Thursday, January 12, 2017

U of C to Offer Reward - to Lie

  • The University of Chicago’s admissions office is offering a reward to its student tour guides who can dispel the notion among prospective students and their families that the city is "unsafe" and "scary."

    In an email obtained by The Chicago Maroon, Colleen Belak, the assistant director of admissions at the university, offered a $500 cash prize to those who find "a creative way to dispel the negative perception" about Chicago's violence epidemic.

    “If you’ve paid attention to the national news (or Donald Trump’s tweets) over the last few months, you’ll notice that the city of Chicago is often painted with a broad brush as an ‘unsafe’ or ‘scary’ place to reside,” Belak wrote to the campus tour guide listhost. “Of course, certain realities should not be ignored, but at the end of the day most of us are proud Chicago residents with a deep love of the city.”

    “With that spirit in mind, we have an opportunity for you to win some money—$500 to be exact. If you are able to come up with a creative way to approach this negative perception, be it a video series, blog post, photo, or something else (and better) entirely… Keep in mind that the audience is a high school student and his/her family.”
While the U of C is respected around the globe as a particularly excellent university, it should be noted that they are an island, a very tiny island, surrounded by some of the most violent and depraved sections of Chicago.

Perhaps some of our readers would like to assist the University with the "message" to potential incoming students?



Anonymous 30 yrs working around the U of C/retired said...

Yeah, here's my message..."Uh huh...ok, egghead, rule number one...GO THE FUCK TO HARVARD!!!!! you probably might live to see your graduation". Did I win?

1/12/2017 12:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My child went to the U of C and the first things on orientation day was that the students should stay out of Washington Park at night and only go into Washington Park during daylight hours in groups of two or more. And that was back in the early 2000's. Student were getting stuck up outside of the dorms. Times have not changed but got worse.

1/12/2017 12:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a new motto. Come to U of C. The neighborhood is so bad ex presidents sell their houses and leave first chance they get.

1/12/2017 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great new video game.......Dodge the Bullets. Better yet, put these kids in a special bubble that bullets bounce off of.

1/12/2017 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They must have forgotten that one of their student from Africa was killed in a arm robbery near hyde park. Series of student getting robbed along 53st a few years ago, to the point some students walk in groups with weapons. Seebs news reported.

1/12/2017 12:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom and dad, send your precious baby to U of C in a kevlar cocoon because the possibility exists that they'll be coming home in an ambulance or worse. Sure, they will learn the diversity of urban life, the differences between the many racial cultures, the colorfull vocabulary of is various ethnic groups, the distinct colors, signs and territories of the various gangs, the difference between a revolver and a semi automatic, what a corrupt politician looks like, etc.. But is it all worth your little dependent not being able to see the world through rose colored glasses ever again? We think not.

1/12/2017 12:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work at the Med Center there. It's not safe. We get frequent safety alerts. Can't wait til Level 1 opens. More reason for the bangers to be in that vicinity.

1/12/2017 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the spin......don't worry, they usually only rob the students so just travel with little money. Most of our students haven't been murdered....Almost all of them haven't been. Where's my 500.00?

1/12/2017 12:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rename the mag... "The Chicago Moron"

"If you are able to come up with a creative way to lie about this negative perception, be it a video series, blog post, photo, or something else (and better) entirely… Keep in mind that the audience is high.

1/12/2017 12:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stay clear of urban Marauders and you'll be fine. You can usually spot them, their pants are falling off, they wear the uniform hoody and normally travel in packs. They're not very smart, but they are quick to pick up on the weak, usually they look in your direction and formulate a plan for your demise or the taking of your belongings. While they are formulating, you should head away, quickly. But, I guess that would mean you'd have to survey your surroundings and get your God Damned nose out of your smart phone.

A quick note to Chad and Heather, not everyone shares your horror of violence and whatever unpleasant thing you can think of, they will do to you. You can be tied up, gagged with duct tape, drink from a toilet, lick the floor, express your love of people that partially scalp you and kick you for voting for Trump, even though, girls like you, voted for her Thighness.

1/12/2017 01:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"While the U of C is respected around the globe as a particularly excellent university, it should be noted that they are an island, a very tiny island, surrounded by some of the most violent and depraved sections of Chicago."


Remember back in the 90's when U of C was giving out whistles
to students?

"Blow loud as you can when you feel threatened..."

A whistle, y'all...
Some hyena got his hands around your neck and is
contorting you to give you a black eye where Bro' Sun
and Sistuh Moon don't shine and you're desperately trying to blow
a whistle in the m/fer's face...

Banging a .38 Special +P
158gr. hard cast Keith slug or three through
said hyena's sternum works better than
blowing a whistle in his face anyway.

That's just how WE tend to think though...

"Why do you Cops always laugh at US?
Cuz you're funny?

Ivory Tower/Lib-tard Progressive types tend to have defective
self-defense/self-preservation/imminent danger detection

Only you mean, insensitive, racist, under-educated
blue collar cop-land types know about such stuff
because you learned it at the knee of your always
pissed-off, shot and beer drinking, heavy-fisted
Dads and Grand-Dads.

Thank Goodness...
we owe them a debt of genuine gratitude for
teaching us Chicago is a mean, hostile,
dangerous and nasty place.

Now these pinheads at U of C want to shove
their student guides under the bus like this?

Just you wait until somebody halfway sharp
in Legal gets wind of this dumb-shit...

"Wait... They're doing WHAT?"

We can see ALL KINDS potentially ugly
litigation hitting the fan if something
were to happen to someone's child behind
this push to spin the public safety
narrative in this way.

Some sharpie lawyer WILL bite on this
and run all the line off the reel.

We want to see how THIS turns out...

1/12/2017 01:06:00 AM  
Anonymous IN THE KNOW said...

The City of Chicago is safe??????

In total disbelief, "What a Maroon!!!"

I think that's where that phrase comes from!?!?

1/12/2017 01:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't they have the highest suicide rate among universities?

1/12/2017 01:18:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

University of Chicago police department covers a wide area around the "island".

Had to fight for years to extend the patrol area to cover more territory. Elements of the community opposed an additional police presence. Boundaries:

North – 37th Street
South – 64th Street
East – Lake Shore Drive
West – Cottage Grove Avenue

1/12/2017 02:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, let's see... when the male mugging victims along the lakefront near U of C were forced to perform oral sex on their attackers at gun point a while back, the armed assailants were kind enough not to shoot the victims, taking only their property and dignity but hopefully leaving their mutual love of our fair city in tact, as well as the continued fondness felt for the audacity of hope and a sense of that, "yes we can" mentality.

1/12/2017 02:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Phil the Thrill said...

Go to to read the truth about chicago violence. Let the numbers and locations do the talking.

1/12/2017 03:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is it violent??? Show a prospective student the protest at UIC during the trump campaign to the whitehouse

1/12/2017 03:47:00 AM  
Blogger JohnL said...

The U of C paper "The Chicago Moron" is correct. That area is dangerous but not because of the police.

1/12/2017 04:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U of C. Come for the education, leave in a hail of gunfire.

1/12/2017 05:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My child went to the U of C and the first things on orientation day was that the students should stay out of Washington Park at night and only go into Washington Park during daylight hours in groups of two or more. And that was back in the early 2000's. Student were getting stuck up outside of the dorms. Times have not changed but got worse.

This is NOT TRUE. U of C has excellent police and security protection throughout the campus. True that some students get robbed OUTSIDE of the campus area, but the campus itself (including the dorms) is very safe. You are safer on that campus than at Loyola OR Depaul. When is the last time you've heard about a U of C student being raped or robbed in their dorms?

1/12/2017 05:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal U of C spawned this condition through its support of the Obama's, Axelrod, Saul Alinsky etc. F@ck them

1/12/2017 05:50:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What crime?

1/12/2017 05:54:00 AM  
Blogger Sir Donkey, esq said...

I have to wonder how many persons in that world class university see the irony in talking about downplaying the violence caused by the local poor, disenfranchised population...In a paper called the Chicago Maroon?
Maybe someone in their Anthropology department can point this out.

1/12/2017 06:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$500.00 can get you a pretty good bullet proof vest.

1/12/2017 06:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U of C is just another on the long list of socialist indoctrination institutions.

1/12/2017 06:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From a troll: Colleen, you can misinform all you want. Enjoy your diverse university culture. Diverstiy is worth a little risk is it not? Some of your graduates have contributed to this risk have they not? This city has a worldwide reputation that you cannot overcome. And the absurdity of the reputation stems from people reponsible for government in this city who think just like you do. You Collen are a violence denyer.

1/12/2017 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's not as bad as the 80's."

1/12/2017 06:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone able to get a photo of chalkie with a cease fire t-shirt on and send it to them? Better yet, put some yellow crime scene tape around that says "safe space, do not cross" lololololololol.

1/12/2017 07:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crime is up mom and dad, Rahm our mayor is an asshole, Eddie our superintendent is in over his (fat) head. Your kid is going to get mugged.

1/12/2017 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you survive four years here, you too could be elected President."

1/12/2017 07:14:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, let the students walk around Washington Park at just about anytime, or 59th street or 63rd street. The fact that the students and campus is not only patrolled by CPD but by a large U of C police force certainly helps. I worked in Hyde Park for years and also lived there. In my four years in that section, my block had two murders and numerous robberies and burglaries. Ya, safe my ass. Besides that overpriced grocery stores and restaurants, no place to park.

1/12/2017 07:16:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sir, my submission for the $500 prize is the suggestion that on our guided tours, we should like, ramp up the rumor that like, all the violence is the fault of like the racist police."
This is utterly Asinine. As the parent of a HS senior, I hope it makes national news.
Opens the school up to a class action lawsuit for deceptive practices - intentionally deceiving prospective students. Especially when little Johnny gets kilt.

1/12/2017 07:18:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

"So, for my $500 submission, I think that during our guided tours, we should like tell them that all the violence in the city is like, the fault of the police for being like totally racist. That's what our professors tell us and that cops don't think that like black lives matter or whatever." This is asinine and needs to be exposed by the media. As the parent of a high school senior, touring colleges, I am appalled. This subjects the university to a class action lawsuit for deceptive practices as well as individual lawsuits by students who get shot. You'd think they'd have had consulted legal experts first.

1/12/2017 07:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, applications are way down, for them to have to resort to this.

1/12/2017 07:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My kids are long out of the college choice game, and I learned a few things years ago. Always grab an edition of the school newspaper, and the local rag and Read It! Amazing what info you can learn about the institution and its' surrounding environment. Talk to both the city and campus police in the area.Copper to Copper, they won't BS you. When walking/driving around, be a Cop and observe.....graffiti, flyers posted on lamp poles, and what the subject matter is, condition of not only campus buildings, but the surrounding neighborhood, just use your everyday observation skills. We were lucky to have honest tour guides a few times that would tip us off to certain things like, "see that movie theater down the block? don't ever go past it day or night." It's hard enough to send your kids away, but even worse to send them into a rat's nest that some of these schools and their neighborhoods are.
Good Luck

1/12/2017 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a patient this past summer at UCMC made 6 trips total, each time I had my Glock 36 on the seat. Once you get off the Ryan you are in a war zone, once you get to the UCMC Campus it's an oasis a lot of security and the staff are very courteous and polite. The streets around UC are deplorable rahm should hang his head. You have a hospital where people come from all over the country and the first thing they see are slums and pot hole streets. Chicago is not a world class city it's a crap hole all brought to you by democrats. Even the former president won't move back in the neighborhood. ♠

1/12/2017 07:35:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

The next time some U of C snowflake gets mugged or killed his/her family can bring a lawsuit against the university alleging that the school knew it was in one of the most dangerous areas of Chicago but engaged in a deliberate and willful campaign of deceit to hide that from prospective students. The reward memo will be Exhibit A!

1/12/2017 07:38:00 AM  
Anonymous The Neanderthal said...

Ask famous urbanologist Pierre DeVise. He was big on coexistence, but moved away after his wife got mugged.

Remember Alderman Leon DesPres? I believe he was shot and injured in a robbery.

I still can see the front-page Trib story, years ago, about the brilliant medical student, lovely gal too, with her photo juxtaposed with that of the local who mowed her down with his car. His academic qualifications were listed as --

"He liked to drink beer."

So what's wrong with that, huh?


1/12/2017 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What other school needs a submarine to protect it?

1/12/2017 07:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never leave your dorm if not in a classroom. Add extra locks and keep a door stop under the door of your room and you could be ok but no guarantee. Steel plate min 1/2" over any window opening and sleeping on the floor is also a good idea. Staying home and do the collage thing on line would be best as long as home is not in Chicago.

1/12/2017 07:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"My child went to the U of C and the first things on orientation day was that the students should stay out of Washington Park at night and only go into Washington Park during daylight hours in groups of two or more. And that was back in the early 2000's. Student were getting stuck up outside of the dorms. Times have not changed but got worse."

1/12/2017 12:11:00 AM

Hell, drive a little ways west of campus and your car got ratpacked instantly at the light, surrounded by 20 banging on the windows and smearing up the glass and break-dance spinning around on the hood like a dying bug -- and that was back about 1971.

Today, I suppose that they yell "He Trump! He Trump!" when they do this.


1/12/2017 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean the University of Chicago allows people to tell the 'actual' truth on one of their surveys? It wasn't too long ago DNA Info. caught a CPS principal game their survey to make himself, the school, and teachers look like they were all-stars.

Read how (now-former) Prosser's principal Kenneth Hunter persuaded a former CTU rep (Keith Vandermeulen) under Marilyn Stewart to send out e-mails to every Prosser staffer to encourage them to reply extremely positive on anything asked about Prosser and Hunter on the survey. When Prosser staffers were asked about the e-mail, all of the all-stars knew nothing about it. That was until the e-mail surfaced somehow. ;P

My favorite part of the DNA Info story was the outlining of how a 42 leadership rating on a scale of 1-100 in 2012 rose to a 74 leadership rating in 2013 — a 32-point jump with the same teachers and staffers taking the survey both years.

Read the story here:

1/12/2017 08:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most parents look up area information and the excessive amount of crime but then again this is the same liberal school where a punk kid put out a terror threat was caught and let go, typical liberalism! That is a totally shit area, if it was my child no way would I consider that place sorry don't want my child to be a blue canary test case! wait the new trauma center will be opening in a couple of years mote thugs hanging around when the thug punks are brought in with gunshots and typical ghetto shit! "just stay away!"

1/12/2017 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chicago is a dangerous place. Why cover it up and have some eeghead kid get hurt. Irresponsible by U of C to try and downplay the facts of living on or near a campus where violence is accepted as normal. Who is the nit wit that offers 500 USC to sugar coat a crime problem! Totally irresponsible!

1/12/2017 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can still remember new students coming to IIT being robbed on their orientation day by "student advisors" who directed the newbies to the nearby projects for their introduction to the Illinois Institute of Technology. Saw more than a few students running down State Street in their tighty-whities. The disenfranchised miscreants even stole the students' slide rules. I'm sure its the same at the U of C except for the slide rule thefts.

1/12/2017 08:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This sounds like something that should be in the satire newspaper, The Onion. And will anyone from the media voice just how stupid this idea is, of course not. That would be knocking the joys of diversity or racist or some other bs.

1/12/2017 09:07:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its a pretty easy contest to win, just say the whole city isn't unsafe, stay north of grand if your east of Kedzie. stay North of Fullerton if your west of Kedzie, and your just as safe as any other city besides a few random shootings and robberies, you should be ok, unless were talking property crimes then just reverse advice. the animal goes north to distribute the wealth out of homes.

1/12/2017 09:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Student were getting stuck up outside of the dorms. Times have not changed but got worse." Who were the offenders? other students? LOTTA COLLEGE BUT NO REAL KNOWLEDGE

1/12/2017 09:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just take your child for a ride say 5 miles from campus drive around look, stop and talk to street coppers get an honest opinion, the area is total shit and now with loretta lynch flying in to personally present the dogshit that taxpayers paid millions for to further restrict policing it will get worse! what kind of thinking goes into supporting thugs and illegal invaders protecting the criminal element and bastardizing the police? Watching that news conference yesterday where Superman President trump shut the dishonest media down, that is something our cowardly elected would never do don't want to upset the thug voting base!

God bless the police officers everywhere who hold the extremely thin Blue line between utter chaos and anarchy!

1/12/2017 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send ALL liberal to U of C let them learn that we are the educated ones when it comes to the street not them. Maybe they will develop some respect for the police......... No they will just blame us .....nothing's ever their fault.

1/12/2017 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, can we assume that UofC is having some problems wrangling in prospective students?
If that is true then can we also assume that the tourist numbers are down as well?
Convention business has been dwindling for years.
No wonder Rahm keeps spending money like it grows on trees.

1/12/2017 09:23:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell them about how females will be approached on the street by locals with graphic requests for sex. Frequently.

Tell them about the various scams that people will try.

Tell them about how federal crime reporting guidelines let them ignore crime just across some artificial and arbitrary barrier.

On the plus side The University of Chicago is safer then other college campuses in Chicago.

Keep your head up, do not travel beyond the campus, stay off the streets, study hard

1/12/2017 09:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck em they get what they deserve. That school mocks CPD and even the hospital staff has shown distain to POs in need of on the job injuries

1/12/2017 09:52:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are also a very safe, protected and respected island. Off limits to almost all crime.

1/12/2017 10:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Chicago is it violent??? Show a prospective student
the protest at UIC during the trump campaign to the white house."

1/12/2017 03:47:00 AM


And how many liberal/progressive and
Trotskyite academic heads are going to
explode upon reading this?

Good one and a very tidy
way to connect some fucked-up
dots about this issue.

1/12/2017 10:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The U of C and various professor's like Craig Futterman have fo years made the CPD switch from being an aggressive force
to a kinder gentler PD. They are right their with the ACLU leading the way on how policing should be accomplished.
After loosing enough revenue due to their ideas they will abandoned their campus and move to become the University of
Lake Forest or other North Shore location. Now they intend to tell a little lie to keep attracting a student body. Well you asked
for it and now you got it. You own the problem due to your lack of support, now live with it.

1/12/2017 10:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Of course, certain realities should not be ignored, but....."

Exactly what the hell does that mean??? The realities that we prefer to turn our heads away from and ignore in polite conversation? Typical liberal suck-ass college-speak moron.

1/12/2017 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

U of C students are the ultimate snowflakes! They don't care about the violence. Their mindset is that the offenders in these areas are just misunderstood and need help. Multiple times when I was at U of C, students who were victims of a strong armed robbery would refuse to sign complaints because they did not want the misunderstood offender to go to jail.

1/12/2017 11:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The diverse slice of Hyde Park-Kenwood alone has more crime,(murder,violent,property) than all of 016, 017, 019 Districts combined.
What a fucking twit and waste of a scholarship.
"...Chicago is often painted with a broad brush as an ‘unsafe’ or ‘scary’ place to reside..."
Painted? What colour?
Her and the worst fucking ex-president of The United States won't even live there.

1/12/2017 11:25:00 AM  
Anonymous ET said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
well, let's see... when the male mugging victims along the lakefront near U of C were forced to perform oral sex on their attackers at gun point a while back, the armed assailants were kind enough not to shoot the victims, taking only their property and dignity but hopefully leaving their mutual love of our fair city in tact, as well as the continued fondness felt for the audacity of hope and a sense of that, "yes we can" mentality.

1/12/2017 02:46:00 AM

When you say "kind enough not to shoot", is it safe to assume you're referencing the firearm?

1/12/2017 12:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As U of C employs the largest private security force in the world, you have less reason to worry than most South Siders."

1/12/2017 01:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous is correct!!!!! They have a VERY HIGH suicide rate!!!!!! I was a Sergeant in 002 for almost 10 years. They whack themselves big time over there!!!! How U of C keeps that shit out of the papers is something else. Crazy stuff over there.......

1/12/2017 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
My child went to the U of C and the first things on orientation day was that the students should stay out of Washington Park at night and only go into Washington Park during daylight hours in groups of two or more. And that was back in the early 2000's. Student were getting stuck up outside of the dorms. Times have not changed but got worse.

This is NOT TRUE. U of C has excellent police and security protection throughout the campus. True that some students get robbed OUTSIDE of the campus area, but the campus itself (including the dorms) is very safe. You are safer on that campus than at Loyola OR Depaul. When is the last time you've heard about a U of C student being raped or robbed in their dorms?

1/12/2017 05:08:00 AM
Quite a few things happen there but it is kept out of the grasp of public simple as that!

1/12/2017 03:07:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parents should know a professor was murdered in his campus office during the early 1990's and things have only become worse since then.

1/12/2017 04:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 1/12/2017 7:35:00 AM,

There was a safer route available to you, although absolute safety can never be guaranteed. It is perfect for north siders, but a little out of the way for south siders, however, it is much better than the route you were taking.

1/12/2017 04:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 30 yrs working around the U of C/retired said...
Yeah, here's my message..."Uh huh...ok, egghead, rule number one...GO THE FUCK TO HARVARD!!!!! you probably might live to see your graduation". Did I win?

1/12/2017 12:06:00 AM

No, you didn't.

1/12/2017 05:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to make a video of all the stiffs laying on the MEs table with titling saying what the odds were that he/she would get riddled with gangsta rounds. Even if you count everyone who was just shot the odds of them getting shot were pretty low.

'course, they still got shot. But it WAS a long shot.

1/12/2017 07:38:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not unlike them trying to put lipstick on a pig.

1/12/2017 08:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>> Perhaps some of our readers would like to assist the University with the "message" to potential incoming students


1/12/2017 08:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got it. U of C, Where you can live in a culturally diverse climate each and everyday. Learn how to give back to the community. Learn about the evils of guns while praying with the local honor students along the Lakefront. Learn the Democratic ways of one of the most liberal cities in the country. All of this richness dispersed around what is considered to be the best university in the universe and beyond. No need to visit, Believe us when we tell you, the social diversity your child will experience will be second to none in President O'Bama's hometown😃❤👍🏾

1/12/2017 08:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What other school needs a submarine to protect it?

1/12/2017 07:49:00 AM

Hyde Park became so bad they had to move tve submarine indoors. They didn't want it getting stoldt.

1/12/2017 09:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is prof. fufferman, fetterman, funderman, what ever his name is just going to sit idly by while this deception occurs?

1/12/2017 09:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"As U of C employs the largest private security force in the world, you have less reason to worry than most South Siders."

1/12/2017 01:26:00 PM

It's a sworn police department.

1/12/2017 09:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the 80s, Donna shalala went to the cesspool, black high schools in milwaukee and told them if any one of them graduates, she'll guarantee them a spot at the "world class university" UW madison. If for some reason one made it there, they were the ones filling the remedial classes at that "world class university" because they graduated from a public high school with an 8th grade education.

Makes for good window dressing for liberal/progressives to tell people how they aren't racist.

If you won't go where the crimes are, they'll bring the crimes to you.

1/13/2017 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DUCK, DIVE, DODGE, DIP, DUCK . . . the University of Chicago fight song!!!!
No, I'm not talking about dodge ball, but how to avoid lead poisoning on the outskirts of U of C campus

1/14/2017 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for the U of C Economics School, there would be NO u of c

1/14/2017 03:22:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presidential library will be built in south shore the the crime infested area near 55 and king drive that could use an economic boost of the presidential library or the Star Wars museum . Liberals talk a good game but want nothing to do with the crime in ghetto .

1/15/2017 02:30:00 PM  

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