Monday, October 21, 2024

77 Judges - 77 "No" Votes

Even the Slum Times admits there are some judges who shouldn't be in the running:

  • The 77 judges asking Cook County voters to keep them on the bench in November include some with unexplained tax debts, arrest histories, official censures, unflattering reversals by higher courts, and ties to indicted or convicted politicians.

    Those judges — alongside the many with cleaner reputations and records — all want another term to continue deciding who goes to prison, who loses their homes, and who keeps their kids.

    Despite the stakes, the races have made barely a ripple in public with weeks to go, as most of the judges appear to prefer.

    Injustice Watch this month published its judicial retention election guide, which offers professional and personal information on the 75 circuit judges and two appellate judges up for a vote in Cook County on Nov. 5.

    Every two years, a small part of the judiciary stands for retention, and to stay on the bench, judges must clear 60% “yes” votes among people who cast votes in their races. Unlike candidates seeking the bench for the first time, these judges typically seek reelection as a group, trying to persuade voters to hit “yes” for all the little-known names listed in a daunting expanse at the bottom of the ballot.

Sixty-percent isn't that high of a bar to get over....but it also means that every single "No" vote carries a bit more weight than just skipping the judicial voting altogether.

We know the FOP put out a list of endorsed judges, but just to be on the safe side and make sure that a judge elected today doesn't turn out to be a bought-and-paid-for tool of the Machine tomorrow, it's safer just to vote "No" on every single judge...and there are many this cycle, so be prepared. 

Make them sweat a bit.



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