Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Another Duty Disability Fumble

Yesterday, we summarized the plight of a wounded officer who has been forced into a "no-pay status" after being shot numerous times because the Pension Board won't speed up the approval process for officers grievously wounded in the Line of Duty.

We understand there are scammers. We understand scammers need to be weeded out. The way you do that is you properly investigate, properly get medical referrals, set up an annual medical check-in/evaluation, AND you properly prosecute the scammers, civilly for reimbursement and criminally for the fraud.

There seems to be a lack of political will to investigate and prosecute scammers. Which leads to bullshit like this (name withheld by request due to the Officer's circumstances):

  • It was no surprise that [Officer X] would never return to duty, correct? Well, apparently to the pension board, it was. Not many people know this, (he is very quiet about it) but [Officer X] went into no pay status on 08 AUG 2022. I questioned a now retired member of the pension board, asking why the process was not mitigated knowing that [Officer X] would never come back. He really did not have an answer for me, and said “This is just how it is. It’s been this way for over 30 years, and there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s done this way to weed out people that are scamming. We create an atmosphere, where the officer is hungry and he has no idea when their next check is coming, so it wears them down. Many times they cannot continue to fight us due to their end of the legal costs and they give up, ultimately going back to work.”

    While I understand there being a need for a process for those on bullshit, in a case likes [Officer X] which is clear cut and dry, there needs to be a different protocol. It needs to protect the people who without a doubt will not return because of duty related injuries. EVERY copper who asked me about this had no idea that even in a situation such as this, you go into no pay and in turn have no insurance. Everyone assumed “oh they’ll make sure he’s ok, there’s no way he’ll be in no pay status”. And that can’t be further from the truth.

    [...] I’m also still furious Lappe insinuated to [Officer X] he could come back light duty and sit at a desk. [Officer X] was shot a total of 4 times, twice in the head. He died twice that night. He has hearing aids in both ears. He lost an eye. And Lappe suggested [Officer X] come back to work in some capacity. It still makes me sick.

Our e-mailer was furious over the treatment of Officer X. We're pretty sure most readers can pick out EXACTLY who Officer X is, but he is a private person and doesn't want to make waves. His situation was resolved eventually, but this is ridiculous that he even had to go through this. 

The FOP and the Pension Board need to revisit, reform, streamline and fix this process. We don't give a shit if it has "been this way for thirty years." We could list a few hundred things that have changed in the last thirty years - some of them were even good changes. Different classifications of woundings/injuries would be a good start, because these two examples we've cited involve Officers being either crippled or just short of Line of Duty Deaths by fractions of inches. 

They deserve so much better.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good ole Lappe strikes again. That’s absolutely horrible how he treats these officers. He himself being seriously wounded I would have thought better if him. Turns out he’s just in it for himself. What a shame

9/19/2023 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many years ago a very well liked boss who was a good man went home and died of a massive heart attack. His family received line of duty death benefits. This caused a lot of debate because a lot of other good men went home after work and dropped dead and didn't get the same thing. Anyone with a star on the left sleeve of their jacket has seen a whole bunch of people get the 75% for all kinds of things that don't even come close to the injuries this officer who was shot four times has fought thru.

9/19/2023 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

there is so much corruption with this it’s hard to feel for anyone

9/19/2023 01:36:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yesterday I told a story about how discourteous Lappe was by not returning emails on mundane matters, today I’ll simply say he’s a piece of shit. He’s the consequences of people not voting. You get stuck with some ass wipe who’s more politician than PO and thinks he’s a mini napoleon.

9/19/2023 06:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cannot help a police officer that is totally legitimate but yet they can do this with all the money for the illegal criminals coming in the country paying people $135 an hour. Look at some of this this is ridiculous surprised at a liberal new station, actually exposes this Somebody needs to go to prison definitely Democratic politicians need to go to prison along with all of their associates involved in this scandal:


And they just got more money from the federal government to throw away instead of loading the buses up and sending them all back to Mexico. The last point, they entered the United States illegally at let them take care of it.

9/19/2023 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why can't they use the inspectors to watch the scammers instead of going after working officers??!

9/19/2023 07:13:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could anyone at the pension board look at an officer injured like that and wonder if he is scamming?

9/19/2023 07:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a typical POS answer. "It's been that way for thirty years." Well, do something right for once and change it.

9/19/2023 07:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot in the line of duty you should be receiving an automatic promotion. We get injured and need time off but let's start calling out the medical abusers in our districts on the blog. The abusers disrupt the schedule at the last minute with other officers not to mention when you want a day off and because of restrictions it's one less person that is prevented from getting off. We owe the abusers nothing and they are selfish so let's call them out.

9/19/2023 07:34:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Unreal. How can they treat him like this?

9/19/2023 08:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would think that it’s about time someone from SCC attends the disability hearings and see for themselves what actually happens.

9/19/2023 08:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He will never be forgotten!

9/19/2023 08:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all know who X is and he should have been fast tracked. The pension board knows who he is too. What should be happening is when the board fully knows of the incident that caused the disability, fast track it. But when some fraud comes before them that no one ever heard of or the incident, well then scrutinize them. Officer X is far far different than the cop that slipped on the stairs or slammed their finger in their locker. Or the meat head that took steroids their whole life and now they’re old and have a bad back by abusing it with drugs making them lift weights they shouldn’t be lifting normally. Screw them!

9/19/2023 08:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lappe is the root of all evil. No injured officer should talk to him on a personal level. He will draw you in his web and bite you at your hearing.

9/19/2023 10:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just look at all the questionable duty disability claims and you will find a gold star that the person knew or blew

9/19/2023 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lappe thinks that everyone is a scammer since he came back to work after his incident. Well, quite frankly, I watched Lappe moving around, and whoever let him come back to work full duty was a fool! Mike's heart may have been in the right place, but he was a walking disaster waiting to happen. Thankfully he made it to retirement, because he was a potential hazard to himself, other officers, and the people he served.

9/19/2023 11:26:00 AM  
Blogger Chuck Salvatore said...

I know who the Injured Officer is. I used to work with the injured Officer's father in Area 4 Taskforce back in the 70's. This Officer is LEGITIMENTLY INJURED. Just be around him for an hour and one can see he is suffering. How the pension board can delay this Officer's is CRIMINAL. The question I would like to ask is this: Why is the only person fighting for this Officer is Wayne Metcalfe, the Patrolman's Representative on the board? Why are the other Police representatives, the Sergeants, Lieutenants, and the Retiree's Representatives sitting on their asses and not helping Officer X. This Officer's injuries are legitimate and easy to sustain. If one reviews the Boards invoice regarding services rendered one can see that the board hires private investigators that follow around Police Officers to see if they are cutting their grass. Have these PI's do the following: Obtain all CPD's official reports/records on the incident pertaining to the Officer's injury. Obtain all emergency room records of the initial emergency treatment. Obtain, all of the follow up medical records regarding his treatment. Obtain all therapeutic records regarding the Officers therapy records. Interview anyone who is providing therapy to the Officer. And finally go out and interview the Officer and his family how the Officers life along with his family's life has changed since the injury. What I just outlined in not difficult. And buy the way, the Officer who is catastrophically injured should not gather this information the board's paid investigators should. The sad part of what I just outlined is, this should have been done while the Officer was still being paid. The current system that Representative Lappee speaks of is unacceptable. If this is truly the case than the system MUST CHANGE. To poster 9/19/2023 0859 AM I agree with you in principle but every Officer who is catastrophic injured should be fast tracked automatically. My personal opinion is that the whole elected Police Representatives should be voted out of Office except for Rep. Metcalfe. By the way, there are elections coming up in the further. Be very careful on who you vote for, there is one snake seeking election to the board and I am not speaking about Rosemarie GIO.

9/19/2023 11:39:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
why can't they use the inspectors to watch the scammers instead of going after working officers??!

9/19/2023 07:13:00 AM

It takes an organized investigation with video tape surveillance. It’s easy to do when you know they’re lying. It’s nearly impossible for the fakers to act hurt every second of the day. They will get filmed going about their lives in a normal unrestricted fashion. Surveillance is used in the private sector all the time when the fakers are looking for million dollar payouts. They get caught and end up getting $10,000. It saves all of us on insurance premiums. It can save the pension money too.

9/19/2023 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot in the line of duty you should be receiving an automatic promotion. We get injured and need time off but let's start calling out the medical abusers in our districts on the blog. The abusers disrupt the schedule at the last minute with other officers not to mention when you want a day off and because of restrictions it's one less person that is prevented from getting off. We owe the abusers nothing and they are selfish so let's call them out.

Once upon a time if you were shot in the line of duty you were made a detective automatically.

9/19/2023 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you look at that?! The city inspector general has seized computers from the office of Chicago Treasurer Melissa Conyears-Ervin, who is also a current member of the pension board.


9/19/2023 12:00:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don’t forget Lappe is very jealous when injured officers receive GoFundMe financial help. People have heard him, including me saying these scammers have money they don’t need a quick hearing. So he has them followed.

9/19/2023 12:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Officer X’s situation is another prime example of just how screwed up the disability process and certain members of the board actually are. You cannot apply for disability until you go into a no pay status. Then you have to wait for the pension board to send you the application. They take their time sending it. Their excuse is they can’t send it out until they receive all your records from the medical section. Even though the medical section confirms with you that they delivered your records to the board weeks ago. If you are awarded disability months later, it’s retroactive only to when your application was submitted. Not from the day you went into a no-pay status. Let’s say it takes a severely injured officer a month or so to submit the application, then that’s a months worth of pay just gone. Why? Because you got injured while doing your job. And because the board said so. Hopefully any prospects considering a career with CPD is reading this blog. Know what you’re getting into before signing up. No other department in Illinois does this to their officers. And they are all hiring.

9/19/2023 12:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people are granted disability pay on bogus back injuries while they discreetly work other jobs or are seen doing physical labor while claiming to be too injured to return to work? There should have been no questions on this officer’s traumatic injuries and shame on them for putting this officer in a no pay status. Do better pension board and implement the necessary changes and stop settling on “that’s the way it’s been done for 30 years”.

9/19/2023 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not an officer & don’t understand some of the statuses but the last sentence in the article says it all. WE DESERVE BETTER!! You absolutely freaking deserve so much more than better. The old bastard on the board who gave that statement I have heard so many times “we always do it that way” or it’s always been this way???? WTF if an officer is hurt he/she deserves everything we can do for them tell some lawyer or doctor to strap on a gun belt & get to work & hear the excuse. Just getting into a police car you deserve our thanks let alone getting hurt. What bullshit this is. 1st of all vote that idiot off the pension board & get someone else who can think for themselves. I am sorry this would ever happen. Is there anyway us laymen can help ????

9/19/2023 12:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shot in the line of duty you should be receiving an automatic promotion. We get injured and need time off but let's start calling out the medical abusers in our districts on the blog. The abusers disrupt the schedule at the last minute with other officers not to mention when you want a day off and because of restrictions it's one less person that is prevented from getting off. We owe the abusers nothing and they are selfish so let's call them out.

9/19/2023 07:34:00 AM

I worked with an officer who was shot in the chest on a domestic. His vest stopped it, but he was still injured. Sharp young officer asked for help in moving to a unit and was told by a DOUBLE MERIT who is now in the command ranks that "We don't do that anymore for officers who've been shot in the line of duty". Maybe you can just invite them to the cheating study classes you hold for your friends you POS.

9/19/2023 12:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes there are serious abusers. There is also cops needing to use the medical for legitimate short term illnesses and off duty injuries. And because everyone is a sick hypocrite, these same legitimate cops are afraid of personal attacks and wrongful persecution for using their contractually given medical benefits. The truth is today’s overly emotional, knee jerk reactionary, meritorious circus is such a toxic environment that NOTHING is as it seems. NOTHING is legitimate. It’s a non-stop bottom of the barrel run, sycophantic mess. There’s no fixing it. There’s no righting the ship. So grow some fuckin balls and act accordingly.

9/19/2023 01:41:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s far from time that we start fighting a different kind of fight for our injured brothers and sisters!! This city doesn’t care even when we die! We need a different way no one should have to go through this 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

9/19/2023 01:46:00 PM  
Blogger JustHereForThePaycheck said...

Anonymous said...
Shot in the line of duty you should be receiving an automatic promotion.

9/19/2023 07:34:00 AM

Uhhhh, how about “NO”.

Just because you had the unfortunate experience of getting shot (or stabbed or ran over or dragged by a car) shouldn’t mean that you get the Golden Ticket. It doesn’t mean that you’ve magically acquired the ability needed to supervise (or is the more traditional “bone” thrown to such coppers) the ability to be a detective.

An offer of a nice, quiet spot with a S/S DOG? Sure. A promotion. Nope.

It’s called occupational hazards, and some of us unfortunately get the displeasure of experiencing them.

Flame away, haters.

9/19/2023 02:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now go out and get a CB #. Fuck off

9/19/2023 02:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
why can't they use the inspectors to watch the scammers instead of going after working officers??!

9/19/2023 07:13:00 AM

Great question!

9/19/2023 03:27:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Lappe has always been a Jagoff..

9/19/2023 03:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the problem is you can’t apply for duty disability until after you use up your year of IOD medical. Then you apply for duty disability. Takes 6 months. There has to be a way to fast track these types of cases

9/19/2023 03:38:00 PM  
Blogger SCC said...

Anonymous said...

why can't they use the inspectors to watch the scammers instead of going after working officers??!

as we understand it, Inspectors (and the Inspection Division) can go after Medical Roll abusers.

however, they don't work for the Pension Board.

anyone know differently?

9/19/2023 03:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lappe is just following the lead of the Prez.. J-scatCat! It's All about the $$$$!

9/19/2023 04:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dump Lappe!

9/19/2023 05:11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to catch the scammers isn’t there a recruit who injured her ankle while in the academy and has been on disability since then well over 10 years. The pension board supposedly tried to take action and caught her helping load a mattress on a moving truck.
She went to court and they reinstated her

9/19/2023 07:10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/19/2023 07:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical answer of an imbecile, “That’s how it’s always been done.” Use your common sense and decency and change it for fucks sake.

9/19/2023 07:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about medical roll abusers, your current union pres JRat did not work the last 2 years before becoming president, you think that douche is gonna comment or try to fix that stuff. What a laugh. And someone posted the union “is going to do something for him soon”. Dear Lord, they are takers, not givers. They parade an injured Officer around now like a pet. Its sickening. Its funny JRat was all mouth going against a woman mayor but now nothing.

9/19/2023 10:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

UAW and FOP...corrupt and useless for decades.

9/20/2023 12:49:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not just the pension fund - it's workers comp that pulls this crap too. I know someone who fought with them for 16 years, and ended up only getting a portion of what she was entitled to....

Makes me sick.

9/20/2023 02:27:00 AM  
Anonymous JimBob said...

Don’t worry, we got a plan!

Suposably a job went up for something called a “Safety Administrator”, who will be responsible for deciding all our duty related injury disability and OSHA complaints. Nice work if you can get it, starts at 100K with almost no qualifications except of course can’t be a copper. So is this who we call when we find human shit on the lobby ? Will the safety guy be responsible for training me on how to wear a hard hat so I don’t get hit in the head with a board?

9/20/2023 07:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/20/2023 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about medical roll abusers, your current union pres JRat did not work the last 2 years before becoming president, you think that douche is gonna comment or try to fix that stuff. What a laugh. And someone posted the union “is going to do something for him soon”. Dear Lord, they are takers, not givers. They parade an injured Officer around now like a pet. Its sickening. Its funny JRat was all mouth going against a woman mayor but now nothing.

9/19/2023 10:14:00 PM

half his career he was on the medical

9/20/2023 07:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There has to be more to this story. Apologies, but I'm not taking it as written. Doesn't add up

Makes no sense given how many have gotten duty disability with far less damage around that time, and I'm talking legit injured cops that are not connected. Losing an eye and hearing damage? You have to have a doctor clear you to shoot and qualify to even come back light duty under state law. This should be as clear cut as it gets for X...

Some part of this is missing.

9/20/2023 07:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would agree that people who deserve duty disability are being unfairly denied or substantially delayed. I personally do not know Mike Lappe, but instead of directly blaming him, why isn’t the blame focused on the countless scammers who ruined it for everyone else who needs it? Everyone has worked with or knows someone who scammed. Speak up, you are going to work regularly, working nights, forced OT, holidays, weekends, etc. The scammers are fully paid out of your pension fund (yes, the fund, not the city budget). The scammers should be outed and publicly shamed. Why would anyone support and condone people who get paid to do nothing when they are more than capable, while dwindling the pension fund and stealing from all taxpayers? The next big issue is why are people just not put in light duty positions? People might not be able to police effectively, but the vast majority can sure as hell answer phones and complete a report.

9/20/2023 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
why can't they use the inspectors to watch the scammers instead of going after working officers??!

9/19/2023 07:13:00 AM

Great question!

9/19/2023 03:27:00 PM

The inspectors don't work for the pension board. And the scammers can't just be watched. These are full blown investigations. The scammers are stealing from the fund, some while holding other jobs such as realtors, teachers, running small businesses. Anybody who knows a scammer and stays silent is just as bad.

9/20/2023 07:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know first hand how this works. I was given full disability only after 4 years of trying to come back to work and whoring myself out to the memorial foundation. I believed once I was awarded full disability that the memorial foundation would help my family and I. As it turns out, I was told that, well, I could get another job and still work, just not as a police officer. The profession I went to college for and nearly gave my life to. Also after 7 years, my 75% was cut down to 60%. When your young you’re told how the department takes care of there own but you really gotta read the fine print. I suspect since officer X is still walking and talking he will be told the same thing after his public appearances are no longer useful. Sad!

9/20/2023 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was made to understand that now, you get so many days of Light/Limited Duty before you are forced to apply for disability, retire or resign.

Those were the options I was given when I was forced out years ago for a medical condition that doesn't get better but is controlled by medication and my doctor wouldn't sign off on me being able to "affect an arrest".

I hate this officer went through all this hidden BS, but I'm pleased it worked out in the end.

9/21/2023 09:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I know first hand how this works. I was given full disability only after 4 years of trying to come back to work and whoring myself out to the memorial foundation. I believed once I was awarded full disability that the memorial foundation would help my family and I. As it turns out, I was told that, well, I could get another job and still work, just not as a police officer. The profession I went to college for and nearly gave my life to. Also after 7 years, my 75% was cut down to 60%. When your young you’re told how the department takes care of there own but you really gotta read the fine print. I suspect since officer X is still walking and talking he will be told the same thing after his public appearances are no longer useful. Sad!

9/20/2023 10:24:00 PM


I pray that somebody from the academy asks me to speak to the recruits about my traumatic injury. I’ll fully inform them of everything to expect following the injury, especially when their medical time is used up and they are placed at the mercy of a corrupted, diabolical pension board.

9/21/2023 10:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a disability hearing in April. They skipped over my temporary disability of 50% before that. My case was continued after testifying for two hours. We are almost into October and no new date has been given to try to get 75% pay. I have been in a No Pay status for a year and a half now. No explanation why I wasn't given a temporary benefit. My lawyer and I asked for a temporary benefit until the next hearing date. We were told they needed more paperwork. Already had handed over 200+ pages. The paperwork they asked for was already in those pages. Sent the few pages they wanted to them within a few days again.

9/25/2023 03:37:00 AM  

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