Sunday, July 14, 2024

Lateral Program Closed?

And the rehire program, too?

  • On top of all this, the rehire and lateral programs have been closed. Both programs netted 74 officers. Not the 600 plus rehired. As a exempt said at compstat, "the job is soo good that over 600 people want to come back." A good portion of new hires want to leave after a year or two.

Well that's going to go down as quite the failure. Tie it into the massive wave of retirements in May, June and July and no one is going to see a weekend until September at some point.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Immediate Care places on the Northwest Side are a good deal.
They take our insurance.
Make an appointment the day you go on the MEDICAL to show proof you really were sick/injured with that sore back, migraine headache, upset tummy whatever.

Then go back to get a 'return to work slip' 2 weeks later.

DNC starts 19 AUGUST.
Be prepared. EVERYONE.

7/14/2024 12:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some have left within 6 months rehired back. I know 2 who are retiring a second time as soon as they turn 50 next year. Instead of treating these members as a leave of absence ( keeping their seniority minus the time they were gone ) they never got their seniority furlos, bfd, personals which they were originally promised. Big shock- both the FOP and PERSONNEL lied to those who returned about many issues, hence why people who came back are leaving very soon if they haven’t already. I predict net hires that will remain more than five years will actually be less than a handful. Shame on FOP who don’t even return emails or phone calls to members affected. Whether you’re a ppo or veteran with 5, 10, 15, 21 years on job — we all pay the same amount in union dues but don’t receive equal representation.

7/14/2024 12:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A guy in our unit turned 63 on Friday but plans on staying until 65 with the ordinance being passed. Personal calls the unit that day just before his scheduled start time and told the admin officer to call him to tell him to stay home until further notice. This ordinance was passed months ago and they still don’t have things figured out??? They claim that he is the first officer this is happening to.
I already know the responses are gonna be shame on him for staying but I would work front lines (as we do for all these protests) with this officer before I would with 75% of our kids with 8 years or less in the unit.
This department is run by people that shouldn’t be considered to work as a cashier in a big box store. Pathetic!

7/14/2024 12:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’ve said it several times. I left for a reason. Give me a better one to come back.
Thanks I’ll stay retired

7/14/2024 12:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the more reason to heed the advice of the often mocked by idiots veterans.

Look, laugh and leave never was so true as now.


7/14/2024 01:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, both job announcements have been missing for a few weeks from the careers job board. The only job is the regular application.

Employee Vaccination Requirement: City of Chicago employees must, as a condition of employment, be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 effective October 15, 2021. This Policy applies to all City employees. If you are not able to receive the vaccine for medical or religious reasons, you may seek approval for an exemption in accordance with applicable City processes. For more information on the vaccine policy please visit:
Per Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board, recruits participating at a full-time academy must be fully vaccinated at the time their academy class is to start.
You must also get the clot shot, according to this.

7/14/2024 04:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last isp class graduated nine state troopers. I guess no nobody wants to job anymore. A few comments in various sections tells part of the tail. Will isp ask chicago to take over the expressways? It was floated in 2009 or so.

7/14/2024 04:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well that's going to go down as quite the failure. Tie it into the massive wave of retirements in May, June and July and no one is going to see a weekend until September at some point.

Get strapped it's going to be a very bumpy ride to survive in this chocolate mocha city...

7/14/2024 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One very significant obstacle to recruitment is the department’s continued insistence on Covid shots for new hires. Who in their right mind would sign a suicide pact to land this job?

7/14/2024 06:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not long ago they were going to replace the inside desk dollies with retired police another thing that never happened, now they do not want to rehire people that were stupidly left in the department for the Greener grass, then found out that they would have to have more responsibility and actually wear the same uniform get maybe 10 sick days a year a lot less benefits because they did not read the Tealeaves they believed all of the nonsense and stupidity people were telling them about how much better another place was. Oh, and they earned a lot less money. Remember boys and girls when you decide to leave you go to a real police department where they have real bosses and you are accountable for your time. It is not the same as many of you know that went and left department.

7/14/2024 06:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left the CPD for a police officer job in Florida. I want to come back to the CPD and on a list to be rehired. So now I'm out of luck? Other departments are too strict. When I was working first watch here, I was able to go find a hole and chill. In my local department we must be on patrol. We have to drive around. We can only stop when I'm on a lunch or break. We can't even take a bag of chips for free. No early ducks either. It all sucks.

7/14/2024 07:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

74 debt slaves.

7/14/2024 07:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people that come back are the dog asses that realize the suburbs don’t tolerate their dog ass behavior but CPD will

7/14/2024 08:11:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

Another Classic Fail.

7/14/2024 08:29:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

left the CPD for a police officer job in Florida. I want to come back to the CPD and on a list to be rehired. So now I'm out of luck? Other departments are too strict. When I was working first watch here, I was able to go find a hole and chill. In my local department we must be on patrol. We have to drive around. We can only stop when I'm on a lunch or break. We can't even take a bag of chips for free. No early ducks either. It all sucks.

You’re hilarious! But a lot of people here are going to think you’re serious. lol

7/14/2024 09:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know how a cop who retired from CPD, made himself a YouTube video of said retirement. Took a job in Des Plaines where he is still a swore officer, and not a CPD officer, was able to take the Sergeant Promotional Exam.

7/14/2024 09:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I left the CPD for a police officer job in Florida. I want to come back to the CPD and on a list to be rehired. So now I'm out of luck? Other departments are too strict. When I was working first watch here, I was able to go find a hole and chill. In my local department we must be on patrol. We have to drive around. We can only stop when I'm on a lunch or break. We can't even take a bag of chips for free. No early ducks either. It all sucks.

7/14/2024 07:09:00 AM
Most likely sarcasm however it is true I know of police from here that left and went to Florida found out they were going to get paid $65,000 a year plus some overtime but they were accountable 100% of the time none of this hiding out sick days you get five after one year 10 after two years that’s all you get after that you are on unpaid leave. Reality is everywhere but it is not here especially when you have bosses that look like they belong in a factory working a job way too many bosses, sloppy looking don’t know how to talk their appearance their voice does not come in any respect.

7/14/2024 10:22:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0709… you mean you’re expected to actually work at another department? Wild concept…

7/14/2024 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
I left the CPD for a police officer job in Florida. I want to come back to the CPD and on a list to be rehired. So now I'm out of luck? Other departments are too strict. When I was working first watch here, I was able to go find a hole and chill. In my local department we must be on patrol. We have to drive around. We can only stop when I'm on a lunch or break. We can't even take a bag of chips for free. No early ducks either. It all sucks.

You're a pathetic dog ass...
Signed, retired CPD.
7/14/2024 07:09:00 AM

7/14/2024 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

90% of those who left and got rehired are the crybabies in the district, and we’re better off without ‘em.
If you wanna go, go, and good luck.
But then stay gone.

I can’t think of one who left that made the department better when they came back.
Why take our dead weight back?

Just open up the residency already and get a pool of better applicants in the first place.

7/14/2024 11:11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We owe the city administration nothing but basic police service. Conehead is a failure who desperately needs police resources now. After years of Tiny Dancer, Larry and Conehead defunding the police, scurrilous and derogating anti police rhetoric, the Democrats and the Bosses suddenly need us. You keep voting for Democratic and progressive leadership at the state, county and city levels. This is what you get and deserve. Democrats are the cause of crime, division and chaos in the city. Do what is best for you and your family, and as for the rest of them - KMA.

7/14/2024 12:09:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you left CPD and want to come back, we don't really need or want your type.

7/14/2024 01:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people that come back are the dog asses that realize the suburbs don’t tolerate their dog ass behavior but CPD will

Amen. This is the truth. Most people who come on here and complain about the city politics, corruption, and financial issues we have are part of the problem. Many officers come to work late, look like garbage, are fat, and lazy, and want to do the least amount of work for the most amount of money and benefits. If this is you, how are you any different from the generational welfare leaches? How do you expect those small departments to be fiscally responsible and operate efficiently with dead ass weight? If you were a citizen of that community that forces their police officers to patrol and not sit in a hole and get paid to sleep, you would be getting a good service and good return on your tax dollars.

7/14/2024 01:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The people at HR fought the rehire and lateral program from day one. The two good dudes running the RSO program had the training down to about 4 weeks. HR tacked on a bunch of bullshit classes that resulted in the training taking 4 months for rehires and 6 for laterals ... We spent 90% of the time waiting for classes to come up. It was a good idea, it's just the people in HR hated it and killed it. Talked to one of the HR supervisors about it. He felt like rehires were a risk to the department. Not sure how. Matriculation I guess.

7/14/2024 02:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A guy in our unit turned 63 on Friday but plans on staying until 65 with the ordinance being passed. Personal calls the unit that day just before his scheduled start time and told the admin officer to call him to tell him to stay home until further notice. This ordinance was passed months ago and they still don’t have things figured out??? They claim that he is the first officer this is happening to.
I already know the responses are gonna be shame on him for staying but I would work front lines (as we do for all these protests) with this officer before I would with 75% of our kids with 8 years or less in the unit.
This department is run by people that shouldn’t be considered to work as a cashier in a big box store. Pathetic!

Really? Yet I received a certified letter at the beginning of July telling me I was capable of returning.

7/14/2024 03:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only way I’d return is if I’m returned to my unit, watch and bid spot. They don’t promise you that so Good Bye!

7/14/2024 03:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only avaliable job postings are for the regular entry level?

7/14/2024 03:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to know how a cop who retired from CPD, made himself a YouTube video of said retirement. Took a job in Des Plaines where he is still a swore officer, and not a CPD officer, was able to take the Sergeant Promotional Exam.


Because he was “eligible” for re-employment, allegedly. He starts the rehire program 16 JUL. And he burned himself in DP pretty bad on his way out the door.

7/14/2024 04:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for the exempt who said that at CompStat, I was there and it was Chief Ozempic.

And FWIW: it was doomed to failure from before it even started. HR didn’t care, FOP half cared, Recruitment did care.

7/14/2024 04:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talk about lazy ass Biradar.

7/14/2024 05:16:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody got burned with Des plaines. FUnny how people make up their own assumptions/gossip. More people paying into the pension program.

Because he was “eligible” for re-employment, allegedly. He starts the rehire program 16 JUL. And he burned himself in DP pretty bad on his way out the door.

7/14/2024 06:36:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you not want every body you can get. HR is a bunch of lazy people. The only ones that did anything acceptable was the recruitment section. Hopefully they open up the jobs once all the summer nonsense is over. Fingers crossed

7/14/2024 08:03:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last isp class graduated nine state troopers. I guess no nobody wants to job anymore. A few comments in various sections tells part of the tail. Will isp ask chicago to take over the expressways? It was floated in 2009 or so.

On the expressway I will only be outside of the squad car if I’m assisting a trooper on a 10-1 or changing a flat. Conducting traffic stops while distracted idiots fly 80 miles an hour just 6 feet to the left?…. Yeah, fuck that. Too many assholes on the road and have too much assets to lose at my age. No deployments to war-zones either. I’ll take any violent domestic any day.

7/14/2024 09:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same people who are constantly on here with their salty selves saying that the job and city are bullshit and cops are stupid for doing any work are the same ones slamming cops who wanna come back as lazy dogs that don’t wanna work. You are all talking out both sides of your ass.

7/14/2024 09:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“We don’t need or want your type back.” Jesus dude. This isn’t the 80’s or 90’s anymore. That department “loyalty” bullshit is long gone. But sure, you don’t need people back. Enjoy those canceled days off and laughable ma power issues… smh

7/14/2024 11:46:00 PM  
Anonymous Ronnie Radke said...

“ The people that come back are the dog asses that realize the suburbs don’t tolerate their dog ass behavior but CPD will”

You are incredibly wrong, moron.

7/15/2024 03:01:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The last isp class graduated nine state troopers. I guess no nobody wants to job anymore. A few comments in various sections tells part of the tail. Will isp ask chicago to take over the expressways? It was floated in 2009 or so.

On the expressway I will only be outside of the squad car if I’m assisting a trooper on a 10-1 or changing a flat. Conducting traffic stops while distracted idiots fly 80 miles an hour just 6 feet to the left?…. Yeah, fuck that. Too many assholes on the road and have too much assets to lose at my age. No deployments to war-zones either. I’ll take any violent domestic any day.

7/14/2024 09:15:00 PM

I know quite a few of them. They absolutely none of them want to come to the Chicago expressways they know it is a total shit show. I know that it is just like working for CPD constantly on the go. They all know we live in a democratic shit hole, the complete state is destroyed however, cookCounty is the worst, the worst leader ship, absolutely the worst place to live the worst place to raise your family. Worst place in the country.

7/15/2024 07:08:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody got burned with Des plaines. FUnny how people make up their own assumptions/gossip. More people paying into the pension program.

Because he was “eligible” for re-employment, allegedly. He starts the rehire program 16 JUL. And he burned himself in DP pretty bad on his way out the door.

The application stated was only for current City of Chicago employees. In that case all new rehires in the process should had the opportunity to take it as well as well as the rehires who are also in service, rehires weren’t unable to apply for the promotional exam.

7/15/2024 07:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I worked with the cop from DP and he is one of the hardest working cops I know. He is also doing things for CPD cops suffering from PTSD. GLAD to have him back.


7/15/2024 07:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a FULL State trooper class in the Academy my son-in-law is in and graduates in 10 weeks . FYI troopers pay after a year is what a 10 year CPD sgt gets.

7/15/2024 09:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can’t think of any of those who are on the job with CPD and had left, make or made the department any better.
That includes your dead ass weight to then.

“90% of those who left and got rehired are the crybabies in the district, and we’re better off without ‘em.
If you wanna go, go, and good luck.
But then stay gone.

I can’t think of one who left that made the department better when they came back.
Why take our dead weight back?

Just open up the residency already and get a pool of better applicants in the first place.

7/14/2024 11:11:00 AM”

7/15/2024 02:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a FULL State trooper class in the Academy my son-in-law is in and graduates in 10 weeks . FYI troopers pay after a year is what a 10 year CPD sgt gets.

According to ISP base salary is 84,000. A ten year sgt makes over 120,000. They get a 36,000 raise after one year? Highly doubtful

7/15/2024 05:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats the second time I see this name from a previous thread. Whoever you are must totally have a hard on for this guy and want to ride his junk.

Anonymous said...
Talk about lazy ass Biradar.

7/14/2024 05:16:00 PM

7/15/2024 05:53:00 PM  
Blogger Old School said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Some have left within 6 months rehired back. I know 2 who are retiring a second time as soon as they turn 50 next year. Instead of treating these members as a leave of absence ( keeping their seniority minus the time they were gone ) they never got their seniority furlos, bfd, personals which they were originally promised. Big shock- both the FOP and PERSONNEL lied to those who returned about many issues, hence why people who came back are leaving very soon if they haven’t already. I predict net hires that will remain more than five years will actually be less than a handful. Shame on FOP who don’t even return emails or phone calls to members affected. Whether you’re a ppo or veteran with 5, 10, 15, 21 years on job — we all pay the same amount in union dues but don’t receive equal representation.

7/14/2024 12:27:00 AM

YOU QUIT! Did you pay FOP dues while you were gone???

The rest of us who stayed worked in the shit while you took a 6 month vacation. Go to the back of the line and do not collect $200. The same goes for when FOP fights for you on Sgt's test b.s. You took a test to leave the FOP. If you have a beef with the test call the PBA!

7/16/2024 11:00:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting to even complete this power test as a lateral applicant. Who knows how long it’ll be until actually getting through the whole process. And the academy is now 6 months for laterals? I’ve also heard that they match your pay as a lateral from your previous department during probation. Just wonder how they’ll place after probation as some after more years than others.

7/16/2024 03:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much hatred and disdain of cops who chose to leave and come back. Some took LOA, some quit and decided to come back, and some retired, and still came back because they missed the comradery. Just like retired military, who came back to volunteer to go overseas and fight again during Iraq wartimes in their 50s or older. Some cops will NEVER be happy EVER (which I personally believe is sad.....) ALWAYS negative about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. Whether they hire new rookie cops who are unqualified, minorities, females, males, superb military vets, or experienced officers who are rehires or retirees or laterals from suburbs: no matter these Negative Nancys will always think they are superior to everyone else around them because they are so miserable internally, from the job and also family turmoil/divorces/stress/child support. Good job----you're on CPD with a crap outlook but ......congrats you got 30 years on, good for you! Impressive. Lots of guys and gals have different situations, family, personal, health , etc. to leave, and some come back. Oh no......They must be terrrible people, huh.. Not everyone can be "perfect" like the constant complainers and naysayers and haters who have a chip on their shoulder every damn day in the field or behind a desk. Misery loves company, huh. Dude, take a chill pill, sorry we can't be all "perfect" like you with your "perfect" career path. Perhaps, you could leave if it your so malcontent with job or life. Or see EAP for some counseling, which the department offers great FREE therapists and really help coppers on this job from losing their sanity and health. Life ain't that serious. If you make CPD your entire life, its a shame.

YOU QUIT! Did you pay FOP dues while you were gone???

The rest of us who stayed worked in the shit while you took a 6 month vacation. Go to the back of the line and do not collect $200. The same goes for when FOP fights for you on Sgt's test b.s. You took a test to leave the FOP. If you have a beef with the test call the PBA!

7/17/2024 06:45:00 AM  

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