Saturday, October 05, 2024

Dear Ol' Dad

Once again, the media giving voice to the ignorant to spread their bull$git everywhere:

  • The father of a 16-year-old boy who was injured in a shooting involving Chicago police on Thursday is speaking out and disputing the officer’s version of the events. As the wounded patrol officer recovers from the shooting, weapons charges are pending against the teenager who underwent surgery at Stroger Hospital following the incident.

    On Friday, the teen’s family said they were deeply distressed about Thursday’s incident, which unfolded in the 5600 block of South Shields Avenue, in Englewood. “He was complying and I guess they went up to him and they attempted to take it out of his waistband,” the teen’s father Scott Gracey said

Yes, that's what Officers usually do with a compliant suspect - he keeps his hands in the air, away from the gun, and the Officers disarm him. Except something went wrong:

  • But the teen’s father said he believed that his son was not treated fairly.

    “I know my son apparently had a gun. Lock them up for the gun. But don’t shoot him. Like, come on man, it’s not right,” Gracey said.

Unfortunately, he won't be locked up, because Crimesha won't press charges that would jail him for his lawbreaking.

And the cops didn't intentionally shoot him with one of their guns - jagoff's gun discharged during the disarming process. An investigation will hopefully determine if (A) the gun was cocked, (B) the safety was off, (C) the trigger was unintentionally pulled or (D) the trigger snagged on a piece of clothing - which happens a lot when you don't have the gun secured in a proper holster.

  • The teen’s father was not at the scene, but after talking to others and watching the video, he said that he believed emergency responders were slow to react.

    “They took the police officer away within the two minutes and left my son on the floor for 20 minutes. All of this is on camera. I have it on video,” Gracey.

Well, take it up with the Fire Department Dad. We're pretty sure there's plenty of body cam and squad car video, too. Officers made the call to transport their partner in conjunction with the wounded Officer. If they made the decision to move a wounded criminal, the lawyers would have a field day with how unqualified Officer are to make that determination and how they aggravated the injury. This is EXACTLY why many argued against requiring Officers to perform tasks that they weren't trained properly for.

  • Gracey said he had no idea his teen even had a gun.  

    “That’s something we’re going to have to ask him when I get to talk to him. Because I didn’t even know he had a gun,” Gracey said. “I’ve been through all of that stuff before, and I’ve grown up out of there, I am a single father, I own my own house. I don’t do that no more and he shouldn’t be walking around with a gun either,” Gracey said.

But he was, which kind of calls into question how observant you were as a father who "don't do that no more." Sounds like you were quite the stellar example to an impressionable youngster. We're betting you want to see the offender to tell him not to mention to anyone the gun might have belonged to someone else?

How about you stop looking for a payout?



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