Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Don't Demonize! (Update)

You've been warned:

  • Forty people, mostly teenagers, were charged with misdemeanors after Chicago police said a large group became disorderly on Sunday night.

    Police responded to the South Loop's 100-block of West Roosevelt Road at about 8 p.m. where they said the group gathered. Police said the group became disorderly and disregarded verbal commands by officers.

    During an unrelated news briefing Monday, Interim Chicago Police Supt. Fred Waller was asked about Sunday's incident. The crowd "got so out of hand we had no choice" but to make arrests, despite more successful attempts to break up similar recent gatherings in which minors stayed out past curfew, Waller said.

We think this is from the incident where Car 100 got roasted over the air for telling people to do what he wouldn't be caught dead doing....and certainly not appearing in Misdemeanor, Juvenile or Federal Court.

Mayor BJ was asked about it and this was his take:

"They're young. Sometimes they make silly decisions. They do."

Seriously? Three hundred, maybe four hundred, teens decide to collectively violate curfew, break down locked doors, and loot stores in the South Loop? This is a "...silly decision"?

We suppose it's also a "silly decision" for corporations to get sick and tired of paying out of pocket for preventable losses, repairing facilities and eventually, just shutting the doors and moving out of certain neighborhoods.

And we hope mayor BJ also respects the silly decision a frightened citizen might make to run one of these non-demonized yutes over when they're stomping on the windshield of their car with their wife and children inside.

Maybe electing a commie teacher was a silly decision, too.

UPDATE: The mayor BJ clip is a few weeks old we're told. So be it, but we all know that's exactly the prevailing attitude from here on out as we haven't seen him address the near constant wilding as the slow motion destruction continues.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be a “ silly decision“ for a PO to arrest any of the Utes, making a silly decision.
Car 100 can make a silly decision to arrest these utes, but he must go in box one.
Has car 100 ever made an arrest, signing complaints, attended court and got a conviction?

8/01/2023 12:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can’t prove they’re kids unless you stop every single one and get their birthdays. Anyone want to give me a RAS to explain why I believed this person was 17 and not 19? Let them do what they want. You arresting them does nothing other than putting your name down on a legal document. They won’t suffer any penalties and all you’re doing is setting yourself for potential problems.

8/01/2023 01:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kids be goofy

8/01/2023 02:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Expect more people to leave Chicago.

8/01/2023 02:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny how these youthful rascals are doing such a spiffy job of demonizing themselves.

When they can, they take it.

When they cannot take it, they break it.

Never do they learn or earn.

And now, courtesy of the continuation of the obamanation cretins, they got competition, aka the migrant yutes who take their silly seriously.

Not to worry, tho, the west and sout side ghettos/communities will not attract these newly migrated yutes' serious sillinesses.

They take.

Where they cannot take, they go somewhere they can.


8/01/2023 02:49:00 AM  
Anonymous NavySealRanger12 said...

Remember when the 1st District was a retirement district? Pepperidge Farm remembers...

8/01/2023 04:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thinking this could be one of the biggest cat fights ever.

From our friends at Hey Jackass.

12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/21
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, M/20
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/24
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/28
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/28
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/33
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/31
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/30
12:50a 1500 S Keeler, North Lawndale, F/?

8/01/2023 04:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By July 30th, and with CPS starting up in mid-August, didn’t we all think that BJ’s summer job program would be keeping these kids busy? Chuckle…

8/01/2023 05:56:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We suppose it's also a "silly decision" for corporations to get sick and tired of paying out of pocket for preventable losses, repairing facilities and eventually, just shutting the doors and moving out of certain neighborhoods.

^^^This is not a "silly decision". This is a smart rational decision that smart people will make and this idiot mayor will blame on racism.

8/01/2023 06:31:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shortee just clownin and funnin ...wait til the illegals start looting..summer of love in a sanctuary city which you liberal assholes voted for just remember the police are the problem

8/01/2023 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There’s a common theme here with all the shootings, carjackings and teen trends, twerking, merit promotions, etc.

8/01/2023 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is car 100 going to cover these officers when the beefs start coming in. Failure to activate bwc, verbal abuse, excessive use of force, failure to fill out a trr, etc... The answer is heck no, copa will once again make the police look like the bad guys and hand out lengthy unpaid vacations to people.

8/01/2023 07:15:00 AM  
Blogger The Keesing Bandit said...

Electing a commie teacher was a silly decision, just like everyone the Great Unwashed Democrat Welfare Voters elect.

8/01/2023 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When mayor blowjob makes a stupid statement like that which amounts to "dey jus funnin" thats all you need to know to NOT do shit to any of these rats. You will always be in the wrong with him on any police action you take on these rats. Fuck it, sit back and watch the show, it has to hit rock fucking bottom before, if it even happens, things get better. This clown is shaping up to be another failure 1 term loser

8/01/2023 08:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watching the videos from the incident, why is Hein not wearing a BWC. Isn’t that against the law?

8/01/2023 08:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess BLM BJ would call it just a "silly decision" for a 17-year-old to be carrying an illegally converted Glock and a couple of other teens carrying guns. Maybe that's normal day-to-day where BLM BJ comes from.

8/01/2023 08:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote from the pilot episode of "The Battle Star Galactica" reboot...

Cmmdr Adama: "Were at war, and your taking orders from a schoolteacher!!!"

Appollo: "Yes sir, the president(insert mayor) has given me an order..."


8/01/2023 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not sticking up for him, but that video of BJ is old, from when he first got elected after a melee downtown. He hasn’t responded yet to the other day for he is in Boston and unavailable again.

The question is do we want to go back to a Mayor, LL, who is on the news every 5 minutes critiquing is and putting pressure on the bosses with every comment. Or do we want what we have now which is BJ barely giving press conferences and answers unless super high profile. The typical Democratic move, ignore, and smoke and mirrors.

8/01/2023 08:45:00 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

No fan of Mayor BJ here, but his asinine "silly decisions" comment was made in response to a youth wilding event / riot in April -- they just re-used it on Twitter.

8/01/2023 09:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too be fair, Harris was grabbing people. Unfortunately he and DC Hein would grab them, order they be locked up and not do a mass arrst card.

Its also a routine complaint in 001 that harris grabs people and then an officer has to arrest them based on an order or something they didnt see.

8/01/2023 09:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of those cops on those arrest reports will soon be taking the stand defending their actions at COPA and then soon after, in court. Not one yute will be charged, charges will be dropped, allegations will be made, time will be served. (not by the yutes either)

Blue Flu is the new Corona Virus!

8/01/2023 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder the CPS students are so far behind if a fool like the current mayor was a teacher. He needs the Cermack treatment.

8/01/2023 09:56:00 AM  
Blogger Mario from the barrio said...

Let these hood rats destroy everything, cheer them on, and don’t touch them. These lake front liberals voted for this communist, let them enjoy the benefits. Let them turn the loop and everywhere they roam into a complete shithole like the toilets they come from. Power to the people!!!!!

8/01/2023 10:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Sandbox Diplomat said...

Last week I drove right through Chicago from south to north. Never stopped. Never spent a dime meaning no contribution to the city's tax account. These videos are one reason for not stopping.

8/01/2023 02:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Working SDI in 001. Was told there was ZERO plan to process these savages once they got them into the district. Detectives were called to handle things, they said no way. Several of the assholes figured out to cut their wrists open trying to get out of the flex cuffs. They were all held in the community room and it was total chaos… shuckin, jiving, they were all making calls and listening to music on they sail foams. NO direction from clownsocks Harris and Hein. As much as these assholes took over the 7-11 they took over the station. Several should have gone to hospital for treatment after cutting themselves to keep from going to jail. Wait and see.. some bottom feeder lawyer is gonna sue cuz pookie wasn’t taken for treatment. Oh. And get this… when it all went south, guess what the call made by Hein and Harris? CURFEWS. That’s right, plan b was to just write curfews to get rid of the animals quicker than processing the arrests. THIS is what’s “in charge”.

8/01/2023 03:13:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey don’t get on Hein for not having his bwc on. He was just funnin wit da youtes.

8/01/2023 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“Anonymous Anonymous said...
Expect more people to leave Chicago.

8/01/2023 02:37:00 AM”

That IS one of the goals of the socialist/communist agenda. Another is driving business out of the downtown area, forcing commercial and residential real estate values to plummet.

These are not incompetent people. Don’t make that dangerous assumption. They are implementing their plan masterfully.

Loss of business revenues, loss of property and sales taxes is part of the plan

Why? Figure that out and you’ll escape much sooner than you planned!

Here’s a hint! What happens to pension contributions when the city doesn’t generate enough revenue to pay into it? 💡💡💡

And THAT is a PRIMARY goal of both socialist/communists and the oligarch/CEO’s who want ALL the money!

8/01/2023 03:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

30 degrees left bank......hold your orbit.......clear weapons hot.........

8/01/2023 04:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What liberal pandering by the commie controlled CPD. Bad silly
decisions by youthful people? Are you fucking kidding me? These weren’t 9 year old kids. They are young and middle aged adults who by now should have at least some common sense and self control. There is something seriously wrong with these people mentally. Their behavior is remenisent of wild savages who have never been taught or learned civilized behavior

8/01/2023 08:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ammo is life!!

8/02/2023 10:34:00 AM  
Blogger 7 said...

Anyone think that these kids were sent to that corner because it’s the site of O’Leary’s barn? Veiled message from some scoundrel?

8/02/2023 10:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Brandon Johnson criticizes reporter for referring to South Loop incidents as “mob actions.” Says it’s not appropriate to call children “baby Capones.”

Guess who has no idea what the term, or crime, "mob action" means?

8/02/2023 05:52:00 PM  

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