Thursday, February 20, 2025

Broken Promises

It's been thirty days since Trump took over and we confess to being disappointed:

  • no gay concentration camps;
  • no removing women's right to vote;
  • no media torture chambers and reeducation camps;

Democrats said all of this would come to pass and we were kind of looking forward to it all. What happened?



Anonymous ASSMAN009 said...

I was waxing and washing all of the motorcycles at the club i hang out at when i heard that Mexico is letting US send drones to watch the cartels.

2/20/2025 12:05:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today, Fata$$ likened us to the 1930's Nazi Party. As a Jew, he should be ashamed. Nothing, ever, could be equal to the inhumanity of the Nazi Party and their Final Solution. Fata$$ should surrender his Jew card. Shalom.

2/20/2025 12:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Democrat’s are the problem!

2/20/2025 12:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those gay concentration camps are going to be fabulous!

2/20/2025 12:55:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He’s trolling them all beautifully 😀

2/20/2025 04:35:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But they will blame Trump for anything.
Glad the governor was able to target the president in his speech while ignoring the condition of Illinois.
Shitty schools, loss of Business, violent crimes but hey pat yourself on the back and run for president. What a fool!
How did those green investments go with Lion, Rivian and Gotion?
Scary to think this moron wants to be president.

2/20/2025 05:28:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can only Hope he is still working on it!!!

2/20/2025 06:21:00 AM  
Blogger DixonSyder said...

Just wait, it’s gonna happen, just ask an ass hat democrat

2/20/2025 06:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dems love to fear monger and make up bull shit stories to scary people. Honestly, Dems could be the dumbest and most gullible people on earth.

2/20/2025 07:00:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. SouthSide said...

There is a gay concentration camp. It's called the north side of Chicago.

2/20/2025 07:25:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They always say Trump is a Nazi even though he has Jewish grandchildren. Pritzker is mad because he won’t have federal money to bail out his ineptitude. No Covid money this time around,

2/20/2025 07:37:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump is the BEST president EVER!!!

2/20/2025 08:17:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems all politicians are subjects of the Peter Principle. Every time they screw up an elected office, they get elected to a higher office.

2/20/2025 08:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep the faith given the time he's doing his best wait until he orders all LGBTQ+++ thrown off from Trump Towers...

2/20/2025 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought you live in a trailer park

2/20/2025 08:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plus Maddow and the View said Trump would take them off the air on day one!
I thought he had bigger problems!

2/20/2025 08:24:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bidumb had a gay concentration camp,,, it was his cabinet picks

2/20/2025 08:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Disappointed. Was look forward to life in the dystopian HANDMAIDS TALE where the wife holds the suppogate down so the husband can impregnate her......THY WILL BE DONE!

2/20/2025 08:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They also said "Hitler" would be in charge...that Trump would be a dictator, and they said we would be in a constitutional crisis. Doctors would be arrested, and women's right to vote would be taken away. They also said that he would make climate change worse (as if that was even possible) They were wrong on all counts, and the republic is standing tall.
Oh, and it turns out democrats were stealing ungodly amounts of money from the treasury...and giving away more money than the government could print.
The real question is why would anyone ever trust and vote for a democrat again?

2/20/2025 09:10:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Democrats are the root of all evil

2/20/2025 09:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are currently only putting gay women media members in those camps.

2/20/2025 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keesing Bandit for Commandant

2/20/2025 11:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They have the Trump syndrome which is great because they will wake up every morning being miserable and remain that way until the wake up the next day and start all over. Imagine being miserable everyday for 4 years

2/20/2025 11:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to the kissing bandit? Has he gone in to hiding?

2/20/2025 12:53:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give it a minute, he's just getting started!

2/20/2025 01:39:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's what they call it now, washing and waxing?

2/20/2025 03:42:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2/20/2025 08:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of my first marriage.

2/20/2025 11:55:00 PM  
Blogger I Voted For Kamala said...

There is a Keesing Bandit.

2/21/2025 06:27:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What gets me is Trump has been in office for only one month, but the media expects him to have already honored all of his campaign promises! It took Joe Roomba C3PO 4 years to cock up our country but they're at press conferences askin why Trump hasn't done anything. Sheesh!

2/21/2025 08:42:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell, both of those people have done themselves in without Trump's help

2/21/2025 08:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Need to add #4--Abortion is still legal.

2/21/2025 08:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fattman how many died from drug overdoses, from gang violence, domestic violence in Illinois? How many CPS students can read, solve math problems at grade level? How many children, women forced into sex because of open borders? How much sleep did you and conehead lose over the failures of democratic administration?

2/21/2025 10:46:00 AM  

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