Wednesday, September 16, 2020

More Magic Money

  • The City of Chicago launched a city-wide effort to recruit and hire contact tracers with about 500 jobs available.

    The hiring is being done through 31 different community based organizations through a $56 million grant from the federal government.

    The idea is to create jobs that benefit those communities hit hardest by COVID-19.
Oh, Federal money. Better keep close track of the spending so Washington doesn't demand it back like just happened with those other grants.

Tick-tock Groot.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

yup as I said a few days ago... chicago has money, dont believe the bullshit about not having money for this or that. The state of Illinois is depended on the City for everything.

9/16/2020 12:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of having money returned,since the northwest side neighborhood in Chicago that I reside in has had the Public Schools and courthouses shutdown since March and the Police Officers assigned to my area taken away to patrol the west side Police Districts of the City,can I have all of my tax dollars returned to me?

9/16/2020 12:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With everything closed down they got nothing better to do. They just go out to riot without even knowing what they are rioting about.

9/16/2020 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha ha. The bribes for votes is in full motion. If Biden should win, the number of homicides in this city will triple. In the immortal words of Drago, if he dies, he dies. Let them slaughter each other. Fuck them, just like they said, I hope they fucking die.

9/16/2020 12:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lemme guess what community organizations are spreading out the wealth

9/16/2020 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm guessing the chances of any of those community organizations hiring a white person for any of these positions is close to zero. Maybe I'll apply just to get discriminated against.

9/16/2020 01:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did China program the virus to target some communities harder than others? Not only can the virus be deadly it can be racist also. This is like those laser bombs and heat seeking missiles that the military uses.

9/16/2020 03:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reading their wording directly, Socialist Groot just gave away 500 112,000 dollar a year jobs to south and west siders who up until now have at best been qualified to work at McDonalds or Walmart as a cart pusher.

So if they're not getting their full 112K, where's the skim going?

Socialist Groot is reappropriating Federal taxpayer money to buy DemoRAT votes from the ghettos.

I'm sure Trump was shitting himself and the Republican Party was either too stupid or didn't care that the Federal money giveaway they authorized was going to be weaponized against them to buy votes.

A-fucking mazing.

9/16/2020 04:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you really give the names of all your families and friends you'd been in contact with in the past month to one of these "contact-tracers"?

What is the government going to do with that information?

Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell.

9/16/2020 06:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool I just retired 2 days ago. I could use a job

9/16/2020 06:24:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

I hope they train these people how to have a door slammed in their face because that is going to happen if they appear at my pretty loft.

Now, kees me you fool!!!!

9/16/2020 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is the "community" that can't even fill out census forms or get their kids to sign on to school work!

BTW, who are they tracing? HIPPA is also out the window? Some mutt is going to want to interview me because I have tested positive for covid or may have been in contact with someone who has?
How did they get my name?

9/16/2020 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contract tracing is useless. By the time the network is traced, these people already have spread the disease. Read the literature. Bureaucracy will also hinder it effective. I am so sick of Chicago and IL.

9/16/2020 07:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/16/2020 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She’s just buying votes from the ghetto rats. This is typical no show patronage, just like safe passage, violence interrupters and all the other ghetto bs. More freebies for the permanent victim class.

9/16/2020 09:03:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Covid’s is on its way out, either by vaccines or therapeutics and Larri is doling out commurnity Free Gubmint Munny to essentially circumvent a HIPPA violation. And doesn’t hospitals and doctors have an obligation to inform patients to tell the infected people to contact everyone they’ve had contact they do for the clap? Likely it’s just a pad the census and vote by mail campaign.
This is a phony scheme as any other. I expect the CookCounty will have their $50 million dollar sister program coming too, they’re sitting on apx $400 million to favor out to donors...which has a lot to do with coming elections.

If fairly dispersed thats $1.8 million per organgrinding organization.
The city is sitting on about $159 million of Covid’s Coin from the appx $440 million balance as of August. So Larri is still holding out, hoarding for another program to create and squander the remaining funds before years end.

How long will it take those 31 organgrinders to spend that $56 million by hiring $15hr contact tracers ($2400 mo.) before they run out of that initial down payment and demand more?

Just a drop in the bucket when it comes to Larri’s Endless Spending...
And Larri wants an $8 billion Billion BILLION water pipe retro fit on top of proposed tax increases. She says $15 Mil is put aside to retrofit 750 low incomes homes this year (budget). There are 400,000 homes on the lead pipe list, at apx $25,000 per house, that’s $8 Billion. But if your want to have your own contractor do the work, Larr gonna give you $3000 credit towards the bill. I’m no plumber, but digging a trench to replace a pipe or sewer is in the range of $5-7000 depending on depth and length.

It’s a lot of money that Democrats managed to squeeze out of Congress and it why GOP doesnt want any more Dem Pork CARES Act legislation going to bailout Dem cities and states.

9/16/2020 09:39:00 AM  
Blogger Mark Felt said...

"The hiring is being done through 31 different community based organizations through a $56 million grant from the federal government.

The idea is to create jobs that benefit those communities hit hardest by COVID-19."

hat qualifications do these hire have other than clout?

9/16/2020 09:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Reading their wording directly, Socialist Groot just gave away 500 112,000 dollar a year jobs to south and west siders who up until now have at best been qualified to work at McDonalds or Walmart as a cart pusher.

So if they're not getting their full 112K, where's the skim going?

Socialist Groot is reappropriating Federal taxpayer money to buy DemoRAT votes from the ghettos.

I'm sure Trump was shitting himself and the Republican Party was either too stupid or didn't care that the Federal money giveaway they authorized was going to be weaponized against them to buy votes.

A-fucking mazing.

9/16/2020 04:10:00 AM

It will be a shit show of tardiness, missed days, intramural sex beefs, law suits and fake injuries. Fully 1% of them will make it 3 years.

9/16/2020 01:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


at 2:28 College of Chicago English Dept only accepting those who focus on "black studies."

More here:

All against police!!!!! un-F'ing real!


9/16/2020 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Contact tracing seems a little like snitching doesn't it? How's that usually go in the hood?

9/16/2020 03:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

every time some weirdo comes to my door my eyes bulge out and i start speaking fluent pig latin loudly. fuck a bunch of larrys election army. 8 billion water pipe bonanza for minority contractors, black contractors hiring all illegal crews with not a licensed plumber to be seen. commenter was right, 5,000-7,000. per house is what it cost with a healthy profit for a legit union firm especially if they have a lot of homes in the same area. hey its an election year, rain makers gonna make it rain. awful thoughtful of larry to make sure the first ones on the list are the peoples who have never paid a water bill. we get slapped in the face by these assholes so often we think its normal. fuck this backeards ass city that rewards sloth and avarice. soddem and gemorra indeed.

9/17/2020 12:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forty horseshit alderman and l
An egocentric incompetent ass of a
mayor driving the city into the lake

Seventeen self serving pandering and castrated county commissioners under the control of bullwinkle walking blindly while stealing a pension.

All endangering, stealing and bankrupting the honest majority of residents in the city, county and state.

A fat head governor, yeah the stupid one with with an ego and his own private trust
Hoping to validate himself as a leader.

Illinois voters are having it stuck to them on every level of government.

How about all you happy city workers
Stop supporting these idiots!
It doesn't matter if they got you a job, they are burning down the exonomy

9/17/2020 10:49:00 AM  

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