Nice Sentencing
Another citizen fighting back, but look what happens:
- The would-be carjacker who got disarmed and then beaten with his own gun has enjoyed much better luck in the courtroom. Richard Rubio, 32, received a four-year sentence after pleading guilty to attempted robbery in connection with the botched November 22 hijacking. After receiving various credits, he won’t spend any time in prison.
The incident is from around two years ago and thanks to Illinois half-assed sentencing guidelines:
- This month, Rubio pleaded guilty to attempted robbery before Judge Diana Kenworthy, court records show. The judge sentenced him to four years, but Rubio earned 745 days of credit while the case was pending, primarily by wearing an ankle monitor at home. The balance of his sentence will be satisfied by the state’s automatic 50% sentence reduction for good behavior.
We're sure he was a productive, contributing member of society the entire time he was on EM.
Labels: crime
Credit for time served at home? What a deal. We all know how well they monitor the electronic monitoring. So he pretty much got to do whatever he wanted while "serving time" until he could be sentenced to not having to serve any time. Just a completely ridiculous system. A sentence of time in prison should not be able to get reduced by time served anywhere other than behind bars. If he was in county, give him credit for that time, but not for being at home wearing an unmonitored monitor.
How about if you do this half ass bs have to show gainfull employment and have a random check just like we get on medical and a piss test…. I’m sure sure non of the guidelines were followed that should be in place fore this libtard criminal reform… think that would consist off atleast better time none off these assholes actually do good time
Either the State locks them up and keeps them locked up for a long period of time, or vigilantes will start to handle things because the Justice system isn't trustworthy...
Hopefully the next time he gets killed carjacking someone!
Street justice works wonders!
Long live CCL
I wonder if the 2 days off a week (where they are not monitored and free to roam) are deducted as time served?
One can bet that they will be reading about this future Rhodes scholar soon hopefully in the obituaries
With two “ free days “ per week, no tracking but credit with those two days x as many weeks before sentencing
People often ask , why is Chicago and Cook County so violent and how are so many offenders repeat offenders? The answer is that these shit heads are given sweet deals where they can plead guilty to a lesser included offense or they can plead guilty to a lesser charge and they walk out of custody with time served or probation. If you punish people for criminal behavior you’ll get more of the same. Cook County is a criminals wet dream.
He'll be back.
So involved in upwards of 200 felonies and never goes to prison. Let that sink in for a moment. Dimes to doughnuts this mutt is arrested within two years.
I’m sorry I was referring to the catalytic converter guy. My mistake
Illinois is the most crime friendly state in the country. Illinois has legalized crime. When you legalize crime you get more crime. Simple.
The Democratic sickness is very alive and well. Look at what that demented POS Biden did to the worst scum in America. Commuted 37 to life without parole? Now we know that they work by incrementalism. Their goal is to get all criminals back into society as part of their social justice dream.
I wish I could get the same deal...
They are
Joe Biden on his commuting the sentences.of 37 convicts on death row.
"I am more convinced than ever that we must stop the use of the death penalty at the federal level"
As if Joe is all about morals as he launches misses to kill millions in Russia, Ukraine, Palestine, Syria and more. Yeah Joe is all about not killing people. It's all about what your definition of "death penalty " is.
To paraphrase Obama "...I didn't kill all those people send them to their deaths somebody else did..."
The gaslighting is off the hook the criminals hero Joe biden opening up all the jails. It's what they do in third world countries when the government is overthrown they turn loose all the criminals open the insane asylum cause chaos
HaHaHa...of course he will Aaarr-nold
Dirt Nap would of been better, this would completely cure them of their criminal tendencies!
It's cute that you believe there are only two days a week that they're not monitored. And there's no way those days aren't counted as time served.
If the criminals get a gov't discount of 50% or better for what time they owe, howz-a-bout the non-criminals among us getting a gov't discount of 50% or better for the taxes we owe?
When will we learn? EM should not count as timed served for these P.O.S.
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