Sunday, October 06, 2024

Weekend Reading

It never hurts to be aware of Chicago politics, especially in these uncertain times. Here's a few articles to assist you on your journey.

The Contrarian covers how the media is failing at their job:

  • All news is curated. Regardless of the source, all the media that you see, hear, or read – all the information you consume – is aggregated. Behind every "fact" there is someone, or a group of someones, who thought that particular piece of information was important enough to be shared. Whether we realize it or not, the definition of "newsworthy" is being made for us. The editors at media companies are the curators of all the information we use to make decisions.

    Moreover, it's impossible for everyone to know everything. So as a society, we rely on the media to provide us with the information we need to make intelligent decisions regarding ourselves and our families. And it's more than some newsworthy event over here; some heartwarming story over there. Much more.

Conehead comes right out and says it - "get out of the progressive's way"

  • Did he or did he not ask Chicago Public Schools CEO Pedro Martinez to resign? Earlier this week, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said he did not ask anyone to do anything, but when asked to clarify that statement Wednesday the mayor was tight-lipped.

    "I don't ever discuss personnel issues," he said. "I find it to be highly offensive, irresponsible and raggedy, and I don't do raggedy."

    However, Johnson made it clear that all of his leaders must share his progressive agenda to transform public education.

So, no opposition allowed. His way (the CTU's way)( or the highway.

And if you don't get out of the way....:

  • A day after Mayor Brandon Johnson announced his entire hand-picked school board would resign, about three dozen members of the City Council blasted the recent developments in an open letter.

    Following the announcement of the resignations, the 38 aldermen wrote, "This is unprecedented and brings further instability to our school district."

Conehead wanted CPS to take out a short-term high-interest loan to cover hundreds of millions of unavailable dollars. Martinez said, "No," so first the CTU lied and said he was the subject of a DCFS investigation, then Conehead demanded he resign (to avoid a generous severance package) and finally, Conehead bullied the entire Board to resign, so that he could appoint an all-Conehead team who will find a reason to fire Martinez and install a puppet to sign off on half-a-billion dollars that taxpayers will be forced to pay off when CPS defaults.

Is it any wonder that property tax assessments skyrocketed just now?



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