on this thread so far.

6/16/2016 08:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No work blue flu

6/16/2016 08:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This idiot Eddie Johnson......only a fucking tool like tiny dancer would put him in charge. This department and city is sooooooo fucked. Can't wait for more "wilding" on Michigan ave. Just waiting for the businesses to flee.

6/16/2016 08:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spineless Eddie got your back. Yeah right, stab you at the back at the very first chance he has. So you guys in blues better think real hard and think about your family. I thought he was something good for us but Oh boy I was wrong, same shit nothings change.

6/16/2016 08:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it's going to be plain clothe guys that are going to be picked off district by district until it really sets in.

6/16/2016 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I gotta say, I thought the officer used great restraint. when you watch the whole video it wouldn't have been out of line to have your weapon at the ready.

6/16/2016 08:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Shaquile could get on the job and Gene could make him a Lie-Tenant like he did for Nakia and her friends.

6/16/2016 08:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OT --

Emotional overflow starting to slop over the top of the dam.

Maine restaurant operator doesn't like "AR-15s," and states 'If you own this gun, or you condone the ownership of this gun for private use, you may no longer enter either of my restaurants, because the only thing I want to teach my children is love.'

Nothing to do with bringing one into the place. Just "If you own."

Hey, stupid. How are you going to tell what a customer has in their home, or what opinions they may or may not hold? They are just going to walk in and order a meal.

...but not from you anymore.

6/16/2016 08:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently Shaq isn't doing so well selling Gold Bond Medicated Powder.

6/16/2016 09:03:00 PM  
Blogger Michael Spaargaren said...

Lol yet you coppers will still try and out there and make a pinch. I'm done.

6/16/2016 09:06:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not going into the details. The Dets. worked on this for 4 days. They did a great job. Felony Review is on our side. It was not their decision. Offender was charged correctly.

6/16/2016 09:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to our leaders in 012, it is a vicious rumour that E.J. was kickin' it with Shaq and that the officer was only placed on "desk duty" until things get "figured out." L.O.L.
Guess the city would never throw us under the bus, right?

6/16/2016 09:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Superintendent is a COWARD!!! He sides with Gang Bangers!

6/16/2016 09:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To late Eddie in 29 years on this job I never saw anything like this you strip the copper for doing his job and helping his partner that was being choked and bit and release the offender that was resisting arrest. Now you have a change of heart and put other coppers in jeopardy by taking this scumbag in custody. I'm sure you and the asa will make sure the offenders charges will be thrown out in court. To bad heard good things about you must've been someone else they were talks by about.

6/16/2016 09:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "original" Shaquile Oneal" is a law abiding citizen and has been a sworn peace officer in several jurisdictions. The "play" Shaq has gotta be dumber than a box of rocks. His family and lawyer staged their own "perp walk" yesterday.

6/16/2016 09:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha peanut head jed got arrested tonite at a meeting..

Jedidiah Brown
3 mins ·
They forgot to take my phone.. officer lied on me.. headed to 51st.. CALL MY LAWYER

6/16/2016 09:47:00 PM  
Blogger Travis bickell said...

How many off duty are going to work the pride parade?

6/16/2016 10:08:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nobody ever got fired for doing nuffin.

6/16/2016 03:20:00 PM

Bull Shite recruit. I remember two coppers got jammed up on a domestic in 006(maybe?)

If you think "only" the go getters get in the trick back in this environment, you are a fool.

Go ahead, just answer you're calls, and then what???? FOOL.

WE are ALLLLLL F-ed. (and that means society)

Chastise the go getters, but remember, circumstance even makes the paper Police a victim.


6/16/2016 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rahm and OBAMA and Clinton have no clue.Now,if we can only get rid of guns,all our problems will go away! Lol

6/16/2016 10:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The 1st Deputy was doing roll call marathon today trying to explain the actions of EJ. He tried to explain that it was okay because EJ called the officer first and explained why he was going to strip him before he actually stripped him. That's like telling someone you're going to punch them in the face and saying it hurts less that way. (Analogy cleaned up for pickin viewing)

6/16/2016 10:18:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is so messed up its going to take years to repair. Thanks Garry. You started this mess with all your inept promotions.

6/16/2016 10:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We need a blue flu day!

6/16/2016 10:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police work is Dead!
For all you hard chargers in units that are pressured for activity, you need to think hard about being in that prima donna unit. Is it really worth it?
As you see now how quickly EJ will strip you and throw u under the bus to call back


Is it worth is? Yes, it is worth it. I control what arrests I get to make. I'm not watching dope spots, runnin and gunnin etc. I get a head a day just by ridin on jobs and having complaints signed. Easy enough. Sat teams all have 10 hour days now with some decent perks still. I'm not year for you or any other coppers "staying fetal". I'm making sure this works out for me and my family end of story. I'll take that schedule to spend more time with family. So my friend you stay fetal and enjoy humping all day long. I'll ride on jobs and get a easy head a day on complaints. Safe arrests with no drama then I just chill for the rest of the day. Enjoy writing all that paper, car cameras, body cameras and denied time off during this busy hot summer. Sorry, but it's still not cool to be "fetal". Stop making excuses for being lazy, it has nothing to do with what's going on now because I'm sure you haven't done any work in many many years if ever. Now is just the perfect time for you to blend in with the rest of the dogs. Now pooches, sound off!

6/16/2016 10:31:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Superintendent "BLM" EJ had a quick meeting with one tact car from every district in the 010th district today. He attempted to do damage control and failed horribly. He admitted to given his personal cell phone number to the idiot activist who announced via Facebook the Officer's were being stripped before it was announced to anyone else. He attempted to justify why he stripped the Officers but only made himself look like an idiot justifying it to a bunch of PO's. EJ you fail, do not pass go, you sir can go fuck yourself! Oh ya, he talked about the blog, and stated, "Nothing we talk about here leaves the room." My bad Bro!

6/16/2016 10:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And the Night Creatures will emerge and feed."

The End of Days is the one universal constant in thanatology.

6/16/2016 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HEY just viewed another nitwit get sniped in 010! and he recorded it at the same time.

And it was on Face book. DOA

And in the background i heard Someone yell "call the police"! I-R-O-N-Y.
Luckily i was on lunch.

6/16/2016 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.
6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM

So if an offender is wrestling with my partner and pulls out a knife, and I can't safely shoot or taze him, am I going to take 10-15 days for kicking him in the head? Your argument is shit. He was choking and biting the officer as well as resisting arrest. The kick to the head was justified to prevent great bodily harm or death to the officer. I hope to God you're not a detective. You're the one that needs to be retrained.

6/16/2016 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


One: A loss of the sense of right and wrong

This is the most destructive of the changes to the social and religious fabric. Because evil is only measured against the truth it defiles, suppression and dilution of the truth always precedes the advancing of the lie.

Two: Lawbreaking that goes unpunished

In the justice system, the tried-and-true principle of swift, sure punishment suitable to the crime (Eccl .8:11) is replaced by bargaining for punishment (plea- bargaining). This gives the guilty person a say in HOW he is going to be punished and further warps the idea of justice. The result of all this is a frightful misconstruing of what is right and wrong.

Ten: Prejudice against true Biblical religion

This last in our list is the clearest, most revealing proof that we ARE in the close of the age. Not since the ancient world tried to wipe out Old Testament Israel has there been such widespread animosity for those who hold a faith in the Scriptures.
From instant estrangement when the subject of religion is brought up in general conversation, to lawsuits against prayer, Bibles, and religion in public life - the fact that we are in a post-Biblical period is undeniable. Hatred of the Bible represents the final nail in the coffin of civilisation as we know it. And those who uphold and teach are especially despised.

get ready it is surely coming

6/16/2016 11:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nobody ever got fired for doing nuffin.

6/16/2016 03:20:00 PM

Pretty sure those guys in in 005 about 13 years ago did...

6/16/2016 11:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why were they chasing Shaq-Fu Diesel anyway? Were they Kobe fans?

6/16/2016 11:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wasnt Jamal the one who was burning the American flag on Michigan Avenue while his buddy Lamon recorded it?he had his face covered though...coward. Its scary that this "community activist" keeps mentioning a war. Its like hes instigating trouble, getting the community riled up for his own personal gain.

6/16/2016 11:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

incase anyone missed it but between 2pm and 11pm there have been 4 murders in the city. 015, 009, 003 and 007. 4 murders in 9 hours on a cool and cloudy thursday. by the way, about a dozen or so others shot today also to add in.

6/17/2016 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The cooper who is stripped will be fine, he will take some time for excessive force but he's not getting charged or fired. People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso
or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.

While I agree about the use of impact weapons not being used to the head and is consistent with how we were trained, where in the orders does it forbid kicking to the head. I could not find any prohibition nor do I recall PT training that forbid kicks to the head if an assailant.

6/17/2016 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ok. Can someone name one person that has been fired from this job in the last 10 years for doing police work. Everyone on here is constantly harping bout don't do police work you will be fired. Well name one that didn't use excessive force or stole while doing actual police work.

6/16/2016 06:37:00 PM
I know a bunch sitting in callback right now that are waiting to find out their fate over minor BS. Some from over 5 years ago. Guys with thousands of arrests but one of those didn't go so well in court, or the one sided video is slightly different than their memory. Go tell them ur BS soeech about going out and doing real police work. You are not allowed one single mistake anymore. Not one. So if u want to go out and risk everything, have it. I'm not a perfect human being. I make mistakes. I don't want to lose my job and freedom over one mistake.

6/17/2016 12:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.

I call bs we were trained that in a deadly force situation we can do anything that stops the threat.i.e slit the offenders throat hit the jagoff in the head with a brick, choke out, run over with our vehicle and so on. This copper showed great restraint by not putting a few rounds in Shaquille's brain bucket when shithead was trying to choke out (murder his partner) under ilcs this was text book, and if he takes time the department needs to change the use of force class in the academy and model to state that the only deadly force authorized for member response is a firearm. In fact he should actually get one of DeEscalante tactical retreat awards for not shooting that jag off.

6/17/2016 12:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just out, Dean Angelo is taking credit for the re-arrest of O'Neil yesterday which he claims is the result of a few strongly worded comments he made to the media. Really?

6/17/2016 12:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.
6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM

So if an offender is wrestling with my partner and pulls out a knife, and I can't safely shoot or taze him, am I going to take 10-15 days for kicking him in the head? Your argument is shit. He was choking and biting the officer as well as resisting arrest. The kick to the head was justified to prevent great bodily harm or death to the officer. I hope to God you're not a detective. You're the one that needs to be retrained.

6/16/2016 11:00:00 PM

I'm a detective and I also disagree with original poster. That fantastic stomp was justified. Period. No need for training or suspension. Must be an area 3 detective talking out of his ass!

6/17/2016 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Paul Kersey said...

My view?

Stay fatal. Stay safe.

6/17/2016 01:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Perry F'ing Mason said...

Time to start filing complaints with the ARDC on name of ASA who rejects these types of cases and the CCSAO. Especially when U get assaulted or battered

6/16/2016 02:51:00 PM
This WILL get their attention.

Using ARDC (even though they may not take action) will send a HUGE wake-up call to all the ASAs. No one likes to have to explain themselves to the ARDC.

Next case.

6/17/2016 01:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They had to do at least a day and a half of canvassing, interviews etc to ensure every base was covered and this turd doesn't walk. Great job by the dics and Asa. Lots of people were jumping the gun on this one saying we just let him go, not true.. We knew he wasn't going anywhere NOW we have a rock solid case

where are the multiple counts of obstruction for the cameraman and his cohorts that threatened and jeered at the partner making it unreasonable/ unsafe to assist with the arrest threatening him he better call back up ect.????????????????? Im just a low level patrol Sergeant not some big city Det supervisor but rest assured I would have locked up every one of the mob including the cameraman for obstructing and impeding the kicking officers ability to assist during the assailant's repeated attempts to defeat the arrest by force. WHERE IS IT you fucking morons did you forget or will that be next week?????? Or are you afraid, the truth is scary

Isnt this just another version of a Rahm hissy fit bitchily reaction which now has resulted in another cover up attempt?????? Wasn't McDonald enough you hid that for fourteen months.

WRONG IS WRONG MAYOR WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO COMPEL SOMEONE TO LIE ABOUT IT. WHY DO YOU or your retarded cronnies INSERT YOURSELF. You are extremely politically inept, the most hated politician of 21st century just ask FORBES.

Afriad Rahm we've finally had enough of your shit show and may walk off next Sunday and leave your ""real" constituents exposed to the Taliban or Isis inspired ?????

6/17/2016 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This department is so messed up its going to take years to repair. Thanks Garry. You started this mess with all your inept promotions.

Whoa Whoa Whoa officer get your shit straight!! Right now. Dont be dissin on the egotistical jagoff from New York get your head together RAHM IS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT HIM HERE. All paths of mismanagement, theft, P.C (political corruption),Cover ups and so on lead directly back to the fith floor and Tiny Dancer.

GARY ET Al and all that has followed is solely MAYOR RAHM EMMANUEL'S FAULT

6/17/2016 02:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Agg battery to a PO. AGG batt by strangulation, felony resisting and PCS were all approved by the ASA late last night. Today he resisted and put on a big show and got tasered. Glad the right thing was done. They released him because it was becoming such a big deal they wanted(the dics and ASA) to get it right. Just so you know the RWOC was a call the dics and Asa made which was then relayed to Eddie Johnson. They didn't rush the case to be done and approved in 3 hours like in most AGG batt to the police. They had to do at least a day and a half of canvassing, interviews etc to ensure every base was covered and this turd doesn't walk. Great job by the dics and Asa. Lots of people were jumping the gun on this one saying we just let him go, not true.. We knew he wasn't going anywhere NOW we have a rock solid case against him and the video that went viral is going to be the best evidence against thin. The cooper who is stripped will be fine, he will take some time for excessive force but he's not getting charged or fired. People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.

6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM


If the situation warranted a Police officer could use a knife, a brick, a bar stool, a table leg, a car, as a weapon to defend himself and others and probably already has and its been deemed appropriate. Are those on your TRR or USE OF FORCE MODEL LOW GRADE MORON Now your BS has the VG very upset.

6/17/2016 03:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. Can someone name one person that has been fired from this job in the last 10 years for doing police work. Everyone on here is constantly harping bout don't do police work you will be fired. Well name one that didn't use excessive force or stole while doing actual police work.

What are you trying to say? I'd hate to be the dick on your 041a/0110 job with you as paper.

6/17/2016 03:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM,
Your post offers up a whole lot of logically, conclusively valid points, and I hope the situation concerning the involved officer pans out in the manner which you describe. Personally, I failed to think this one through initally, and got a bit caught up in the nonsense. The use of RWOC is not always a bad thing, as this instance supports that notion. Indeed, I trust that a superior argument has been developed, given the time and effort expended by those involved, an argument that can withstand and defeat any challenges made against it. Good work matters and always will, so don't stay fetal my brothers and sisters: Stay Smart.

6/17/2016 05:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We as a department should come together. Reports and only signed complaints. But it will never happen because people are still getting involved in nonsense.

6/17/2016 05:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys miss McCarthy yet? Compare him to fat Eddie.....
There is no comparison!

6/16/2016 05:07:00 PM

No, we don't miss Garry at all. He was a cancer. A megalomaniacal blowhard that didn't have a clue and made one mistake after another without learning from his prior mistakes. He relished in tormenting underling and laughed about it later.

There is something seriously wrong with that man and now he works for someone who is of 'questionable' reputation. So again, no. We don't miss him at all.

6/17/2016 05:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This job is PERMANENTLY dead and over, citizens...learn to fight and buy a gun, we aren't giving a care anymore about any job not involving another cops safety. Just not worth it. Fuck you eddie, rahm, obama and every other degenerate, un-American, left wing piece of shit. You too media and attorney's, fuck all of you and your families.

6/17/2016 06:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10;31 PM You are a fool, any arrest can turn deadly, there is no such thing as a safe arrest, How about stopping someone from walking down the middle of the street a fellow named Mike Brown, Do you think Officer Wilson is ever going to work again in Law enforcement? You may think you have the answers but you're kidding yourself, please stay safe and rethink your opinion of your fellow officers may not be as lazy as you think, maybe just cautious.

Retired wheel gun Task force guy(so I know what I'm talking about)

6/17/2016 06:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are beefing because kicks are on a TRR.. True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized.. Only hand strikes are allowed. Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hands. He will get retrained and take 10-15 days.
6/16/2016 02:47:00 PM

So if an offender is wrestling with my partner and pulls out a knife, and I can't safely shoot or taze him, am I going to take 10-15 days for kicking him in the head? Your argument is shit. He was choking and biting the officer as well as resisting arrest. The kick to the head was justified to prevent great bodily harm or death to the officer. I hope to God you're not a detective. You're the one that needs to be retrained.

6/16/2016 11:00:00 PM

There is no FAIR a street fight.
All bets are off.
You do whatever to prevent your partner from injury or death
I don't care what some piece of paper or streaming video says, it is not black and white (although this was)
His partner was 100% right in keeping the advancing hostile crowd back and helping his partner.

6/17/2016 06:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While EJ was making his apology tour to the tact cars, how many coppers asked him for his cell phone number?

6/17/2016 06:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
And yet the 010 yesterday was out running around doing dope arrests. We can't even stand united as blue shirts, this place is done.

6/16/2016 06:49:00 PM
If you're going to tell a tale, tell the right one.
They stopped a car.
Mutt in the back had a gun on him
Were they supposed to ignore that?
Gun is suspected to have been used in a homicide based on what the mutt was telling the officers.
Trust me, the 010th Dist Tact team is behind their fellow officers.

6/17/2016 06:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Ok. Can someone name one person that has been fired from this job in the last 10 years for doing police work. Everyone on here is constantly harping bout don't do police work you will be fired. Well name one that didn't use excessive force or stole while doing actual police work.
6/16/2016 06:37:00 PM
Two 005th Dist coppers, waiting in line at White Castle for coffee, call came out of a domestic with a gun. They waited for their coffee. Female (who made the 911 call) died of gunshot.

6/17/2016 06:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do ONLY what U have to
Answer calls---SLOWLY
Protect your fellow brothers in blue, your family and home.
Use the medical if the stress gets to U, wink-wink
The proper way to Answer Calls is: Efficiently - making sure you have handled the call to ALL expectations and/or Rules and Guidelines.

Stay Safe Blue Shirts

6/17/2016 06:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
FYI. FOP had mothing to do with the arrest. Warrant signed overnight. The truth of what actually happened is sad and pathetic. Zero confidence in tha ability and character of top level very top level CPD and states attorney office leadership.

6/16/2016 05:29:00 PM

The FOP was made aware of this case from the beginning when it was learned within hours of the incident that the officer was being stripped. I can't say how much the FOP did in assisting the officer.
BUT the A/N detectives - they were AWESOME. They weren't going to let this go, especially after O'Neal was rwoc.

6/17/2016 06:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This officer should be given the deescalation award for using great restraint in not shooting the offender attempting to murder his partner.

6/17/2016 07:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shaquile ONEAL and Michael BROWN attack the police and become hero's of the left ... kind of like Chuy Guevera or whatever his name is.

No wonder everyone hates the left.

6/17/2016 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He'll get 10-15 days?
He should get a fuckin medal.

6/17/2016 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kicks are for when you were trained to kick at the legs, torso
or to kick the offenders delivery system during an attack ie legs or hand


Hey dumbass - what if the delivery system is the teeth? Kicks are fine under those circumstances

6/17/2016 08:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Eddie Johnson is nothing more than a political hack!
Having worked in south side districts all of my 30 yrs, I've heard all the "he's a cops cop" bullshit.
Well, now his true colors show with this and with the incident from 2011 in which Officers were just recently stripped.
With 20 years as a Sgt, I beg all you Officers to slow down go into self-survival mode!
I never thought I'd live to see the day where this department turned into the train wreck it currently is. It's obvious the powers to be will (and have) sold their soul to the devil for their own personal gain.
PLEASE help each other out & do what you need to go home unscathed!.

6/16/2016 05:57:00 PM


These people are simply too dumb to be bosses. Penny Trahanas and Maria Pena were actually pretty good sgts in Area 5. When they made commander things changed. They were unqualified, period.

6/17/2016 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So sick of people talking about McCarthy. He was an arrogant asshole that was so full of shit and loved himself. He started the decline of CPD by all the stupid changes he made. He was a politician first and didn't give two shits about us. He loved Rahm so much, he was up his asshole on a constant basis until Rahm fired him. Then Rahm was a prick. Rahm was always a prick and so was McCarthy.

6/17/2016 09:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Police work is Dead!
For all you hard chargers in units that are pressured for activity, you need to think hard about being in that prima donna unit. Is it really worth it?
As you see now how quickly EJ will strip you and throw u under the bus to call back


Is it worth is? Yes, it is worth it. I control what arrests I get to make. I'm not watching dope spots, runnin and gunnin etc. I get a head a day just by ridin on jobs and having complaints signed. Easy enough. Sat teams all have 10 hour days now with some decent perks still. I'm not year for you or any other coppers "staying fetal". I'm making sure this works out for me and my family end of story. I'll take that schedule to spend more time with family. So my friend you stay fetal and enjoy humping all day long. I'll ride on jobs and get a easy head a day on complaints. Safe arrests with no drama then I just chill for the rest of the day. Enjoy writing all that paper, car cameras, body cameras and denied time off during this busy hot summer. Sorry, but it's still not cool to be "fetal". Stop making excuses for being lazy, it has nothing to do with what's going on now because I'm sure you haven't done any work in many many years if ever. Now is just the perfect time for you to blend in with the rest of the dogs. Now pooches, sound off!

Good for you still managing to get a head a day! I only lock people up on signed complaints as well. My question for you though is; are you the ever famous paper jumper that has become ever so popular today? You know those officers that listen up for the jobs " offender still on scene" or the " holding the offender." Then 2 to 4 cars go down on the same arrest. Then those same officers march around and proclaim themselves to be WORKERS!!!!! Seriously, how many officers do you need to do a warrant, battery, or retail theft arrest? Time to be honest with yourself.

6/17/2016 09:04:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two coppers should both file a lawsuit against ONeal. While it may appear pointless, it does have an effect. ONeal may have nothing and collecting seems unlikely with the officers in the lawsuit mix the City just can't throw money without the officers being involved.

In fact, perhaps every cop involved in a likely lawsuit situation should file. Really screw up the ghetto lottery.

After all, isn't one of the City's mottos "I will!".....(where's mine?)

6/17/2016 09:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"A misleading and horse-shit headline by the Scum-Times:

"Man Kicked In Head By Cop Re-Arrested After FOP Demands Charges"

6/16/2016 05:20:00 PM

Uh -- shouldn't that be "Man Who Tried To Strangle Cop Re-Arrested After FOP Demands Charges?"

6/17/2016 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"True, but in our use of force program kicks to the head and blows to the head with an impact weapon are not authorized."

Read that? Perhaps you should have it tattooed in reverse on your forehead so you can read it each day.

6/17/2016 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey dumbass - what if the delivery system is the teeth? Kicks are fine under those circumstances

6/17/2016 08:53:00 AM"

Use that as your defense when you find yourself before the Police Board pending termination.
Make sure you wear the shortsleeved shirt and tie so you can show off your full arm tats shit for brains.

6/17/2016 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sort of like rushing to close the barn door after the horses have already left.

6/17/2016 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ordinary downstate citizen here, the perp had it coming fair and square. Chicago is becoming a war zone anyway, let them kill each other. You could not pay me enough to do what you guys do in that city.

6/17/2016 01:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it worth is? Yes, it is worth it. I control what arrests I get to make. I'm not watching dope spots, runnin and gunnin etc. I get a head a day just by ridin on jobs and having complaints signed. Easy enough. Sat teams all have 10 hour days now with some decent perks still. I'm not year for you or any other coppers "staying fetal". I'm making sure this works out for me and my family end of story. I'll take that schedule to spend more time with family. So my friend you stay fetal and enjoy humping all day long. I'll ride on jobs and get a easy head a day on complaints. Safe arrests with no drama then I just chill for the rest of the day. Enjoy writing all that paper, car cameras, body cameras and denied time off during this busy hot summer. Sorry, but it's still not cool to be "fetal". Stop making excuses for being lazy, it has nothing to do with what's going on now because I'm sure you haven't done any work in many many years if ever. Now is just the perfect time for you to blend in with the rest of the dogs. Now pooches, sound off!
6/16/2016 10:31:00

So says the selfish, self-entitled prick.....I hope you get dumped and you have to work with those officers you are so contemptuous of. Karma is a bitch....

6/17/2016 03:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a few comments here that show a lack of understanding of use of force. Strikes to the head with impact weapons, kicks to the head, choking and anything else that can cause death or great bodily harm are authorized and appropiate application of force if the attacker is using deadly force or force likely to inflict great bodily harm. Please study the use of force module and understand it.

6/17/2016 07:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strikes to the head with impact weapons, kicks, bricks, pipes, bottles etc. ARE AUTHORIZED in a deadly force or great bodily harm situation ONLY. If you can legaly shoot somebody everything is authorized. Not just a gun.

6/17/2016 07:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You still have to do your job. Respond appropriately to jobs. People still need and appreciate the police. Having said that, proactive policing especially for drugs and property crimes is dead.

6/17/2016 07:23:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FOP had NOTHING to do with him being re arrested. We appreciate their comments and outrage in the news, That's their job. But people were still workings hard to get this charged.

6/17/2016 08:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Penny Trahanas and Maria Pena were actually pretty good sgts in Area 5. When they made commander things changed. They were unqualified, period.

6/17/2016 08:55:00 AM"

Says You. They both sucked as Sgts. and then their promotion trajectory just took off. Funny how that works.

6/17/2016 08:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

720 ILCS 5/7-5.5 says that a peace officer may not use a chokehold unless deadly force is justified. The Illinois General Assembly has therfore legislated that a chokehold constitutes deadly force. Consequently, if a chokehold is used against a peace officer,that officer is in reasonable fear of receiving death or great bodily harm. Given this legislative declaration, this officer's partner showed admirable restraint by merely kicking this assailant whose actions would likely cause death or serious physical injury to another person. His actions are justified by both the use of force policy and recently enacted state law.

6/18/2016 02:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are a few comments here that show a lack of understanding of use of force. Strikes to the head with impact weapons, kicks to the head, choking and anything else that can cause death or great bodily harm are authorized and appropiate application of force if the attacker is using deadly force or force likely to inflict great bodily harm. Please study the use of force module and understand it.

HEY SCC THEY ARE PLANTING THIS SHIT ON THE BLOG Escalante just told us the same pack of lies today at PR fest roll call

First off fucko I know you are typing this for The Sup and De-esca you gotta be out of their office or chugging their draino because koolaid now long gone .....

Second the battle is raging over who makes these calls Johnson or IPRA looks like Rahm has sided with Ipra and the criminals

MOST IMPORTANTLY The use of force MODEL MODEL is a fucking guideline and cannot possibly cover every type of possible incident. That was as much a stun as a kick- what were the extent of the injuries inflicted as the result of the application of force ,was the force used ineffective or a effective how many time was the measure used all factor into your reasoning when DETERMINING if the use of force was appropriate. In all categories the force was appropriate the subject did not receive any life threatening injuries it was applied once and the head was the only portion of the assailants body available, The size and weight of the offender verses the size and weight of the officer ect ect ect

Yes Mr ghost writer that's to be taken into consideration as well BUT do they have a size of officer chart VS the size of the offender chart on the use of force model- fuck no THE use of Force Model is a guide, not the sole determining factor.

Big difference if Rahm sissy slapped you and Eddie slapped you for gettin caught cheating on the exam Eddies slap would do a hell of a lot more damage.


DEESCALANTE removed the the sentence -that officers will not unnecessarily place themselves at greater risk of injury to comply with this order. This sentence was removed form the previous use of force order when he mr 6 rewrote it early this year as acting Sup. state law regarding force has not changed.

They're trying to tell you that a kick to head during the thick of a fight is automatically illegal and no its not when you take and consider the totality of the circumstances including the extent of the injuries to the assailant and based on all the information: the officer has complied with an appropriate use of force according to law. The TRR is just a form to document and track force applications Kirby personally explained that to the Sergeants class when it was implemented.

6/18/2016 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"There are a few comments here that show a lack of understanding of use of force. Strikes to the head with impact weapons, kicks to the head, choking and anything else that can cause death or great bodily harm are authorized and appropiate application of force if the attacker is using deadly force or force likely to inflict great bodily harm. Please study the use of force module and understand it."

If you're the subject under assault,Stupid ass.It doesn't apply to a bystander who comes along and decides to boot someone unconscious. Which is exactly what the Officer was and what occurred, understand that f'ng Dummy.

6/18/2016 10:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The FOP had absolutely NOTHING to do with his arrest after having been RWOC. It was the the commitment the investigating detectives and their Sgt. have that resulted in his being arrested the second time. The S.A.'s office used a perfect excuse to not approve charges. The Superintendent stripped and is looking to fire the officer, we're not touching it until IPRA is done with the investigation. They gave the investigating detectives a constantly moving set of to do items in order to approve charges. When this "justice involved" subject was RWOC'd, the investigating detectives and their Sgt. hit the case even harder and presented the case so the S.A.'S office had to approve charges. It is obvious, had this officer been given his due process, or had the Superintendent had the common sense to look at the facts of the case, bothered to take a glance at the G.O's on the use of force, this situation would not have occurred. Instead, he's in communication with civilians that have no background in law enforcement other than as defendants and antagonists, furnishing details of an ongoing investigation, not talking to or giving one of his officers the due process we are all entitled to. I am proud to work with the detectives assigned this case and their Sgt. A huge amount of work was done by these detectives and by their Sgt. They never lost the faith for their brother officer. They saw the injustice done to this officer, the lack of support by our top command and did the right thing. We are going through an extremely difficult time now, the criminal lack of leadership at our top levels is disheartening. It seems, no, it's been shown that the only people being held accountable are the non-exempt on this department. This officer was lucky to have had the detectives and Det. Sgt. he had assigned to his case. The Commander is the best in the city and let his people do their job. This is obviously a highly political case, not the first time this Commander has done the right thing in spite of the consequences. I'm sure you've all heard from some supervisors, the bad ones, " If you're 100% right I've got your back." Well, it's when I'm 90% right and it's in the grey area that I need you to have my back. When I'm 100% right, I shouldn't need to have you have my back. In this case, the Superintendent has shown that it doesn't matter if you're right, following the G.O's, if some "justice involved" subject that has access to the Superintendent's direct line is advocating/ supporting "a life for a life", this Superintendent has shown who his loyalty lies with.

6/18/2016 12:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you're the subject under assault,Stupid ass.It doesn't apply to a bystander who comes along and decides to boot someone unconscious. Which is exactly what the Officer was and what occurred, understand that f'ng Dummy."

OMG! I hope you're not a cop. You are a fucking idiot! By far the dumbest most ignorant and assinine comment yet. A "bystander"? His partner is a "bystander"? Are you retarded? It's his duty to intervene you fucking moron. A police officer or ANY CITIZEN can use deadly force or force that can cause great bodily harm to protect himself OR ANOTHER from that kind of attack. If you are a cop please quit. You just don't qualify. If you're not a cop. Thank God!

6/18/2016 11:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best Bosses Phil Cline , Terry Hillard and the outsider Jodi Weiss

6/20/2016 11:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best Bosses Phil Cline , Terry Hillard and the outsider Jodi Weiss

Fred Rice, Hillard, and Cline. Weis was an idiot and lest we forget, a COWARD as well.

6/24/2016 11:02:00 PM  

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