Shortages on the Horizon
This popped up in the comment section a few days ago:
- So drove a copper to the 4th floor to retire the other day. Came back with 2 gems.
1) Payouts on CU are taking 16 weeks, instead of the usual 6. (Excuse was they had a lot of people retire in May/Jun
2) Total number of coppers signed up (so Far) to retire in Jan 2017?? In excess of 1000. Yes, that's One Thousand! How many are presently in the academy? How much are our taxes going to go up to pay the pension fund with 1000 more retirees?
One-thousand retirees? By next January? Is that even possible? We're assuming it's because the "55 and out" provision expires, but do we really have a thousand cops at or over 55?
The Department has absorbed the loss of 2,000 coppers because it happened in small increments, so no one actually noticed until the cars started going unmanned and the days off were getting denied.
But one-thousand in the next five months? The Department will collapse. Literally.
Can anyone verify this at all?
The Department has absorbed the loss of 2,000 coppers because it happened in small increments, so no one actually noticed until the cars started going unmanned and the days off were getting denied.
But one-thousand in the next five months? The Department will collapse. Literally.
Can anyone verify this at all?
Labels: department issues
FOP has been telling you the real number of Police Officers on the street is higher than what the city / media is telling you. Maybe now you will believe it.
Word on the street they are hiring 1000 per uniform store
Im done next year. Take my 70% and thats that. 90-1 was a large class. 89-2 also.
People and high level politicians don't like the CPD anyway. If it collapses it will be a good excuse to bring federal cops in to take CPD's place.
No one can do an audit of the numbers.....fop? Are you even there anymore?
at one time , using the clear system and filtering DOB and TOJ you could ascertain the numbers you are looking for Not sure if that info is still available, as Im retired
Thats a huge number , tho
Who wouldn't leave that could? NO one wants a ticket under the bus driving over all of us. They will still allow time due because the community doesnt want us around.
Don't worry, your leadership team has it well in hand.
Don't you trust Rahm and Special Ed?
1000 retiring in 2017 sounds a bit high. Maybe they meant 1000 for 2016 and 2017? I can see that. I know so many that are leaving in that time frame that it's really concerning. We are so short handed right now I can't imagine what it will be like coming up with the mass retirements. I've also been hearing of a lot more guys retiring earlier before they wanted to, just to get out of this thankless job. And with the recent events even more are deciding to go elsewhere. Any cops that were "on the fence" about retirement aren't anymore. The city really fucked up by crushing the manpower over the years and now not many want to apply for the job. They better mass hire fast and increase the pay.
I retired at the end of May of this year. I received the first installment of my buyout check on July 7th - elapsed time was about six weeks NOT sixteen.
Why do you think alderman have mentioned raising the retirement age. The job will have no gray hairs soon enough and nothing but gel.
Could you even fill a police academy class if one was offered?
Would you want to be a police officer in today's environment?
In excess of 1,000??
To put it another way, Mr. NorthSide Lake Front Citizen:
Probably the 18th and 19th Districts cease to exist.
You may want to ask Rahm why NYPD hires a class of 1200 and Chicago hires 90.
While they all won't be from the Districts. But most will be.
Holy shit
Unless there is a mass hiring (don't skimp the background check-its false economy) you guys and gals on the job can look forward to virtually no elective time off. No extended furlos. Probably even your RDOs will be limited.
Working for a public and a local media that really wants to burn you.
Think of all those wages they are saving on!
3,000 cops times $150,000 per year is some serious cash.
Is it enough to fund the pension fund?
The FOP must be all over this. Isn't it?
Maybe Rahm is hoping that the Feds takeover before then?
Hey dudes, it is all YOUR problem now!
The DHS can assign the pros from the TSA!
Class of 86 was big class and this job sucks. No brainer. Why stay on this or any other police job. Can't imagine what this dept will be like in 15-20 years. Won't be my problem.
It was in the Sneed Colum that the Mayor was mad that they are currently 600 down from where he wants. They also said more Sgts are retiring. And it will take a while to get that amount through the academy.
When I came on a lot of officers did over 30 years. Now most do around 25. Next time you get the FOP magazine look at how many years everyone is retiring with. They made everyone hate this job.
Next there will be no one left in the shadow of a great city. The politicians runed this city.
Can't wait to retire and can't wait to move. Only 8 more years and 5 months :
Get ready for the real crime to start. No police. Watch service go up and quality go down. The city managers need to be fired.
Who in their right mind would want to take this job now? I know a few who went through the hiring process and didn't bother showing up at the academy. For some of these young people, they'd rather go into the military and fight over seas than work the streets of modern day America.
there is currently 810 detectives of that 810 only 680 are assigned to area north, central and South. No wonder why the clearance rate is so low, they are way under staffed. There use to be 1200 detectives until 9.5 decimated this once great department. Can't wait to leave this shit show
7/14/2016 01:18:00 AM
I would imagine anyone hired in the 80's all the way up to 1997 who turn 55 may be leaving. Anyone who wants that medical has to leave by sometime in May 2017 to receive it. Talk about mass retirement. The department will be crippled.
O e now needs to make an appointment with personnel to retire. Isn't that ridiculous.
You have to be a FUCKEN FOOL if you do any proactive police work on this job in this day in age. I am just stunned there are guys still chasing hot cars, and running after people for nonsense that will be dropped and dismissed in Court.
This is the bed they make, one one 1000 less coppers patrolling shit holes... Now live and sleep in that bed
Fuck this job and city! I want to retire now, too! Da Pelon
Does this number include sergeants and lts?
Wait until the '90 and "91 hires all retire soon.
First of all, the department collapsed a couple years ago. Secondly, lower it to "51 and out" and I'm guessing 2000 gone.
I cant verify but I can hear the stampeding feet. Im getting out just to fucking get out, I cant handle working in a job thats been shit on so hard for so long by so many. Oh and I think the leadership is shit too. Both in the Dept. and in the city and in the country. Everyone laughed at me several years ago when I predicted the rise of the Banana Republic gangster/narco state. They aren't laughing now.
17 cops shot by assassin in a week! If I get whacked do me one favor, dont let President Bobblehead babble for 40 mins at my funeral. And if any body fluids leak out my ass before you put me in the ground use a copy of the Tribune or the Sun Times to wipe it off.
lmfao wow
add to it the number of people leaving for higher ground. I know several that just picked up at different departments.
Anyone have any run ins with the Female Inspector? You thought Big Bird was a pain? Wait to you meet Lil Turd, what a piece....
That comes out to 15 per watch......if they were in patrol
In the next 5 years more than half of 3rd watch will be eligible to retire in my district . Days 50% now .
Maybe Rahm knows something we don't otherwise , why isn't he seriously hiring ?
If that is the case they are getting the hell out while there's still a chance to. GL to them, hope it doesn't break you guys too badly.
I only know of four or five guys on our watch that are leaving by the end of the year. A total of 1000 would surprise me, but 400-500 seems much more realistic. Why would anyone with age and time stay in this climate?
You are nuts to become a policeofficer today .
If the 1000 retirees are spread equally across the board that would be approximately 43.5 officers per district. And let me tell you, that .5 officer will not be missed. We're always getting stuck doing half his work, he is always a half hour late and does a half assed job.
No one in the academy FTOs without PPOs at least 25 and no doubles on the others. Last class could only muster 65 POs out of 110 which started. These numbers aren't going to change without big hires like in 96-02. Change the FTO program give them D2A attract more Officers with experience not some DUI Warted out nerd.
This is true,who in there right mind would stay and lose the 55 and out medical also still alot to go this year..DO NOT be stupid and wait and hope the new contract will include the same offer,are you willing to roll the dice and end up paying over 1000 or more for health insurance,,
It is true. I was down there putting papers in and they are concerned on the disappearance of the entire work force.
Get ready for a long end to the year. Are you reading this Gorner? How about the rest of the media junkies? The rank and file are dropping paper like the end of the world is coming...........And it is.
Easy solution. Put a fence around all the high crime areas like Englewood, Austin, Garfield Park. Withdraw all police and fire protection. The people (and folks) the the neighborhood will love this because they dont want you there anyway. A win-win.
Send the remaining cops into taxpaying areas where they are appreciated.
Simple, eh?
Call the next case. Not a cop.
More outside roll calls...
"Is that even possible?"
Yes, it is possible. Officers are fed up with the BS of this job. 99% of which the BS comes from the city and the department. I will be leaving next year at 52 and 29 and a day of service. I will find my own health insurance. I know Officers who are planning to retire after 20 years and they will only be in there mid to late 40's. The BS of this job is not worth the health risks i.e. high blood pressure, stress, lack of sleep, etc., again, health risks induced by the city and the department.
Not sure on the 1,000 number but do know that many are putting in early for the next year remember the par form is due by 01OCT16 don't wait until the last day the dirty little secret here is when you submit par form it will say "submitted" it takes the city time to "approve" it up to 3 weeks in a normal cycle, but the city could play the game and not approve it, oh you could still retire but no health care which is vital. Don't say the city will not do that! It will be get in line sue us! In the end it is winnable we know how rahm, plays do you really want to jump in the water with rabid sharks?
You think that's bad I came on in 99 there were classes of 100 people in academy every two to three weeks for a year they can retire in 4 years . That's a lot of officers to loose and in this current climate I am willing to bet some might pull the plug
Good luck. But wait my boss was telling me the other day we CAN do more with less. Just have to pay attention to the small things.....lmfao
Could you even afford to lose 500 officers at this point. Never mind the physical loss of the bodies. What about the loss of all those years of experience.
BLM wants to defund the police department. It sounds like the plan is for the cee pee dee to die a death caused by attrition.
It's the master plan of that sawed off runt rahm just as he envisioned. Wait until the city decides to secure it's self with a privately armed force of citizens with questionable backgrounds. Perhaps an aldercreature has a sibling that runs a security firm that kicks back quarterly to the fifth floor....Hmmmm
Get out while you can, with your life, and pension intact. Find a part time job with medical benefits. Amazingly there are some left. Don't look back. Sodom and Gomorrah will be rained on with fire and brimstone someday. May God help the innocents.
Recovering Police officer..9 months
Ps. I met a CPD Rookie the other day. I just wanted to give him a hug.
There's no way we have that many coppers in that age range.
It's called Freedom of Information Act
talking in Broad Strokes I'm a law enforcement officer in the Midwest and I'm ready to retire now I'm just getting my ducks in order before I punch out and I'm glad I'm getting out when I am in regards to the topic of the post this I believe would be great news to make a great point I really think law enforcement should take a three-day break from police operations especially in the major cities and let these people get what they are so richly demanding...yes major sick outs in major cities.....
I know my fellow officers say that that might play into the hands of the powers-that-be or what about the poor innocent civilians to that I say first of all what's going to happen with the powers-that-be are going to happen we cannot control their ultimate endgame which will happen either way sooner or later it's anybody's guess....second the civilians in this country have more armament then us and the military so I'm sure they'll be ok for a three-day period it....really this needs to be coordinated because like the Joker said in The Dark Knight it's not about the money it's about sending a message and a message must be sent....
also I hope officers are doing what I am doing and just answering their calls for service and nothing more also I would like to reiterate to all that should there be major flare-up or riots do not under any circumstances help any liberal media personnel that would be caught Behind Enemy Lines, liberals and especially those in the media not only hate us but they are actually seeking your physical harm and death if you don't believe that then look at the spin on the media and that's another thing where are all these fop chapters at instruction their membership to start boycotting advertisers on these liberal radio and TV stations maybe if some of these companies were hit in the pocketbook media reportingwould be a little bit different....
The 55 and out deal is probably going to actually save the city money over the long run, even if they hired new cops to replace the old ones.
older employees are a significant drag on pension funding while newer employees are much cheaper to fund because of the compounding effect of investment returns over a much longer time so the amount you have to put aside for a newer employee ends up being less than for a guy retiring in a few years.
plus, they are usually paid less. so a double savings.
big bucks to train new cops but the city makes it up over time. and the city has all kinds of time.
As a retiree, what benefits are there to remaining a member of the FOP? Anything besides the sticker, book and newsletter?
May had 88 retirements and that didn't include exempts or officers that resigned. June had about the same amount.
Maybe, just maybe, the largest hiring phases were in the mid-80's and mid-90's. That means numerous 30 year veterans and 20 year veterans. Hmmm. Maybe they are fed up with the everyday B.S. of the Politicians and Command Staff, and have said screw it, I'm out after 50 years old, not even waiting for the 55. And with everyone having a college education, there is a job after the department, which may provide the insurance. Just a thought.
It's time to unleash on the city all those twenty years and under house mice back to the streets you kiss ass little paper shufflers!
050 here I come!
They won't be replacing 1000-plus coppers anytime soon, so rahm just use the excess budgeted money from these copper's saleries and benefits to help fund the pension.
Bunch the people hired from 85' test.
Sounds like it's time for the sawed off runt rahm to promote more merit sergeants and lieutenants to "supervise" the remaining boys and girls in blue!
Get out while you can.
Why stay till 55 if you have the time? Get out and enjoy life. Let the kids on this job put up with the heartache!
If so, get ready for overtime within your own district and no promotions. No way the department could sustain such a hit.
Taking 16 weeks for a CU payout is nuts.
Another example of lazy incompetents or is it understaffed, poorly managed administrative personnel?
It the City of course.
They planned 10 years ago for the upcoming mass exodus, it wasn't designed overnight.
Manpower will further be strained and stretched due to the incites of the BLM that your president created.
I think the Academy is pretty well near empty for Summer Break, hiring and promotions won't happen this year either.
Seen it myself, droves are coming in around the 15th of every month. Forget about that Retirement Seminar - booked solid for the next two and only sessions this year. Pretty much a waste of time. They should have these is small groups once a month with priority for those who have already submitted their PAR78.
Finance wants the last 2 years of your time cards and they will audit your timekeepers efficiency. So if you're planning to retire soon, get a copy of your time cards now and a week before you go down to retire, get another copy of the latest version for your records.
Timekeepers are human and errors are made.
They'll probably cut the CU payment down from 10k and want to spread it out over 4-5 years too, despite what your Contract Agreement says. Be prepared.
This department has collapsed. It's a fucking joke. When the leader has a nick name of Special Ed. What else is there to say. Stay fetal my friends. Learn to bleed, per Mayor
Tiny dancer.
I retired at the end of May of this year. I received the first installment of my buyout check on July 7th - elapsed time was about six weeks NOT sixteen.
Hey narcissist this post was not about you, it was a prospective look. Recognize the distinction dip-shit?
Im hearing like 47 out of 100 are passing power tests ...i mean all the weed and orange pop , plus years of free food in college has millenials looking like slobs . Good bye residency ...soon
Currently 420 in the academy. A class of 100 just graduated and a class of 70 are detailed downtown right now and are set to graduate in the next week or two. Every month for the rest of the year 100 in each month. They know and are already covered
I for the life of me can't figure out why you would stay if you have the time to go. Many where I work have the time/age. Quite a few at the 28,29, 30+ year mark so hesitant to put their papers in. Sooooo many excuses. It's unreal. If you have not figured it out by now a few more years is NOT going to make a difference!!! It's sad how many people think this job is all there is to life. It's time to hang it up boys. Get a hobby. The bosses don't care about you nor do most citizens.
The city and brass do not care as long as they have over one thousand idiots signing up to work VRI, CTA, and Housing all of their RDO's and furloughs. FUCKING MONEY HUNGRY IDIOTS!!!!
See! The cheating scandle is all gone.
I know several officers who won't be 55 by next June, when the 0%, ends but will be turning 55 several months after that and are going to jump on the health care option at 2%.
Rahm better cut loose with some cash and start hiring en masse or the department will indeed collapse, unable to function with such little resources.
Rahm's house of cards, as he's treated CPD, is starting to sway in the breeze.
Relax everyone... Once again everyone thinks the sky is falling. I work at HQ and the order is already in for 1,500 new hires to offset future retirees. They just need to be ran through the academy for certification. Meet the faster, smarter, better trained recruits that are on the way:
If the 1000 retirees are spread equally across the board that would be approximately 43.5 officers per district. And let me tell you, that .5 officer will not be missed. We're always getting stuck doing half his work, he is always a half hour late and does a half assed job.
7/19/2016 07:42:00 AM
You win!
Word on the street they are hiring 1000 per uniform store
where are they going to get 1000 qualified applicants, much less 1000 that make it through training?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
This is true,who in there right mind would stay and lose the 55 and out medical also still alot to go this year..DO NOT be stupid and wait and hope the new contract will include the same offer,are you willing to roll the dice and end up paying over 1000 or more for health insurance,,
7/19/2016 07:46:00 AM
Will be more like 1800-2200 a year city dumping retired health care if not 55 and out! Funny to listen to penny wise dollar foolish coppers say "I'm staying making overtime" you will regret it! Then think if you can retire get medical and you stay get jammed up sued and Lise everything possibly your freedom is was it worth the "overtime?"
Well, the community activists are calling to defund the CPD so I guess it's another feather in their cap. And the nice districts will open up for seniority bidding then, maybe some promotions, a class to boost seniority too. Silver lining in every cloud... even if that cloud is mustard gas.
The FOP must be all over this. Isn't it?
What's the FOP?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I would imagine anyone hired in the 80's all the way up to 1997 who turn 55 may be leaving. Anyone who wants that medical has to leave by sometime in May 2017 to receive it. Talk about mass retirement. The department will be crippled.
7/19/2016 03:06:00 AM
That's not entirely correct. If you want the 0% you must leave by June 2017. After that it doesn't mean you can't take the 55 Healthcare provision it just means your contribution goes from 0% to 2%.
I know quite a few officers who are going to take advantage of the 2%.
It doesn't change the fact that if Rahm doesn't do some mass hiring this department will go from life support, which its on now, to code blue..... DOA!
With this mass exodus you're losing a lot of the "grey hairs" but you can't overlook all the police experience you're losing along with them.
There's a lot to be said about a salty old timer's perspective and intuition. Something that's not easily replaced by some slick sleeved newcomer.
Wait until the '90 and "91 hires all retire soon.
90-1 F troop. Huuurah!
I would have to say that is a believable statement. I have heard the same thing coming from people who work at headquarters. I was told the first quarter of 2017 is really going to be a mass Exodus of cops.
Time 1203hours Fox Chicago news "ministers march into police headquarters and demand police reform" nothing about black on black shooting and murder just blame the police! They want mayor to fire police immediately time to leave the inmates have definitely taken over asylum!
I wish I could leave, I max out this year but don't turn 55 until 2019. The medical is the only reason I'm staying but there are plenty of goofs that will stay to 63, because they get 5 days of special each month(smh). I know a few that hope they raise the mandatory age to 67.5 so they can stay. Believe me where I'm at we have a bunch of people maxed out but don't have the age, it really sucks to see people with 20 years and being 55 leave and you get to watch them go. It's like being the little kid left behind, you stare at them out the window as they move on to better things and get out of this shitty city, county, state.
1,000............ I'm surprised the number is SO LOW.
Anonymous said...
FOP has been telling you the real number of Police Officers on the street is higher than what the city / media is telling you. Maybe now you will believe it.
7/19/2016 12:20:00 AM
I think you got the statement backwards. They know exactly how may are paying into the pension plan.
oh lawd
This is the problem with all police departments, these politicians like Daley, Emanuel and Madigan, have screwed the budgets and not hired any new coppers. ISP hasn't hired in 18 months because of King Mike Madigan stalling budget talks. Same boat, people retiring and not being replaced. Hence the increase in expressway shootings because they know nobody out there to stop them. Even if they hired a bunch now, won't see them for months. To bad the BLM aren't offing politicians, there would be a ton of hiring then. To give you an example Uncle Bruce has more guys guarding him than patrol some districts.
I like the " escape from New York" movie idea!
Class of 89-2? Class of 90-1?
Still a bunch of rookies.
Wait until the '90 and "91 hires all retire soon.
Member of class 90-1. Retirement date set for April of next year. I'm taking my 70% and money from all the time due I've saved over the years and getting the buck out of dodge! The count down clock is ticking down!!!
That's just 9.5 moving the personnel costs from the City budget to the Pension Fund
Oh yeah, the female inspector is awesome. You can just tell that she was a rockstar back when she wore a blue shirt.
CPD is going to be like the CTA time to leave this shit town !
A total of 1000 would surprise me, but 400-500 seems much more realistic. Really I hope you're not a detective. There are 400-500 every year. you are not taking the last chance for medical coverage into account. It could be higher than 1000.
Anonymous said...
Who wouldn't leave that could? NO one wants a ticket under the bus driving over all of us. They will still allow time due because the community doesnt want us around.
7/19/2016 12:39:00 AM
Not me! I am staying until my last tour on my 63rd birthday. I love this job and I am loyal to TD 9.5, Special Ed and the citizens of this great city. Ladies and gentlemen, it is all on the square!
Anonymous said...
I only know of four or five guys on our watch that are leaving by the end of the year. A total of 1000 would surprise me, but 400-500 seems much more realistic. Why would anyone with age and time stay in this climate?
7/19/2016 07:32:00 AM
Answer: GREED. Furthermore, he/she thinks b/c of their cush spot they are insulated from the current witch hunt and are "killing it" with o.t. Newsflash. You are killing yourself moron. Enjoy life and your pot of gold. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.
Just curious, what are people considering big classes in the academy?
the city knew 3 years ago that this many were leaving, especially when they made sure the 55 and free medical expired before the contract did. That way if the new contract isn t sign for 2 years that others could take advantage of the free medical. Last year i did the numbers and said about 1500 would leave.This even before the anti-police storm hit. The 90-1 class was big plus the other 2 that year. They hit 29 and a day in 26 march 19 and later that year. Nobody wants to stay and nobody wants the job. The city is going to have to hire 2000 each year to be ready for the 2019 Exodus. THE CITY MADE THIS BED BETWEEN THE ACLU CRAP AND POLICE BASHING.The only people they are going to be able to hire will be readymen and shitheads. Just what the liberals deserve.
In response to 11:22 am
Fabulous Ostrich Plume
Prayers may this officer RIP:
Again we are being murdered stay safe
It is true. Over 1000 coppers leaving because of the 55 age insurance. We are definitely screwed.
Slum Times article mentioned the possible upcoming mass exodus in an article today and how 9.5 dodged the question when asked about it.
Don't worry Fr Faker, Rahm and Weezie will interview the new 1,000 candidates and Special Ed will appoint them meritoriously. Think.
No racist test questions,he'll, no test
No pesky background investigations and interviews
No fees for black and brown candidates
Blessing from Fr Faker
Skins and chest bumps from Jamal Green
Fitten to get your G.E.D.
Study guide from Weezie
"As a retiree, what benefits are there to remaining a member of the FOP? Anything besides the sticker, book and newsletter?"
You get to go to 10 meetings a year, eat pizza and drink canned beer.
3,000 cops times $150,000 per year is some serious cash.
Is it enough to fund the pension fund?
7/19/2016 01:08:00 AM
$150,000 per year? Where the fuck are you from? Beverly Hills CA? If I made that much I'd never retire.
I graduated from MIT and I came up with the following:
Trump wins------- 1067 retire next year
Hillary wins----- 2745 retire next year
I was in 86-3, retired almost 2 years. They hired 1500 in 86, don't think there are many left. Can't believe how much the job has changed. I worry about and pray for all of you still left OTJ. Be careful as f*ck out there. For those of you who can see the light at the end of the tunnel, life is GREAT off the job and out of Chicago and IL. For those of you who can get out and pursue another career, please do so.
You're always in my thoughts and prayers, my brothers and sisters in blue.
We are definitely short, hey media black lies matter 6 year old girl shot any protests? Where is the "neighborhood,so called revs,media 24/7 spotlight?"
You mean black lives murder crew "opps they did it again!"
HQ and the order is already in for 1,500 new hires to offset future retirees. They just need to be ran through the academy for certification. Meet the faster, smarter, better trained recruits that are on the way:
I work at the academy and they are going to have to assign some help for all of those new hires. We are already overworked.
Now this is funny activists (urban terrorists) throwing urine at each other, bet that money mommy and daddy paid for your kolledge was not wasted was it?
As long as the punks fight with each other the shit show is like live theater for the honest hard working real Americans kind of like visiting the zoo watching all the animals frolicking!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Think of all those wages they are saving on!
3,000 cops times $150,000 per year is some serious cash.
Is it enough to fund the pension fund?
7/19/2016 01:08:00 AM
Yeah, we're all at the top of the pay scale. Not.
Three thousand of us making a hundred fifty grand a year? Not.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Could you even afford to lose 500 officers at this point. Never mind the physical loss of the bodies. What about the loss of all those years of experience.
7/19/2016 08:17:00 AM
Not enough of the right people
actually giving a shit?
Rahm The Weasel chases his own asshole
in ever tightening circles.
Will be catch it?
Or will he enter it head-first and
>GRR! Snap-Bite!<
Word on the street they are hiring 1000 per uniform store
where are they going to get 1000 qualified applicants, much less 1000 that make it through training?
CPS. Chicago State. Harold Washington. Oh and I forgot, PRISON!!!
This is the Sgt. Union guy
I wish I could leave, I max out this year but don't turn 55 until 2019. The medical is the only reason I'm staying but there are plenty of goofs that will stay to 63, because they get 5 days of special each month(smh). I know a few that hope they raise the mandatory age to 67.5 so they can stay. Believe me where I'm at we have a bunch of people maxed out but don't have the age, it really sucks to see people with 20 years and being 55 leave and you get to watch them go. It's like being the little kid left behind, you stare at them out the window as they move on to better things and get out of this shitty city, county, state.
7/19/2016 12:35:00 PM
Please Explain this to me, because I will be in the same boat when I max out. I will have 29 years on the job and only be 51(retirement date 05-Sep-2024. If the 55 and free health care will expire after this contract, what's the purpose of staying until your 55???
As I have said in the past..... will the city be able to find enough "minorities" to have balanced recruit classes? They recently sent out the lottery numbers from the last test, but never went through the whole list of the prior test that had done everything but report to the academy.
Does this number include sergeants and lts?
7/19/2016 05:16:00 AM
Original poster here...I believe it does. Pretty sure the number was from the number of electronic PAR's submitted, regardless of rank.
I have 20 working days before I turn in this tin star at headquarters.
I will have attained the age of 55 and I retire the next day with 30 years completed.
I came on in July of 1986. I recently have been placed on high blood pressure and cholesterol medication. Looks like I'm getting out before it kills me.
You should anticipate that they will probably raise the amount a retiree will pay for medical when they retire, but it will still be a much better deal then to leave/retire before 55 yoa.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
the city knew 3 years ago that this many were leaving, especially when they made sure the 55 and free medical expired before the contract did. That way if the new contract isn t sign for 2 years that others could take advantage of the free medical. Last year i did the numbers and said about 1500 would leave.This even before the anti-police storm hit. The 90-1 class was big plus the other 2 that year. They hit 29 and a day in 26 march 19 and later that year. Nobody wants to stay and nobody wants the job. The city is going to have to hire 2000 each year to be ready for the 2019 Exodus. THE CITY MADE THIS BED BETWEEN THE ACLU CRAP AND POLICE BASHING.The only people they are going to be able to hire will be readymen and shitheads. Just what the liberals deserve.
7/19/2016 04:31:00 PM
News flash Sparky. The 2% medical contrbution kicks in begining in June or July 2017. The medical agreement was in an agreement letter, seperate from the contract signed by both parties.
I'm doing 20 and out...F*** this job!
Wait! Help is on the way? You are forgetting that each of our alderman have the right to carry a weapon. Maybe they could man a beat car on the weekends.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anyone have any run ins with the Female Inspector? You thought Big Bird was a pain? Wait to you meet Lil Turd, what a piece....
Ahhhh, you met Gustie!!!! Isn't she a peach?! Arrogant, ignorant, over-promoted, under-educated. She's not done yet. A female Latina in the upper ranks...she's a rarity. She's only going to go higher. "Look how diverse CPD is!!!". Her lapa clout takes care of her hubby (the Lt.) too. She's like the next version of Aunt Bea Cuello.
I work at the academy and they are going to have to assign some help for all of those new hires. We are already overworked.
7/19/2016 07:23:00 PM
Troll alert. Don't take the bait, guys.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wait until the '90 and "91 hires all retire soon.
Member of class 90-1. Retirement date set for April of next year. I'm taking my 70% and money from all the time due I've saved over the years and getting the buck out of dodge! The count down clock is ticking down!!!
7/19/2016 02:39:00 PM
PLAN CAREFULLY for what you do with that cash payout. You're going to get body-slammed with taxes if you don't. Been there.
My neighbor received his lottery number from
the CPD for the entrance exam he took early this year.
His number was 3200 out of something like 6000.
He was told that those with lottery numbers under
2000 should be prepared to take the Power Test
By October of this year.
Ha! I would have been happy to take the job but I recently got DQ'd for admitting that I took a family members Amoxicillan tabs 5 years ago for a bad sore throat I had. I explained not having insurance at the time and I didn't feel right about using an ER as a clinic. I nailed the power test, had a blank drivers abstract, all my affairs are in order, no background never been arrested, great references, great credit and job history. Maybe my Irish name, catholic schools education and 60631 zip code was the real reason behind my "criminal tendencies" reason they used.
Yes. I'm a tad bit bitter, I guess.
Fuck me, right?
Stay safe everyone.
The $150 a year quote is salary and benefits. Get a fricken clue. And it was an average. It's probably higher then $150k a year.
On the heels of new hires Spcl ED is promoting 50 LIE-tenants.
100 sgts.
150 detectives
All by year's end
7/19/2016 12:35:00 PM
Please Explain this to me, because I will be in the same boat when I max out. I will have 29 years on the job and only be 51(retirement date 05-Sep-2024. If the 55 and free health care will expire after this contract, what's the purpose of staying until your 55???
""I wish I could leave, I max out this year but don't turn 55 until 2019. The medical is the only reason I'm staying but there are plenty of goofs that will stay to 63, because they get 5 days of special each month(smh). I know a few that hope they raise the mandatory age to 67.5 so they can stay. Believe me where I'm at we have a bunch of people maxed out but don't have the age, it really sucks to see people with 20 years and being 55 leave and you get to watch them go. It's like being the little kid left behind, you stare at them out the window as they move on to better things and get out of this shitty city, county, state.""
OK so your fucked and older guys are sticking around taking YOUR special because they have seniority, and your July furlough. I think I know who you are, "like to play with airplanes right"? You worry to much about other people, try minding your own fucking business.
Christ theres nothing worse then a bored asshole copper talking about other people.
HQ and the order is already in for 1,500 new hires to offset future retirees. They just need to be ran through the academy for certification. Meet the faster, smarter, better trained recruits that are on the way:
I work at the academy and they are going to have to assign some help for all of those new hires. We are already overworked.
I worked at the academy years ago and lot of instructors were screwing off all day going on their 2 hour breakfasts and lunches and teaching few classes a day while the few trusted instructors handled most of the classes. Real imbalance of the work load. You don't need more people there hiding just make all the instructors work 8 hours. Just check out how many people are assigned to unit 124.
"" Anonymous Anonymous said...
I wish I could leave, I max out this year but don't turn 55 until 2019. The medical is the only reason I'm staying but there are plenty of goofs that will stay to 63, because they get 5 days of special each month(smh). I know a few that hope they raise the mandatory age to 67.5 so they can stay. Believe me where I'm at we have a bunch of people maxed out but don't have the age, it really sucks to see people with 20 years and being 55 leave and you get to watch them go. It's like being the little kid left behind, you stare at them out the window as they move on to better things and get out of this shitty city, county, state.""
Fucking retire so I can get the 5 days OT a month "I" want and the July furlough".
""Answer: GREED. Furthermore, he/she thinks b/c of their cush spot they are insulated from the current witch hunt and are "killing it" with o.t. Newsflash. You are killing yourself moron. Enjoy life and your pot of gold. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone.""
"Im an asshole who worries about everyone else and these guys with their cush spots killing easy OT are keeping me from a cush spot where I can kill easy OT therefore they are jagoffs".
I'm currently waiting on a final power test notice and I passed the 2016 test also my lottery is in the first 100s. 8,921 candidates passed the 2016 exam.
I've been wanting this career since I was a little kid.
To every Police Officer out there be vigilant at all times and remember majority of the citizens support the police.
I hope all of you guys leaving early are prepared. The pension is not going to be enough. Particularly if you are in your 50's with a long life expectancy. Not that much workforce demand for old cops. You can make it work but need to be realistic. Good luck.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Ha! I would have been happy to take the job but I recently got DQ'd for admitting that I took a family members Amoxicillan tabs 5 years ago for a bad sore throat I had. I explained not having insurance at the time and I didn't feel right about using an ER as a clinic. I nailed the power test, had a blank drivers abstract, all my affairs are in order, no background never been arrested, great references, great credit and job history. Maybe my Irish name, catholic schools education and 60631 zip code was the real reason behind my "criminal tendencies" reason they used.
Yes. I'm a tad bit bitter, I guess.
Fuck me, right?
Stay safe everyone.
7/20/2016 02:09:00 AM
Sorry you got screwed but it's an ill wind that blows no good. Might be happier in the end. best of luck to you.
$150,000 per year? Where the fuck are you from? Beverly Hills CA? If I made that much I'd never retire
It would not surprise me a lot if that is about what it costs. The cop himself makes less, but with OT, benefits, pensions, supervision, administration, etc., it might well be in the neighborhood of $150,000 by the time all is said and done.
As best I can tell right now the police department budget is not far from a billion and a half dollars. if there are 10,000 cops that is just about $150,000 each.
I took the CPD test back in March. Of the reported about 15,000 that took the test 8900 were assigned lottery numbers. Priority was given to minority, CPS grads, Vets and CPD family.
"But if he was still serving his sentence, he wouldn't be a murder victim right now," [Escalante] he said."
Paradigm shift in LE. From protecting victims to safeguarding violent offenders.
55 free health care is gone next contract , if inflation hits like it did with Jimmy peanut Carter , you better pray the city raises mandatory retirement age to 66 .
Anonymous Anonymous said...
HQ and the order is already in for 1,500 new hires to offset future retirees. They just need to be ran through the academy for certification. Meet the faster, smarter, better trained recruits that are on the way:
I work at the academy and they are going to have to assign some help for all of those new hires. We are already overworked.
I worked at the academy years ago and lot of instructors were screwing off all day going on their 2 hour breakfasts and lunches and teaching few classes a day while the few trusted instructors handled most of the classes. Real imbalance of the work load. You don't need more people there hiding just make all the instructors work 8 hours. Just check out how many people are assigned to unit 124.
7/20/2016 09:27:00 AM
Ha! I would have been happy to take the job but I recently got DQ'd for admitting that I took a family members Amoxicillan tabs 5 years ago for a bad sore throat I had. I explained not having insurance at the time and I didn't feel right about using an ER as a clinic. I nailed the power test, had a blank drivers abstract, all my affairs are in order, no background never been arrested, great references, great credit and job history. Maybe my Irish name, catholic schools education and 60631 zip code was the real reason behind my "criminal tendencies" reason they used.
Yes. I'm a tad bit bitter, I guess.
Fuck me, right?
Stay safe everyone.
You should be bitter, the H.R department hate white candidates. You got surely screwed kid. They hire dope user from 2 years from date of background. Fight it all the way. Dispose the mutts at HR in how they axe good guys like you.
55 free health care is gone next contract , if inflation hits like it did with Jimmy peanut Carter , you better pray the city raises mandatory retirement age to 66 .
Anonymous Anonymous said...
$150,000 per year? Where the fuck are you from? Beverly Hills CA? If I made that much I'd never retire
It would not surprise me a lot if that is about what it costs. The cop himself makes less, but with OT, benefits, pensions, supervision, administration, etc., it might well be in the neighborhood of $150,000 by the time all is said and done.
As best I can tell right now the police department budget is not far from a billion and a half dollars. if there are 10,000 cops that is just about $150,000 each.
7/20/2016 11:21:00 AM
Sunshine, we don't get year-end bonuses, stock options and golden parachutes. Our salary is our salary. We don't get free junkets to the Bahamas. We don't get 'benefits'. The city is self-insured so our healthcare doesn't cost the city anywhere near what the average NAC pays. They match our pension pay-in. That's it. So my 80,000/yr veteran officer's salary costs them $90,000. Don't try to make it what it isn't.
I admitted to doing Heroin once when I was a freshman in High School 15 years ago, it was dumb but I did it. Hoping I don't get DQ'd since I only did it once. Other than that I only ever smoked weed which haven't done in over 6 or 7 years. I speak Spanish fluently and have everything in else in order. Should I be worried? Can I fight it I do get DQ'd?
Truth be told, despite all the B.S. right now I really want the job.
Ha! I would have been happy to take the job but I recently got DQ'd for admitting that I took a family members Amoxicillan tabs 5 years ago for a bad sore throat I had. I explained not having insurance at the time and I didn't feel right about using an ER as a clinic. I nailed the power test, had a blank drivers abstract, all my affairs are in order, no background never been arrested, great references, great credit and job history. Maybe my Irish name, catholic schools education and 60631 zip code was the real reason behind my "criminal tendencies" reason they used.
Yes. I'm a tad bit bitter, I guess.
Fuck me, right?
Stay safe everyone.
Just what we would have needed, another entitled person on the department. Sorry but certain things are disqualifiers and using someone else's prescription drugs is one..............CPD arrests people for things similar to that............
I took the CPD test back in March. Of the reported about 15,000 that took the test 8900 were assigned lottery numbers. Priority was given to minority, CPS grads, Vets and CPD family.
If you believe that you definitely don't need to be hired. Preference is ONLY given to CPS graduates, vets and children of CFD and CPD killed in the line of duty.
"I've been wanting this career since I was a little kid"
The Border Patrol is hiring, strongly recommend gong that route. You can always go to another Fed LEO Agency once you're in.
Anyone that would pursue employment with the CPD is a stone mushmind.
Bitter DQ'd guy for taking non prescribed Amoxicillan tabs 5 years ago here...
I did appeal it to no avail. By the way. I'm a RN now at S.C. Hospital. I even explained at the time I was 2 years into the nursing program I graduated from and was perfectly capable of making my own informed educated decision at the time to take them. I was told (scolded) that the correct route would have been to make a doctors appointment. Again. I explained I had no insurance and couldn't afford the bill. I was in nursing school. I was flat broke then. Then they said a reasonable person would have went to county hospital. I told them I don't feel right about free hand outs and that I didn't believe in using a hospital if I had no intention of paying them unless it was a true dire emergency. That didn't fly too well with them based on the scoffs and looks that were given to me. I was told that I was 26 at the time and because of that I engaged in an illegal activity knowing taking medication not prescribed to you is against the law. They kept asking me if I was aware that was illegal. I told them I'd be lying if I said I wasn't aware. Criminal Tendencies! I even had my supervisor from work with me as a character witness. She even spoke and said I would never be allowed to work caring for people's health with access to so much information and medication if I was anything near a possible criminal. Still. I'm out. I guess it's for the best. I like my profession now but I would have loved to be a part of CPD despite the bullshit and liberal coddling management.
Stay Safe everyone. Good luck to all.
Ha! I would have been happy to take the job but I recently got DQ'd for admitting that I took a family members Amoxicillan tabs 5 years ago for a bad sore throat I had.
Son, don't beat yourself up. You took a screw for a b.s. A/B. Seen people being hired for controlled substance use. Why, I Take a guess !!
Piss on this city, better days for you will come and it is probably a blessing.
"But one-thousand in the next five months? The Department will collapse. Literally."
On several recent occasions, I've encountered people on the Internet who think that there are parts of Chicago that have been abandoned to the outlaws. I have explained that that is not true - yet. But if CPD numbers drop below a critical number, that will happen.
Just a Civilian (who doesn't want to observe that experiment)
What about the stupid state law (and Chicago policy) that prohibits them from hiring older people as cops? Hit age 35 and no cop job for you, never again.
That law needs to go away.
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