Monday, September 30, 2024

FBI Erased Evidence

Guess how many days suspension you'd take if you deleted (or attempted to delete) video footage. Now imagine you're the fbi, the supposed "elite" law enforcement agency in the nation:

  • Just hours ago, we published a breaking report drawing renewed attention to the significance of DNC surveillance footage that the FBI presented to the public in furtherance of its investigation of the January 6 pipe bombs. In late 2022, we published a series of damning articles definitively showing that the FBI was withholding critical DNC surveillance footage from the public, and in all overwhelming likelihood, the footage the FBI presented to the public was deliberately degraded in quality so as to prevent the public from being able to identify the bomber.

    In the piece in question from earlier today, we broke the news that we learned from a highly trusted source that a government employee (not the FBI) investigating aspects of the January 6 pipe bomb case went to the DNC and viewed its footage from the evening of the 5th. This government employee reported that he or she definitively and clearly saw on the video the pipe bomber planting the bomb. The employee also did not notice any degraded quality, as is evident in the footage the FBI presented to the public of the pipe bomber on the evening of January 5th. There are a number of critically urgent questions that arise from this explosive information.

The most critical question being "Where is the original footage?" The answer is, "It's gone":

  • According to the letter from the DHS IG, the FBI attested to them in writing that it was no longer in possession of ANY of the DNC surveillance footage in March 2022.

The most surveilled city in the nation, and the clearest video of the person planting the "pipe bomb" on 06 January is "missing." Completely believable!

The obvious explanation is the footage was just too damn clear and someone would have recognized the fbi stooge planting the "device," but since they were able to ::cough cough:: certify the vote, the "device" wasn't needed, but it was accidentally discovered by someone not in on the game.

But hey, don't worry. There are delegates to Congress saying the quiet part out loud:

  • Democrat delegate to the US House of Representatives accidentally says the quiet part out loud. She admits the DOJ and FBI are weaponized to go after people with opposing views. The DOJ and FBI "serve as a check against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white fragility, fascists, and the twice impeached convicted felon, former president and would-be dictator Donald Trump."

Anyone else thinking it's time to disband the feebs and start over?

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