Sunday, March 16, 2025

Why Mention This?

You know how an idiot learns? Or a moron? Or a dog?

  • by being made uncomfortable

Guess how a lib-tarded politician learns?

  • see above

We don't know why Catanzara spends the first 80 seconds or so of his TGIF address (the first in a few weeks he admits) making excuses for state rep Davis's poorly thought out bill that would allow persons claiming mental illness to freely beat police officers and escape accountability, but he does. He also claims that one conversation and within two hours, Davis had the bill sent to the Rules Committee for quashing. We don't know the ins and outs of Springfield timetables, but that bill was up for over a day when we posted about it, CWB and Fox News gave it bigger play, and it gained two other co-sponsors in the intervening time frame before the Illinois Sheriff Association called Davis and made her uncomfortable.

No Officers have been accused of doxxing the rep. In fact no First Responders at all have been accused of anything except bringing attention to one of the dumbest bills we've ever seen to come out of Springfield. No one has even attempted to put anything in our comment section about Davis - not that we'd allow it anyway. We have first hand experience with the Department and Big Tech attempting to dox us.

So why the song and dance from Catanzara? It looked bad. He looks like he's making excuses and stretching the truth for Davis when the fact of the matter is:

  • she proposed something dumb, 
  • she roped in a couple other anti-police libtards, 
  • she got exposed,
  • she was made uncomfortable, 
  • she backed off her position. 

We didn't make the rules. We have never and will never advocate for doxxing anyone because we know what the blowback might be. But one side pushes and pushes, and sometimes someone with less patience and tolerance might feel the need to ...remind... a pusher that the lines exist for a reason and you continue at your own peril. 

A "gentleman's agreement" only exists when both sides are being gentlemen. 

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

In other words...not enough money was passed around to get this bill passed, fatter envelopes, and a few more hirers will get this bill thru...

3/16/2025 12:40:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe this will finally convince some of the idiots who think J-pussy walks on water that he’s all about himself. Wake up people, all the signs are there that we currently have the most corrupt and power abusing president at the helm than I can ever remember. Hides the finance books. Spends our $$ like a drunken sailor. Trips. Cars. Dinners. Donations to politicians. Raises for himself and the board members. “Lost” election ballots at the post office. Covid loan $$ used for food trailer not salaries for office staff. Kissing Snellings ass. Sold us out on Covid portal strippings. Allowed City to promote ineligible pos to k9 spots. Keeping past President Graham out of board business which is against bylaws so he’s trying to rewrite them. We Still don’t have a whole contract. Is in the process of selling us out on 12 hour days. I can go on and on. I’ll wait for Johnny boy to return from the fop conference with his live in girlfriend to comment back here trying to sell us all some more bullshit.

3/16/2025 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems that all one has to do with JCat is follow the money. That's always been his motivation. Personal gain.

3/16/2025 06:09:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't vote for medical abusing cantazara, I don't know who's the bigger moron, him or his entourage who kiss his ass

3/16/2025 06:33:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cantanzara is a narcissistic egomaniac, not to mention a hypocritical jagoff. Ask him when our contract will be complete and when’s a good time to come in to see the financial books.

3/16/2025 06:59:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IOD’s will be inevitable.

3/16/2025 07:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To quote: "Guess how a lib-tarded politician learns?" Pelosi, Scumer, Biden are proof, in my opinion, they never learn!

3/16/2025 08:49:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

They need to learn lines exist for a reason and you cross them at your peril.

3/16/2025 09:21:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you really have to put dogs in that mix? Or were you talking about the two legged ones?

3/16/2025 09:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...habitual line stepper.." Charlie Murphy

3/16/2025 09:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell Can't stand ya about the dental plan offered by the FOP...

3/16/2025 10:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cat is an imbecile, why he was elected again is beyond me. He screwed over cops before, and he continues to do it now while spending your money like he is the mayor of Dolton

3/16/2025 10:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

J cat the same guy that got CR numbers on other coppers while he abuses the medical talk about a hypocrite. The only thing he did that was good was but then again that would be the national FOP. They got the Social Security parody passed. I don’t know what else he’s done. You can email him all you want you could call him no return calls no returned emails. nothing the guys are real piece of work. Hopefully next time we will have a better choice.

3/16/2025 10:51:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Catanzara is a goof!! How is a guy that abused the medical and never worked 8 hour days gonna negotiate 12 hour days for us. The only bigger morons then Catanzara and his crew are our idiot members that voted for these morons!!

3/16/2025 11:12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

John. If she really understands it was a bad idea. She should publicly comeout agianst her bill and state that it was not a well thought out idea and regrets the mistake. But that woiuld go against her base of BLM ANTIFA voters. As far as doxing, any odds on her doxing herself to get that coveted victim status Dems love so much ala Juicey Small-lay.

3/16/2025 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tommy fart should worry more about federal prison than grandstanding on cop who accidentally left gun unattended. Feds are coming Tommy!!

3/16/2025 12:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the last week he has been to Washington and now Salt Lake City . Rumor he took his latest girlfriend to Washington . If so who paid for her flight , lodgings and food . This guy is now 1st Vp of the State Lodge , publisher of the magazine , has his hand in our pension fund and who knows what else ? Kevin Graham is not allowed on the third floor of Lodge 7 and had to agree with that in a letter crafted by Catanzara’s Lodge attorney . Is this Russia ? The retirees should realize he’s gonna try and cut their pension benefits check .
Hey but “ John speaks for us !”
He threw Trump under the bus on January 7th and now acts
Like their best buds ! Complete boondoggle !

3/16/2025 01:32:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Possibly being polite bc Davis is married to a CFD lieutenant

3/16/2025 02:01:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JCat has a lot of people supporting him, including myself. He was aggressive and worked hard for us during the covid poison shot days, and will work for us to not have 12 hour days otherwise it will be a bigger loss to the city in the long run. BS! So no worries JCat you have more followers than others.

3/16/2025 02:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is anyone aware that Catanzara’s two years ago got a CR number against a dues paying member and demanded he be tossed out of his assigned position that day ? Well Johnny boy failed to sign and affidavit so it got tossed out . Kind of surprised he must be slipping with the numbers he’s got on all the cops in the past twenty five years . He must not be feeling well because of the jet lag he’s been on this past five years !

3/16/2025 02:52:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I belong to a large chicago construction union. Every dime they spend has always been posted online I believe it's LM-2 forms. Been awhile. I don't know if a fraternal org acting as a union has to do the same. I know the ctu has to and doesn't like they're cousin org blm. Fed rules are enforceable maybe contact the dept of labor. Dues are not someone's piggy bank,the Hoffa days are long gone. Not a cop but had great hopes he would be an aggressive leader for you but it looks like the same old pay your dues and shut up shit public unions are known for.

3/16/2025 03:50:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jcat spends big, but we do get big results. I’m close to him and still feel he does much more good than bad for the union. FYI going to all the events, wakes, funerals, and conferences is overburdening and he does it passionately.
Jcat is our lion, stop talking shit about the guy that roars for us.

3/16/2025 05:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Timewatcher said...

Can't-na-sorry won't be pushing on Davis because it "fizzled out", yeah. Maybe he just doesn't "care enough" to pursue her and make her explain her idiocy. Her husband should have told her to un- F herself for being that stupid unless he's part of the woke mob.

3/16/2025 06:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...JCat has a lot of people supporting him, including myself. He was aggressive and worked hard for us during the covid poison shot days, and will work for us to not have 12 hour days otherwise it will be a bigger loss to the city in the long run. BS! So no worries JCat you have more followers than others..."

Awww... Thanks Ma....

3/16/2025 07:38:00 PM  

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