Monday, September 30, 2024

Is That a Banana?

Sometimes the headlines just make us stop for a moment:

  • Man gets 6 years for distributing cocaine while dressed like a banana

And the story, too:

  • A judge this week sentenced a man to 6 years in prison for distributing cocaine while dressed as a banana in River North. She gave him five more years for a second cocaine distribution charge, which he picked up after a stolen truck he was riding in crashed into the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Monument in Lakeview while the banana case was pending.

    [...] Rodriguez’s troubles began on October 29, 2022, when a stolen Audi crashed in the 100 block of West Hubbard, and a paramedic told police that they saw a man dressed in a banana costume run from the wreckage.

    Rodriguez, wearing a banana costume, returned to the scene while police were present. In his arrest report, officers noted he was “the only person in the area wearing a banana costume.” Police said he tossed a bag containing about $2,500 worth of cocaine shortly before they arrested him.

The radio traffic must have been one for the books. A foot chase would have been awesome, but dude returned to the scene of the crime.

And speaking of bananas, Sgt Taggart from the Beverly Hill Cop movies has passed at age 76.



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